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The Sociopath / Ultra Series

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Even by kaiju and Toku standards, the Ultra Series is no stranger to aliens and monsters showcasing examples of sociopathic traits.

Live-Action TV


  • The☆Ultraman: Heller was a former Ultra from the Planet U40 who led an army of fellow exiles against his former home planet. He is defined with the following traits of a classic sociopath: ambitious, power-hungry, zero shame and empathy for the suffering of others other than his own, treating his own soldiers nothing more but cannon fodder, and won't stop at nothing until he got what he desired. Makes enough sense that he's a precursor to the aforementioned Ultraman Belial, a fallen Ultra who got Drunk with Power and takes his vendetta quest on his former home world, having invaded them a number of times just to spite them.
  • Ace Killer from the 2011 manga possesses similar traits that make him look like a Serial Killer than a mercenary. Let's see, a self-aggrandizing scumbag with a huge superiority complex whose fragile ego gets shattered at the hands of a lousy human and a pathological sadist who racks quite a death count (including children listed as his victims) in the series? Check times two.
