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Heartwarming / True Potential

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    Chapters 1-6: Introduction Arc 

Chapter 1

  • The Point of Divergence itself: Naruto gets into an argument with his classmates over whether or not he could become Hokage. Many of his classmates heavily disagree with him, only for Shikamaru to throw in his two cents and share his logical arguments over why Naruto could actually become Hokage one of these days. Granted, he did so mostly so everyone else could shut up and he could go back to sleep, but, as he later admits to Naruto, he was honest about it given that "it'd be too troublesome to lie about something like that."
    • In turn, Hinata finds the courage to openly admit she agrees with Shikamaru regarding Naruto possibly becoming Hokage.
  • Naruto is so touched by what Shikamaru and Hinata said about him, as they are the first two to believe in him like that, that he invites them to Ichiraku and they end up having a good time together.
    • Both Teuchi and the Third Hokage (the latter using his crystal ball to observe them) are happy to see that Naruto made some friends.

Chapter 2

  • Naruto arrives at the academy twenty minutes before class, which is something he never did before as he would usually arrive ten minutes late. This behavior is so unusual coming from him that several of the instructors and students present are confused to see him this early. It turns out the reason for this different behavior is because he really wants to see and talk with Hinata and Shikamaru. It just goes to show how much of an impact the time he spent with them the previous day had on him if he's willing to arrive so early at the academy.
    • Naruto asking Hinata if he can sit next to her, causing the blush she already had to darken before she replies "Y-Yes, of c-course."
    • When Shikamaru arrives and sits next to Naruto, the former thanks the latter for dragging him to Ichiraku as he had fun. The Uzumaki boy comments "Well based on what you said you do for fun, I'm going to have to drag you to more things. I need to keep you active and doing things, y'know?" The Nara boy then notes "Or you could 'ask' and I'll probably say yes." Naruto's eyes light up and he's about to ask Shikamaru if that means they're friends, only to be interrupted by the arrival of Mizuki. While Naruto doesn't get an answer right away, Shikamaru does confirm it when he later tells his parents that he became friends with Naruto and Hinata the previous day.
  • Unlike several other parents in Konoha, Shikaku and Yoshino Nara have no problem with allowing their child to be friends with Naruto despite knowing about the latter being the host of the Kyūbi, with Yoshino even ordering Shikamaru to invite him and Hinata to their house after learning he became friends with them.
    • Shikamaru is reluctant to invite Naruto and Hinata to his house as he doesn't think either of them would find cloud watching (one of his favorite activities) to be all that exciting. At the end of the chapter, after they're done training, Shikamaru lies on the ground to do some cloud watching and tells his two new friends to do the same thing. Much to his pleasant surprise, they both end up enjoying cloud watching after all. He then thinks about how they are "making things much more interesting around here..."

Chapter 3

  • While spending so much time with Shikamaru, Hinata, Choji, and the Nara parents, Naruto realizes he finally managed to get something he wanted to have for so long: acceptance.
  • Naruto has trouble performing the Clone Jutsu. Concerned over Naruto failing the exam, Shikamaru tells his father about it, hoping the latter might be able to help his friend. This is notable because, as Shikaku would point out in the next chapter, it had been a bit since the last time he saw his son try and help someone like that.
    • Shikaku gets the idea of teaching the Shadow Clone Jutsu to Naruto given the latter's large amount of chakra. After an hour of training, the Uzumaki boy succeeds at performing that jutsu, much to his enormous joy.
  • Upon seeing their son watching the clouds with his friends, Yoshino and Shikaku have a discussion where they note how much these three are rubbing off each other. Yoshino comments these three seemingly have a desire to help the other improve and that they would probably work well together as a genin team, even more so than her husband and his old teammates. Shikaku lets that sink in and can't help but agree with his wife, giving him an idea that will change the lives of his son and his friends.

Chapter 4

  • Just like in canon, Mizuki is the one who tells Naruto the truth about the latter being the host of the Kyūbi. This time, he does it partly so that Hinata and Shikamaru would be unwilling to help their friend. However, his plan backfires as the two of them, while shocked by this revelation, end up appreciating Naruto even more than they already did.
    • Mizuki sends a fūma shuriken at Naruto, who is too shocked by the revelation to move. Shikamaru uses his Shadow Possession Jutsu to make him move, which is followed by Hinata jumping in front of her friends while pulling out a kunai. Mizuki is enraged and asks them why are they helping a demon responsible for nearly destroying the village and for killing so many Nara and Hyuga. Shikamaru points out that Naruto is just a container, not the Kyūbi, while Hinata says that Naruto is a hero to the village for preventing the demon from attacking them. This causes the Uzumaki boy to snap out of it and get ready to help his friends against the traitor.
    • After Mizuki is defeated, Naruto brings up what the former revealed to them. Both Shikamaru and Hinata reiterate what they said about him not being a demon, but rather a savior for Konoha. This reminds Naruto of when they both spoke up for him during the lecture from Chapter 1. With Tears of Joy, he does a Group Hug with his friends for the second time. However, unlike the first time it happened (whereas Hinata had trouble breathing because she tried not to faint and Shikamaru also had trouble because the hug was too tight), they're able to hug him back with no trouble, doing so while giving him a warm smile.
    • Having seen everything that happened through his crystal ball, Hiruzen Sarutobi is convinced to put them on the same team after witnessing the friendship and the teamwork they displayed during that night.

Chapter 5

  • Both Naruto and Hinata's reactions upon learning they'll be on the same team:
    Naruto: [thinking] Yes! I at least got one of my friends on my team. And it's Hinata of all people! This is amazing dattebayo!
    Hinata: [thinking] Naruto-Kun and I are on the same team? Naruto-Kun and I are on the same team! HE'S ON MY TEAM!
    • Of course, they're both pleased to know that Shikamaru will be on their team as well.
    • Choji is upset that he won't be on the same team as Shikamaru, but instead on a team that includes Shino and Ino (the latter being unhappy to be on the same team as these two instead of being with Sasuke). Everyone on Team 3 feels bad for him, with Naruto telling him he wishes they could be a four-man squad so they could all be together. Choji then tries to stay positive when he thinks about how Shino might turn out to be a nice guy when he gets him to talk. Naruto and Hinata both agree, given that Shino is polite and smart, with Naruto even suggesting to Choji he could convince the Aburame boy to hang out with them. Finally, Shikamaru reminds Choji that their friendship isn't ending by asking him if he wants to watch the clouds with him later on.
  • Anko has some doubts over her new responsibilities, while Ibiki tries to reassure her by saying she won't be a bad team sensei.

Chapter 6

  • Anko feels pride over the progress her three students have done. Later, Sarutobi notices that she seems to have taken a soft spot to them after she comments "Oh, those brats. Something about them..."

    Chapters 7-11: Tenchi Bridge/Han Arc 

Chapter 7

  • Hinata is traumatized after she killed someone for the first time. Naruto notices her reaction, but doesn't know why she's acting this way. Anko has a private talk with him where she gives him the answer and tells him to let her be for a little bit. Naruto wants to help his friend, to which his sensei replies by saying he should give Hinata "the space she needs for now and, when she decides she wants to talk, to be her friend and talk to her." He agrees to that, saying he'll just be her friend and find some way to help her feel better in the meantime:
    Anko: [sincerely smiling] She'll probably talk to you soon. You mean a lot to her. Just be her friend.
    • That night, Hinata breaks down over taking a life and cries hard into Naruto's outfit. He hugs her tightly against him and lets her talk. After Hinata says that the man she killed had a family and a life, Naruto tells her that the man in question would have tried to kill their client Yen, who also has a family and a life, and that she helped keep Yen alive:
      Naruto: We are ninja. We may have to kill people in our line of duty, but we do so to protect others. It could be clients, civilians, our teammates...even each other. We fight to protect everyone around us! Hinata, you were strong. You stepped up and helped protect our client. You are a true ninja and someone I'm glad to call my teammate and friend.
      Hinata: [thinking] never cease to amaze really are a one-of-a-kind.
    • Thanking him, Hinata gives a hug to her crush, causing the latter to slightly blush, before going back to her sleeping bag. For the first time since what happened earlier, she is smiling and able to sleep, while Naruto is relieved that his friend is in a much happier mood.

Chapter 8

  • While talking with Anko, Han wonders if Naruto sees himself as a demon because of the way Konoha has been treating him, resulting in this line from Anko:
    Anko: [sharply] While not everyone likes the kid, he's not hated by all. I trust him, as does his teammates, and he's special to us. He's no demon and he certainly doesn't see himself as one!
  • Despite the hostility between Konoha and Iwa, some of the shinobi are eventually able to get along:
    • While searching for firewood, Shikamaru and Kurotsuchi start to chat, which turns out to be a fun experience for both of them.
    • Naruto is fishing with Roto. At first, they would insult each other and their respective villages with a lot of venom. However, they start bonding when Roto teaches Naruto how to fish. As a result, their insults become less venomous and more done in play and good fun.

Chapter 9

  • Team 3 becomes aware of the Iwa shinobi having to deal with two dangerous enemies. Wanting to do something for Han given that nobody's probably done anything for him, Naruto decides to help the Iwa shinobi. He then says a few words that inspire his teammates to do the same thing, with Anko being impressed by the determination her students are displaying at that moment before smirking and agreeing with them.
  • Han tells his genin students to take Yen and leave so they can protect the latter while the Iwa jonin takes care of Kakuzu and Nasumareta. Yen then says that, as the client, his authority equals Han's in terms of orders and he's willing to let the genin students go and help him. Why? Because he can't, in good conscience, let Han fight on his own against the Akatsuki members. Thus, Yen is ready to put his life in danger by being unprotected for a while if it allows Kurotsuchi, Risho, and Roto to help their sensei.
    • Kurotsuchi, Risho, and Roto tell Han they're unwilling to abandon him while he's dealing with Kakuzu and Nasumareta. Han is surprised to see that these humans are willing to risk their lives for him, regardless of the fact that he's a jinchūriki.

Chapter 10

  • When the Konoha shinobi arrive, Han is surprised, after he spent so many years despising humanity, to see that not one but two groups of humans are willing to help him.
  • Han is able to have Naruto revert back to normal after the latter turned into his one-tailed form. After Naruto passes out on the ground, the first thing the rest of Team 3 does is making sure he's okay. Han notices they are doing so even after seeing the Uzumaki boy in his one-tailed form. He then remembers when Naruto told him the other night that he has friends who aren't the kind of humans who despise jinchūriki, and realizes that the boy was right.
    • Han's three genin students then asks him if he is okay. He notices that they are staring at him just like the way the Konoha shinobi are staring at Naruto, with concern for his well-being. Smiling, Han realizes that he himself has people who care about him.

Chapter 11

  • Hinata and Shikamaru being both relieved and excited when Naruto wakes up after spending an entire day being unconscious.
  • Han tells Naruto that he should cherish and never leave Hinata and Shikamaru before telling him that these two never left his side the entire time he was unconscious. Naruto is surprised to hear Han saying that given that he previously told him in a rather cynical way that his two friends would turn on him.
    • After learning that his two friends stayed by his side the entire time he was unconscious, Naruto excitedly runs up to them and crushes them in a hug, making them all fall to the ground.
    • Anko tells Han that the latter has changed "a hell of a lot." Han then notes with a smile that his opinion on humans hasn't really changed, but that he has found exceptions, namely his students as well as Team 3.
  • That night, for once, Han is eating with the other shinobi, talking with them, and even preparing tea for everyone. Kurotsuchi finds it strange, having no idea how this change of behavior happened, but this makes her smile.
  • Shikamaru and Kurotsuchi bonding while looking at the sunset.
  • Naruto hugging Han and thanking him after everything the latter has done for him.

    Chapters 12-28: Chūnin Exams Arc 

Chapter 12

  • Shikamaru points out to Naruto and Hinata that Anko has been quite stressed out since their first C-Rank mission. Naruto then has an idea on how to make her feel better, with his teammates both smiling as they agree to this idea.
    • After Anko finishes eating a lot of dango at a restaurant, the clerk tells her that her three students already paid for her meal earlier that day. In fact, they paid for more than the amount she ended up eating. The restaurant staff warned them how much they would have to pay, but they didn't care. Anko is shocked that her three students did such a thing for her, even after she went overboard with their training.
    • After she leaves the restaurant, Anko has something on her face that she rarely has: "a plain, sincere smile", as opposed to a sadistic smirk or a mischievous grin:
      Anko: [thinking] I'll have to pay them back somehow. Those three...they're fine shinobi and great kids. And I'll do my part to keep them alive!
    • Later that night, Anko for once has a peaceful dream instead of all those nightmares she had since the C-Rank mission. That dream features Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru, all three of them alive and proud jōnin of Konoha. This is one dream that Anko decided she would do everything in her power to make sure it would come true.
  • Anko being excited when Kakashi suggests to her they could continue sparring every other day.
  • One paragraph at the end describes Anko's changed behavior: She seems to be more attached to her three students. She would sometimes have lunch with them at Ichiraku. And if somebody ever asks her about her team, she would shower them with praise and only say good things about them. This woman known for being sadistic was becoming a softie to her genin. Of course, she would never admit that to their faces.

Chapter 13

  • Anko giving praise at her three students regarding the progress they've done, causing all three of them to smile widely despite the heavy breathing they have as result of their latest training session.
    • This is followed by Anko indicating she will recommend all three of them for the upcoming Chūnin Exams, saying among other things that she would be shocked if they can't get to the third stage of the exam. This causes her students to be surprised at how much faith she has in them.
  • After Anko gives her students the day off and leaves, Hinata nervously asks Naruto "W-Would y-you like to go s-somewhere together to eat o-or something?" Naruto accepts, but thinks she's asking for the two of them plus Shikamaru to spend time together, much to Hinata's disappointment. Noticing her reaction, Shikamaru decides to step in and tell them he can't come because he has to go home for some clan stuff (which, as later revealed in this chapter, was not an excuse he made up on the spot). After Naruto agrees to go to some bakery with just Hinata, the latter and Shikamaru give each other a knowing look, the Hyuga girl having a look that says 'Thank you so much!' and the Nara boy having a look that says 'You're welcome.'
    • After his friends leave, Shikamaru smirks and thinks about how much Hinata really has changed.
  • Naruto and Hinata spending time together at the bakery:
    • Naruto points out that Hinata doesn't stutter anymore, except when she's around people she doesn't know or when she's really embarrassed. Hinata says she's become more confident thanks to him, saying that his smile and his enthusiasm are contagious, his determination admirable, and that he encouraged her to believe in herself more so that she can be as strong and confident as he is. Naruto blushes in response and thanks her for thinking that, all while he's stuttering himself much to Hinata's amusement.
    • After they walk out of the bakery, Naruto says they should do stuff like this more often given how fun it was. Hinata agrees and decides to hug him. Naruto is surprised by that hug, but quickly hugs her back. As they walk their own way back home, Hinata is blushing and has a smile that seemingly won't disappear:
      Hinata: [thinking] I...I can't believe it. I just asked Naruto-Kun out on a date! I just hugged Naruto-Kun!
    • Hinata knows Naruto probably didn't see the time they spent at the bakery as a date and probably doesn't like her the same way she likes him. However, her smile grows larger as she thinks it's a good start and a sign that maybe one day he will reciprocate her feelings.
  • Kurotsuchi being happy to see Shikamaru again for the first time since the C-Rank mission.
    • Shikamaru coming to her defense by telling Kiba to knock it off given that her passport proves she has the right to be in Konoha.

Chapter 14

  • Kurenai appears in the classroom with a banner with her name on it. Later, she scares a genin named Asuna Kariudo by casting a genjutsu on the latter and making her see several deadly stuff from the Forest of Death. It looks like she did not completely dismiss the advices Anko gave to her during the previous chapter's omake.

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

  • After Hinata wakes up, she sees herself as a burden to Shikamaru due to having been knocked out for so many hours while he had to take care of both her and Naruto. Shikamaru decides to make her stop being upset by teasingly referring to Naruto as her boyfriend. It works as Hinata blushes and nervously says they're not dating yet.
    • Not too long afterwards, Shikamaru tells Hinata that he was starting to get worried about her and Naruto, and thus he's glad that she's okay. He expects her to make another self-deprecating comment, but Hinata gives him a bright smile that he ends up returning with one of his own.
  • Unlike in canon, where Naruto decided to befriend the Kyūbi after the Time Skip, he makes that decision during the Chūnin Exams. Before Naruto leaves his mind, he tells the fox that they should try and be friends, all while giving him a thumbs up. When the Kyūbi is alone, he scoffs at the idea of being friends with his host, only to comment that "the brat is more interesting than [he] thought".

Chapter 17

  • After Team 3 leaves Iruka to go to their room:
    Iruka: [thinking and chuckling] They don't have to call me Iruka-Sensei anymore. They aren't my students. And they'll probably be on my level soon too! We really do need to get ramen again. I missed you all, my precious students...
  • Anko tells her students what Orochimaru did to both her and her late teammates. While telling that story, she eventually ends up crying. With her crying worsening, all three of her students decide to hug her, tightening their hug after she starts to shake. When Anko says she's sorry for getting all three of them involved with Orochimaru, they all reassure her in their own way: Naruto says she's not responsible for the horrible stuff her former sensei did; Hinata says, while crying herself, that Anko is a role model and the strongest kunoichi she has ever met for overcoming Orochimaru; and Shikamaru says that they've always thought she was one of the strongest ninjas Konoha has ever had and they now know that for sure, with Naruto adding they'll be by her side to help her make the Sannin pay for what he has done. Anko's tears then become Tears of Joy for various reasons: being relieved that her team is okay; hearing all the kind words and praise they said; and feeling content from belonging to a family, namely Team 3. All of that causes her to finally return the Group Hug.
  • Naruto and Han being happy to see each other again.
  • When Kurotsuchi bitterly comments that the Yondaime Hokage was responsible for the death of hundreds of Iwa shinobi, Naruto and her get into an angry argument, saying that their respective country didn't start the Third Shinobi World War. After a moment of silence, Naruto decides that when he will become Hokage, he will make sure there are no more war and no more suffering around the world. Kurotsuchi asks him if he thinks it is possible to achieve that, and he replies it's only impossible if you don't try and that they can create a world of peace if everyone tries. Impressed by what he said, the Iwa shinobi says that when she'll become Tsuchikage, she will help create this world. The two of them bump fists, making it a promise to each other.
  • Anko thanking Kurenai for saving her students.

