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Recap / Pan Am

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  1. Pilot
  2. We'll Always Have Paris
  3. Ich Bin Ein Berliner

Eastern Exposure

Ted deals with insecurities about how he ended up a Pan Am pilot as he grapples with the fact that he could’ve joined the Space Program had he not been discharged following a mechanical error based crash.

Kate is on her next assignment after the Berlin debacle and struggles to complete it when Laura, not knowing it’s significance, takes the camera Kate needs to see the assignment through. Meanwhile Maggie takes Laura under her wing and, after the sisters fall out, invites her to broaden her horizons and stay with her when they get back to New York.

Laura gets a second look at Ted after rejecting him in Berlin as she helps him get a clear viewing of the latest Mercury launch on tv.

One Coin in a Fountain

The Genuine Article

Truth Or Dare

Unscheduled Departure

Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Secrets and Lies

Diplomatic Relations

New Frontiers

Romance Languages

