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Fanfic / shulk get pulled over by police

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bascally xenablade with cars and also sonic
The Summary

shulk get pulled over by police is a Xenoblade Chronicles 1 Crack Fic by metroid is a pretty cool guy. It was published on Jul 17, 2016.

The story is incredibly short at only 100 words, yet it fits a hilarious and nonsensical plot into this short space. It follows Shulk driving around the Xenoblade world with his girlfriend Melia after Fiora died in a car accident. Sonic tells him that he is going too fast, but Shulk doesn't care, as he thinks that saving the world means he can go whatever speed he wants. Sonic declares that Shulk is evil and tries to defeat him, but before Shulk starts fighting back, Dunban, who is a cop in this story, shows up and arrests Shulk. Then the story ends.

shulk get pulled over by police provides examples of:

  • Adaptational Villainy: Rather than being extremely heroic, Shulk is an entitled jerk who thinks he is above the law.
  • all lowercase letters: The entire story, including, the title, is in lowercase.
  • Anti-Hero: While he saved the universe, Shulk feels very entitled for his good deeds, going whatever speed he wants and driving without a license.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: It ends with the narrator directly speaking to the audience, asking them to "pls review".
  • Crack Fic: This fic has a completely nonsensical plot.
  • Crossover: It is a Xenoblade fanfic, but Sonic makes an appearance.
  • Downer Ending: The story ends with Shulk being arrested and going to jail for life.
  • Drabble: The fic is a short story at exactly 100 words.
  • Entitled Bastard: Shulk thinks that he shouldn't have to follow traffic laws because he saved the world.
  • Hypocritical Humor: Sonic is angry at Shulk for going too fast, despite being known for his speed.
  • Killed Offscreen: Fiora died prior to the events of the story in a car accident.
  • Longer-Than-Life Sentence: Shulk ends up going to jail for 123456 years.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Famous!: Because he's a hero who saved the world, Shulk doesn't care about following rules.
  • Troll Fic: The fic is purposely written terribly, with awful spelling and grammar, and a strange plot where no one acts in character.