Chapter 18

  • Shikamaru and Choji are forced to fight each other during the preliminaries. Neither of them are happy over this. Shikamaru wants to get this over with, while Choji is still hesitant. However, the former comes up with the idea of turning this into a friendly bet: If he wins, Choji will be forced to help his friend with a few chores at his house. If Shikamaru loses, he will take his friend out for barbecue and will pay for it. This convinces Choji to no longer be hesitant to do this fight.
    • After the fight is over, Hinata gives a container filled with cream to Shikamaru to heal his injuries and says she will give one to Choji too. With a smile, Shikamaru tells her that she's way too kind.
  • What are the reactions that Kiba's teammates have after he was almost killed by Risho?
    Sasuke: [scowling] Kiba deserved better than that. Kurogane better hope I don't have to fight him anytime soon.
    Sakura: [nodding] I agree. [her eyes starting to water slightly] Kiba can be annoying at times, but he is a Nice Guy. There was no need to go that far.
  • After losing to Shino, Sakura sees herself as being pathetic not only because she lost the fight, but also because she was unable to do anything at the Land of Waves, nor do anything without any help in the Forest of Death. Breaking down in tears, she runs to the bathroom. Ino notices her reaction and, despite no longer being friends with Sakura, is concerned over it. She goes into the bathroom and finds Sakura crying in the corner of the room. The pink-haired kunoichi thinks Ino is there to rub it in her face, but the blonde one says she's not here for that, but rather to talk to her for a bit.
    • While she's unable to do so because she's one of the two genin who has to fight next, Hinata is willing to check up on Sakura given that the latter has always been nice to her and that the former has always had respect for the latter (except for whenever Naruto was involved).
  • After Hinata wins her fight, Naruto runs over to her, gives her a hug, and spins her around while telling her she did great. Anko, Shikamaru, and Kurotsuchi all also take the time to praise her, making her smile.

Chapter 19

  • Sakura comes back from the bathroom and says "...sorry about that." to Kakashi. He tells her to not be sorry, that she had a bad match-up and did a good job against Shino, before asking her if she's okay.
  • After Naruto wins his fight against Tenten, Hinata, with a large smile on her face, hugs him and tells him that he did great out there. Naruto blushes before returning the hug and thanking her. This is followed by Shikamaru, Han, Kurotsuchi, and Anko all praising him, causing the Uzumaki boy to sheepishly rub the back of his head and thank them.
  • After Naruto prevents Gaara from killing Dosu, Hayate tells him he did a very brave thing and is a very caring person. Anko then tells her student that he did a good thing and he has the right mentality to be a shinobi, all of which are compliments he accepts.

Chapter 20

  • Hinata is surprised when her father Hiashi tells her he'll be personally overseeing her training for the third exam, as it had been years since the last time he did such a thing for her. This makes her smile as maybe she will finally get his approval and not be seen as a failure by him.
  • During training, Hinata asks Hiashi if it would be possible to redesign the gentle fist to suit her water affinity. After thinking about it, he replies that it's never been done before, but he'll look into it and perhaps the two of them could design a 'flexible' gentle fist variant more suited for her. Hiashi tells her to do her part and he will try his best to help create this new gentle fist. Hinata happily replies "Of course!", causing her father to briefly smile before going back to his usual, stoic demeanor.
  • At the hospital, Dosu asks Naruto why did the latter save him from Gaara. Naruto replies "Because no one deserves to die like that. I hate seeing people suffer and I don't want to watch anyone die when I can prevent it. I didn't want you to die.", with a smile appearing on his face.
    • Dosu has a hard time believing Naruto didn't do that in exchange for some form of payment and he insists on giving him something in return because he doesn't like owing debts. The blond genin wants nothing in return, only to then have the idea of simply asking Dosu to be his friend. The Sound ninja is taken aback and, after a few minutes of not saying anything, has a light and small chuckle before telling Naruto that the latter is interesting and that he doesn't believe Oto has any shinobi like the blond genin.
    • Just as Naruto is about to leave the hospital room, Dosu asks the Uzumaki boy if he will be visiting him again sometime. With an even larger smile, Naruto replies that he will do so sometime in the week. Once Naruto is gone, Dosu thinks about how that boy is different from Orochimaru.

Chapter 21

  • The Third Hokage orders Jiraiya to be entirely focused on what Orochimaru is planning to do and to forget about his 'research' for the time being. Jiraiya frowns, causing Hiruzen to ask if he is frustrated that he has to take some time away from his perverted stories even though Konoha is in danger. However, the Sannin replies that he's not upset about his book or his research. Instead, he was kinda hoping to finally meet his godson after being away from the village for about ten years. The Sandaime's eyes widen and soften upon hearing this. He then promises Jiraiya that the latter will be given a leave from his duties for at least one or two weeks once the Chūnin Exams are over in order to spend as much as time as he wants with Naruto.
    • This is followed by the two of them having a pleasant conversation about Naruto's growth as a person and as a shinobi.
  • Naruto learns that nobody other than himself has visited Dosu, not even the latter's sensei and teammates. He gets the idea of sending a shadow clone to keep company to Dosu whenever he's training. After Naruto leaves, the Sound ninja wonders why is he talking to the blond genin so much anyway before thinking about how the latter is interesting.
  • Kakashi asks Anko to talk to Sasuke given that, like Anko herself, he was marked with Orochimaru's curse mark. After telling Sasuke everything he needs to know about Orochimaru and his curse mark, she tells him she'll be around the village if he ever wants to talk about it or has questions about it, with him telling her he may have to someday and thanking her.
    • After Anko leaves, Kakashi, who had been hiding nearby in order to let her have a private talk with Sasuke regarding the mark, mentally thanks her and makes a note to thank her in person the next time he sees her.
  • After a training match between Hinata and another Hyuga from the main branch, Hiashi tells his daughter that her style will work given that, among other things, it suits her and he believes she'll use it well. Hinata notices that he's looking at her with pride and she does her best not to cry. Then, after her father tells her "Well done Hinata.", her tears starts to roll down her eyes and she proceeds to run over to Hiashi and hug him. A little awkwardly, he decides to hug his daughter back.
  • Yoshino tells Shikamaru they can take a break if he wants to given how exhausted he is. After a few seconds of silence, he shakes his head and replies they should just keep doing this:
    Yoshino: [thinking and smiling while pulling out a kunai] ...for as much as you complain, Shikamaru, you really are a motivated kid. You're going to be an excellent shinobi, my son.

Chapter 22

  • Hinata tells Hiashi that she came up with a new jutsu and asks his opinion about it. He replies that they can try and work with this, adding that he will help her create it if its creation seems to be plausible. Hinata thanks him while having an excited smile. This makes Hiashi think about how it's been a while since he's seen her this happy and how she's reminding him so much of her mother.
    • Hinata then reveals she already came up with a name for the jutsu, albeit a loose one for now: 'Protection of the Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms'. Hearing this, Hiashi laughs out loud, surprising her. This is followed by him thinking about how it sounds like a perfect technique for the clan and that he hopes he and Hinata can design it.
  • Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru are eating at Ichiraku, discussing what the Third Hokage said regarding the controversial arrival of the Tsuchikage. Shikamaru notes that there was a time where Naruto probably would have snapped alongside the other villagers regarding this news. The Uzumaki boy replies that he's grown up a little, that he can't get mad at Iwa given that they didn't start the war and that Konoha also killed people from Iwa, and that he's even more motivated to become Hokage so that Konoha never gets involved in any war and there would be no more people losing their lives for no reason:
    Shikamaru: [smiling] ...heh, it's like you said: you've grown up Naruto.
    Hinata: [nodding in agreement and smiling widely] I believe in you Naruto-kun. I know you can help Konoha find the peace we need.
    Naruto: Heh... [blushing and rubbing the back of his head] Good to know I have you two to believe in me.
    • Naruto positively exclaims that Hinata will defeat Neji during the third exam. She says "I hope so...", only for Naruto to say "Trust me. I know so.", making her smile.
    • Hinata giggles over seeing Naruto and Shikamaru's usual dynamic and says she missed seeing both of them every day. Both Naruto and Shikamaru agree, with the former pulling his two friends into a hug.
    • For the first time since their month of training began, all three of them have been able to spend time together during an afternoon. This proves to them that, no matter what, they would always be friends with things to do and talk about whenever they're able to be together.
  • After Dosu realizes that it's thanks to Naruto if Kabuto was unable to kill him, he decides to reveal everything he knows about Orochimaru's plans to Jiraiya.

Chapter 23

  • Hinata manages to make her new jutsu work, resulting in her father saying what follows:
    Hiashi: [smiling at her] One day, Hinata, your jutsu will be taught to other Hyūga clan shinobi and will be used to help save their lives. Your name will be going on the jutsu as the creator. You've done an amazing job. I am So Proud of You, and I know your mother would be too.
    • Hearing this, Hinata cries Tears of Joy and once again hugs her father, thanking him. Hugging her back, he tells her she has nothing to thank him for and that she did a good job.
    • Both of them realize that Hanabi was spying on Hinata's training session. Hiashi sternly criticizes her for that, but Hanabi says she just wanted to see her sister's new jutsu. Hinata is surprised to hear that, which is followed by her younger sister, who is usually serious and without emotion, excitedly describing the jutsu like any kid her age would do. Hearing that, Hinata giggles and tells Hanabi maybe she can teach her that new jutsu sometime, much to Hanabi's excitement. Hiashi smiles at seeing his daughters interacting like that. This is the first time since his wife passed away that he and his daughters are having a moment that makes them feel like a family, something he was missing and is glad to have back after six years.
  • Ibiki praises Naruto for all the progress the latter has done during this month of training, telling him he's going to go far in his career as a shinobi and maybe even all the way to Hokage. The proctor even smiles, which the narration describes as a rare sight. In response, Naruto jumps on both Ibiki and Kurenai, hugging them and thanking them while having Tears of Joy and a smile on his face. Kurenai returns the hug while Ibiki, who does not enjoy physical contacts like that and thus does not return the hug, simply pats the genin while still smiling.
  • At the restaurant known as Dangoya, Anko tells her students that she was initially nervous at taking the job of being their sensei, feeling like the Third Hokage pretty much forced her to take that job. But she adds that she had a blast with the three of them, calling them some of the strongest and nicest kids she thinks she's ever met.
    • Anko tells her students that she wanted to get them all something given that the third exam is the following day and that she feels confident they will all succeed. What she got was a new outfit for each of her students. They're all different, aside from having chainmail, holders for weapons, and the kanji for the number 3 on the back that indicate they were part of "the most badass team Konoha has ever had". She tells them they don't have to wear them if they don't want to, but Naruto replies that he loves his new outfit enough to wear it almost every day, Shikamaru admits that the clothes do look good, and Hinata happily thanks her for these outfits that look really comfy. All three of them do a Group Hug to their sensei. The latter yelps in surprise at first, but ultimately accepts the hug from this team she is proud to claim as her own:
      Anko: [tightening the hug] Kick ass tomorrow guys and best of luck. I know you'll all make great chūnin.

Chapter 24

  • Sakura shows some concern towards Naruto before his fight against Risho. While he always annoyed her at the academy, she never saw him as an awful person and recognizes that he was really kind and always trying to be nice to her. Sakura then expresses hope that he doesn't end up at the hospital following his fight, with Kiba agreeing by saying Naruto doesn't deserve that.
  • Witnessing Naruto being a tactician during his fight, Hinata has a slight blush and a large smile on her face:
    Hinata: [thinking]'ve grown so much. I can't wait to see what else you can do!
  • Roto is outraged when he learns that Risho will be removed from his clan if he loses his fight against Naruto. He may not like his teammate much, but he knows how much the Kurogane clan is important to Risho.
  • The normally shy and quiet Hinata loudly cheering for Naruto after his victory:
  • Han hopes that Risho will be okay given what the former learned regarding the Kurogane clan. Roto tells his sensei that he and Kurotsuchi will be there to help Risho if he needs someone:
    Roto: ...heh, if he needs a family, I'm sure my family wouldn't mind him living with us for a while. He doesn't have to accept of course. But I'll be there if he needs help!
    Han: [with a small smile] ...we'll all be there for him.
  • Naruto decides to go talk to Risho. The latter thinks the former just wants to rub salt in the wounds. However, Naruto tells him, among other things, that his clan would be fools to remove him, that he did a good job, and that Naruto would love to spar against him sometime in the future. After the Uzumaki boy leaves, Risho reflects on the former's words and praise while being deep in thought...

Chapter 25

  • As soon as Naruto arrives in the waiting room, Hinata rushes over to him and gives him a hug with enough force that nearly knocks him over. As she tightens the hug, Naruto winces and tells her that her hug is a little too tight, to which she reponds by stopping the hug, blushing, and apologizing. He tells Hinata not to apologize before adding that he could hear her shouting all the way down there in the arena. Her blush seems to brighten in color and she smiles before saying "Well, what can I say? You fought amazingly!"
  • Kurotsuchi says that Risho doesn't deserve the way his clan is treating him. She adds that she'll definitely be there for her teammate if things go bad for him back in Iwa, and that she knows Roto and Han will also help him.
  • Ino is willing to cheer for Shino not just because the latter is on her team, but also because she knows that, deep down, Team 10's opinion on Shino matters to the latter.
  • Ino is frustrated over Shino losing his fight. Asuma tells her that Shikamaru earned his win and that Shino put up a good fight that should make her proud. Thinking about it, Ino smiles and admits that her teammate did great.
    • Asuma is surprised to see both Choji and Ino having such fire and determination over doing better during the next Chūnin Exams. He laughs to himself as he thinks about how much his team keeps surprising him every day and how this moment is one of those moments that make him glad he listened to his father and agreed to take on a genin team.
  • Even though he is definitely glad to have won his fight, Sasuke feels a small pang of guilt over using the Hell Viewing Jutsu on Lee, as he developped a bit of respect for the taijutsu specialist and ultimately attacked the very thing the Uchiha boy respected in his opponent.
  • Kakashi asks Sakura if she's interested to learn the Hell Viewing Jutsu that he taught to Sasuke and maybe some more genjutsu, given that her near-perfect chakra control would make it easy for her to learn genjutsu. Excited over the prospect of becoming an expert in a field and learning this technique that Sasuke just used after feeling outclassed by her crush, Sakura replies "Yes. Of course!" Her sensei smiles at her and tells her they will start the following day after the exams are over.

Chapter 26

  • Kurotsuchi, Shikamaru, and Naruto all encouraging Hinata before her fight.
    • After listening to Naruto's encouragement (which causes the blond genin to blush at her), Hinata quickly gives him a hug, blushing and grinning while doing so. She then asks him to watch her out there and cheer her on, to which he replies with "Of course."
  • Kurenai reveals to Anko that she was planning on picking Hinata up as a genin student and that she was jealous when her best friend became the Hyuga girl's sensei instead. Anko replies with a smile that she can understand that before proceeding to gush over Hinata.
  • Some of the Hyuga elders are having a disagreement: one of them says that he wasn't expecting Hinata to be a match for Neji given that the latter is supposed to be the best of the best of this generation, while another says that Neji is just a member of the branch house and that it's almost insulting that Hinata hasn't won already. However, a third elder says that those comments are just a disservice to both Hinata and Neji as they "are proving to be extraordinary so far", with another elder agreeing with him. It's nice to see there are elders who are supporting the two young Hyuga instead of just one over the other.
  • After seeing Neji using the Eight Trigam Palms Rotation, a jutsu that only members of the main household can learn, Hinata has a reaction that her cousin did not see coming: she's smiling at him. She then explains that he fought back against his fate by learning a technique reserved only for the main household and that he defeated his own destiny.
  • What is Hiashi's reaction while seeing Neji using the Eight Trigam Sixty-Four Palms and Hinata using her new jutsu?
    Hiashi: [thinking] Hinata... Neji... Great things are going to happen from both of you. You are the two best shinobi the Hyūga clan has produced in years.
  • After Hinata wins her fight, Kurenai mentally thanks Anko for helping the Hyuga girl out, while also noting to thank Anko out loud as soon as she would calm down and stop screaming.
  • Naruto yelling "YEAH HINATA-CHAN! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!" after his friend won her fight. Shikamaru looks at Hinata and sees that she is both staring at the waiting area's direction and blushing, indicating that she more than likely heard Naruto's cheers even over the applause coming from the crowd of other people.
    • After Shikamaru and Hinata exchange a thumbs up:
      Shikamaru: [thinking and smiling] Hinata... In all the times we've been friends, I have to say: you've grown up. You're a lot tougher than anyone, even you, gave you credit for. ...Now hopefully you'll realize that yourself.
  • Hinata decides to talk to Neji while the medics are getting ready to escort him to the infirmary. He says that he was wrong about her being a failure and that he was the real failure, having failed to read her fate. She tells him to not talk like that, saying that she used to be a failure and she knew she was one back then, but that she changed because of her friends making her more confident. She continues by saying she has gotten stronger and trained harder than she ever thought she could, resulting in her saying for the first time that she is not the failure she thought she was. Hinata adds that if she was destined to be a failure, then she changed her destiny, that Neji changed his destiny, and that they can change the fate of both branches of the Hyuga clan together, with her eventually starting to have tears while saying that. Neji is so shocked by what she said that he doesn't even notice being carried away to the infirmary. While he's being carried out, Hinata brushes away her tears and smiles at him before telling him "Please... Don't forget that."
  • Hanabi slightly squeals in excitement in response to seeing Hinata winning. She then hopes to become as amazing of a shinobi as her sister when she'll be as old as the latter.
  • As soon as Hinata reaches the waiting area, Naruto gives her a large hug, picks her up, and swings her around while yelling "HINATA-CHAN! CONGRATS!" Naturally, she blushes, but she's also able to put a conscious effort to avoid fainting. After achieving that, Hinata returns the hug and has a large smile on her face. She then thanks him while lying her head on his shoulders.
    • While Naruto and Hinata are talking to each other, Kurotsuchi and Shikamaru share a knowing glance and try to predict when will the Hyuga girl finally confess her feelings to her crush.

