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Trademark Favorite Food / Webcomics

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Examples of Trademark Favorite Food in Webcomics:

  • In the Super Mario Bros. fan-comic The 3 Little Princesses Peach loves peaches, to the point where apparently the fruit is named after her (instead of the other way around).
  • Black Mage of 8-Bit Theater likes pie. Specifically, evil pie.
  • Arthur, King of Time and Space:
  • In the Awkward Zombie comics about Katie Tiedrich's real life, her love for garlic often pops up.
    Norrin: Is this enough garlic?
    Katie: No.
    Norrin: You didn't even look.
    Katie: It will never be enough garlic.
  • The favorite food of choice for Bob and George is/was ice cream. Well that, and beer. Many of the sub/fancomics got their own, too. One even went so far as to name the comic after it.
  • One character from an in-universe story told in Boy and Dog is the only one in his village who likes liver.
  • Darkmoon from Castlevania RPG likes barmaids.
  • Champions of Far'aus has an In-Universe example with Proctor Henrith Galemore the eleventh, king of Galemore. He is better known as the “Popcorn King”, because his diet consists mainly of popcorn, and he’s almost never seen without a bag of it, which he constantly eats from, and the gold coins that are being minted during his reign have his face on one side, and a piece of popcorn on the other. He even notes himself that he is better known by his nickname.
  • A handful of these exist in Charby the Vampirate: Charby likes chicken, Mye loves gummy bears, Crispo is obsessed with nachos, Biscut named itself after its favorite food and Breck compulsively shovels down muffins if there are any in front of him. Menu will eat anything.
  • Ixia from Cloudscratcher is deeply into any kind of breakfast food.
  • The Cubi race in Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures scores double. They don't actually need to eat regular food and feed off emotions instead, and each Cubi has a favourite emotion. However, they can eat for pleasure, and typically eat nothing but one or two favourites. Of the main cast:
    • Fa'Lina seems to have a thing for muffins.
    • Dan loves ale and according to his sister has eaten almost nothing else in the last three years.
    • Abel is unusual for a Cubi, in that he eats regularly and eats a range of foods.
  • Dominic Deegan and "mapvel candies". The threat of said candies no longer being available was enough to trigger a Heroic BSoD.
  • Dregs: The nudist likes dog food (or "doge chow"). Chub points out that if she was going to be stealing from them anyway, she could have stolen some real food instead. She doesn't care.
  • Dumbing of Age:
    • Joyce's incredibly bland and restrictive palette means her favorite foods are unseasoned chicken tenders and Kraft Mac and Cheese. She'll add a pinch of salt to the latter if she's feeling adventurous, but mostly takes pride in her ability to make it to the exact specifications on the box.
    • Walky, like his Walkyverse counterpart, maintains a fondness for Doritos Bland-Name Product Nachitos, but his discovery early in college life that he could purchase a box of fifty McNuggets meant the chips were quickly overshadowed as his memetic favorite. He's also frequently shown eating Taco Bell, and will take any opportunity to snag free pizza, at one point declaring all four foods tied for his favorite. (Frankly, though, Walky will eat basically anything so long as it's bad for him.)
    • Dina loves cereal, and is frequently remarked as smelling like assorted brands. When experimenting to see what, if anything, turns on her libido, she tries eating some on the offchance there's been some sexual component to her enjoyment of it she's missed. She's also thought long and hard about whether it's okay to combine cereals into a cereal gestalt (answer: as long as they're similar in texture and durability against sogginess-Cap'n Crunch and Reese's Puffs are fine, Froot Loops and Frosted Flakes are not), and the one time she got sick of cereal she decided to change it up...with cereal and Mountain Dew.
  • In El Goonish Shive, Mrs. Dunkel has been mentioned to bake brownies on multiple occasions. The Dunkel's seem to like brownies so much that they named their cat "Brownie".
  • Eddie from Emergency Exit is famous for his love of Green Jell-O.
  • George the Dragon: Pardon me, but do I smell nachos?
  • According to his son, Baron Wulfenbach of Girl Genius "really loves waffles."
  • In Teh Gladiators, guest gladiator Leeroy Jenkins (of World of Warcraft fame) is seldom seen without his crab cakes. Made doubly funny because, in the actual game, crab cakes are a very low level food that would take an entire stack and several minutes to bring a max level character back to full health. True to this, the one time he actually fights on the heroes' side, he doesn't finish eating and get up to attack until after the battle is over. As for the actual Leeroy Jenkins, his food of choice is chicken.
  • Grandmother Beetroot: The titular character loves beets, as you may infer from her name. She calls them "nature's candy" and eats so much borscht (beetroot soup) that her teeth have turned red.
