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Web Video / Tiny Meat Gang

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Tiny Meat Gang is a comedic rap duo formed by online personalities Cody Ko and Noel Miller. Both grew popular through making comedic skits on Vine, but are now primarily known for their music and commentary videos on YouTube. Both have their own channels on which they frequently collaborate.

On Cody's channel, he and Noel do a video series called That's Cringe where the two watch cringeworthy videos and provide comedic commentary. Variants on this format also exist, including Couple's Cringe, where Cody does the same but with his wife Kelsey Kreppel, and Cody just cringing at videos alone.

Noel's channel includes a series of the two playing the mobile version of the popular British Reality Show Love Island as well as stream highlights.

Cody also has a second channel, Cody & Ko, in which he does other types of videos, such as a weekly look through his subreddit and the series Sweet Tooth, in which he reviews food from the area he lives in.

Aside from their personal channels, Cody and Noel make music together and host a weekly podcast. Through their group, they have toured in North America and Europe and amassed a massive online following.

Tropes present in their videos

  • Adaptational Villainy: GT Dave agrees with Cody and Noel that the Forbes video on him paints him as a Patrick Bateman-esque supervillain when by contrast his in-person interactions with Cody and Noel shows that he's actually pretty friendly and humble.
  • Alliterative Name: Kelsey Kreppel, Dale Decker and Dre Drexler
  • Annoying Laugh:
    • Girl Defined attempts to paint themselves as Genki Girls, only for their constant bursts of laughter over nothing making them come across as annoying instead, which Cody and Noel lampoon time and time again.
    • Cody also thinks this of Cole LaBrant's laugh
    • Invoked with Cody's signature douchebag laugh.
  • Armored Closet Gay: Parodied in Noel's "Homophobia" mockumentary, which follows a man named Daniel going through extreme lengths to avoid anything remotely resembling something homoerotic, including touching long stick-like objects, being at eye level with another man's ass or crotch, bending over to pick stuff up, or drinking milk. He goes to rehab for this and vastly recovers from his condition, and confessed his love to his male roommate, entering a relationship with him.
  • Auto-Tune: Cody has used it on songs like "Cuddle Bug" and his verse on "Short Kings Anthem", and both he and Noel use it at certain points on "Drip". They both use it on the entirety of "Please Be A Hit".
  • Awesome Mc Cool Name: Dre Drexler, which they think sounds like a Marvel supervillain.
  • Badass Teacher: Cody and Noel's opinion on the teacher who responded to Jake Paul's disstrack, especially when he masterfully pulls off an Ironic Echo.
  • Beneath the Mask:
    • They think Ajit Pai might've been more honest than he was trying to be when he goes on a rather passionate rant about what he hates about America.
    • They notice how...aggressive Dre Drexler is during his workout and think that his intense frustrations about having to stick to his diet of walnut salad are coming out.
  • Berserk Button:
    • Cody reacts to Jake Paul calling him a cyber-bully with bemusement. But the one instance where he gets genuinely displeased with Jake is when he calls him a "backend software developer" and Cody calls him out for insulting an entire industry that made Youtube itself possible.
    • When a Buzzfeed employee named Ryan spits out a snap pea even though he hardly ate it, Cody pretty much lost it, since snap peas are his favorite vegetable.
    • Cody is also weirdly annoyed when he sees Claire from "you." painting. It's likely because of how pretentious he finds it.
  • Birds of a Feather: Cody and Kelsey. Every comment's section on Couple's Cringe will call her basically Cody but Gender Flipped.
  • Biting-the-Hand Humor:
    • They call out Youtube for allowing uncensored genitals in thumbnails but demonetize channels like theirs for swearing.
    • Boasting about fame on Youtube is apparently one of the least cool things you can brag about according to "Keep Ya Dick Fat".
  • Black Comedy Rape: When Cody and Noel talk about when they lost their virginity, they both jokingly claim that they had lost their virginity to their uncles.
    Noel: My uncle's fucking hung bro.
  • Boastful Rap: Parodied and deconstructed with "I'm Rich". Rather than just brag about what they have with all their money, Cody and Noel go the extra mile of including talking about how they are so rich that they need to hold it off-shore, the tax claims they have to make, and the various tax evasions they partake in via shell companies just to stay this wealthy. Also Cody's wife is sleeping with her tennis coach.
  • Broken Aesop: They observe that Dre Drexler's morning routine is not at all inspirational or relatable due to his obvious wealth and possibly unintentional boastfulness when it comes to his looks and lifestyle. The That's Cringe on him spells out how neither Cody and Noel have a company, brand, workout regiment, or personal recording studio like Dre does so they quickly disregard whatever advice they might've gleaned from him. A follow-up morning routine video from Dre later shows that he's seemingly taken their criticisms to heart, as it has been praised for having a more humble and laid-back attitude compared to the first one.
