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Funny / Muppet Race Mania

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  • It's a Muppet game, meaning, don't expect it to take itself too seriously. From the character voice clips to especially the special moves, wackiness abounds. At various times, you'll find yourself squashed flat (Miss Piggy), enveloped in a flour tornado (Swedish Chef), falling asleep (Floyd), or turned into a miniature frog (Robin), a hunk of Cartoon Cheese (Rizzo), or a carrot (Bean Bunny).
  • The Statler and Waldorf bits when you choose a course but these in particular stand out (and each one is, of course, followed by their trademark laughter):
  • Even if you win the race, you're not exempt...
    Statler: You're a real winner!
    Waldorf: You're being awfully nice.
    Statler: Oh, I'm sorry, I meant whiner!
