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Continental North America

    Dominion of Canada
Official Name: Dominion of Canada
Ruling Party: Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
Ideology: Conservative
Faction: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Canada still remains as a Dominion under British control.

John Diefenbaker

Role: Prime Minister
Party: Progressive Conservative Party of Canada
Ideology: Conservative

    United States of America
Official Name: United States of America
Ruling Party: Democratic Party
Ideology: Liberal
Faction: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

  • Big Good: Many Americans are happy with the turn of global affairs and the end of the Cold War.
  • Unfitfor Greatness: Thanks to the kindness of American officials, Alaska is once again inhabited by Russians from the Far East, who are fleeing because of the unstable situation in Siberia, where gangs and mafias are spreading terror among ordinary residents.
  • The Scapegoat: Ronald Reagan is one of the few to boycott the mass admission of immigrants from the Eastern Bloc, considering them spies of the new Federation, which he also dislikes for failing to hold communist criminals accountable.

John F. Kennedy
Role: President
Party: Democratic Party
Ideology: Liberal

Richard Nixon

Role: Potential President
Party: Republican Party
Ideology: Conservatist
  • The Paranoiac: After losing to Kennedy, Nixon becomes suspicious of those around him and targets illegal actions against his political opponents during his presidency.
  • Short-Lived Leadership: If Nixon resigns before his impeachment begins, then Vice President Ford will replace him.

Gerald Ford
Role: Potential Vice President and Potential President
Party: Republican Party
Ideology: Conservatist

Ronald Reagan
Role: Potential governor of California, Vice President and President
Party: Republican Party
Ideology: Conservatist
  • Properly Paranoid: Reagan does not trust the Russian Federation due to its lack of accountability for communist crimes, and he thinks that communism will return to Russia sooner or later, which is why we need to prepare for it.

Martin Luther King

Role: Civil Rights Activist
Party: Civil Rights Movement
Ideology: Social Democrat

Malcolm X

Role: Human Rights Activist
Party: Nation of Islam
Ideology: Authoritarianism

Gus Hall
Role: Leader of CPUSA
Party: Communist Party USA
Ideology: Marxist-Leninistnote , Bill of Rights Socialistnote 
  • Chummy Commies: After the fall of the USSR, Gus Hall made changes within the party, ending Browderism and Stalinization, starting his Bill of Rights Socialism ideology.

Nikita Khrushchev
Role: Steel worker in Iowa
  • Richard Nixon, the Used Car Salesman: Khrushchev was a close associate of Stalin, but when the USSR collapsed he emigrated with his family to America after losing faith in socialism.
  • The Exile: Khrushchev and Molotov do not like each other, and Khrushchev's former friends are not allowed to continue their political careers in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.
  • Allohistorical Allusion: Khrushchev left for the USA just like his son did.

Central America

    United Mexican States
Official Name: United Mexican States
Ruling Party: Institutional Revolutionary Party
Ideology: Social Democratic
Faction: Non-Aligned

Adolfo López Mateos

Role: President
Party: Institutional Revolutionary Party
Ideology: Social Democratic

    Republic of Guatemala
Official Name: Republic of Guatemala
Ruling Party: National Democratic Reconciliation Party
Ideology: Moderatistnote 
Faction: Non-Aligned

Miguel Ydígoras Fuentes
Role: President
Party: National Democratic Reconciliation Party
Ideology: Moderatistnote 


    Republic of Cuba
Official Name: Republic of Cuba
Ruling Party: Cuban Revolutionary Party – Authentic
Ideology: National Democraticnote 
Faction: NATO Observer
  • Red Scare: The current government in Cuba is threatened by the determined 26th of July Movement.

Carlos Prío Socarrás
Role: President
Party: Cuban Revolutionary Party – Authentic
Ideology: National Democratnote 
  • Last-Second Chance: Prío Socarrás has been in power for several terms in a row, and Batista's attempts to overthrow him have failed because Batista is no longer needed by the Americans due to the disappearance of the threat from Maxism-Leninism.

Alfonso Serrano Vilariño
Role: Leader of La Falange Cubana
Party: Cuban Falange
Ideology: Falangistnote 

Blas Roca Calderío
Role: Leader of PCC
Party: Communist Party of Cuba
Ideology: Marxist-Leninistnote 
  • Undying Loyalty: Despite the collapse of the Soviet Union, Roca Calderío still continues the policy of Stalinization of the PCC.

Celia Sánchez
Role: Leader of M-26-7 in exile
Party: 26th of July Movement
Ideology: Castroistnote 
  • The Revolution Will Not Be Vilified: After the failure of attempts to overthrow the Cuban government in 1959, the 26th of July Movement was defeated and forced to emigrate deep into Mexico.
  • Meet the New Boss: When Fidel Castro was shot, she took command of the rebels.

    Republic of Haiti
Saint-Domngue Flag 
Official Name: Republic of Haiti, New French Republic of Saint-Domingue (Jouhaud)
Ruling Party: National Unity Party
Ideology: Fascist Populistnote 
Faction: Non-Aligned

François Duvalier

Role: President
Party: National Unity Party
Ideology: Fascist Populistnote 
  • Going Native: Duvalier is willing to make Vodun the official religion of Haiti.

Edmond Jouhaud
Role: Head of State (Coup)
Party: Secret Armed Organisation, French Government for National Salvation
Ideology: Militaristnote 
  • The Coup: After the fall of the OAS in Oran, one of the generals, Jouhaud, takes refuge in right-wing Haiti to create a network of far-right military and politicians who do not agree with the collapse of the French colonial empire.
  • The Remnant: Former OAS generals run a network of Frenchmen in Haiti who are taking power and creating a safe space for far-right military and politicians.
