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Tropers / Cat 22

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This female troper is from sunny Southern California... the vapid, personality-less sprawl of suburbia that is Orange County. Described by her friends as "that chick with all the useless knowledge who talks funny sometimes".

I try to not to Entry Pimp any show in particular... just whatever I happened to watch recently. My current set of favorite shows are:

Not that you care, I mostly put these here so I can find them quickly, since they don't all show up at the top of the Google search, and I forget the watchlist tab exists.

I usually don't subscribe to this kind of Opinion Myopia, but if you don't love The Shawshank Redemption, do not talk to me.

I used to majorly prowl the YKTTW, I just had to break the habit and start focusing my time on Real Life. I'll still check it out occasionally, but I'm happy to say that my Troping in general is under control, and can be described as a healthy obsession at this point.

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    Works/People pages I have written: 

    Tropes I created: 

    Tropes I launched (because they were abandoned and/or needed major TLC and re-writing): 

Once again, you don't care, I mostly keep this list for my own purposes.

Cat22 provides examples of the following tropes:

  • Berserk Button (The American Conservative party in general, but the move to ban gay marriage is a big one.)
    • Ptitles! I FUCKING HATE ptitles!
  • Blizzard Entertainment (I work here... and yes, it's as awesome as you think it would be.)
  • Cluster F-Bomb (I swear like a sailor, I can't help myself. I went to a Catholic School for 12 years, I'm trying to make up for it now.)
  • Dis Continuity (Firmly believe that you can pretend embarassing moments never happened, as long as you don't forget the lesson you learned from them.)
  • Fiery Redhead
  • Grammar Nazi (As family members will attest to - "It's Alice and I, not 'me and Alice'!")
  • Lumper Vs Splitter (I'm an unabashed Splitter, unless I don't care much about the trope, in which case I'll advocate Lumping. Hey, no one ever said life was fair.)
  • Middle Child Syndrome (Oh SOOOOOOO much. I'm such a doormat, I even gave my car to my brother after he crashed his. Twice.)
  • Mixed Marriage (Happily Married to an Asian guy, while I am white. Typical reactions to this range on a sliding scale of "meh" to "dude, good job, Asian dudes never land white chicks". Interestingly, the video game industry I work in sees an extremely high rate of "white guys with Asian girls", and nearly ZERO relationships in the other direction.)
  • Only Sane Man, prone to much Deadpan Snarking.
  • Serial Tweaker (I'm really bad at this. Check out my own page history.)
  • Strawman Political (They're real... and I'm surrounded by them.)
  • Wedding Day (My first husband was totally hungover... and it was hilarious! I will always find this funny, no matter what happened between us. See next entry.)
  • Woman Scorned (When my ex-husband cheated on me, I wrote up our divorce papers such that he only took '[his] car... and whatever [was] in it [at the time]'. The judge chuckled. Lesson: Don't cheat boys. Be a man and break up with her first. And girls, go for an Asian guy next time.)

For those of you who may have figured it out from all my veiled hints here on the Wiki, yes I used to work at/for Family Guy. I am not Seth, nor do I know him all that well, but he always seemed like a pretty cool guy to me. And I fucking hate FOX.