Chapter 27

  • Before they reach the battlefield, Kurotsuchi gives a soldier pill to Naruto so that he would be completely ready for their fight given that his fight against Risho very likely made him a little tired or weakened. Naruto is confused and asks her if she wouldn't have a better chance at winning if he was not in his best condition to fight. She replies that such a win wouldn't mean anything and that she prefers to fight her opponents at their strongest. After agreeing with what she said and swallowing the pill, they proceed to trash-talk each other in good fun while making their way towards the battlefield.
  • Watching the fight between Naruto and Kurotsuchi, Risho notices that the two of them seem to be having fun while fighting each other. This is the first time in his life that he sees a fight between Iwa and Konoha that seems truly friendly. Risho also notices that audience members are interested in the fight, not to root for one shinobi over the other, but rather to simply see who will win:
    Risho: [thinking] ...Maybe there is hope for Konoha and Iwa...
  • The Third Hokage, while watching the fight, observes the interaction between Naruto and Kurotsuchi. Judging by those interactions, he thinks these two future Kage would seemingly be able to fully restore relations between Konoha and Iwa like he's been trying to do over the past few years:
    Hiruzen: [thinking and smiling] These two are what their generation needs...
  • Risho hears several people praising Naruto and Kurotsuchi after their fight. He realizes that the people from Konoha are putting aside their feelings for Iwa in favor of respecting Kurotsuchi, despite the war between both villages:
    Risho: [thinking and smiling] ...If they can put the war to the past, then maybe I should to. Naruto's right. [clapping alongside the other people in the audience while still thinking] Good job Kurotsuchi... Good job Naruto.
  • After their fight, Naruto and Kurotsuchi tell each other they will be the best Kage in their respective village, with Kurotsuchi also congratulating the blond shinobi for his victory.

Chapter 28

  • Lee had been beaten by Sasuke when the latter used a genjutsu where not only the green spandex-wearing boy had been easily humiliated by the Uchiha boy, but Gai rejected both his student and his work ethic. At the infirmary however, after learning that Hinata managed to defeat Neji (who up until then had always referred to his cousin as a failure) and that Naruto managed to defeat Kurotsuchi (who is also the Tsuchikage's granddaughter), Lee has Tears of Joy as he realizes that he can accomplish anything thanks to hard work and dedication, vowing to become a genius of hard work like the Uzumaki boy and the Hyuga girl.

    Chapters 29-32: Konoha Crush Arc 

Chapter 29

  • Hinata decides to take care of Kankuro by herself so that Naruto and Han can continue going after Gaara. Naruto is a little uneasy to leave her behind. However, using her adrenaline caused by the invasion, Hinata comes closer to the Uzumaki boy and softly kisses him on his cheek, making his eyes widen exponentially. After the kiss is over, she smiles at him and promises that she'll be fine. Naruto tells Hinata to keep that promise as he doesn't know what he would do if anything happened to her, all while smiling back at the Hyuga girl.

Chapter 31

  • While the bodies of Hasirama and Tobirama are fading away, both of them praise Jiraiya for what he was able to do, with Hashirama saying that the Sannin is truly skilled with fūinjutsu and Tobirama calling him one of the greats of his day.
    • Likewise, Ishikawa tells Onoki it was a joy to see him again and to see how strong the latter has become:
      Ishikawa: I can already tell that Iwa will continue to thrive with you as their leader, and for whoever you choose to succeed you.
      Onoki: [with his grin turning into a sincere smile] I simply am trying to follow your example, Ishikawa-sama.

Chapter 32

  • Naruto, Han, and Roshi talking to Gaara:
    • Naruto and Han tell Gaara that none of them could kill him because they're just like him: jinchuriki who all grew up the same way. Roshi says that, from his own experience, things get better for them. Gaara asks how can they say such things. They reply that things got better when they met people who care about them: For Roshi, it was his best friend, the current Tsuchikage; for Han, it was when he realized his students cared about him; and for Naruto, it was when he met Shikamaru and Hinata:
      Naruto: What makes things better and what makes us strong is that we have people we want to protect. We have friends that give us strength and can help us when we are weak. We have somebody to rely on. They give us our reason to exist.
    • Naruto tells Gaara that it's not too late for him and that he can still find precious people in his life, before adding that the Suna ninja is not a demon, but Gaara. The latter widens his eyes upon hearing that, as he had never consider himself to be anything other than a demon.
    • The Uzumaki boy and the Iwa jinchuriki tell him he can rely on all three of them if he needs somebody to rely on. Han then tells him that he can also rely on "those two Suna ninja" who escorted him, as they seemed very willing to sacrifice themselves and buy him time, and not just for the sake of a mission. This makes Gaara realizes he's talking about Temari and Kankuro.
    • Soon after, Hinata and Shikamaru finally arrive, the former carrying the latter on her back. The first thing Hinata does after getting Shikamaru off her back is to run to Naruto and embrace him in a tight hug, expressing relief that he's okay. The Uzumaki boy hugs her back, expressing relief that she's alright as well. It doesn't take long before the Nara boy joins them for a Group Hug. Observing them, Gaara realizes this relationship is what the other jinchuriki were talking about: the kind of bond with others they think he can obtain.
    • Gaara asks Hinata and Shikamaru if his siblings are still alive. They reply that is the case, with Gaara thanking the two Konoha ninja for telling him that. He then tells the Konoha and Iwa shinobi that he will find his siblings and surrender to the village without fighting. Naruto, Han, and Roshi all smile as the Suna ninja leaves, with Roshi thinking about how Gaara may end up getting saved by Naruto thanks to the latter's words.
  • Gaara finds Kankuro lying down on the ground. The puppeteer is shocked to hear that his brother, who was completely driven by his bloodlust and rage, no longer wants to fight. However, given that Gaara has been defeated, Kankuro is concerned and asks him if he's okay and if their enemies did any damage to him.
    • After picking Kankuro up and while looking for Temari, Gaara tells his brother "I'm glad that you are okay", making the latter widen his eyes. A few minutes later, the puppeteer is finaly able to respond, saying with sincere joy that he's glad his brother is okay too.

    Chapters 33-40: Uzushiogakure Arc 

Chapter 33

  • Following the invasion, Anko decides to visit the gravestones of her late teammates, Mamoru and Himura, talking to them as if like they are there. She talks about her becoming a sensei to a genin team and the Chūnin Exams before mentioning the invasion, as well as the fact that Orochimaru is now dead. She then says that, while relieved that he's dead, she also feels empty given that her curse mark is still there, the damage he did will never go away, and her teammates will never come back. However, from the corner of her eyes, she thinks she saw the spirits of Mamoru and Himura smiling at her, trying to tell her non-verbally "He's gone. That's all that matters. Everything is going to be okay." After rubbing her eyes, Anko sees that the image of her teammates is gone. Smiling, she says that they're right and that she thinks she can finally put things to the side and actually live again. Anko then promises her late teammates that she'll come back more often. While she's leaving, she's unaware of the image of Mamoru and Himura returning and smiling at her.
  • Homura thinks Suna should pay for being involved with this invasion. Hiruzen outright refuses, as he doesn't want Konoha to be involved in another war and points out that Suna had been manipulated by Orochimaru. After Homura leaves the Hokage's office, Koharu tells Hiruzen while smiling that no matter what Homura or Danzo may say, the Sandaime Hokage did well the day prior by saving the lives of Konoha citizens, especially those who wouldn't be able to fight back. Hiruzen smiles in response to what his former teammate said.
  • Naruto is glad that the rest of Team 3 weren't among the invasion casualties. However, while thinking about Hinata, he blushes upon remembering when she kissed him on the cheek, with his mind starting to focus on the Hyuga heiress.
  • At the Hokage's Mansion, Naruto and Dosu meet each other for the first time since what happened at the hospital. Both of them are relieved to see that each other is alright.
    • Dosu asks Naruto if he hates him for being part of Oto. The Uzumaki boy replies that he doesn't, that he was surprised to hear that, but also that Dosu did the right thing by siding against Oto and Orochimaru, resulting in so many lives being saved and Orochimaru being dead. Dosu smiles underneath his bandages:
      Dosu: ...I'm relieved that you don't hate me, Naruto-san.
      Naruto: I couldn't hate you Dosu! Besides everything you did for Konoha, you're my friend. That's not going to change.
      Dosu: [thinking] ... You're my friend too, Naruto. My first real friend, honestly.
    • On the Sandaime Hokage's behalf, Naruto offers a Konoha forehead protector to Dosu, allowing the latter to become a shinobi of Konoha. Dosu is shocked to see that, given all the things he did for Orochimaru. Naruto explains that, since Dosu helped prevent the village from taking a lot of damage during the invasion and turned against Orochimaru, he showed how honorable he is to the point that the Hokage wants him to join Konoha. The Uzumaki boy then calls him a good guy and says he'd be stoked to go on missions with him. With tears coming from his eyes, Dosu takes the forehead protector and put it on his forehead, officially becoming a shinobi of Konoha.
  • Anko being excited over her promotion, going from a tokubetsu jōnin to a regular jōnin.
  • Tayuya is in disbelief when the Sandaime Hokage tells him that there is another Uzumaki in Konoha, namely Naruto. Up until that point while talking with Hiruzen, she was angry and frustrated. But hearing that made these emotions being replaced with shock and hope.
    • The Hokage tells her he wants to help her, if for no other reason than wanting to help Naruto be able to have a family.
  • Kurotsuchi is given a brown flak jacket from Onoki as a result of her being promoted to chūnin. He tells her that she earned it and that he's proud of her. She grins and thanks him before telling him she's glad she managed to make him proud.

Chapter 34

  • Naruto finally learning about his parents:
    • While looking at a picture of Kushina, he says "She's beautiful." This is followed by Hiruzen praising her for the wonderful woman that she was.
    • The Third Hokage explains to Naruto that Minato sealed the Kyūbi inside of his son because he wasn't the kind of man who would ask someone else to offer up their child as sacrifice. Jiraiya comments, among other things, that he thinks Minato knew Naruto could take it and be trusted to contain and prevent the Kyūbi from running amuck in Konoha. With a thumbs up to the Uzumaki boy, the Sannin tells him he has really grown strong. Tears come out of Naruto's eyes as he inwardly asks if his father really had that much faith in him. He then rubs the tears away and smiles a few seconds later:
      Naruto: [thinking] If it was, then I hope I'm making you proud. I promise you: I'll grow tough and keep this village safe from the Kyūbi and anything that would dare threaten it!
    • The Sandaime Hokage reveals to Naruto that Jiraiya is also his godfather. The latter calls himself a "rather shitty godfather" due to not being able to look after his godson properly. However, he is taken by surprise when Naruto crashes into him and hugs him, crying Tears of Joy while doing so:
      Naruto: I-I don't care. I... I have family. I have a family! I'm so happy to meet you!
      Jiraiya: [returning the hug] ... And I am so happy to finally meet you too, Naruto.
  • After the lunch with the newly-appointed chūnin (minus Naruto) is over, Shikamaru comments to Kurotsuchi that even Sasuke, who isn't exactly overly sociable, was pretty cool during the lunch, with the narration stating that the Uchiha boy seemed to have enjoyed himself while interacting with his fellow chūnin.
    • After learning that Kurotsuchi is going to be heading back to Iwa soon, Shikamaru suddenly has the idea of asking her if she would like to come to his house for dinner with his family. She is taken aback by that and starts blushing. The Nara boy blushes himself while he's explaining that he'd like to introduce her to his parents like he did with his friends. She accepts with a smile before heading in direction of her grandfather's residence. After Kurotsuchi leaves, Shikamaru wonders what caused him to ask her that question in the first place.
  • On her way to the Hyuga clan compound, Hinata once again thinks about Naruto and tries her best to avoid blushing. Thinking about when she kissed him on his cheek, the Hyuga girl promises herself to tell her crush how she feels about him the next time they'll be together alone.
  • Naruto and Jiraiya taking the time to reconnect at the former's appartment.
  • Naruto meets Tayuya for the first time. After studying him for a while, she smiles and tells him that she can feel he is an Uzumaki, that their clan is alive, and that she's happy to meet him. Smiling as well, Naruto says he's also happy to meet her and calls her "Tayuya-nee", surprising the latter.
    • Tayuya is unwilling to believe that the Third Hokage is going to let her leave the village to find more Uzumaki. Naruto then makes a long speech to her. He tells her that he is aware she worked with Orochimaru, but that he knows what it's like to grow up without a family and wanting to find one, and that he understands why she would be willing to work with Orochimaru in order to meet her family. Naruto says that he is willing to give her a chance and so will the Hokage, allowing the two Uzumaki to work together and find other members of their clan. Tayuya is then dumbfounded by everything he said. She is unable to rebuke his words as all of them felt sincere to her. She tells him that he is quite special and smiles at him. While shaking hands, Naruto gives his word that he'll do what he can to help rebuild their clan, and Tayuya gives her word that she'll show she can be trustworthy and that she and Naruto will create their clan in Konoha.
  • When Hinata sees Neji for the first time since their Chūnin Exams fight, she is surprised to hear him talk to her with a tone of voice that is not filled with malice like usual, but rather with a more neutral tone that has a slight 'polite' edge to it. She of course has no idea that he learned the truth about his late father Hizashi. Neji then congratulates her about her becoming chūnin. She thanks him and smiles, being happy that his spirit has been uplifted.
    • Hiashi has a conversation with Hinata and Neji, saying he wants them to fix his mistakes and those of all previous head clans so that the Hyuga clan will no longer be two separate clans within one. He is planning to oversee the two young shinobi's training in the skills of their clan, in outside skills, and political training. With Hinata becoming the clan head in the future, Hiashi wants Neji to be her 'right-hand' so they can unite their clan once and for all by wrestling control from the elders. Neji realizes this means the seal of the branch family would be removed. He then questions if this is even possible. Hinata confidently says, while smiling, that it's worth a shot and that they need to fix it together. Remembering that his cousin was able to defy fate by no longer being a failure, to the point of becoming a chūnin, Neji agrees with her, making her smile become wider. Hiashi then warns them that he'll be a ruthless instructor, but only in the hopes that his eldest daughter and his nephew will surpass him and do what he was unable to do. He then smiles and tells them he has faith in their potential.
  • Shikamaru's eyes widen upon seeing Kurotsuchi in a dress, making him realize just how attractive she actually is.
  • After talking with Jiraiya, Naruto is able to have a clearer pictures of who his parents were instead of some blank silhouettes, being joyful to finally learn all about them.
  • Naruto talks to the Kyūbi, wanting to learn more about what happened the day he was born. The Uzumaki boy eventually tells the fox he doesn't think the latter is evil like that. The demon is stunned by what he just heard. Naruto then explains he likes to think he's good at reading people. To him, people like Orochimaru or the two guys who attacked him and his friends at the Tenchi bridge are evil. But with the Kyūbi, there is something else to him. He feels that the fox is an angry person, but also that 'evil' might not be the best way to describe him. Naruto says that he really feels like the demon wouldn't just attack the village and kill his parents, especially his mother, just like that. Surprised by what the Uzumaki boy just said, the Kyūbi finally decides to tell him the truth about that day.
  • Jiraiya and Hiruzen remembering Minato's Wacky Marriage Proposal to Kushina.