  • Halo of Grrl Power loves spicy food — so spicy, one restaurant makes her sign a waiver.
  • Heartcore:
    • Amethyst Lashiec absolutely loves barbeque sauce, such that she'll drink it straight out of the bottle.
    • Her father, Royce, loves fancy foods in general ("Cuisine" being listed as his muse), but seems to like birthday cakes so much that he not only has one every day, but the theft of said cake is considered grand theft and a capital offense.
  • Hobbits And Hole Dwellers Has young Bailey, who likes animal crackers quite a lot, and Owen and Ted both take advantage of this to distract/bribe her when the situation calls for it.
  • Josh from Hijinks Ensue really likes bacon.
  • Homestuck:
    • Bec loves irradiated t-bone steaks.
      You dial up a thick T-BONE STEAK, which you are sure Becquerel is in the mood for because he is in the mood for steak every day and is never in the mood for anything else.
    • Gamzee, as a nod to Insane Clown Posse, has a thing for Faygo.
    • WV loves TaB, and also likes to eat things that are green. Anything green, compulsively and apparently subconciously.
      Inside the box, there are 12 pieces of CHALK in every color of the...
      10 pieces of chalk. In most colors of the rainbow.
    • Terezi likes things that are red. Anything red. She's also partial to orange creamsicle.
    • John loves Fruit Gushers. He has a bit of a Heroic BSoD when he discovers that Fruit Gushers are a Betty Crocker product, since he rightly believes that Betty Crocker is an evil monster.
    • Spades Slick loves licorice scottie dogs.
  • Horndog: Faygo. See also: Insane Clown Posse.
  • In Hyperbole and a Half, Allie's was mistaken for hot sauce for years due to an attempt to impress a family member. She was not pleased by this, especially when she got sets of hot sauce for Christmas instead of toys.
  • A statistically absurd number of characters in Irregular Webcomic! describe frozen yoghurt as the best thing ever. Curiously, this does not include the resident Big Eater, Professor North Dakota Jones, whose favourite food is "whatever's pricey, yet available in large quantities". With someone else paying.
  • Kill Six Billion Demons: The Inexplicably Awesome Auntie Maya loves noodles, even helping herself to a noodle vendor's wares while a pitched battle erupts around her. They're a dish of particular significance to her, since she was a noodle vendor's daughter before becoming a Master Swordswoman and God-Emperor.
  • Rocky from Lackadaisy loves his pancakes. They're at the forefront of his mind whenever he goes to a restaurant, and he has trouble figuring out a plan "B" when the place doesn't have them.
  • Looking for Group: Richard has a deep, constant hunger for babies. He once referred to a daycare as a buffet.
  • Mega Man and a few other characters in Megaman Sprite Comic crave basketball pasta (shortened to B-Ball Pasta).
  • Beriah in Men in Hats enjoys turkey club sandwiches.
  • Middleways: Josh really, excessively, loves carrot cake from Publix.
  • Downplayed Trope in Milk And Mocha. The duo are massive foodies, but Milk is very fond of carrots. Having a giant plushie carrot for bedtime may have something to do with it.
  • Modest Medusa: The title character loves Chocodiles (now known as "Fudge Covered Twinkies").
  • In A Moment of Peace ice cream grows on bushes, never melts, and is highly nutritious.
  • Both Helens' Trademark Favourite Drink in Narbonic is pink boxed wine. Dave has two: Guinness and Mountain Dew.
  • In My Dictator Boyfriend, each of the named nations have favorite foods, cheese for Taugilians and ham for Upamians.
    • Immanuel also loves mustard, routinely putting too much on his food.
  • The Order of the Stick:
    • Psychopathic Man Child Thog loves ice cream and only delays a boredom-driven rampage for fudge ripple.
    • The hobgoblins' love for Gouda cheese is referred to a few times.
    • The Monster in the Darkness will eat pretty much anything (except babies, and that includes veal), but his favorite of all foods is stew. Stew is Serious Business for the MitD.
  • The Petri Dish: In one strip, Thaddeus shrinks down to a microscopic universe and meets a microbe who really loves these fruit called poonooboo berries.
  • PHD: Don't try to eat Cecilia's chocolate. And of course Mike Slackenerny will eat anything that's free.
  • Pinder the Panda Bear is obsessed with waffles.
  • In Pokey the Penguin, the hero and most other penguins are obsessed with "Arctic Circle candy", which appears to be some sort of plant that only grows in the Arctic Circle.
  • In Polandball, each country has its stereotypical national dish as a favourite: highlights include Latvia's sometimes line-crossing love for potatoes, Italy taking pizzas deadly seriously, and Switzerland's chocolate addiction. They're even fond of repeating the names of their favourite food in random background dialogue, or use other countries' favourites as racist slurs.
