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Haiku / Belle (2021)

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"Gales of Song, Guide Me"
Sings the young Beauty of U
The Angel approves


A mousy young girl
Finds her voice once more in U
Fame soon finds Suzu


Dress of Red Roses
Belle sings a song about Life
Riding the U Whale


Disrupted Concert
There is a Monster in U
And a Dragon too


Covered in Bruises
The Dragon will endure it
No matter the pain


The Dragon's Castle,
Full of roses and AI,
Hides many secrets...


Beauty and the Beast
Dance as black rose and pink rose
The gift of the song


All deserve Justice
But Justin has no Justice
Control Unveils U


Anyone can say
"I will help" or "Let me help"
Actions speak louder.


The Power of Song
Brings the Glow of Emotions
Like Summer Fireflies

