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Funny / Power Rangers Cosmic Fury

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In General

  • This season's robotic foot soldiers, the Zentinels, are not only capable of speaking English, they occasionally drop some pretty amusing one-liners akin to the Trade Federation battle droids from Star Wars.


Episode 1 - Lightning Strikes
  • Izzy roasting the first Monster of the Week:
    Izzy: Doodrip? That's your name? Man, you should sue your mom!
  • "A Megazord made out of Christmas globes. Very scary, guys."

Episode 2 - Beyond Repair

  • "Vacation to Venus". The sheer bright-eyed confidence Jane and J-Borg have in this hairbrained scheme sells it.
  • Doodrip repeatedly gets pricked by the cactus plants from inside Squillia's Mega Squidrill.

Episode 3 - Off Grid

  • Solon enters as Billy has been expositing off-screen as to his own history with losing Ranger powers:
    Billy: But, after that, I became a Wolf Ninja.
    Solon: (Gently teasing) Oh, that's quite the downgrade from dinosaur.
  • Lord Zedd muttering about the kids these days watching Squillia's dance party:
    Zedd: I am extremely confused, and I feel so old.
  • It's implied the reason Zedd lets Ollie lead a team to Levvina is that he's hoping the dancing monsters will get themselves killed by the Rangers.

Episode 4 - Team Work

  • Evil!Ollie's new team consists of himself leading four monsters who are more interested in dancing than fighting or focusing on the task at hand. He spends most of his interactions with them practically radiating "I'm Surrounded by Idiots".
  • The captive Mick also picks up on this, as when Amelia taunts Ollie and asks if he's having fun, Mick mockingly snarks that of course he isn't, because his team is terrible.
  • There's also a bit of extra amusement for Kyuranger fans, as one of the monsters is Scorpio!

Episode 5 - Rock Out

  • Javi is playing music once more, using the pots and pans on the ship. Aiyon is upset how there's now a dent in his favorite pancake pan.
  • How does Ollie know that the Rangers are on the planet? The monsters tell him about the nice thing Bajillia Naire did for them.
    Ollie: Nice? That doesn't sound like CEO behavior.
  • Later on, Bajillia finds Scrozzle having been Bound and Gagged by Zayto, but she assumes Ollie did it because he was annoyed, and scolds him for it. There are other ways to shut him up!
  • When Ollie tells her the Rangers are present: "Do I get to say 'I Told You So', now? Because I've been waiting all morning."
  • Following that, Zayto awakening the dragonzord buries Scrozzle alive, and Bajillia half-heartedly orders her goons to dig him up. It apparently takes them three hours.
  • One of the robots declaring they don't get paid enough for this.
  • When it becomes clear her Squidrill is about to be destroyed, Bajillia teleports away, leaving the unlucky Zentinal crew behind.
    Zentinal: I hate it when she does that...

Episode 6 - Take Off

  • Ollie's mini-tantrum when the Rangers fly off in their base-turned-spaceship:
    Ollie: What?! They have a spaceship?! Wait. It's the base! The base can fly?! [A Scuttle Worm attacks] Ugh! Not another one! [Kicks it, punches it a few times, and shoots a hole through it] I hate this planet.

Episode 7 - Operation Seasoning

  • How did the episode get its title? Through the rangers walking through their plan and using a salt and pepper shaker to act as their Megazords. Hence the seasoning.
  • Zayto's distraction is to have Solon grow giant and make her rampage across Pine Ridge like a kaiju! She's barely putting any effort in being intimidating.
  • The Zentinal announcer in the background shouting various warnings and propaganda to the imprisoned civilian population is actually pretty amusing - especially when the good guys start fighting back.

Episode 8 - Switching Sides

  • The power of four Rafkonians are used to enter Squillia's mind...and they all come up empty-handed. As Zayto notes, her body was there at Zedd's meetings, but not her mind.
  • As part of ensuring Slyther and Mucus are genuine about switching sides, Tarrick, Amelia, and Zayto all read their minds.
    Mucus: Don't think weird thoughts, Mucus, don't think weird...Oh no, I thought about fish with human feet again!
    Tarrick: (To the others) Well, I did not like the fish with feet.
  • Mucus - Attorney at Law! That is, in order to sneak into Zedd's base, Slyther pretends to be Squillia, and Mucus pretends to be her lawyer. This consists of wearing a tie and spouting off jargon. It still works, partly because Zedd is too irritated with Squillia to bother listening to "her".

Episode 9 - Master Plan

  • Izzy and Fern throwing some shade at Master-Lord Zedd when he uses his power to carve a giant "Z" into a mountain.
    Izzy: (unimpressed) A... giant "N"?
    Fern: (tilting her head) But if you look at it this way...
    Zedd: (annoyed) The point is I am supreme!
  • Bajillia angrily denies the alien reporter's suggestion that the evil energy wave she's about to release is something like Zordon's energy wave that destroyed the United Alliance of Evil decades earlier.
    Bajillia: Lies! Slander! This energy wave is the intellectual property of Squid Ink Inc.. It destroys good, not evil! There's no similarity!

Episode 10 - The End

  • How is Zedd defeated? By having him trapped in a nightmare of his MMPR Season 3 and Zeo days when he has to tend to a nagging Rita Repulsa!