Chapter 35

  • The Third Hokage told Naruto that the latter can only share information about his parents to those he deems trustworthy to not spread that information around. Naturally, the Uzumaki boy decided to inform his teammates about it.
    • Naruto tells them he doesn't want them to think differently of him just because of who his parents were. Shikamaru reassures him by saying that, regardless of his lineage, Naruto would always be that same annoying blonde he's known since the academy. The Uzumaki boy sarcastically says "Oh, ha ha. Funny." while smiling at what his friend said.
    • Shikamaru says it's pretty cool that the Yondaime and this 'Kushina' woman were Naruto's parents. As for Hinata, she expresses happiness over the fact that Naruto finally learned who were his parents, causing her crush to blush and thank her.
  • Naruto and Risho meet each other for the first time since their fight. In contrast to their previous interactions, they're on much better terms.
    • Naruto asks Risho if everything is okay. Risho replies that he had a good talk with Rōshi and Han. He mentions that he won't be kicked out of his clan, but his cousin Kusari will damage his reputation. Naruto loudly says that his cousin is an asshole. Kusari glares at the Uzumaki boy after hearing that, causing Risho to laugh and agree with the Konoha chūnin.
    • Risho tells Naruto that he should start preparing himself for their rematch in the future. They fist-bump each other, officially turning their rivalry into a friendly one.
  • Roto gives a book about flowers to Hinata as a gift, making her smile and thank him for it.
  • Shikamaru and Kurotsuchi talk to each other one last time before she leaves. At the end of their conversation, she hugs him and he hugs her back.
  • Hiruzen tells Naruto and Tayuya that they'll go on a mission with Jiraiya to investigate the ruins of Uzushiogakure. Tayuya thinks the Third Hokage wants her to give him her clan's secrets. However, he says that he just wants the traditions of the Uzumaki clan to not be permanently lost, but also that she and Naruto will be free to decide whether the information regarding the Uzumaki clan should be shared with Konoha or be kept a secret. Tayuya is rather surprised to learn that Hiruzen is willing to let her keep secrets about Uzushiogakure if she wants to.
    • Tayuya requests that Karin, who is an Uzumaki from Kusa, comes with them on this mission so that she too can visit their ancestors' village. Hiruzen accepts, much to her surprise once again. Smiling, she tells him that he has her gratitude.
  • Hiashi gives a thirty minute break to Hinata and Neji after an intense training session. The two young shinobi immediately fall to the ground and attempt to rest after hearing the word "break". Hiashi tries his best not to chuckle as their behavior is just like what he and his late brother Hizashi would do when their own father started getting serious with their training.

Chapter 36

  • Naruto is unable to sleep because he keeps thinking about Hinata, having not gotten the chance to talk to her yet about his feelings towards her. Tayuya asks him why he's awake and he shares his problem with his cousin, saying he doesn't know what love really is due to the fact that he had no parents or anyone else to love him while growing up. Thus, he's unsure if he really loves Hinata. Tayuya explains to him, among other things, that when you love somebody, they're important to you and you don't want to see them leave. She also tells him to not stress out too much about it given how important Hinata seems to be to Naruto and that, no matter what the Hyuga girl is feeling for him and what his feelings are for her, they'll probably still be close. Naruto then decides to hug Tayuya and thank her as he really needed to hear something like that. Tayuya, who isn't used to showing physical signs of affection and really dislikes them, decides to return the hug, albeit awkwardly. Surprisingly, she maintains the hug, as she feels there is something comforting about his hug.
    • In turn, Naruto tells Tayuya that she can tell him any problem she has so he can help her with that like she did for him, leading to a conversation about what they will find in Uzushiogakure.

Chapter 37

  • While Naruto, Tayuya, and Karin are looking at a genealogy of the Uzumaki clan, they learn that Naruto's grandfather and Tayuya's grandmother were siblings. This means that Naruto and Tayuya are literally cousins. The blond chūnin grins broadly at his cousin and realizes he really can call her "Tayuya-nee", with the latter smirking in response.

Chapter 38

  • Masakado having a flashback where Kushina as a kid was excited after he showed her that fūinjutsu can create a tornado through some paper, ink, and a little bit of chakra.
    • He ends up having that flashback after Naruto said "Because I don't give up... ever. That's my ninja way, dattebayo." In that flashback, Kushina told him "I'll never give up, dattebane!", making him realize that Naruto is her son. In turn, this is what makes Masakado stop fighting him.

Chapter 39

  • Tayuya is unwilling to forgive Masakado for trying to kill her, Naruto, and Karin. Naruto tries to defend Masakado, to which Tayuya responds by asking the blond chūnin to give her one good reason why she should bother the older Uzumaki. Naruto says Masakado was driven insane after failing to save his village, but what makes Tayuya widen her eyes is when the Uzumaki boy asks her "What if I didn't forgive you? For all the work you did with Orochimaru?" She then asks him why he forgave her and he replies with two reasons: 1. He doesn't want to hate anybody, as hate only clouds people's minds. And 2. He knows she's not a bad person given that she was just trying to find more members of the Uzumaki clan, and thus deserving of a second chance.
    • Tayuya then says that she's not a forgiving person, unlike Naruto, but the latter tells her "You don't have to be me. You just need to understand where Masakado was coming from. I... I don't think you have to fully forgive him. Just don't hate him for what he's done and try to move on from there." After processing Naruto's words for a while, Tayuya looks at both him and Karin, smiling while saying to Karin that she's fine and she just need to think after her cousin asked if everything is okay.
  • Haku giving ginger to Hinata so the latter would no longer be seasick.
    • This is followed by a conversation between them, with Hinata saying she's a shinobi because she wants to protect Konoha, do what she can for the latter, and make herself strong to help the people in her life and protect them. Haku asks her if she has somebody who is precious to her. She thinks about her loved ones, but the image of Naruto lasts the longest in her mind, making her blush as she says his name. Hinata then explains to Haku that Naruto is someone close to her that she has always respected, which is followed by Haku correctly guessing that she also loves him. She says she's planning on telling her crush how she feels about him the next time she sees him, with Haku encouraging her to do so.

Chapter 40

  • Masakado ends up crying while being next to the tombstones of his wife and sons in the graveyards. Naruto and Karin embrace him to help feel better. After standing around awkwardly for a few minutes, Tayuya decides to walk over and put her hand on his shoulder. She makes a speech about how she's always told herself that her parents are waiting for her in the afterlife and that they are proud of her. She then says that Masakado's wife and sons must be feeling the same way and they don't want him to feel like this. She concludes by saying he just needs to keep living and prepare for the day he can see them again. Considering that Tayuya was understandably hostile towards Masakado given that he tried to kill her, Naruto, and Karin, the fact she's saying all those words to make him feel better is a big deal.
    • Masakado is able to stop crying soon after. As he and the younger Uzumaki all go back to the temple, he takes one more look at the graveyards and smiles, thinking about his family:
      Masakado: [thinking] I'll... meet you all soon one day. I promise, that. But for now, I got one last set of duties to do. I got to make sure this new generation of Uzumaki can prosper. My love... and our boys... I love you. And I can't wait to see you one day.

    Chapters 41-52: Kirigakure Civil War Arc 

Chapter 41

  • Haku explains to the Konoha shinobi why he lied about being a merchant and says that he is fighting because he wants to end the fear towards those with a kekkai genkai that plagued his father. He believes that destroying Yagura's vision of Kirigakure might allow the rebellion to come closer to achieving that goal and ending this hatred. Shikamaru comments to Haku that the latter sounds a little like a friend of theirs from Konoha who also wants to destroy hatred. Taking that into account, Haku asks them if they understand what he would be fighting for and why he would be lying to them all. Smiling, Hinata says they understand and also support Haku because he's their friend after all. The boy smiles and has tears in his eyes before saying "I'm... glad you feel that way."
  • After Naruto successfully uses a jutsu he never did before, Masakado tells him while smiling "You've done well, Naruto. You're a true Uzumaki." In response, the blond chūnin hugs him and thanks him for everything. Masakado then says he should be the one to thank Naruto and his cousins, for being alive and for giving him a family again.

Chapter 42

  • When Naruto's group is about to leave Uzushiogakure, Masakado says "It was nice having someone to call family around for the first time in decades." Tayuya then suggests that maybe he could come with her and Naruto to Konoha or with Karin to Kusa. He nervously declines as he has research to do and history to maintain. She says to not stress out about it and that it was just a thought. This is followed by Tayuya hugging him and saying she'll miss him. She also makes it clear that she won't forget when he tried to kill her and her cousins, and that she'll get back at him one day, but Masakado takes it in good fun as he laughs and tells her he'd like to see her try. Soon after, Naruto and Karin decide to join them for a Group Hug.
  • Hinata really does not like Ao due to the fact he took his Byakugan eye from a Hyuga he killed and because he sees jinchūriki as tools. Anko tells her to calm down, but Hinata starts crying while saying she's really trying not to hate him. The jōnin reassures her by saying that it's okay to hate someone, it doesn't make her a bad person, she should stop trying not to hate Ao, and she shouldn't let that hate and anger impact the mission. Hinata stops crying and smiles while saying she promises that she'll try.
    • Dosu tells Hinata that Ao is anti-social and rarely talks, thus everything should be fine if she doesn't engage him. Shikamaru then puts his hand on her shoulder to comfort her and says that he, Dosu, and Anko are here for her if she needs someone to rant to. Smiling again, Hinata then thanks her three teammates for that.
  • Several hours after getting into an angry argument with Ao, Hinata is asked by Dosu if she tried to follow Anko's request and not start anything with that man. She replies that she really tried, but she needed to ask him about his Byakugan eye after he mentioned the Third Shinobi World War, which then developed into the argument. Hinata then says she never felt so much anger for one person before and that it's making her uncomfortable to the point of being scary to her. Dosu suggests to take that anger out on him and be done with it. This is followed by Hinata angrily ranting over Ao, talking about how people like him have ruined the Hyuga Clan and his opinion on shinobi being weapons and jinchūriki being tools. She even goes so far as to use swear words she never used before. After she calms down, Dosu asks her how she feels. Hinata replies that she is feeling better. After Dosu explains that he has a lot of hate and anger within himself and that he has accepted them, she smiles and says she really needed that.
  • Hinata asks a question to Ao regarding the mission. He replies to it, with the two of them being able to talk without getting into another angry argument. Anko is surprised by that and smiles at the Hyuga girl while thinking "... Good job Hinata."
  • Naruto sighs in relief when Hiruzen confirms that the former is part of the army that will go to Kirigakure, as that means he'll be able to help his friends and make sure they're safe.

Chapter 43

  • Hinata convincing Utakata of not killing Ao by pleading him to show people who have been seeing him as a monster that he's not one.
  • Hinata telling Hotaru while smiling that the latter is really strong and that she admires her determination. Hotaru smiles back and thanks her for those words.
  • Dosu explains to Misora that not every decision is based on what's most logical and can instead be based on emotions. Using the fact she was able to become a shinobi despite being blind as an example, he says she should stop appealing to logic and instead appeal to Utakata's emotions in order to convince him to work with the rebels. Misora gives it some thoughts and says she will try that. She then thanks Dosu and tells him they should have more discussions like that as it would be beneficial for both of them, making the former Oto shinobi blush.
  • Utakata ultimately decides to join the rebels after witnessing how much Hinata and Misora were willing to continue fighting despite how exhausted they were at the end of their fight against him.
  • Knowing how much she hates him and the fact she saved him from Utakata, Ao asks Hinata why would she care if he lived or died. She explains that he's a person too and a comrade for the moment. He has people to fight for and who want him back home. Thus, she can't let him die if she can do something to help him. After processing her thoughts, Ao then says he owes her for saving his life and thanks her. Then, for the first time since she developped an intense hatred towards him, Hinata smiles at him.
  • Misora is so happy to learn that Utakata has decided to help the rebels that she appears to be in near tears.

Chapter 44

  • After being teased at the end of the previous chapter, Naruto is finally reunited with his teammates after eight chapters.
    • His teammates are all excited to see him again, but Hinata is by far the most excited while having a large grin on her face. The first thing Naruto does upon arriving next to his friends is to nearly tackle the Hyuga girl and give her a deep hug, to which she returns while blushing.
    • Naruto simply gives a high five to the others, with Anko exclaiming in mock-lamentation that he seems to be favoring Hinata if he's not willing to give to the rest of them a hug as well. However, the jōnin widens her eyes upon seeing Naruto blushing at her comment. She then has a large grin when he blushes even further, making her realize that he "finally gets it!" In her mind, she can't help but being excited over him and Hinata being a couple.
  • At some café in Kibō, Naruto tells his teammates what happened to him during his own B-rank mission. The narration notes that Hinata's smile has not faded ever since she was reunited with him earlier that day.
  • Both Naruto and Honoka are surprised when Hinata introduces them to each other and says they're both Uzumaki. Soon enough, that surprise turns into excitement as the two Uzumaki hug each other.
    • Honoka is even more excited when Naruto says he has met three other Uzumaki, giving her hope that maybe there is enough Uzumaki for their clan "to become a thing again!" Naruto then calls her "Honoka-nee". She almost sheds some Tears of Joy in response, although she prevents herself from doing so just to keep her reputation as someone who doesn't cry.
  • The moment NaruHina fans have been waiting for is here as Naruto and Hinata are finally able to have a private talk with each other:
    • Naruto brings up when Hinata kissed him before her fight against Kankuro. She explains why she did this and says "If that bothered you, then-", only for the Uzumaki boy to interrupt her by saying "It didn't bother me! At all!" She looks at him in surprise upon hearing that.
    • Naruto has a hard time expressing his feelings to Hinata. She is worried that he might be trying to be polite by claiming the kiss didn't bother him when it did, and that maybe he's trying to find a way to tell her he doesn't reciprocate her feelings. Eventually, he decides to stop thinking as it causes him too much stress and to simply say what he's feeling without any second thought, resulting in:
      Naruto: [loudly] I like you, okay?
      [Hinata openly gaps at her crush.]
      Hinata: ... What?
    • He explains that he had a lot of time during his B-rank mission to think about what had happened and what she means to him. He says that he always thought she was amazing because she and Shikamaru were the only two people to believe in him at the academy and to try to talk to him. He adds that he realized how he truly felt after that kiss on the cheek and he talked to some people about his feelings. Meanwhile, she has a hard time believing this is all real, expecting him to say "Just kidding" or something to indicate she is dreaming. She also never expected him to reciprocate her feelings and to be the one to confess first. She keeps thinking there is no way this is happening. But a small voice in the back of her head tells her otherwise. With each passing moment, her belief that he has feelings for her becomes stronger and her happiness grows further.
    • He continues by saying:
      Naruto: I don't really know exactly what my feelings are. I... I'm bad with stuff like this. I don't know if this is love or not.
      [Hinata's eyes widen upon hearing the word 'love'.]
      Naruto: What I do know, though, is that you are important to me. You mean the world to me and... I really, really like you. So... I was wondering if you would want to help me realize exactly what I feel and maybe, I don't know... go out with me?
    • He winces at saying "go out with me", berating himself for sounding so insincere and for asking her that even though there's this possibility she doesn't reciprocate his feelings. However, she pulls him into a tight hug. Finally believing he has feelings similar to her own, she has Tears of Joy before saying:
      Hinata: Naruto-kun... I like you too.
      Naruto: [shocked] H-Hinata?
      Hinata: I... I've always had feelings for you since the day we met in the academy. I didn't know what it was for a while, but I know now how I feel. And I'm more than willing to be by your side and help you realize your own feelings. Because you are special to me. [brushing away her tears and breaking their hug momentarily] You've always been there in my life, making me more confident and feeling like I can do anything. I've become a much stronger person thanks to being on your team. I'm now a strong enough person... that I can finally admit to you that I love you!
    • This is immediately followed by Hinata kissing Naruto on his lips! His reaction is to widen his eyes in shock before returning the kiss not too long afterwards and hugging her. The two of them then close their eyes and enjoy each other while forgetting the world around them.
    • After what seemed like an eternity, they end their kiss. Both Naruto and Hinata are blushing and smiling at each other, with the Hyuga girl commenting in amazement that they need to do that again. The Uzumaki boy chuckles and replies "You're telling me.", causing her to stick out her tongue playfully.
  • Naruto and Hinata are eating together at some ramen stand. The narration indicates that, even though they just confessed their feelings to each other, they are still interacting the same way as before. The only difference is that they are seemingly enjoying their time together even more, seemingly being 'closer'.
    • Other customers at the ramen stand notice their interaction and their closeness. One of them, Jinin Akebino, tells one of the attendants that he wants to cover the check for these two kids, surprising the attendant given how much ramen Naruto has been eating. The attendant asks him what he should tell to the two Konoha shinobi to explain why somebody decided to pay for their meal, and Jinin replies that he's some old guy who saw them having fun and wanted them to keep having fun, as he was reminded by them what it was like to have a meal with somebody you love.
    • Not knowing who the man who paid for their meal was, both Naruto and Hinata express a desire to find him and pay him back. The two of them are also Holding Hands when they express that. Neither of them is certain who first decided to hold the other's hand, but they have no intention of breaking it.
  • After Naruto arrives at the meeting, Anko nearly squeals when she guesses that he and Hinata finally got together.

Chapter 45

  • Hinata can't help but be worried about Shikamaru going on a mission that will very likely be dangerous. Naruto reassures her by putting his hand on her shoulder and saying that their friend will be fine given how ressourceful he is. She smiles at the Uzumaki boy and thank him in response.
  • Before going their separate ways to their respective training, Naruto suggests to Hinata while grinning that they should try and get dinner again later that night (given how much fun they had the previous night) while also suggesting a spar session between the two. She agrees to both ideas while grinning back.
  • Hinata meets Jinin Akebino, who was supposed to do some training for himself but instead decides to help her with her jutsu. She asks him why he's helping her instead of doing his training. He replies that she's young and has a lot of life to live, adding that she can still do a lot of things people are supposed to do when they get older and that he ended up missing on. Thus, if he can help even one person to survive this war and a few other things they may need to survive in order to live an actual life, then he'll be happy. Noticing a sense of bitterness in Jinin's voice, Hinata agrees to let him help her if it helps him with his sorrow.
  • Haku explains his dilemma to Shikamaru: As far as he is aware, he is the only person alive with the Ice Release kekkei genkai and he feels it is his duty to pass on that bloodline to the next generation by having a biological child with a woman. However, he's not attracted to women and would prefer to be in a relationship with his friend Kiri. Eventually, Shikamaru tells him this:
    Shikamaru: I know you want to think about that stuff after the war is over, but just do whatever makes you happy. It doesn't matter if that means living the life you want or continuing your clan. Just do what makes you happy in the end and what will make you happy in the long run. You're a good guy, Haku, and you deserve to have a good life.
    • Haku smiles in response to what Shikamaru said and tells him he really appreciates that. He then wishes the same happiness to the Nara boy and hopes that the latter will find somebody. This is followed by Shikamaru briefly thinking about Kurotsuchi, blushing while thinking about her. He then falls asleep and, thanks to that brief image, the Iwa shinobi is able to come into his dreams. He then has a smile while sleeping.