  • Call-Back:
    • They are sarcastically impressed by Ajit Pai pulling one of these.
    • Their visit to the "Kombucha Lair" is full of references to the jokes they made about GT Dave's Forbes video.
  • The Cameo: Danny Gonzalez appears at the end of the video for Cody's song "Cuddle Bug".
  • Canon Discontinuity: The That's Gross video is not counted as a That's Cringe video even though it is in the same format.
  • Cerebus Syndrome: Parodied when Noel makes a sequel to his "Skinny Penis" Vine on Tik Tok. He almost immediately breaks down into tears after going "Ayyy", as if traumatized by the humiliation his on-the-fly self-imposed nickname had brought him in the intervening time.
  • Clingy Jealous Girl:
    • When Cody theorizes that the lady interviewing his 21 year old self might be attracted to him, Kelsey immediately declares that she will kill her.
    • Looking through their past Halloween costumes, Cody mentions that a girl named Jen did his makeup a few years ago. Kelsey quietly asking who Jen is prompts Cody to immediately deny that she did.
  • Comically Missing the Point: When Cody asks if Noel considers himself a Godly man (read:religious), Noel replies that he is indeed because he's constantly at the top of the leaderboards in any video game he plays.
  • Continuity Nod: In the beginning of the Valentine's Day Edition of That's Cringe, the song Noel made from the Ajit Pai video is played.
  • Cringe Comedy: Their series is called "That's Cringe".
  • Defeat Means Friendship: Though not necessarily defeat, many of the people roasted in the That's Cringe videos have gone on to become friends with Cody and Noel, with some exceptions.
  • Don't Shoot the Message: invokedCody and Noel agree that there is actually nothing wrong with the messages Dhar Mann's videos are's just that the awkward directing and acting are hilarious to them.
  • Double Entendre: Noel thinks that Dale Decker does this without meaning to in a React With Chat episode when he says coming.
  • Downer Ending: The Valentine's Day edition of That's Cringe ends on a sad note after watching a video where a boyfriend "pranks" his girlfriend into believing that he doesn't think she's pretty.
    Noel: Maybe we should change this to That's Sad.
  • Dude, Not Funny!: Why there's a good amount of censored Noel jokes. This is also Cody's reactions to Instagram comedians like Esteban and King Bash.
  • Dye Hard:invoked Cody briefly dyed his hair blonde.
  • Epic Fail: One of the "horses" in "Pony Play" somehow manages to completely botch a two foot jump.
  • Excited Kids' Show Host: I'mJayStation and the Key brothers from Collen's Key are very much this
  • Flat "What": When they see that the horses in "Pony Play" are actually people pretending to be horses.
  • Foil: They describe themselves as polar opposites of the Girl Defined sisters.
  • Fourth-Date Marriage: Downplayed with the couple in "you." They simply moved in together but the fact that they've declared themselves soulmates after meeting at Whole Foods Market exactly one month prior has Cody and Noel in utter disbelief. It doesn't help that their attempts at Loving Details barely extends beyond the groceries they were buying when they met.
    Cody: Did you hear what he just said, he said "you love celery"?
    Noel: That's all he knows about her personality. They just moved in together.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: While there is no doubt that the U.S. educational system is indeed flawed, Cody, Noel, and the comments section all point out that it's more than likely that Jake Paul simply didn't bother to pay attention and put all the blame on teachers for criticizing him.
  • Friend to All Children: Some of That's Cringe is Cody and Noel genuinely being concerned with how unhelpful and bad influences the subjects of ridicule are towards younger viewers. Noel even sincerely becomes worried that they are making fun of children when they take a gander at "Hot Problems".
  • Fun with Subtitles: Suggested when they have trouble hearing a masked "pony" from "Pony Play" and joke that the accompanying subtitles should just say "neigh."
  • Girl on Girl Is Hot: Their playthrough of Love Island gets to a point where their female avatar and another female contestant appear to be on the verge of actively flirting, causing both Cody and Noel to react in excited Stunned Silence. As soon as the other woman admits she's just kidding, the two quickly look dejected.
  • Happily Married: Noel and Aleena are this.
    • Cody and Kelsey as well.
  • Heh Heh, You Said "X": Noel breaks into a chuckle when Cody asks "what's hard?"
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: This is definitely the best way to describe Cody and Noel's relationship.
  • Hidden Depths: As stated in the description, the two have background in software development. Also, Cody's claim to fame before Vine and Youtube was developing a viral app at the age of 21, which was also his age when he graduated from the esteemed Duke University with a degree in computer science.
  • I Hate Past Me: Cody's view on his 21-year old self.
  • Insistent Terminology: The Key brothers from the Collen's Key channel are brothers, not twins. Cody pokes fun at it possibly being a Berserk Button for them.
