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Badass Bookworm / Animated Films

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  • Big Hero 6:
    • Most heroes are a bunch of science nerds who use their talents in various fields (Wasabi's laser-generated plasma, Gogo's mag-lev wheels, Honey's chemistry expertise, and Hiro's robotics know-how) to become superheroes. Although Fred could still qualify for this, as he is an English major at his college. The villain, being a robotics professor who's implied to be a pioneer in the field, could also qualify for this.
    • Baymax is programmed with over ten-thousand medical procedures, with expansion slots for much more. And when he realizes that Hiro is suffering from Tadashi's loss, and he doesn't know how to treat his patient, he quickly downloads a database on treating someone who is suffering the loss of a loved one. The Badass part comes in when he is given programming on karate and a set of carbon fiber armor plates and wings and thrusters for flight.
  • Maria Posada from The Book of Life, is a lover of books, who can also kick butt.
  • A Bug's Life: Flik becomes this during his stand against Hopper.
  • Besides her strength in geometry, Tip from Home (2015) also builds Rube Goldberg machines as her security systems (and they work).
  • Hiccup in How to Train Your Dragon seems like an overthinking klutz of a Viking, but once he befriends Toothless and seriously studies Dragons, he is able to handle the species and use inventions with them in battle that leave his warrior contemporaries agape.
  • Edna and Violet in The Incredibles. Edna is a no-nonsense fashion designer who uses all sorts of advanced sciences in designing custom costumes for superheroes. Violet reads a lot and writes in cursive. Her smarts also come in handy when fighting alongside her family, such as when she uses her force field to escape the electrical bonds she's in, and easily deactivates her family's restraints.
  • Dr. Jumba Jookiba from Lilo & Stitch is smart enough to create an incredibly powerful genetic experiment, and strong enough to go toe to toe with said experiment in order to obtain amnesty for the crime of creating him. He did better against Stitch than a 20-foot tall whaleman who was an expert in combat.
  • The title characters of Mr. Peabody & Sherman: They are both focused on knowledge, yet they can be quite heroic.
  • Blu in Rio becomes this over the course of his journey with Jewel. His skills that he learns as a pet (i.e. opening cages, skateboarding, climbing) would become useful later on. Linda and Tulio also are promoted to this rank.
  • In Turning Red, Mei starts the movie as a straight-A student but when she gains her panda form she becomes this as it effectively turns her into a One-Woman Army.
