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Analysis / Eddsworld

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If Edd Gould had survived from "Cancer" (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) instead of passing away, then Eddsworld is going to have different changes, and here's the original versions and early productions before they're changed by the showrunner "Matt Hargreaves":


  • Before Edd's death, he and Tom were originally going to collaborate on Tom's show Super Average and set it and Eddsworld in the same universe. The Big Bad of the show would've been the ever-enigmatic Red Leader, whom Tom more-or-less confirms would turn out to have been Tord (though his identity would never have actually been revealed in the story, it would've been fairly obvious that they were the same character). He confirms that Tord's part in "The End", Paul and Patryk's status as soldiers working with him and their plane in "The Snogre" having both a familiar license plate number and a red "R" on it were all intended to be foreshadowing.
  • "The End" was going to play out very differently; originally, Part 1 was going to feature Tord coming back and destroying the house to get his hands on a super weapon before leaving, while Part 2 was going to involve Edd, Tom and Matt looking for a new place to live whilst being pursued by every other villain from the show and, apparently, be a Musical Episode. Due to their deadlines not giving them enough time to record musical numbers, it was changed to a rivalry episode between Tom and Tord, while the Musical Episode was retooled into "Trick or Threat".
  • Laurel was apparently going to be upgraded to a main character after "MovieMakers", replacing Tord. However, after Tom found out Edd was thinking about making an episode where "everyone falls in love with her", he strongly disliked the idea and edited the script so that Laurel is killed off, and due to Edd not liking how flat her character was anyway, he decided to let her stay dead.
  • In "Fun Dead", the ASDF announcer was originally the one who told Edd to stop interrupting him, rather than the television itself.
  • Saloonatics was originally animated by Anthony "Kreid" Price and would have had the same animation style as PowerEdd before the project was handed over to Studio Cacti.
  • Before Edd's death, "Space Face" was titled "Spaceface" and was supposed to be one episode rather than a two-parter. Also, the abduction scene in the second part was originally intended to have Diwi (with the gang visiting Germany just to get him), but he was replaced by a legacy donator.
  • The opening scene for The End Part 1 originally also featured images of "Zanta Claws" and "Zombeh Attack 3", presumably unused because Tord didn't appear prominently in the former and was completely absent in the latter.
  • Tom once talked about a Halloween special him and Edd thought up after realizing the only one Matt had ever interacted with following the "Zombeh Attack" trilogy (where Matt dies and returns as a zombie) was Tom. Edd would confront Tom and reveal that Matt stayed dead after the trilogy, and that Tom's been talking to himself the entire time, with Matt disappearing once Tom comes to terms with it. The idea kept getting pushed back and thrown between the two until they finally decided to make it in 2012; after Edd's passing, it was shelved permanently, since the ending hinged on him (a twist ending where it would fade to the real Edd animating Eddsworld, revealing that the entire series is made up and in his head).
