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Fridge / Professor Layton and the Curious Village

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Fridge Brilliance

  • Why can't Luke placate Claudia when he readily speaks with most animals and even knows exactly how to calm down the hungry pitbull in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box? Simple. Claudia, like the rest of the town, is robotic.
    • Once all of the paint scraps are found they can be reassembled into a painting of the late Violet Reinhold- at her side a cat with a striking resemblance to Claudia. This implies that the Claudia owned by Dahlia was once Violet's, if true the Claudia seen would not be a robot, and therefore is capable of communication with Luke.
  • Suppose a resident of St. Mystere ever, say, decided they needed surgery? Or somehow dismembered themselves? Imagine how utterly confusing and scary it would be for the villagers to find out that they're actually robots.
    • Robots don't need surgery and it is safe to presume that Bruno made sure that they keep out of trouble and if an accident did happen, Bruno can just erase their memories anyway since it is easier to deal with robots than humans in terms of personality overwrite.

Fridge Logic

  • You're told that the robots shut down after a while and need to be repaired. This either means the village will shut down anyway after a while, meaning leaving the treasure there was pointless, or it dooms Bruno to repair robots there for the rest of his life with no purpose anymore, since "the apple" is found.
    • It is safe to assume that Bruno met some trustworthy human friends offscreen so that he can pass the role once he passes away. Also, it was said that taking the treasure would lead the robots to stop functioning completely. The treasure is like their life force. Additionally, Bruno is kind of old so might as well live his life to the end in said village.
  • Layton tells Luke that they must keep the secret of the town, to themselves. It seems that Luke didn't listen to Layton there, considering the framing device of the game is Luke writing to his pen pal, The Player!

Fridge Horror

  • Little Flora is shown to be extremely distressed by the clone of her mother. Matthew the butler was also present when she was a baby, which means something happened to the human and he too was replaced by a robot. It's also likely that the real Baron died long before the Golden Apple story broke out, as he was stated to have "little time left" when Bruno was just coming up with the first robots. How many people did Flora know in real life who disappeared and were replaced by clones? What on EARTH was her father thinking? And how is the poor girl as sane as she is?
