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  • In the third episode, the Critic asks contestant Shader what was the film that had the insult "You're a virgin who can't drive." Shader answers to him "Your autobiography". The audience reaction combined with the Critic's reaction really sells it. And he gives him points for this audience reaction!
    • Shader is asked what Adam Sandler film contains the line "Please get out of my Van Halen shirt before you jinx the band and they break up." His answer is "The one he didn't suck in". Critic, being a fan of The Wedding Singer, gives him points anyway.
    • Shader's first question is a line from a Russell Crowe film. He says a film Crowe did not appear in, then says "Like I'm going to watch a Russell Crowe film." The Critic gives him ten points anyway.
  • For the entirety of the fifth episode, one contestant is in character as Ed, from Ed, Edd n Eddy.
  • When Donald hugs the Alf doll in episode six, Critic acting the brat and immediately grabbing it back because “he's mine”.
  • The seventh episode has two very special contestants...Brad Jones and Uncle Yo, who are both very angry at the Nostalgia Critic.
    • When the Spazzies appear to end round one, neither Brad or buzzer-happy Uncle Yo press their buzzers to "ward them off". Critic decides to give it to Brad which leads to...
    • Brad refusing to watch the Spazzie cartoon and one of the Spazzies telling Brad off. Brad then states he plans to masturbate repeatedly to it, which scares the Critic more than the videos ever did.
    • Uncle Yo's constant pressing of his buzzer, with Critic getting more and more angry each time.
    • Uncle Yo's punishment for not hitting the buzzer is to wear the Critic's costume. One of the questions is the name of the song HAL 9000 sings at the end of 2001: A Space Odyssey. Yo correctly answers "A Bicycle for Two". The Critic is flabbergasted he knows the song's actual title rather than call it "Daisy, Daisy", since HAL doesn't reach that part of the song. Yo responds "I remember song titles so you don't have to!"
  • In "Dirk's Diggler", Mike's Joker wig falling off. Extra points for Doug's unamused expression, which can only be described as duckface.
  • In episode ten, Christian is asked which Dudley Moore film had the exchange "I'm going to take a bath." "I'll alert the media."note  He responds by singing the Doug theme. Critic promptly walks over to Christian's podium, turns his head towards the barrel of General Anesthetic's rifle and says "That is going to be there *points to Christian's forehead* if you do that again."