  • Kids Are Cruel: The young fans of the Dobre Brothers that left comments on Cody's videos about them, as well as other fans of other people such as Jake Paul and Lele Pons were very mean to him, with Cody pointing out in particular that one of the fans said they wish Cody would get hurt for talking about one of the Dobre brothers and his wife.
    • Cody also says "Kids are mean. Kids are f'ed up, kids are brutal actually" in a video where he looked at an episode of What Would You Do? where a boy named Cody had no friends show up at his birthday party.
  • Literal-Minded:
    • Cody and Noel decide to follow Jake Paul's motivational video to the letter, including "get up" (they get out of their chairs), "stop watching this video" (they wander away from their computer), and "just go do" (they come back utterly confused about what to do due to unclear instructions).
    • Since Matty "Fucking" Smokes is attempting a hot box with vapes and confirmed in the video that it's hot in his car, Cody and Noel joke that Matty took the "hot box" name literally and had put on the heater to simulate the experience.
    • Since Girl Defined by default calls their viewers "girls", Cody and Noel initially decide they're not allowed to watch their videos because they aren't girls.
  • May–December Romance: Noel covers a lot of these in React With Chat.
  • Meet Cute: Cody and Noel cannot get over the fact that the couple in "you." met at Whole Foods Market and are treating the place with a heavy amount of reverence.
  • Misaimed Fandom: invoked When Ajit Pai unironically quotes "I get older and they stay the same age" from Dazed and Confused, Cody and Noel react in horror that he might've accidentally admitted to wanting to fuck underage girls.
  • Momma's Boy: Skippy from the very first That's Cringe. Cody and Noel constantly make fun of Skippy's weird relationship with his mother claiming that even his mom gets more sex than him.
  • Most Wonderful Sound: invoked Cody and Noel think Dre Drexler thinks this about his alarm clock.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Kristen from Girl Defined literally did a massive u-turn and zoomed into the parking lot to spy in the windows when she spotted a crush back when she was younger. Noel figures she probably just slowed the car and backed up a bit rather than do some insane stunt as though she was in a The Fast and the Furious movie.
  • Mythology Gag: "Skinny Penis" is part of the chorus in "Keep Ya Dick Fat."
  • No Name Given: Subverted as they namedrop the girl from "you." at one point but otherwise consciously seems to avoid saying the couple's names throughout the video. The end where they discourage people from taking their video as an invitation to harass the couple clinches it.
  • Obliviously Evil: They point out that more than likely the reason why teachers would be mean to you is because you were being the annoying little brat making their minimum-wage job already worse than it is, which they and the comments section seem to agree was what happened with Jake Paul.
  • Oh, Crap!: The both of them as soon as they hear the teacher rap "But I'm here, like, everyday, bro. So how you gonna diss me with that Disney Channel flow?"
    • This is also Cody's reaction to seeing the gym he goes to in a video about "gym girlfriends" during his video making fun of Instagram workout comedy.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. Cody has talked about two different Jake and Logan duos, the Paul brothers and Papa Jake and his friend.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business:
    • Cody and Noel have a riot with how Jake Paul seems to have annoyed 21 Savage enough to finally fasten his seatbelt.
      Noel: WHAT?! That was so wack 21 Savage was like, "lemme obey the law".
    • Played straight with Cody's reactions to Instagram comedians like Esteban and King Bash, where Cody seems more angry than usual and hardly cracks jokes.
  • Opposites Attract: Unlike the Birds of a Feather style relationship people say Cody and Kelsey have, several commenters have said Noel and Aleena's relationship is more this, as their personalities differ quite a bit.
  • Precision F-Strike: The Stinger to their eponymous That's Cringe episode shows Girl Defined casually saying "retarded".
  • Quirky Work: invokedThe more they watch "you.", the more Cody and Noel are convinced that the couple were on something when they recorded themselves. The lighter flicks don't help matters.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Cody is the more animated and emotional red to Noel's laid-back and deadpan blue.
    Youtube comment: When Cody cringes: spins on chair, screams. When Noel cringes: accepts his fate.
  • Sanity Slippage: Cody and Noel joke that the sisters of Girl Defined go through this as they wait to finally get married so they can finally kiss their husbands.
  • Say My Name: "DHAR MANN! OOOOOOHHH!!!"
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • Noel promptly leaves when Jake Paul plays "Jingle Bell Rock" for his Carpool Karaoke with 21 Savage. He comes back in a hurry when he sees the seatbelt thing above.
    • They joke that this was the camera crew's reaction when they saw what they were going to film in "Pony Play".
  • Self-Deprecation:
    • The two will very often point out how immature they ultimately are and directly point themselves out when Girl Defined describes "Guys You Shouldn't Date, Court, or Marry."
    • Cody names their own podcast as an example of being able to "sell nothing" in Los Angeles.
