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Ho Yay / The S-Classes That I Raised

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In order to activate his skills, Yoojin's needs to tell the person he's affecting "I love you". Also... there's just Ho Yay every time Yoojin interacts with other men, who start to become incredibly clingy and protective of him thanks to his skill.

Yoojin / Yoohyun

  • The two are incredibly protective of one another, going to extreme lengths to keep each other safe, sometimes to each others detriment.
  • The whole story occurs because Yoohyun dies protecting Yoojin. In grief, Yoojin takes the wish stone and goes back in time to make sure Yoohyun doesn't die.
  • Yoohyun reveals to Yoojin the main reason he distanced himself from his brother. He realized other guilds or people in power would piece together that Yoojin is Yoohyun's only weakness and go after his hyung.
  • Yoohyun has incredible Yandere vibes as he not only wants to keep Yoojin for himself, he angrily glares at anyone who gets close to his hyung. He also thought of kidnapping Yoojin and locking him in their home, making sure he can't leave him again. Yoojin gets out of it well enough, and doesn't hold it against Yoohyun.
    • Whenever Yoojin tries to get Yoohyun to act cordially to his teammates, he puts in the absolute minimum effort. Even turning down Myeongwoo's cooking, claiming all he needs is the meal his brother made. When Yoohyun learns of Myeongwoo basically living with his brother, he nearl breaks the glass cup he was holding in his hand.

Yoojin / Meyongwoo

  • Yoojin also has a lot of Ho Yay with Myeongwoo specifically. Saving Myeongwoo's life, awkwardly asking Myeongwoo to move in with him, saying that he wants to eat his cooking every day... It doesn't help that, since Myeongwoo isn't as intense with his affections as the other people under Yoojin's ability, the two get along rather well.
  • In the manhwa after allowing Myeongwoo to stay with him as his "housekeeper" until he could get back on his feet, Myeongwoo as he dreams asks, "Yoojin... do you want a dinner? A bath? Or me?"
  • Another scene in the manhwa, after showing Yoojin his new forge, Yoojin decides to finally come clean and admit to Meyongwoo that they weren't actually friends and he never knew him. Meyongwoo tells Yoojin he doesn't care since he wouldn't have had his current life had Yoojin not interfered. Myeongwoo then gifts Yoojin a bouquet of flowers as a way of thanking him for all he's done.

Yoojin / Hyunjae

  • Don't even say anything about Hyunjae and Yoojin's relationship... It's to the point some readers question the lack of a BL tag for the webnovel. Really, the manhwa adaptation hasn't even gotten to half of the moments between these two, both the comedic and genuinely heartfelt.
    • Hyunjae lavishes Yoojin with expensive gifts, food and constantly flirts with him at any given opportunity.
    • The manhwa artists even jokingly edited Hyunjae's meeting at Jupiter with Yoojin as romantically as humanly possible.
  • Whenever they go out together either on a regular stroll or on dungeon raids, Hyunjae makes it a point to refer to their outings as dates.
  • Hyunjae's and Yoojin's first meeting is Yoojin introducing himself to the other guilds. After talking about what he can provide for the "most powerful guild", Hyunjae asks if he could "buy" Yoojin now.
  • At the Jupiter building, Hyunjae treats Yoojin to sweets and tea. Then comments on how Yoojin will be the person to "raise his child". Beforehand, he tells Kan Soyoung specifically to allow Yoojin to come to the Jupiter building and later appears in a casual and unbuttoned shirt.
    • Afterwards, he drives Yoojin back to his guild, presents Yoojin with a beautiful flower bouquet and a small box. From an outsider's view, you'd think he was proposing to Yoojin right there. The contents inside are a pair of earrings that give Yoojin a magical shield to protect him. The reason he bought them? He noticed that Yoojin's original earrings were missing after he was kidnapped.
  • After finishing off the SS dungeon monster, Yoohyun coldly tells the Jupiter guild leader to stay away from his brother. Hyunjae laughs and says that would be impossible since he's starting to like Yoojin.
  • During one of their dungeon raids, Hyunjae takes Yoojin by the hand and the two dance together.


  • Among the women in the cast there is Riette/Soyoung. Given Soyoung's affinity towards dragons, it seems to work out between the two.
