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Awesome / The Weekenders

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  • One episode features the popular kids, Colby and Bree, inviting Tino and Tish to a costume party. Tino and Tish feel guilty that Carver and Lor haven't been invited, and spend most of the episode covering it up, and in the end they show up to the party in terrible, hand-made costumes. This turns out it the whole thing was a prank from Cody and Bree, and when Bree deadpans, "I told you they'd fall for the costume thing." everyone laughs. Lor, who had actually been invited to the real party along with Carver, says, "You two thinks you're so cool. But you're just...pathetic." and slams the door in their face.
  • Tino's mom calling out Carver for avoiding Lor because he couldn't confront her on her feelings for him (a misunderstanding on Tino and Carver's part). She even threatened to call the cops on him. What really sells it is Tino accepting what his mom said, convincing Carver to talk with Lor, instead of trying to evade of the problem.
  • Ms. Tonitini, Tino's mom, in general. She gives great advice to her son and his friends, and gives off a realistic portrayal of a parent who is really easy to talk to, without fear of meeting disapproval or feeling like she's trying to force her opinions on you. Parent of the year, ladies and gentlemen.
  • These words from "Cool Kid" Carver to "geeks" Lor, Tish, and Tino: Those geeks are my friends!
  • Tino standing up to Colby and Bree after they mercilessly make fun of Bluke by saying that they can't both be the coolest person. Which leads to the two having a showdown that ultimately leads to Bree being demoted as cool (due to her being a member of the Lil Muffins fan club). After spending time with Tino and the others and getting mocked by Colby herself, Bree finally realizes how much being on the other end of insults really hurts, and despite regaining her coolness and going back to ignoring Tino and the others, she ultimately does change for the better by insisting that she and Colby will no longer insult others (which Colby admits to not really liking anyways).