    • When Cody and Noel meet him personally, GT Dave shows himself as humble and extremely liberal with taking potshots at his own wealth and home decoration tastes. He even addresses some of the jokes Cody and Noel made at his expense including one where he denies that he's a reptilian...before briefly looking into the camera and flicking his tongue like a lizard.
    • invoked Kelsey jokes that she's an example of Yoko Oh No during Couple's Cringe, snarking that she's being shoehorned in after showing up sparingly in past videos. She actually averts it as people enjoy how she complements Cody.
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts:
    • The couple in "you." Their "love" for one another almost reaches the point of delusion and the video is one of the rare instances where Cody and Noel visibly grimace in Stunned Silence rather than just laugh everything off.
    • Subverted on occasion with Cody and Kelsey. The two can be complimentary towards each other but both are snarky enough to make a little fun of the other if their behavior is more than a little corny.
    • Also many people have commented that Noel is much sweeter around Aleena compared to anyone else.
  • Singer Namedrop: Cody starts "Knock It Off" by saying "eh yo, what up? It's Cody".
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: They get a lot of laughs out of Matty "Fucking" Smokes's tendency to excessively swear, joking that he had just learned how to cuss and is abusing it.
  • Special Guest: Every episode of "Sweet Tooth", Cody's food reviewing series, has a special guest star for each episode.
  • Spiritual Successor: The That's Cringe series is the successor to F*ck this guy pt. 3. It was the first use of Cody and Noel in a commentary format and has kept up a similar style of humor.
  • Springtime for Hitler: They attempt to make a worse song than "Hot Problems" only for the result, "I'm Rich", to not only go viral but the majority of the comments about the song point out the irony of it turning out as good as it is in spite of being made to be intentionally bad.
  • Stating the Simple Solution:
    • Kelsey demands that a couple on How Far Is Tattoo Far? just break up rather than torture each other with awful tattoos.
    • In one React With Chat episode where he was watching a relationship between an adult woman and her boyfriend where the boyfriend acted like the girl's dad, Noel said they should just have a kid, since the two said that part of their relationship is non sexual.
  • Stealth Insult: When Jake Paul accuses Cody of bullying kids, Cody apologizes...for bullying Jake.
  • The Stoner: Matty Smokes, who Cody and Noel make fun of in the Vape Hot Box episode of That's Cringe.
  • Stunned Silence: Their reactions to discovering that the Girl Defined sisters are thirty years old.
  • Take That!:
    • Cody and Noel make it clear on occasion that their roasts are all done in good fun. However, with Jake Paul and Ajit Pai, they make it very clear that they have no affection for either of them whatsoever.
    • They are similarly apathetic about mocking Girl Defined, especially when they encourage girls to avoid men with struggles and suppress their feelings.
    • "Keep Ya Dick Fat" was made to be a parody of Jake Paul's "It's Everyday Bro", and includes Noel relentlessly mocking Cody for using "flippin'" which was something Jake used in his song.
    • They theorize that "Hot Problems" is Double Take's extremely petty response to a couple of their fellow high school girls talking behind their backs.
  • Totally Radical: They describe Ajit Pai as a bad corporate tweet attempting to be relatable that had taken on life and human form.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: They snark that the girl from "you." loves celery to highlight how she and her boyfriend seem to barely know each other in spite of being confident about how they are destined for one another.
  • Uncle Pennybags: When they meet and interact on camera at the very least, the very wealthy GT Dave comes across as very friendly towards Cody and Noel, and shows that he has a pretty similar sense of humor as them. His first words in greeting to them quickly broke the ice for whatever tension there might've been for their first meeting.
  • Unfortunate Names: They have an Oh, Crap! moment when doing tarot card readings and their reader asks them for their podcast name. They opt to just use the "TMG" initials.
  • Vicious Cycle: They joke that this is what Dhar Mann's first video will lead to; the mom begins working out after her verbally abusive ex-husband leaves her only to become abusive herself towards her daughter and also leave her in the exact same manner he did.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: Kelsey and Cody ask this regarding the couple who like to have sex in the forest in an episode of Couple's Cringe.
  • Who's on First?: Cody and Noel wonder what "you." could be about. They individually think it's about you.
    Noel: No it's about you.
    Cody: Yeah, about you?
    Noel: No, it's about you.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Jake Paul's inane "motivational" speech somehow stumbles into him telling his viewers to kill a child who might be working harder than them.
  • You Need to Get Laid: Cody and Noel's take on Girl Defined. Especially after finding out that both of the sisters are over thirty years old and waited until marriage to even kiss someone.