  • Ricky from Ratfist loves chili. No, maybe you're not understanding here: Ricky loves chili. He finds a bowl of fresh chili, preparednote  exactly the way he likes it, in the middle of the street. So he eats it. Bonus points: It was left there by his ex-boss, who mixed in a little cat feces because he needed to infect Ricky with Toxoplamosis gondii.
  • For some reason the owl people in Realm of Owls like bananas so much that they farm them.
  • The now-defunct ROOMIES had Flinters and mints (or anything mint-flavored) and Alex and toast.
  • Rooster Teeth Comics:
    • Gus's favorite dessert is cake, and Geoff's is pie. They've come to blows over which dessert is superior.
    • Matt is heavily fond of coffee, to the point that switching to decaf literally killed him. He came back.
  • About 1/3 of all Scandinavia and the World strips featuring Norway also include him holding a fish.
  • Schlock Mercenary:
    • Schlock is fond of a drink mix called "Ovalkwik." The ingredient list is here.
      Ch'Vorthq: Sergeant, you will be drinking a very heavy stimulant cocktail cut with shampoo and high-tensile inert carbon.
      Schlock: I don't drink it, I eat it straight.
      Ch'Vorthq: And I suspect you're addicted to it.
      Schlock: (aims plasgun) Step away from the tub of happiness.
    • The cast of Schlock Mercenary are also fond of the noble 'Chupaqueso', which is, effectively, melted cheese, wrapped in fried cheese, traditionally garnished with cheese. It's not a good food for a prolonged lifespan, but mercenaries don't tend to live that long anyway.
    • Gav is a cryo-frozen refugee from the 21st century, and is very fond of Guinness beer. It still exists in the 31st century, but was pretty hard to find. That is, until Gav accidentally cloned himself 950 million times, and suddenly every brewery within a thousand light years wanted to take advantage of the sudden economic opportunity this presented. Notably, this is one of the few traits the Diversity Initiative they undertook did not try to alter; while gender changes and complete biological overhauls weren't a problem at all, those who tried to acquire a different taste didn't do too well.
      The Bud Chelada heretics got what they deserved.
  • As an amphibious nonhuman, the title character of Selkie has a pronounced fondness for fish. Especially the eyes, which she eats raw. Other characters usually think this is disgusting. Usually.
  • Sheldon: Arthur is fond of fish and pancakes.
  • Shortpacked!: Robin and anything sugary, given that it catalyzes her Super-Speed. Two specific items are more associated with her than others, however: Skittles, which she's often been told she smells like; and Cadbury Cream Egg cerealnote , which gets her so hyper that she blacks out for long stretches of time as she causes increasingly absurd things to happen.
  • Sluggy Freelance:
    • Aylee went through one stage of her life cycle where she would eat nothing but potatoes. During other stages, her tastes have not been as innocuous, however...
    • Bun-bun is fond of alfalfa hay.
  • StarHammer: Evey loves french fries.
  • Star Trek Federation Star Defense: Like other non-Federation characters before him, Gorn officer Ezzok found himself enamored with a human sweet treat. In this case, ice cream.
  • Tower of God: The Chessmaster Yu Hansung loves any kind of instant food.
  • Violet Zombie: Penelope Mortinez loves panaderia pastries.
  • Walkyverse: Walky loves "Nachitos", a Doritos knock-off. Both he and Joyce also have a tendency to get fixated on Taco Bell, it's the only thing guaranteed to distract either of them (including sex!). Walky wants bachelor party there, Joyce wants to go there for their honeymoon.
  • Teddy from Weak Hero is often seen with a bottle of cola in hand. At least until Gray violently beats him up with a cola can, leading to him avoiding soda for a while due to the traumatic memory.
  • The title character of Weesh recharges his powers by eating licorice.
  • Welcome to the pharmacy!: Going by her snack of choice (i.e, what bags she stocks her work locker with and leaves on her couch at home while lazing around), Jessica is fond of ketchup chips.
  • In Yokoka's Quest, Yfa is often shown eating apples, and rarely anything else note , both in the comic and in other artwork. He even talks about his favourite type of apple in a q&a strip. Raya has a similar preference for grapes, though this is only shown in works outside of the comic itself so far.
  • Yumi's Cells: Yumi loves tteokbokki so much that it becomes a plot point many times. She wins over Babi's dad, the owner of a tteokbokki restaurant, with the perfect display of tteokbokki appreciation, and she encourages Babi himself to quit his office job to open up a restaurant. Yumi's Hunger Cell has an antenna that changes to whatever Yumi is craving, and it's a tteokbokki by default.