Chapter 46

  • In the middle of the night, Naruto and Hinata find Shikamaru doing some training instead of sleeping. He's training because he wants to avoid failing another mission that would result in the death of innocents, just like what happened in Chishio. However, by shoving his friend with little effort, Naruto points out that the Nara boy is too exhausted to continue training and should go back to sleep. Shikamaru says that he can't sleep because, every time he closes his eyes, he always sees the faces of all five hostages who died, including the eight years-old girl known as Mari. Naruto then suggests that maybe the three of them should be sleeping together that night. That way, if Shikamaru has any nightmare and sees or hears anything, he can wake up Naruto and Hinata and they'll be there for him:
    Naruto: We're here for you Shikamaru and I want to make sure you know that.
    Shikamaru: I'd rather-
    Hinata: I agree with Naruto-kun. Shikamaru-kun, he's right. We're your friends. And we'll always be there for you when you need us.
    • At first, Shikamaru doesn't know what to say. However, knowing that he needs to sleep and being comforted over the idea of having his friends by his side, he accepts Naruto's suggestion.
  • After spending three hours training Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru, Jiraiya tells them they are going to be some of the best shinobi Konoha has seen and that they'll get their jutsus done in just a little bit. Given how much of a skilled ninja the Sannin is, all three members of Team 3 smile at his praise.
  • Naruto once again calls Jiraiya "Ero-sennin", to which his godfather responds by shouting to stop calling him that. Hinata giggles at that, but Shikamaru, who hasn't been in a good mood following his mission in Chishio, makes a small snort. His teammates look at him upon hearing that snort before smiling:
    Hinata: [thinking] You're still struggling, but you seem like you're getting better Shikamaru-kun... what a relief.
  • While eating at a ramen stand alongside his friends, Naruto explains that he's worried about their mission regarding Kirigakure, but also that he's excited given that, if they succeed with their mission, they could end up doing something really good for the world by changing history in this land for the better. Shikamaru then brings up when Naruto stated he wanted to bring peace to the Elemental Nations as Hokage:
    Shikamaru: Then let's start with this mission. Let's create peace for Mizu no Kuni. [looking directly at Naruto in the eye] And I want this to continue from here. The day you become Hokage... I want to be at your side in some way. I want to be doing whatever mission I can do to bring peace. Wherever you need me to be, whatever you need me to do... I'll do anything.
    Naruto: [smiling] Shikamaru...
    Shikamaru: I mean it. I... I won't get over that mission, I don't think. So I want to make sure that not a single place in the Elemental Nations will go through something like that ever again.
    Hinata: I'll be by your side too, Naruto-kun, Shikamaru-kun. I... I think we can do it. I think we can do anything if we have each other.
    Naruto: Hinata-chan... [beaming while getting up from his chair and pulling his two friends into a Group Hug] We'll do it. We're going to change this world for the better!
    • After that, the rest of the time they spend while eating is filled with light-hearted topics where they would chat and laugh at anything that would come to their mind. For the first time since Shikamaru came back from his mission, the three are behaving like the group that they were back in Konoha.
  • Shikamaru taking the time to comfort Haku about the mission they had in Chishio after noticing the troubled look on his face.

Chapter 47

  • When Mei comments to Utakata that it's interesting to see that he cares about Hotaru's survival so much:
    Utakata: Of course I do. I don't want her to die. She's special to me.
    • After Utakata tells Mei that she's misinterpreting his relationship with Hotaru, Mei says, among other things, that she knows the signs and that she's pretty certain something may develop between him and Hotaru after the war. He then blushes, making Mei laugh as this seems to confirm her theory.
  • Hinata expresses some worries over Naruto possibly dying during the invasion that will happen the following day, telling him, while trying to resist the urge to cry, to be careful as she doesn't want to find out that he died in battle. Looking at his girlfriend, Naruto reaches for her hand with his right one and she immediately holds onto it. The Hyuga girl then says she shouldn't worry because he'll be with Mei and Utakata and he is one of the strongest people she has ever met, but she can't help herself as she doesn't know what she would do if something were to happen to him. She says that while letting her tears fall from her closed eyes. Naruto promises that nothing will happen to him, adding that he never goes back on his promises, before kissing her. Hinata's eyes widen in surprise before she kisses him back while calming down. After their kiss is over, he smiles at her and she smiles back, willing to trust her boyfriend over that promise.
    • This is followed by Naruto asking Hinata to also make the promise of being safe during the invasion. He gives her a sealing parchment he made for her in case she's ever in trouble. Gripping the seal tightly, his girlfriend promises him that she'll be safe.
    • Hinata yawns, indicating she'll fall asleep soon enough. She says to Naruto while smiling that she had too much on her mind, but talking to him made her feel better.
    • After Hinata falls asleep while lying on the grass, Naruto smiles and picks her up bridal style, wanting to bring her back to her sleeping bag. However, he has no idea where her sleeping bag is and asks her where is it. Because she's asleep, his girlfriend gives no answer and, seemingly more comfortable, she positions her body closer to him, making the latter blush. Ultimately, he decides to bring her to the cave where he is sleeping and to put her in his sleeping bag while he'll be sleeping on its outside. Looking at the sleeping Hyuga girl, Naruto smiles and gives her a small kiss on her forehead before saying "Goodnight Hinata-chan." She is smiling in her sleep while he continues to smile at her before looking serious:
      Naruto: [thinking] ...Hinata, I'll be careful tomorrow. Just please... be safe as well.

Chapter 49

  • After Haku explains how he managed to attack Karitoriki's vulture, Kiri says to Haku while smiling "You're awesome, you know that right?" Haku smiles and blushes at that comment before thanking Kiri.

Chapter 51

  • While talking with the Sanbi, Naruto says that nobody, not even the Sanbi or the Kyūbi, should grow up like how Yagura did. The Sanbi asks Naruto why he would care so much about him and Kurama, seeing how these two are the root cause of the Uzumaki boy and Yagura's sufferings. The blond chūnin replies, among other things, that nobody deserves a life like that, and that the demons have suffered by being sealed up in some jinchūriki and having to watch the same sad life multiple times. He adds that the bijū may have suffered more than anyone else. The Sanbi looks at Naruto in amazement after hearing that and laughs as it reminds him of his own father. He then smiles and tells the Uzumaki boy to call him Isobu, making the Konoha chūnin widen his eyes and smile brightly in response.
  • The Kyūbi is taken aback when Naruto asks him to take full control of his body. The Uzumaki boy tells him it's so they can free Yagura and Isobu from Madara's control. Naruto is also willing to trust Kurama into giving him back his body when this is over. The Kyūbi is so stunned by this that he doesn't even correct the Uzumaki boy when he calls the fox by his real name. Taking into account the fact that his host met Isobu and even called the latter by his name, Kurama agrees to Naruto's request.
  • After Madara has been defeated, Kurama can sense that Naruto is genuinely happy that both Yagura and Isobu are free.
    • Kurama is tempted to keep control of Naruto's body for a little while longer. However, not only does he know that the Uzumaki boy will eventually get control back, but there's also the fact that:
      Kurama: [thinking] The kid... He put his trust in me. [his smile growing a little wider] He shouldn't have. I've made it no secret what I feel about him. But he did it anyway. Because he valued Yagura's life and Isobu's life. He'd risk it all just for a chance to do good. [doing a small chuckle] Heh. He even reminds me of my old man in a way. It's that same damn drive to do good in this world.
    • When Kurama and Naruto are leaving Yagura's mindscape, the Uzumaki boy thanks the Kyūbi. The latter chuckles and tells the former that he can call him by his real name if he wants to, a stark contrast to his past reactions.
  • Before she falls into unconsciousness, Mei has Tears of Joy over the fact that not only Yagura is both free and still alive, but also that the Civil War is over.

Chapter 52

  • Naruto wakes up in a hospital room and learns from Sugita Doku that he's been in a coma for three days. The Uzumaki boy tries to ask the medical-nin about his friends, but Sugita keeps interrupting him and tells him Mei wanted to talk to him as soon as he woke up. Naruto sighs and goes back to his room to get himself ready to meet Mei, only for Sugita to tell him a few things: the Konoha shinobi are fine; his friends are alright; they've been visiting him multiple times every day; and Sugita will send him to them once the meeting with Mei is over. The blond chūnin has a relieved smile after hearing all of that.
  • Naruto enters the Mizukage's Office, reuniting with Mei, Utakata, and Jiraiya. The former two smile at Naruto, while the Sannin rushes over and hugs him, clearly being relieved and joyful to see his godson conscious again.
    • Both Mei and Utakata express how thankful they are to Naruto for what he's done during the Civil War.
    • A Kirigakure shinobi arrives in the office and tells Mei that both the mayor of Kibō and Hotaru have arrived. Utakata smiles at the mention of the latter's name, while Mei notices his reaction and smiles as well. The two of them share a look and the Mizukage nods in understanding, indicating that he can leave and reunite with his companion.
  • Naruto arrives in front of the room his friends are staying in at the inn and knocks at the door. Hearing no response, he knocks once more and hears Anko saying "We're coming, we're coming. Just wait a second!" He chuckles and says "Take your time." Some loud, quick movement could then be heard and, almost instantaneously, the door opens to reveal Hinata, whose eyes are widened in surprise while she's looking at Naruto. The Uzumaki boy smiles at her and asks her how she is, but he's interrupted by a tight hug from his girlfriend, who's relieved to see him finally awake. He winces in response to her hug and she slightly loosens her grip, which is followed by him returning the hug:
    Hinata: [happy and smiling brightly at him] You're awake. You're finally awake. I was getting worried, Naruto-kun! I'm so glad you're finally awake and well!
    • After their teammates appear, Anko expresses how glad she is that Naruto is alright, while Dosu praises the latter for how strong he is by saying other people would have been in the hospital for longer if they had been in his shoes during the Civil War.
    • Naruto is about to shake hands with Shikamaru, only to be taken by surprise when the latter hugs him instead. The Uzumaki boy quickly returns the hug while his friend has a small smile:
      Shikamaru: [quietly] I'm glad you're alright Naruto. We all are.
  • After talking about Yagura to his friends, Naruto decides to change the subject and asks them if there is anything good to eat in Kiri. What follows is a relaxed conversation between all of them that the Uzumaki boy is able to enjoy, especially after the war preparations and the invasion.
  • At a restaurant while waiting for their bags of food, Shikamaru tells Naruto and Hinata that he took pleasure in killing Karitoriki. However, he sees himself as a hypocrite given that Karitoriki himself also took pleasure in killing the hostages. He feels like some kind of monster for letting revenge guide him. Naruto tries to tell him he's not a monster, only for Shikamaru to say that he keeps hearing Karitoriki's voice telling him that he's just like him. Eventually, the Nara boy is interrupted when Hinata slaps him. He looks at her in surprise and fright, while she looks at him with a determined glint in her eyes:
    Hinata: Shikamaru-kun, you are not like him. You are not like Karitoriki at all and you know that.
    Shikamaru: [quietly] H-How do you know that?
    Hinata: For starters, I can tell that already from the fact that this is a concern to you. Based on everything I had heard about Karitoriki, he wouldn't regret making a kill out of revenge. You're worried about this; you're worried about potentially being a monster. I think that concern itself shows you aren't one.
    • No matter what his friends are saying, Shikamaru keeps thinking over the fact he enjoyed killing Karitoriki. Eventually, Naruto asks Shikamaru if he would see the former as a monster for wanting to kill Madara, given that a part of Naruto probably would enjoy doing so for everything the Uchiha has done. The Nara boy thinks about it for a moment before shaking his head:
      Shikamaru: I wouldn't. You wouldn't be a monster.
      Naruto: But why? I just said I'd enjoy killing him.
      Shikamaru: Because that's not why you would be killing him.
      Naruto: Right. So why would you think of yourself a monster then? Because everything you said about me applies to you!
    • After this exchange, the trio remain silent for a moment until their bags of food are ready. Hinata pays for the food before they leave with the bags. The conversation continues as the Hyuga girl says:
      Hinata: We mean it, Shikamaru-kun. You aren't a monster like Karitoriki. You're a brave shinobi and someone I'm honored to call one of my best friends. And Naruto-kun and I will always be here for you.
      Naruto: [nodding and smiling] Always.
    • Upon hearing this, Shikamaru stops walking and has tears in his eyes while smiling brightly at his friends:
      Shikamaru: [quietly] I... I'll try and tell myself. I'm glad I have you two with me.
    • After Naruto asks "What are best friends for?" while chuckling, Shikamaru replies with a chuckle of his own that he always thought they were just there to whine about him being lazy and drag him into troublesome situations. The Uzumaki boy then exclaims while laughing "Ha! There's the Shikamaru I know!" The laughter becomes infectious as both Hinata and Shikamaru also end up laughing. While making their way back to the inn, the air in the conversation becomes much lighter. Naruto and Hinata notice that Shikamaru's mood has improved, making their smiles become even wider.
  • While trying to sleep, Naruto notices that Shikamaru is tossing and turning in his bed while having a troubled expression, indicating that he's probably having a nightmare. The Uzumaki boy soothingly rubs his friend's body with his right hand, slightly calming down the Nara boy. Naruto tries to find something that could help Shikamaru. He then grins after getting an idea. He writes a message and summons Gamakichi, telling him to give the message to someone in particular...
    • Near the end of the chapter, Gamakichi comes back and gives a piece of paper to Naruto, who then gives it to Shikamaru. The latter reads it and is surprised to see it comes from Kurotsuchi. She says in that note that Naruto told her the Nara boy wasn't feeling like his "normal, lazy self recently" because of some recent events without elaborating what exactly happened. The rest of the note consists of her praising Shikamaru for, among other things, being a great shinobi, a smart guy, and a nice person who really does care about others. She adds that things happen on missions, but what's important is how one grows from these experiences, becoming tougher in the process. He's already a tough, smart guy and he will become even greater in her opinion. She thinks he'll do whatever he needs to do in order to grow and keep people safe because he's a good person who puts others before himself. She has no idea when they'll see each other again, but she hopes he will be okay by then. Kurotsuchi tells him to not let "whatever any douchebag said or whatever happens" get him down. She then concludes by saying he's a great person and a great friend she's lucky to have known before calling herself his loyal friend.
    • Shikamaru rereads the note multiple times in a row. By the sixth time he has read it, he realizes he has tears in his eyes and puts the note in his pocket. After calling Kurotsuchi a troublesome girl, he wonders why does she have so much faith in him and what did he do to deserve that. Even though she's not present, he can guess that she would reply with "Because you're you. You're a good guy, Shikamaru." In his mind, he thanks her while smiling. The narration then notes that said smile did not go away for the rest of the day.
  • While standing next to Jinin's grave, Hinata meets Ao again. They talk about Jinin before remaining quiet for a moment while looking at his grave. Five minutes later, Hinata decides to leave, only for Ao to tell her that if Jinin wanted her to live, than she should live in his honor. The Kiri shinobi explains that he tells himself that he is living for every shinobi he knew who passed away during a war and that she should try and do the same. The Hyuga girl says that she will before leaving. While walking away, she repeats Ao's words and Jinin's final words in her mind before having a small smile:
    Hinata: [thinking] I'll... I'll live in your honor, yes. I'll enjoy life to its fullest for as long as I can.
  • Shikamaru finds Haku in front of the hospital, hugging Kiri. After they stop hugging, Kiri goes inside the hospital, while Haku is smiling to himself. Shikamaru smirks before asking the Kiri shinobi if he and the medical-nin are a thing yet. His friend widens his eyes and blushes before replying that he has no idea what the Nara boy is talking about. The Konoha shinobi brings up that one conversation they had and asks Haku if the latter finally made his decision regarding Kiri. Blushing further, Haku replies with "M-Maybe. I'm s-still not certain wh-what I plan on d-doing about that." The Nara boy then says he hopes the Kiri shinobi will find out soon as he deserves to have happiness. Haku smiles at Shikamaru and thanks him as what the latter said means a lot to the former.
  • Naruto is a bit disappointed that Honoka decided to remain in Kiri instead of coming to Konoha. Noticing his disappointment, she tells him that not only will he always have family in Kiri, but the Uzumaki were a clan that had spread out around the world. They can establish the clan in their respective villages, thus there will be two strong Uzumaki clans that can show the whole world just how powerful the Uzumaki clan is. This manages to please Naruto as he grins and nods in understanding. Hinata then says with a smile that the Uzumaki clan will grow and that she's willing to do whatever it takes to help them find more of their family around the world. Naruto thanks her and smiles at her in response.
  • Naruto's conversation with Yagura after the latter wakes up, as the Konoha shinobi tries to cheer up the former Mizukage by saying, among other things, that it wasn't his fault regarding the stuff that happened during the past twelve years, but rather Madara's fault.
  • The following day, Naruto has another conversation with Yagura, with the former once again trying to cheer up the latter. The Uzumaki boy tells the former Mizukage that he should just try and be happy, saying "We all deserve the right to be happy." Yagura says he doesn't know if he can be fully happy again, but he'll try, which is all Naruto is asking for.
    • Naruto asks Yagura how is Isobu going, doing so on behalf of Kurama who wanted to know. The former Mizukage replies that Isobu is doing alright. The Uzumaki boy says while chuckling that he's sure a certain fox is glad to hear that. Naruto then hears a growl in his head, but he can also tell that, despite this grumpy reaction, Kurama is pleased to learn that Isobu is fine.
    • Yagura asks Naruto to tell him a little bit more about himself, wanting to learn more about the blond shinobi. The Uzumaki boy says he doesn't really have much to say, only to get excited when he decides to talk about Hinata and Shikamaru, starting with the day they all became friends.
  • At a ramen stand, Naruto talks to Hinata about his conversation with Yagura. Blushing, she's surprised to learn her boyfriend talked about both her and Shikamaru with the former Mizukage. The Uzumaki boy mentions that he talked about her in particular for about an hour, making her blush slightly.
    • Naruto panics over the fact he has to ask for Hiashi's permission to date Hinata, given that he could always say no. The Hyuga girl reassures the Uzumaki boy by saying her father will understand what her boyfriend means to her and that he will be supportive. This makes Naruto sigh in relief and smile at her.
  • Mei and the other people from Kiri thanking the Konoha shinobi before the latter leave to return home.
    • Before Anko's group leaves alongside the other Konoha shinobi, Misora tells them to wait before she runs up to Dosu, embraces him in a hug, and kisses him on the cheek:
      Misora: [smiling] Hopefully we'll see each other again soon someday.
    • His visible eye widening in complete surprise, Dosu seems unable to have any response after Misora rushes back, snapping out of it only when Anko says they should be following the rest of the Konoha shinobi.
    • Dosu explains to the others that he confessed his interest towards Misora the last time he met her:
      Dosu: She said she had feelings for me, but she wanted to think about them in more detail before coming to a conclusion. That was two days ago.
      Naruto: [teasingly] Looks like she came to her conclusion.

