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Advertising / Tales Of The Road

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Tales of the Road is a trilogy of animated Public Service Announcements produced by the UK-based road safety firm THINK!. They were released in 2008, following the Stop, Look, Listen, Live campaign from 1997.

Each ad is told like a rhyming children's story, and focuses on a little kid who failed to adhere to a certain road safety instruction, and the awful pain they suffered as a result.

The three ads in this campaign are:

  • The Boy Who Didn't Stop, Look, and Listen
  • The Girl Who Didn't Dress Bright in the Dark
  • The Boy Who Didn't Look For a Safe Place to Cross


  • Ambiguous Situation: Are the other kids in the ads ignoring the car victims, or are the car victims meant to be ghosts?
  • The Fashionista: Deconstructed: one of the ads features a little girl who didn't take anything bright to wear while walking in the dark, because it wouldn't match her outfit. She gets hit by a car who couldn't see her crossing the road, and ends up in a neck brace.
  • Injured Limb Episode: Both of the boys' ads involved a broken limb. The Boy Who Didn't Stop, Look, and Listen has a broken leg, while the Boy Who Didn't Look for a Safe Place to Cross has a broken arm.
  • Pink Means Feminine: The girls who appear in both of the boys' ads wear pink shirts.
  • Rhymes on a Dime: All of the ads rhyme their sentences.
  • Token Trio: The three car victims are a white boy, a white girl, and a Black boy.
  • True Blue Femininity: The Girl Who Didn't Dress Bright in the Dark wears a blue blouse.
