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Hilarious In Hindsight / Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

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  • In episode 4, Kamina says that 16 combines at once sounds "Stupid", but in Lagann-Hen, the second movie, this is almost exactly what Simon does, and turns into a giant energy reincarnation of Kamina, the same person who advised against this stupid stunt. This also counts as a Heartwarming Moment, given that his rejection of his concept was because "True combining should be about truly bonded souls slamming into each other!" Come the end of the anime, it's hard to argue that the Dai-Gurren Brigade is anything but.
  • Everyone will agree that Kamina has the most badass sunglasses ever. What you may not be aware of is that they had appeared on Ash's Squirtle about ten years prior and Calvin before even that. The Calvin and Hobbes strip is uncanny, having a different color but with the exact same shape, while the ones on Ash's Squirtle are not only black but also too...rounded.
  • The Great Saiyaman suddenly becomes absolutely awesome when you realize that Kyle Hebert uses his Kamina voice while doing those scenes.
  • Kamina City actually exists, in Congo. It also has a badass motto, "To Take the Blazing Sun in our Bare Hands".