    Chapters 53-56: Nami no Kuni Arc 

Chapter 53

  • At the Hokage's Office, Anko tells Hiruzen she stands by her actions that resulted in Konoha being involved with the Kirigakure Civil War, saying that she would have done them again even if things didn't go as positively as they did. The Hokage says that he understands and respects that. He also says that while they could spend time thinking about hypotheticals regarding that war, he will instead focus on all the things that went right before congratulating her for a job well done. Anko thanks him while proudly smiling.
    • This is followed by Hiruzen congratulating Hinata, Shikamaru, Dosu, and Naruto for what they've done, stating that some promotions for them may come sooner than later.
    • When Naruto expresses concerns over not having paid the rent to his apartment before it was due, Hiruzen reassures him by saying he took care of it. However, much to Naruto and his teammates' surprise, the Hokage moved the blond ninja's stuff to a new location: the Uzumaki Clan estate.
  • Naruto widens his eyes and smiles upon realizing that the Uzumaki Clan estate is also the place where his mother grew up after she moved to Konoha:
    Naruto: [thinking] I'm home, Mom.
    • While in the first building, Naruto hears the sound of someone playing a flute. He grins as he correctly guesses who is playing that instrument. Making his way to a bedroom, he sees Tayuya in there and calls out her name. At first, she's annoyed because his shout made her mess-up and produce an incredibly sharp note, but she then grins when she realizes who she's talking to before they briefly hug each other.
    • Naruto gets excited when he sees Masakado and basically tackles him into a hug. The older Uzumaki man is taken aback by that before smiling and returning the hug.
    • When Masakado is about to give a tour of the estate to Naruto and his teammates, Hinata suggests to her boyfriend while smiling that he could tell Masakado and Tayuya about Honoka. Upon hearing that, the blond ninja exclaims "Ah! You're right Hinata!" while grinning.
  • At Ichiraku, Hinata expresses how glad she is that Naruto has more family in Konoha, while Shikamaru comments that he now has a clan estate too:
    Naruto: Family... [a small smile developing on his face] I got family, yeah. I have people I can come home to.
  • Once again, Shikamaru is reminded of what Karitoriki said to him. However, he soon remembers what Kurotsuchi wrote in her letter and smiles about it, allowing him to stop thinking about the bloodline executioner.
    • This is followed by his reunion with his parents, with the three of them being quite relieved to be reunited after Shikamaru had to deal with the Civil War.
  • At the Hyuga estate, Hinata is reunited with her father. The latter expresses his relief over seeing her unharmed after her mission. She thanks him and pulls him into a hug, with Hiashi hugging her back:
    • Naruto smiles at that sight and considers leaving the room to let them finish this moment, although the two Hyuga end up breaking their hug before he could do so.
    • After taking a deep breath, Naruto asks Hiashi if he would have the latter's permission to date Hinata. Hiashi's eyes widen ever so slightly before the blond ninja continues:
      Naruto: I know you are a traditional person, so I wanted to ask you. Hinata-chan is very important to me. She has always been since the day we first became friends and it's only grown over time. [turning his attention towards Hinata's face, with his smile growing a little wider] It took me sometime to really piece together my feelings. I... I wasn't the best with identifying what my feelings were. But after being away when I went to Uzushiogakure and reuniting with her back in Mizu no Kuni, I finally figured them out. [turning his attention back to Hiashi and bowing slightly] Your daugther means everything to me and, if you are willing, I would really love the honor of being her boyfriend.
    • Hinata is so touched by what her boyfriend said that she has to resist the urge of rushing over and giving him a kiss while in her father's presence.
    • Hiashi closes his eyes and thinks about it for a moment. When he opens his eyes:
      Hiashi: [nodding] I approve of this.
      Naruto: [grinning] You do?
      Hinata: Thank you father! [clapping her hands together for a moment before hugging her father once again]
    • Hiashi asks Hinata if she could rush to the kitchen and get some tea that's already prepared. She agrees and thanks him once again while smiling brightly. When she rushes out of the room, there's an extra 'skip' to her step. All of that really shows how overjoyed she is that her father is allowing Naruto to be her boyfriend.
    • While Hinata is in the kitchen, Hiashi has a discussion with Naruto about her. The Hyuga tells the blond ninja that the Hyuga elders will not make life easy for Hinata while she grows as a shinobi and potentially into her position of taking over the clan. However, one thing Hiashi noticed is that Naruto has been a great source of confidence to her ever since they became friends. Thus, there's only one thing he asks to the Uzumaki boy if the latter wishes to date his daughter, which is to be by her side. That way, she can remain as strong and confident as possible in order to achieve her goals:
      Hiashi: Please, if you care for her, stay with her and comfort her if she ever needs it.
      Naruto: [immediately nodding] I promise. I meant everything I said; Hinata means the world to me. I'll always be by her side when she needs me.
      Hiashi: [having a small smile] I believe that. You are a fine man Naruto and I can tell you are going to be an even better shinobi. Take care of my daughter.
      Naruto: [returning the smile] I will.
  • Sasuke is shocked when he realizes that Naruto is a jinchūriki whose demon is the Kyūbi after the blond ninja says that he can't take pride in killing someone like him, in this case Yagura. Naruto then explains it was hard for him to "kill" the former Mizukage given that they had similar lives. After hearing that, Sasuke doesn't say anything for three minutes. But just when Naruto is about to leave:
    Sasuke: ... So you've always been strong then, huh?
    [Naruto stops walking off and looks at Sasuke in confusion.]
    Sasuke: I've seen the way some of the villagers treated you growing up. I had assumed it was for some pranks you did or something and that you probably deserved it. But it's over something like being a jinchūriki? Something you had no fault in? And something that you're doing that should technically be seen as an honor? [smiling at Naruto] If I was hated for that reason, I don't think I'd be able to contain myself. I'd call out the people on their bullshit. You clearly have strength if you can resist that urge.
    Naruto: [smiling] Heh. In fairness, I only learned about the reason why when we graduated from the academy.
    Sasuke: [still smiling] My point stands, though. The fact that you still want to be Hokage for a village like this says something about you.
    Naruto: [his smile growing wider] Thanks Sasuke.
    • Sasuke then talks to Naruto about his desire to kill his brother Itachi, saying he doesn't want to think too much about the older brother that always seemed to be watching out for him or else it'll be harder to kill his clan's murderer. Naruto replies with:
      Naruto: What helps me is the fact that I have friends back here. I have Shikamaru and Hinata-chan to talk to and help me get my mind straightened out. And I had Anko-sensei and Dosu and a few others. Talking to friends can help.
      Sasuke: [shrugging] I don't have many friends.
      Naruto: Well, if you want, when you do fight and kill Itachi, if you are start remembering him like your brother and start having mixed feelings about it, you can always talk to me. [holding out his hand] I know we don't always get along Sasuke, but I think I'll understand what you may be going through.
      Sasuke: [smiling and shaking Naruto's hand] ... You will. I'm sure of it. I'll be sure to come to you.
    • Naruto tells Sasuke he can always find him at Ichiraku if he ever wants to spar, talk, or anything else. While the Uzumaki boy is leaving, the Uchiha boy has one more thing to say:
      Sasuke: I heard that you finally had some Uzumaki's come to Konoha and that you are all living together. Guess you can call them family. ... From someone who lost his family to someone who's just getting a family, cherish your time with them. You don't know when it'll end, so just enjoy all the time you have.
      [Sasuke waves goodbye and starts walking off. Naruto remains still for a moment and processes Sasuke's words before smiling.]
      Naruto: [thinking] Sasuke... you really aren't that bad of a guy, huh?
  • When Naruto returns to the Uzumaki Clan estate, he hears Tayuya and Masakado having an angry argument. After they notice him, they explain that they wanted to make something to celebrate the fact that he got back from his mission and moved into the estate by making a meal for him, with the two of them arguing over whether or not it should be ramen. Tayuya and Masakado stop arguing when they hear the sound of sniffling. They look at Naruto, who has Tears of Joy and a wide smile. He says "I... I have a home. I'm finally home." before rushing towards the other two Uzumaki and hugging them. Tayuya and Masakado then hug him back.
    • This is followed by the preparation of the ramen. However, Tayuya made the noodles too hard, Masakado added too much egg, and Naruto thought the broth had a weird taste. Regardless, he still considers it the best ramen he has ever eaten and he was able to enjoy it with his family.

Chapter 54

  • Naruto's next mission is a follow-up to Team 7's first C-Rank mission in Nami no Kuni (which was of course Naruto's first C-Rank mission in canon). Sasuke and Kakashi are unable to take part on that follow-up mission because they are already busy on other missions, but Hiruzen decided to at the very least assign that mission to Sakura and Kiba as he felt they would want some closure from their first C-Rank mission and see how the village is doing. Sakura smiles and tells the Hokage that she and Kiba appreciate it.
  • When Shikaku asks Shikamaru what would be, in a mission, the equivalent of the king in a game of shogi. After thinking about it, the Nara boy replies that it's the Will of Fire, explaining that the desire to love and protect is what is important to all shinobi and what they are all willing to die for. Shikaku smiles proudly at his son and makes a speech about why Shikamaru is right, culminating with "You are thinking with the heart and mind of a true strategist of Konoha, Shikamaru, and I have no doubt your mind is going to be legendary one of these days." The Nara boy widens his eyes after hearing all that praise.
  • While talking with Hinata, Hiashi reveals that he wants to ask Masakado to redesign the cursed seal in order to remove the qualities of the seal that damage the person's brain cells when activated. The Hyuga Clan head wants to apply the seal to all Hyuga, including those from the Main family, but he needs to find a way to remove those qualities. Grinning widely, Hinata tells him she believes Masakado would be able to assist with this, giving her father some hope to fix the problems related to the seal.
    • After Hiashi reveals more of what he's planning to do, he once again tells Hinata how proud he is of her. He then suggests they could work together to complete a jutsu that her mother had been unable to complete before she passed away, which is the Gentle Step Twin Lion Fists. At first, Hinata thinks finishing that jutsu that her mother couldn't finish would be too much for her, but she shakes her head and convinces herself she can learn said jutsu. She expresses her desire to learn it, making her father smile.
  • Sakura is sad over being way behind others, given that Naruto, his teammates, and Sasuke are all chūnin, that Shino is likely going to become chūnin during the next exams, and that Kiba is a better shinobi than her. Naruto decides to cheer her up by doing a few things. First, by introducing himself given that they don't know each other all that much, calling himself one of the dumbest students at the academy. Second, by telling her he could help her growing stronger similarly to how Shikamaru and Hinata helped him become stronger. And third, by suggesting to learn fūinjutsu with him given that she has the right mind to do good at it, while also suggesting to have her teach him anything she knows. After thinking about it, Sakura smiles and agrees both to learn fūinjutsu with Naruto and to teach him genjutsu.
    • After Naruto says that they'll work on the details when they'll be back in Konoha, Sakura giggles at his positive attitude and tells him "You're very nice, Naruto. I can see why Hinata was so into you back at the academy." Blushing, the Uzumaki boy is suprised to learn she was aware of Hinata's feelings for him. She replies that everyone knew, but that he was seemingly the only one unaware of it. Sakura then gets excited and asks him if Ino's "juicy rumor" about him and Hinata officially being a thing is true. Smiling and further blushing, Naruto confirms it:
      Sakura: [her smile growing exponentially] That's great news! You two deserve each other.
  • Inari's reunion with Kiba (with whom Inari has developped a bond, instead of with Naruto like in canon).
  • While walking around Nami no Kuni, Naruto comes across a woman who asks him if he can confirm the rumors about the civil war in Mizu no Kuni being over and Yagura being dead. He confirms about the civil war being over and lies about Yagura being dead. The woman is relieved given that she is from Mizu no Kuni, but had to leave alongside her brother and her son in order to keep the latter safe. Naruto says that things are getting better in Mizu no Kuni and mentions Haku Yuki, making the woman widen her eyes. She eventually reveals that her name is Kahyō Yuki and says that she might return there with her son and brother while also visiting the family she has there that the Uzumaki boy mentioned. Naruto realizes that she's related to Haku. After she leaves, he smiles, thinks about Haku very likely having some company soon, and gets excited about telling this to Shikamaru.
  • When Anko summons Mamushi, it feels like a reunion between two old friends who haven't seen each other in years.
    • Anko mentions to Mamushi that she has taken on a few students and, while smiling, calls it one of the greatest experiences of her life.
  • At night, while walking around the village, Naruto gets into an angry argument with Kiba over Iwa, with the Inuzuka boy still hating that country given how many people from Konoha, including from his own clan, died at the hands of people from Iwa during the Third Shinobi World War. Naruto points out that Konoha wasn't any better as numerous families from Iwa also lost family members, with other countries also suffering from it. He then mentions that it is all repeating given that people like Kiba and Risho hate each other's country for what happened to their respective clan and wish death to each other. Naruto adds that he saw similar hatred towards people with kekkei genkai in Kiri, and that hate leads to war, people coming back from missions dead, and funerals alongside crying families and friends. Ultimately, all of that makes Naruto want to become Hokage even more in order to prevent needless hate and death from happening not only in Konoha, but in the rest of the world. Kiba thinks it would take a miracle, but the Uzumaki boy is determined to make that miracle happen. After one minute of silence, the Inuzuka boy chuckles and smiles at Naruto. Holding out his hand, the former says that he will try and do his own part to help with that, regardless of how hard it's going to be. Surprised at first, the Uzumaki boy grins and shakes Kiba's hand, with the two of them satisfied by how their conversation ended.

Chapter 55

  • Naruto praising Sakura for being able to draw seals so well and so fast, making her smile.
    • Sakura is worried that her low chakra reserves could prevent her from doing fūinjutsu. Having listened to that, Kurama tells Naruto that, while her chakra reserves being this low is a bad thing, she can increase her reserves by practicing. The Uzumaki boy shares this information with Sakura, making her smile once again.
  • When Naruto, Sakura, Kiba, and Akamaru are about to leave, Tazuna says that his house is open to any member of Team 7 (including Kakashi and Sasuke who are absent) if any of them is in Nami no Kuni for a mission or something. He tells Naruto that the same offer also extends to the latter, making the Uzumaki boy smile and thank Tazuna while shaking his hand.
  • Realizing they have to deal with an Akatsuki member (namely Hidan), Naruto orders Sakura, Kiba, and Akamaru to alert any bridge worker in Nami no Kuni and to stay in the village while he will "go forward and take on that bastard." After a moment of silence, Kiba chuckles and tells Naruto something Kakashi taught him and his teammates: "Those who break the rules are trash, but those who abandon their comrades are worse than trash." Both he and Sakura make it clear to Naruto that they won't let him deal with that psycho by himself given that they're all comrades and friends. The Uzumaki boy is about to rebuke their statements, only to smirk as he realizes he would have done the same thing if he was given the same order.
  • After being summoned by Naruto, Gamaken apologizes to the Uzumaki boy for not being as useful as he could have been during the fight against Masakado in Uzushiogakure. The blond ninja tells him to not worry about that given who they had to deal with.
    • Later on, after Zetsu manages to get away with Hidan's body parts, the toad apologizes to Naruto for not being much assistance again. Once more, the Uzumaki boy indicates that he has no reason to apologize, telling him he was a tremendous help during the fight against Hidan. This compliment makes the toad smile after looking down in shame.
  • Anko goes to the Hyuga Clan estate to tell Hinata she has chosen her among her students to become a snake summoner. The Hyuga girl is shocked to hear that and asks "Why?" Anko replies that snakes would suit her overall fighting style and provide her with a lot of force behind her techniques. However, she has also chosen Hinata because the Snake summoning clan suffered a lot at the hands of Orochimaru, who was the clan's last main summoner:
    Anko: [to Hinata] Honestly, I believe the clan needs a summoner that is truly kind and gentle. Somebody who will use them properly, yes, but also somebody who could genuinely help them build up their reputation again and be a warm presence that can help the clan. I think the best person for that job is you.
    • Hiashi agrees with Anko, saying while smiling that Hinata has a tenderness to her heart that he has only seen in her mother.
    • After listening to what Anko and Hiashi have said, Hinata closes her eyes to think about it. When she opens them, she smiles at Anko and says:
      Hinata: I do not know if I am the best choice for such an honor, but I accept it.
      Anko: [grinning] Heh. Humble as always. That's part of the reason why I think you are the best choice.
    • While Hinata is signing the contract, Hiashi smiles and once again feels proud of her.
  • At night, Naruto admits to Sakura, Kiba, and Akamaru that he's a jinchūriki who has the Kyūbi inside of him. Kiba asks him why he didn't tell them when they were at the bridge. Sakura asks him if it was because he thought they would judge him or leave him upon learning the truth. Naruto replies he was concerned that they would be concerned over his ability to control the fox, but the Haruno girl quickly points out he was fine when he displayed full control on the bridge. Kiba then says that he wouldn't judge Naruto over being a jinchūriki and that, no matter what, the Uzumaki boy will always be "the same dumbass that [he] goofed off with in class from time to time." The Inuzuka boy smirks and extends his fist to Naruto, who makes a wide, sincere smile while bumping fists with his friend.
    • This is followed by Sakura telling the blond ninja while giggling that he's still the same old Naruto to her as well. However, she frowns and apologizes to Naruto if anything she did at the academy made him think she would judge him for being a jinchūriki. The Uzumaki boy tells her to not apologize, as he wasn't assuming she would judge him because of anything, and that it's just a paranoid thought. His smile grows wider as he extends his fist to Sakura, who smiles back and bumps fists with him.
    • Kiba asks Naruto if he always knew about being a jinchūriki. The Uzumaki boy shakes his head before smiling as he proceeds to tell the story of how he learned about it from Mizuki and found out how good of friends Shikamaru and Hinata were.

