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Awesome / Pan Am

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  • Colette in Germany, throwing the country's past into the face of every local she meets.
    • And later singing the Deutschlandlied at the fete in Kennedy's honor.
    • For clarification, the third stanza is the official German national anthem; the first one is considered to have been tainted due to the link of Nazism with German nationalism. So Collette purposely singing it was provocative for a reason.
  • Maggie stabbing a man with a fork when he tries to rape her.
    "I'm not included in the price of your ticket."
  • Laura calmly talking to gun-toting Haitians who board the plane in "Unscheduled Departures" (in their own language) and finding out they just want some food, followed by Maggie putting an increasingly belligerent passenger in his place.
  • Kate getting things done in the Soviet Union in 1963.
  • Despite the unrealistic cockpit dramanote , the landing into Hong Kong's Kai Tak Runway 13, with a storm, at night, with a crosswind at the limit. Dean handles it like a boss, Ted's nearly freaking out.
  • Some parts Tearjerker, several parts awesome is the final scene of the series finale. The whole gang gathers on Ted's balcony and watches the ball drop in Times Square ushering in 1964. Dean and Colette reconcile and Ted and Laura have a sweet moment, Ted not wanting to spoil Laura's happiness by telling her about Amanda's pregnancy. Then the Pan Am theme song fades into Aung Lang Syne and the scene closes on everyone looking just a bit sad. And thus, Pan Am's probable final episode closes.
  • Kate working out how to help the East German courier defect by using her job as a Pan Am stewardess as cover to get her in the room with the right people.
