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Funny / Belle (2021)

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  • Everybody crowding Suzu to sing at the karaoke with their microphones like they were a swarm of nosy reporters. At least until the moment she suffers from a panic attack and screams in distress.
  • Hiroka has plenty moments of her own.
  • The social chaos that EXPLODES at Suzu's school when every girl believes a rumor going around that she asked out Shinobu. For some ludicrous reason, it unravels the very fabric of highschool society, as girls who wanted to go out with Shinobu start showing their true colors and picking cat fights with each other and Suzu. It's played up with visuals as a mixture between a global cold war and a hard-core game of Risk! And hers and Hiroka's battle strategy is to reason with the "more reasonable girls" at school that the rumor's not true. Sure enough, the whole thing is smoothed over as quickly as it started.
  • Remember the investigation to discover Dragon's Origin? The suspects turn out to have their motives. The lonely woman using stock footage? Her avatar is a mere baby who unironically acts like one. The tattoo artist who claims he got his tattoo for his late girlfriend? She's still alive and publicly exposes him as a fraud and a poser.
  • Suzu's singing group easily guessing she has a crush on a bad boy.
    • Earlier, when Suzu wonders to them what happiness is, all these adult women are reluctant to define what happiness is. Even the old lady humbly admits she doesn't have a universal definition for what happiness is. Props to the old lady, but all in all, they are left dumb-founded.
  • Kamishin trying to ask out Ruka. When it hits him that she’s actually interested, he freezes and, very stiffly, backs out of the station until Suzu follows him for an offscreen pep talk, all while Ruka is standing there red as a tomato. Then he comes back, gets tongue tied, and repeats the process.
    • The ice finally starts to break when Kamishin and Ruka start chatting about their shared admiration of Belle. And just like that, it’s Suzu’s turn to flee.
  • Although it's supposed to be suspenseful, there's an element of Surprisingly Realistic Outcome when during the climatic search for Kei and his brother in Tokyo, Suzu dramatic run through the rain is interrupted with segments of her standing on a random corner confused. It's a big city, and she's looking for but a needle in haystack.
  • At the very end, once it becomes clear he doesn't need to worry over Suzu anymore, Shinobu breaks the character he's had all movie as he stretches and light-heartedly says he's looking forward to having more fun from now on.