Chapter 56

  • Jiraiya and Tsunade's conversation after the former reluctantly accepted to become the next Hokage:
    • Tsunade says that she probably acted like "a selfish bitch these past couple of years", only for Jiraiya to quickly tell her she wasn't being selfish.
    • She says that she should have at least come back to Konoha to check on the village after major events like the Kyūbi Attack or the Uchiha Massacre. However, his former teammate points out that she was mourning. Neither he nor any shinobi with a good heart would blame her for her reactions. He adds that he highly doubts there is that many shinobi who are upset or feel wronged by her.
    • Tsunade says she probably disappointed Dan, Nawaki, and her grandparents, but Jiraiya stands by his statement and says that he can objectively see she did nothing wrong.
    • Jiraiya says he took the title of Hokage after Tsunade and Hiruzen joined forces to argue with him. His former teammate makes a speech about how he really is the best candidate for that position because, among other things, it needs to be "someone who would be able to withstand any loss and still remain a figurehead and leader for the village", and that someone is him.
    • Jiraiya reveals to Tsunade that he sold his appartment after Minato and Kushina passed away and he usually gets a cheap room at the inn whenever he's in Konoha. Tsunade suggests he could stay at her compound until he moves into the Hokage's mansion. Jiraiya starts to decline the offer, only for his former teammate to sharply interrupt him and say she won't let her friend waste his money on an inn when she can provide a room for him. After a minute of silence, the Toad Sage chuckles and notes that she finally called him a friend. He ultimately agrees to stay with her for a little bit, making Tsunade have a wide grin in triumph.
  • The next day, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Shizune are walking through the village, with various civilians and shinobi noticing their presence. Jiraiya points out to Tsunade that he was right over people being overjoyed to see her back and with no more bitterness they may have had.
    • Yoshino being excited to see Tsunade again for the first time in years, given that the former was one of the latter's students.
  • Yoshino is surprised to see that Shikaku decided to teach the Shadow Sewing technique to Shikamaru, as her husband said he thought about maybe wait a couple more months before teaching that technique to their son. Shikaku explains that he had a talk with Shikamaru and it made him realize their son could really benefit from that technique, calling him, among other things, a really good shinobi who is definitely ready for it. The Nara boy smiles at what his father said about him.
  • Hinata being excited upon finally succeeding at summoning a snake after so many failed attempts.
    • This is followed by Hanabi befriending the snake, whose name is Hebihiro.
  • Tsunade and Yoshino embracing each other in a quick hug when they are reunited for the first time in years.
    • Yoshino then gets excited when Tsunade agrees to make Shikamaru her first student for her academy of medical shinobi.
  • The Third Hokage expresses how proud he is of Naruto, Sakura, and Kiba for the way they were able to handle the situation with Hidan. Both Sakura and Kiba thank him for that, with Akamaru also barking to express his own thanks.
    • After Sakura, Kiba, and Akamaru have left the Hokage's Office, Hiruzen decides to give an early birthday gift to Naruto by offering to have the Uzumaki boy and his teammates be trained by himself and his own former teammates, namely Homura and Koharu. Naruto has a wide grin over the idea of being trained by the Hokage:
      Hiruzen: Is that a good enough birthday present this year?
      Naruto: [immediately nodding his head and widening his grin] More than enough! Thank you so much, Old Man! I promise; you won't regret this!
      Hiruzen: [thinking while chuckling slightly] I know I won't.
  • Tayuya is shocked when Jiraiya not only offers her a Konoha forehead protector that would make her a Konoha shinobi, but is also offering her his job as a spymaster. He explains that her overall personality makes her trustworthy while her training with Orochimaru makes her perfect for this position, but he also says it could benefit her as it would allow her to find more Uzumaki around the world. And given that he will be the next Hokage, Jiraiya is willing to grant citizenship to any Uzumaki she could direct to Konoha. With Tears of Joy after hearing everything he said, Tayuya grabs the forehead protector and ties it around her neck. While looking at the faces on the Hokage Mountains, she shows a lot of determination and, for the first time in years, feels like she's in a place she can call home.
  • Shikamaru explains to Tsunade why he wants to learn medical ninjutsu. For one thing, he wants to keep his friends and comrades alive. Also, after what happened with Karitoriki, he wants to never be put in a situation where he's unable to save a life and he feels learning about medical ninjutsu would help him with that. Tsunade replies that knowing about medical ninjutsu isn't a guaranteed lifesaver given that some wounds can't be healed. However, she smiles at him and says he has a good heart before explaining what she will be like as a teacher to him.
  • On October 10, while heading to somewhere along with Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru, Hiruzen wishes a happy birthday to the Uzumaki boy. The latter smiles and thanks the former, who then asks him if he has any plans for the night. The blond ninja replies that he and his teammates will be eating dinner with Anko, Masakado, Tayuya, and Dosu at his place, with Masakado and Dosu in charge of cooking. Naruto is excited as this will be the first time he has an actual home cooked meal for his birthday. However, he never notices the occasional looks Hiruzen, Hinata, and Shikamaru would have with each other...
    • Hiruzen explains to Hinata and Shikamaru that he's planning to train the two of them along with Naruto so they could become the next trio of legendary ninja, with Homura and Koharu also training the three young shinobi. The Hyuga girl and the Nara boy are both quite surprised by that before they both accept the offer while smiling and smirking respectively.
  • Naruto is surprised to learn that the Third Hokage was heading towards the Uzumaki Clan estate. The old man tells him that Masakado invited him for the Uzumaki boy's birthday and hopes the blond ninja doesn't mind it. The latter exclaims while smiling that he doesn't mind it at all and tells Hiruzen that he's more than welcome.
    • When Naruto, Hinata, Shikamaru, and the Hokage enter the central building, the Uzumaki boy steps on a seal on the ground that lights up a bright yellow color and releases confetti in the room. Then, lots of people appear from the shadows, exclaiming "SURPRISE!" to the blond ninja. Not only are Masakado, Tayuya, Anko, and Dosu among them, but so are Iruka, Teuchi, Ayame, Sasuke, Sakura (who reveals that Naruto's family, his teammates, and Dosu took care of everything), Kiba, Akamaru, Choji, Ino, Shino, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Shizune. Several food containers can also be seen on the kitchen counter, including five different types of ramen and a large cake. As if like that wasn't enough, Hinata makes Naruto turn around and notice the presence of Han, Rōshi, Kurotsuchi, Roto, and Risho. The last three are holding presents while the former two are holding a large, unraveled scroll with the words "Happy Birthday Uzumaki Naruto" written on it. This is followed by the entire room shouting to him "HAPPY BIRTHDAY NARUTO!" Given the lonely childhood he had, it appears his friends decided to organize the biggest birthday celebration possible that he rightfully deserves. And of course, there's Naruto's reaction, as he has tears in his eyes and the largest grin he's ever had:
      Naruto: I... Thank you. Thank you. Thank you all so much! Just... Thank you all! Thank you, thank you-
      Shikamaru: [chuckling] Naruto, don't thank us. And certainly don't cry. It's your birthday. You deserve a day like this.
      Hinata: [sincerely smiling] You definitely do. You deserve so much more. I hope this is enough.
      Naruto: Enough? Are you kidding me? This is AMAZING!
      [Many people in the room start laughing at his comment.]
      Naruto: I... I can't believe you all did this. This is amazing!
      Anko: You know what would be amazing? If you actually celebrated! [laughing loudly] Come on Whiskers; it's your birthday. You got lots of food to eat and presents to open!
  • Everyone is giving presents to Naruto, with the latter always taking the time to thank each of his loved ones for them. Among them:
    • Teuchi and Ayame give him a few cooking pots and a copy of their miso ramen recipe. Naruto nearly tackles them while giving them a hug, but also promises to still eat at their ramen stand even after knowing how to prepare the recipe one day.
    • Iruka gives him a new set of weapons. Naruto is not only grateful for the gift, but also thanks his former teacher for always believing in him when he was the 'dead last' student.
    • Sasuke gives him a scroll that would teach him "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu". The Uchiha boy offers to help the Uzumaki boy with the jutsu if he needs some assistance. Naruto grins and offers to teach Sasuke a wind-related jutsu if he's ever interested, making the black-haired boy smirk in response.
    • Jiraiya gives him a copy of his book The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Ninja. After his godfather explains to him what the book is about, Naruto once again has Tears of Joy and thanks him for the gift.
    • Tayuya gives him a silver flute. She tells him that he might not use it for combat like her, but she could teach him how to play it. Naruto is immediately interested to learn and hugs her, thanking her in the process.
    • Han gives him a wall scroll with a detailed ink drawing he did representing Team 3 and Han's team meeting at the Tenchi Bridge. Naruto and Han then hug each other, the former expressing how grateful he is and saying he will place the scroll up immediately.
    • Masakado gives him a necklace that his late wife gave to him the day he was announced as the Sandaime Uzukage. He had intended to give it to his eldest son, but he's now giving it to Naruto to continue the Uzumaki legacy. Again, the blond ninja has tears of joy while hugging Masakado, who cries as well while putting the necklace around the boy's neck.
    • Shikamaru gives him a set of explosive tags, a sealing seal filled with various item pranks, and an orange-painted chair to put in his garden if he ever feels like relaxing. In response, Naruto has a sincere smile and hugs his Best Friend while thanking him for the gifts.
    • Hinata starts with giving him several letters from various shinobi who couldn't be present: Kakashi, Karin, Honoka, Haku, Misora, Utakata and Hotaru, Mei, and Yagura (the latter signing under his new name, "Kamui"). Naruto smiles at all those letters, already planning to not only read them, but also send a response to them.
    • This is followed by Hinata saying she's planning to teach him how to use "Water Style: Gunshot". That way, in addition to the jutsu scrolls he received from Sasuke, Kurotsuchi, and Anko, he would know at least one jutsu from each elemental affinity. Naruto laughs and says he would love to learn, as well as teach Hinata a wind jutsu to thank her. This makes her smile back.
    • Finally, Hinata gives him a black kimono with a dark orange outline on the sleeves and the Uzumaki Clan symbol on the back. She then kisses Naruto on the cheek, making her boyfriend blush and stutter out his thanks. The Hyuga girl giggles in amusement at his response.
    • Naruto looks at all the gifts before looking at all his friends who are present at this event. Having no idea what he did to deserve them, he is nonetheless so grateful to have them in his life.
  • Naruto's conversation with Han, witht the former saying that he's been having a blast and that this is probably the best birthday he has ever had.
    • Han mentions when he first met Naruto, with the latter telling the former back then that not all humans were disgusting creatures:
      Han: [looking at the moon] I didn't believe you back then, but even if I ignored the relationship that I have developed between myself and my own students, seeing your friends around you makes me realize that you were correct and that I was wrong to be so cynical. They do genuinely care about you; more so than I thought any human could possibly care for a jinchūriki like ourselves.
      Naruto: I can't speak for all humans, but I know my friends. They are good people. [shaking his head while developing a smile] No, they're the best people. Shikamaru and Hinata-chan are the best people I have ever met.
      Han: I can tell that. I am glad that you have made such strong relationships. [looking at Naruto] You have grown stronger, otōto: in both physical and emotional characteristics. You are really becoming an extraordinary shinobi and person. I consider it a blessing to have met you.
    • In response to what Han just said, Naruto's smile grows wider and he tells him that he's grateful to have met him too, adding that the Iwa jinchūriki helped him mature, grow, and become calmer thanks to his meditating lesson.
  • Shikamaru and Kurotsuchi notice that Kiba and Risho are talking to each other slightly hesitantly. Kurotsuchi is surprised by that and asks the Nara boy if the Inuzuka boy has picked up manners, having no idea that Naruto managed to make Kiba be less angry towards Iwa.
    • Shikamaru notices that Risho seems more cheerful and asks Kurotsuchi if anything happened to him. She replies that Risho's cousin tried to get him removed from the clan. It failed, but it did hurt Risho's reputation. He was not comfortable living at the Kurogane Clan compound and decided to move in with Roto and his family. Shikamaru feels sorry for him, but Kurotsuchi tells him to not be sorry as the Kurogane boy seems happier than he has been for a while, adding that moving in with Roto's family helped his disposition more and that he seems genuinely nicer.
  • Shikamaru and Kurotsuchi go outside the building to have a private conversation:
    • She asks him if he received her letter. He confirms it and says he read it over and over. She blushes upon learning that. He chuckles in response, making her blush further.
    • She asks him how he's feeling given that he never replied to her letter, adding that she was worried for him. Shikamaru explains that the toad sent by Naruto refused to re-deliver a letter back. The Nara boy blames himself for not asking Anko to deliver a letter from him and he apologizes to Kurotsuchi. The latter tells him not to do that, as she wasn't trying to make him feel bad but simply saying what she was thinking. He then takes a deep breath and smiles slightly.
    • Shikamaru starts talking about Karitoriki, calling him the most insane man he has ever met and someone who did acts and said things that still haunt his dreams from time to time. He's interrupted in his speech when Kurotsuchi puts her right hand on his shoulder and closes the distance between them. She looks at him in concern, causing his smile to widen slightly.
    • He tells her that the thing that helped him stop thinking about Karitoriki's words and actions is her. The Iwa shinobi's eyes widen exponentially while her face goes back to blushing, becoming even redder than before:
      Kurotsuchi: Wh-Why?
      Shikamaru: [his smile growing wider] Because you said what I needed to hear. You reminded me of what it meant to be a shinobi. But more than that, you showed me how much you believed in me. And that really helped. Because you're a great friend and person, Kurotsuchi. And you're someone I am lucky to know and have in my life.
    • After processing his words, Kurotsuchi has a wide grin and is blushing even further. Shikamaru blushes as well and rubs the back of his head. He then says "I mean, I'm just-", only to be interrupted by Kurotsuchi putting her lips on his, putting her hands around his neck, and pulling him closer. His eyes widen for a second before he closes his eyes and kisses her back, putting his hands around her waist.
    • They stop kissing before blushing and smiling at each other. He asks her "What was that?" and she admits with a chuckle that it was something she wanted to do since the day she left Konoha the previous time. Kurotsuchi then asks him "Did you like-", only to be interrupted by Shikamaru kissing her. Once they're done kissing for the second time and have wider smiles, she asks him "And what was that, Shikamaru?", to which he replies with "Something I didn't realize until now that I wanted to do." He blushes even more and adds "And something I want to keep doing." She giggles before they proceed to do their third kiss.
  • Naruto's conversation with Hinata in his bedroom:
    • Naruto saying that he really appreciates that Hinata did a lot for him for his birthday.
    • He's amazed that she was able to get a letter from Utakata. She says it took a while to find him and that maybe he could have showed up if she had managed to find him earlier or send the request earlier. She starts to apologize, only for her boyfriend to interrupt her and say she has nothing to apologize for.
    • After he thanks her for everything:
      Hinata: I'm glad you really liked everything, Naruto-kun. [making a small smile while sitting next to him on his bed] I, um... I know you never really had a proper birthday celebration before, so I wanted to make sure you had a good one at least once. I wanted to do something special for you, so I'm very, very relieved and happy that you ended up having a good time.
      Naruto: [grinning] More than a good time!
    • The two of them have a brief kiss. Soon after that, they smile at each other and he starts to blush while looking at her in the eye before saying:
      Naruto: [widening his smile] No really, Hinata-chan... I had a great time. This is the first time I had something like this before with so many people and you helped put it all together. You've always been there for me, y'know? Always telling me exactly what I need to hear and giving me the courage and confidence to believe in myself as much as I do.
      Hinata: [mumbling while blushing] Naruto-kun, that's what you do for me...
      Naruto: I mean it, though. You've really helped me grow as a person. I feel like I'm a nicer, more patient person because of you. And I definitely feel like I'm happier because of you.
    • Naruto tries to resist the urge of tearing up. Noticing his reaction, Hinata widens her eyes and brings her hands to her chest in response. This is followed by...
      Naruto: I probably don't deserve someone like you as a friend, let alone as a girlfriend. So just... thank you. [rubbing the tears away from his eyes and smiling brightly at Hinata] Thank you for always being there. Thank you for caring so much for me. Thank you Hinata. I... I love you.
    • This is the first time Naruto says "I love you" instead of "I like you" to Hinata. The latter's eyes widen even further after hearing him say those words. She has Tears of Joy and a wide smile before having the most passionate kiss she's had so far with him. After their kiss is over, they're both blushing heavily, but also seemingly unable to let go of each other. Hinata comments on how good that kiss felt, with Naruto agreeing with her. However, they both agree to not go further than that given that he's only fourteen and she's only thirteen. After calming down and smiling at each other, she asks him if he wants to do it again. He nods and grins before they go back to kissing again.

