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Funny / Pigeon Series

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  • The Pigeon going absolutely bonkers after being repeatedly told "NO!" near the end of the books.
  • This picture, from "Don't Let the Pigeon Finish this Activity Book!" Even funnier? The bus driver inviting the reader to draw what the characters are running through, seemingly apathetic to the fact that the Pigeon is being chased by a Mad Cow.
  • The book trailer for The Duckling Gets a Cookie!? is presented as a news broadcast by the Alphabet News Network PNN complete with a crawl at the bottom. Among the things seen on this ticker is "The Pigeon books are New York Times bestsellers. Now who's a rat with wings?"
  • From "The Pigeon Needs a Bath!":
    • The pigeon wonders if the reader is the one who needs a bath, then asks when they last took one. Then, he says, "Oh. That was pretty recently."
    • The pigeon tries claiming that "clean" and "dirty" are subjective concepts and that life is too precious to waste on things like bathing.
    • When he does draw himself a bath, he becomes very picky about it. He finds it too hot, so he adds cold water, but then finds it too cold, so he adds more hot water, then he finds it too deep, so he lets out some water but lets out too much by accident. When he refills it, he has another struggle over getting it the right temperature (at one point declaring it too "lukewarm"), then dubs it "too wet" and "too reflective". He then adds some toys, but decides there are too many, so he takes them out.
    • When he learns to like the bath, he buries himself in bubbles, admires his wrinkly toes, sings, talks to a rubber duckie, and pretends to be a fish.
  • "The Pigeon HAS to Go to School!":
    • One excuse the pigeon has for bailing out of school is the idea that he may learn too much, causing his head to fall off.
    • The pigeon thinks school is too new and wishes there was a place to practice, with classrooms, experts, and a playground. Then he says, "Oh, that is school."
    • The duckling turns out to be the pigeon's classmate.
  • From the official website:
    • When you mouse over the "Fun" section, the Pigeon says, "More fun than buses?", the "Books" section has him say, "Read about me... and others", and the "Grown-Up Stuff" section shows him and another pigeon dressed as senior citizens and saying, "Bor-ing!" in unison.
    • There's a page that's just the Pigeon geeking out about buses.
    • One game based on "The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog" involves a bowling ball and underpants as potential toppings. If you put the bowling ball on the hot dog, the ground will break and the Pigeon will say, "Watch where you throw that thing!", while if you put the underpants on, he will exclaim, "Underpants?! You gotta be kidding me!".
  • Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Sleigh! ends with the Pigeon doing a full backpedal and deciding he doesn't to drive Santa's sleigh if it means having to hang out with large, smelly reindeer. "FOR! GET IT!" He decides he might want to try something else, like egg delivery.
