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  • "Bishop Sycamore - The High School That Isn't" is a bit outside of Tree's usual wheelhouse, but it's no less impressive. The video is Tree doing his due diligence and research about Bishop Sycamore, a team that was on the receiving end of a Curb-Stomp Battle, by revealing that the school doesn't technically exist. The rest of the video is Tree going over how horrid the conditions were for the players on the team (including having to steal food from supermarkets just to feed themselves), while calling out everyone involved with the "school" throughout the video. It ends with a long "The Reason You Suck" Speech from Tree about how the people running this are fraudsters who are profiting off the backs of desperate kids who just want to play football, outright calling it a scam. He ends by shaming everyone involved — the three "coaches" who exploited these kids, the opponents who took an easy win and/or money over integrity, and ESPN for showing it on TV, allowing the entire thing to play out the way it did without so much as fact-checking any of the sordid history of the people involved.
    Tree: There's a word for men like this: charlatan. This goes for the teams playing [Bishop Sycamore] as well. They don't care that they're a scam, they'll throw the school some money for a team to play against without looking past the veneer of what they present. It's the cynical nature of high school sports that's overtaken the development of students for winning. Do you think [IMG Academy, Florida] cared about the ethics of their opponent? They played them before in 2020. Bishop Sycamore just got caught doing so. And there are probably plenty more of these schools out there. A handful of teams have already canceled their games with this team, and I doubt they play another game again. At least until the next griff comes along. The Ohio state government is looking to investigate Bishop Sycamore, and I hope they throw the fucking book at them. If Robertson, Johnson, or Peterson are watching this right now, all I have to say is this: You three are a level of scum I try not to cover. Fuck you. You deserve nothing but the cold embrace of a jail cell!
  • Tree doing his analyses for the games played in Germany in 2023 in fairly fluent German.