    Chapters 57-65: Sunagakure Arc 

Chapter 57

  • In Chapter 12, Anko had a dream where Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru were all alive and proud jōnin of Konoha, and she decided to make sure that dream would become a reality. Chapter 57 reveals that she achieved that goal.
  • Jiraiya looking at Minato's stone head and thinking about how his late student and Kushina would be so proud of Naruto if they could see him.
  • Yoshino and Shikaku telling Shikamaru how proud they are of him, causing their son to have a small, proud smile and thank them.
    • Shikaku tells his wife that their son almost managed to beat him at shogi. She's impressed by it, but smirks and tells him the day someone would beat him at shogi would be the day the world comes to an end. Shikaku grumbles over that comment, but can't help but smile:
      Shikaku: He's definitely going to become the best tactician this village has ever seen if he keeps his progress going like this.
      Yoshino: [her smirk becoming a proud smile] That's our boy.
  • Hiashi telling Hinata how proud he is of her accomplishments and that she should do her best and make herself proud for the exhibition. She thanks him while having a wide smile before hugging him tightly, with her father returning the hug.
    • This is followed by Hinata having an excited grin and explaining a few more things about the exhibition to her father before leaving. While Hiashi has no idea why Hanabi is so energetic, he knows precisely what caused his eldest daughter to be excitable over the past couple of years:
      Hiashi: [thinking] Naruto... You've really helped her grow out of her shell.
  • Before they go to the exhibition, Naruto pulls Masakado into a hug. The elder Uzumaki smiles and returns the hug, while tears appear from his eyes:
    Masakado: I love you, Naruto. You, Tayuya, Karin, and now Masamune have given me the family that I have been lacking for years. Thank you for being there for me. Really; thank you.
    Naruto: ...Don't thank me. [breaking the hug so he could rub at his eyes and prevent any of his own from developing] You gave me a family as well. You and everyone else. I'm the one who should be thanking you.
    Masakado: Let's face it; we both were lonely people who needed a family. [laughing slightly and rubbing the tears out of his eyes] Let's just say 'thank you' to each other and move on from there.
    Naruto: [nodding his head] Right.
  • During the exhibition, Jiraiya is surprised that Tsunade allowed Shikamaru to sign the Slug Contract. She explains why she did that before pointing at the battlefield: Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru summoned a toad, a snake, and a slug respectively. Tsunade then says "Besides, I really needed to give him the contract. Do you see what I see there?" Masakado widens his eyes as he realizes and comments that these three are a new generation of Sannin. Soon after, Anko is resisting the urge of tearing up:
    Anko: [thinking] And there my students. Those were my genin. I... I'm So Proud of You all.
  • Hiruzen realizes something during the exhibition:
    Hiruzen: [thinking] Shikamaru jumped in when it seemed as if we were ganging up on Hinata, giving her time to free herself from her sticky situation. And Naruto did the same for Shikamaru. These really are selfless kids, willing to take hits and potentially get heavily injured just to help their comrades. [smiling] That's the attitude of true Konoha shinobi!
  • Anko's reaction after her students managed to win against Hiruzen, Koharu, and Homura:
    Anko: [shaking her head and grinning widely] Holy shit... [failing to resist the urge of tearing up] My students managed to hold their own against the Sandaime Hokage and his teammates in battle! Holy fuck!
  • Hiruzen, Koharu, and Homura giving a lot of praise to Team 3 after the exhibition is over, resulting in all three young shinobi to smile brightly and hug their trainers.

Chapter 58

  • At the Hokage's office, Naruto has some doubts about becoming a jōnin-sensei and calls himself a horrible student. Jiraiya quickly interrupts him and says that he's not a bad student and that everyone who has ever worked with him after the academy thinks he was exceptional:
    • Naruto has a small smile after hearing all of that. Before he could respond, Jiraiya tells him that no one knows how to teach when they become a jōnin-sensei and it's something they learn as they do it. He then adds that "[s]eeing your students grow and develop is possibly one of the greatest feelings out there.":
      Jiraiya: I mean, you saw Anko yesterday, right? The fact that you, Shikamaru, and Hinata were able to hold your own against the Sandaime and his teammates made her actually cry. She was that proud of you all! And I know that, one day, your genin students will make you feel something just like that.
    • Soon after, Naruto's small smile grows wider as he becomes confident enough to accept to become a jōnin-sensei.
  • After Naruto tells Hinata that he will be Hanabi's jōnin-sensei, his girlfriend says that her sister will be really excited when she finds out given that she has always spoken very highly of him. The Uzumaki boy is surprised and asks Hinata if Hanabi really likes him. She pokes his shoulder and confirms it before asking "Why wouldn't she?" Naruto doesn't say anything, making his girlfriend giggle in response.
    • Both Naruto and Hinata are excited at the prospect of the divisions within the Hyuga Clan getting abolished if all goes well.
    • Hinata tells Naruto that she hasn't yet told Hiashi about her planning to move out to live with her boyfriend, as she's waiting for the clan business to be taken care of:
      Hinata: And he shouldn't object! We've been dating for over two and half years now. [playfully smirking] Not like it matters if he does object, after all.
      Naruto: Heh. We're just going to do it anyway, huh?
      Hinata: [nodding] Of course.
      [They kiss.]
    • After their date is over, Naruto and Hinata walk off in separate directions, but not before taking the time to hug each other, kiss each other, grin, and say that they love each other.
  • Iruka has a wide smile after learning that Naruto will be a jōnin-sensei:
    Iruka: Naruto, this might sound odd to you, but you are the first person I have actually taught that is getting a genin team. You don't understand how proud I am of you.
    Naruto: Heh... [rubbing the back of his head sheepishly] Thanks, Iruka-sensei.
    • Later in that same discussion, Iruka tells Naruto he's confident the latter will be a phenomenal jōnin-sensei for Hanabi, Kanji, and Katsumi. This results in the Uzumaki boy having a small smile that grows wider with each passing second.
  • At the Hokage's office, Naruto notices that Kurenai is among those who will become jōnin-sensei like him. He smiles over the fact she'll finally get her own squad, knowing that she got passed up at the last second when he became a genin:
    Naruto: [thinking] Good for her. She'll be a kickass sensei, dattebayo!
    • Ebisu is also among them. Naruto expects him to give him the same 'hateful' look from when they first met each other. However, the Uzumaki boy is surprised when Ebisu merely nods his head in acknowledgment. Naruto then has a small smile in response:
      Naruto: [thinking] I... I guess he could have changed since we met. Hell, I've changed a lot. I shouldn't really judge him based off that one meeting years ago.
  • Like Hinata predicted, Hanabi is indeed excited upon learning that Naruto is her jōnin-sensei.
  • While introducing herself, Katsumi says that she wants to become the first woman to become Hokage and makes a challenging declaration to Naruto by telling him he'll have to fight her to become Hokage and also that, if he does get the position instead of her, he better not hold onto it for too long because then she'll be Nanadaime. In response, Naruto smiles, holds out his fist to her, and tells her "Good luck, then. From one person who wants to be the Hokage to the other, I wish you the best." Her eyes widen in response, as she was expecting her sensei to rebuke her dream and remind her about being a poor student at the academy given that everyone else seemed to give that response to her. Katsumi then has a sincere smile before bumping her fist against his.

Chapter 59

  • This chapter begins with Tayuya getting a room in some inn alongside two Uzumaki she just found: a man named Susumu and his daughter named Setsuko. The latter is excited at the prospect of enrolling at the Ninja Academy, while the former tells Tayuya how thankful he is that she'll bring them to Konoha:
    Susumu: [smiling heavily] Again, I can't thank you enough. This'll be good for her, being around kids her age and even with more 'family' instead of roaming Mizu no Kuni like we have been. Honestly, this is a start of a new life for us, but more importantly, my little girl. Thank you so much, Tayuya-san.
    Tayuya: [chuckling] We're Uzumaki. We're family. I'd do this for any family. Don't apologize. I'm just glad I found you!
  • During her conversation with Itachi, Tayuya takes the time to tell him that Sasuke's fine and that he became a jōnin. Itachi chuckles and says he's "very happy to hear that."
  • Hanabi tells Hinata that she's planning to be the last one among her teammates to arrive at the Uzumaki Clan compound. That way, she'll be the one to get pranked by Naruto. Hanabi figured that she knows her sensei enough that he wouldn't do anything too bad to her and that she'd be able to take it better than her teammates "who don't know him as well and may not be used to him and how he might prank them." It really shows how much Hanabi cares about her teammates that she's willing to do that.
    • As it turns out, both Katsumi and Kanji also got the idea of being the last one to arrive. Ultimately, Hanabi suggests they all arrive together. That way, Naruto will have to prank either all of them or none of them. Her teammates agree to "take it all together like a team".
  • After fighting them, Naruto tells his students that they all passed the test. He says that they all already passed when they found him before the fight, but he wanted to spar for a bit to get a vibe of their reflexes and how they all fight both individually and as a team. Smiling, he says:
    Naruto: And, I have to say, you all did pretty good. You had good reaction times for genin and definitely know a few techniques that took me by surprise. And you all worked together very well for people who were just assigned together at random!
    • Naturally, all three of his students are rather pleased to hear all that praise about them.
    • Naruto tells Katsumi that her wooden sword needs to be replaced by a real one. She frowns as she says that wooden sword is all she could really afford. However, Naruto tells her that his cousin Masamune is a blacksmith and to come to his store someday, as he's sure the blacksmith "could get a really good, cheap sword for one of his cousin's students!" This causes Katsumi to be excited again, to the point of jumping up-and-down.
  • While talking with his father Yoshikane, Hiashi recalls when Hanabi returned to the Hyuga Clan compound after passing Naruto's test, which the narration describes as "the most excited she had been in years". In turn, Hiashi was proud for what his youngest daughter had done, including graduating two years early and being 'Rookie of the Year'.

Chapter 60

  • Zabuza asks Anko how her students are doing. Smiling, she talks about how "they are becoming something in Konoha." Regarding Naruto, she mentions that he now has a genin team of his own and that he would be a great jōnin-sensei, one better than even herself.
  • Katsumi saying "Thanks..." to one of Naruto's clones when they have a one-on-one conversation. He asks her "For what?" and she's about to respond, but she instead decides to shake her head and say "... Just thanks." before having a determined look on her face as she's ready to learn the Headhunter Jutsu.
  • At Shino's jōnin promotion party, Ino says that the Aburame is one of her best friends and that she gotta look after him by finding him the perfect girlfriend. Quite a contrast to the reaction she had in Chapter 5 when they were put on the same team.
    • Not too long afterwards, Ino congratulates Shino on becoming jōnin, telling him "You did good, bug boy." The Aburame thanks her and smiles slightly in response.
    • Ino tells Naruto she doesn't understand why Kanji acts a little weird around her in contrast to the rest of the Yamanaka Clan. She makes it clear that he's a very kind person and she just wish he'd actually talk to her about whatever she did that caused his behavior. Ino then smiles and thanks Naruto when the latter agrees to try and talk to Kanji and do what he can.
  • Returning home, Shikamaru finds a scroll on his bed, with a note from his mother indicating it was delivered by some shinobi from Iwa. Said scroll was written by Kurotsuchi, who talks about what's been happening in Iwa and various other things. After reading it, Shikamaru has a wide smile and, even though he's tired, proceeds to write a letter to his girlfriend immediately so that he could give it in time to the Iwa shinobi that delivered the scroll.

Chapter 61

  • When Anko is about to kill Raiga, the latter has one last request: take Ranmaru's body and bury it somewhere beautiful where he can rest in peace. He explains that Ranmaru was a boy with poor health and little peace in this life. Ultimately, Raiga wants Anko to "[l]et his afterlife be as peaceful as possible." The Konoha jōnin feels a degree of sympathy for him and promises to fulfill his request before killing him.
  • At Icihiraku, Naruto gives some praise to his students regarding their progress:
    • All three students smile at that praise and express that they're ready for their sensei to toughen up their training even more.
  • After searching for about twenty minutes, Anko finds the perfect location for Ranmaru's grave, which is "a chunk of land that was beautiful by itself" as described by the narration.
    • While Anko is burying Ranmaru's body, Zabuza has a small smirk behind his bandages and tells her:
      Zabuza: You're a good person, Anko. I know I wouldn't be doing this, especially if Raiga asked. I'd probably desecrate the grave just because he asked. But this kid really hasn't done anything. He deserves a good resting place.
    • He then wonders if anybody would have bothered to bury Haku in some peaceful place if the two of them ever passed away when they were on the run. Anko replies they'll probably never have answers to those kinds of questions:
      Zabuza: [chuckling] Heh, I suppose. Haku was a good kid. Still is. I don't really know if I'd care about something like a good resting place for myself, but I know he would have deserved one.
      Anko: So do you, though. You're a good guy, too. Don't forget that.
      Zabuza: [snorting] Good guy? That's a laugh.
      Anko: [narrowing her eyes] Laugh all you want, but I meant it. You're an asshole, yeah, but that doesn't mean you don't care about the people important to you and your village. [softening her eyes slightly and having a small smile] I'll say it again, Zabuza; you're a good guy.
    • Zabuza's eyes widen slightly at what she said. Not too long afterwards, he asks her if she wants to go to the bar by the inn for a drink. Anko smirks and accepts, making Zabuza return the smirk with one of his own before they head towards the bar.

Chapter 62

  • Naruto decides to reveal to his students the truth about him being a jinchūriki (albeit while keeping certain information secret like the Kyūbi's real name). After he's done revealing the information, he tells them that if any of them are uncomfortable with him having the Kyūbi sealed in him, he can tell the Hokage to get them on new teams with different jōnin-senseis. However, all three of his students make it clear they're not uncomfortable knowing about him being a jinchūriki and they have no desire of getting a different jōnin-sensei. Hearing all of that, Naruto remains still for a few moments before smiling as he rubs his eyes, preventing any tears from developing. Then, after a lighthearted moment where both Kanji and Naruto make a few puns and Katsumi accidentally makes one:
    Naruto: [thinking while smiling] Really, what was I concerned about? My students are amazing.
  • Lee asks Naruto's students why they all wanted to become shinobi. When Katsumi gives her answer, he's enthusiastic about the amount of love she has for Konoha and tells her she can train with him as he would love to see her develop further as a shinobi, much to her surprise.
  • During nighttime, when it's Kanji's turn to do the nightwatch, Lee takes this opportunity to talk to him. The former apologizes to the latter for opening up a subject he was uncomfortable to discuss. They have a discussion where Lee reveals he only knows taijutsu and is unable to learn either genjutsu or ninjutsu, and yet still managed to become a chūnin despite many people telling him to quit during the academy. He also reveals that Naruto did poorly at the academy too, only to use his failures as a motivation and to push himself harder after finding people who believed in him. Kanji is surprised to learn all of that. The young Yamanaka then says without elaborating that certain things happened that led him to the conclusion that it is pointless to try and improve as a shinobi. Lee tells him to use those past events as a motivation to prove to himself that he can be better than he ever dreamed possible. Noticing Lee's shining eyes, which look like as if fire is inside of them, Kanji finds it comforting and smiles before saying that he'll try and thanks the green-wearing chūnin for that.
    • From his sleeping bag, Naruto was able to observe Lee and Kanji during their conversation. Smiling, he mentally thanks Lee for cheering up his student.

Chapter 63

  • Naruto being both surprised and excited when he learns that Gaara is now the Kazekage:
    Naruto: [giving a thumbs-up to the Kazekage] I know you'll do great, Gaara.
    • After Gaara tells Kankuro to escort Naruto's genin to the shop for their mission, he tells the Uzumaki that he has a few things he'd like to discuss with him. Smiling lightly, the Kazekage adds that he would like to reconnect a little with Naruto. The latter returns the smile, as it seems like Gaara did in fact take his words to heart, and the Uzumaki is excited to see how much his friend has changed.
    • Gaara tells Naruto that he'll attend the next Chūnin Exams in Kumo, which will be the first exams he attends as the Kazekage. The Konoha jōnin smirks and tells his friend "You'll make a good impression. Show the other Kage whose boss!" Soon after, a small noise that sounds akin to a laugh leaves Gaara's mouth, making Naruto's grin grow wider.
  • At Ichiraku, Shikamaru comments that what Hinata has to deal with regarding the caged bird seal and the elders is "such a pain in the ass." His friend agrees while sighing. Her eyes are then filled with determination while she says that all that stress will be worth it if it helps unite the two families. In turn, the Nara smiles at what she just said.
    • This is immediately followed by Teuchi serving their meals, who then says to Hinata:
      Teuchi: Sorry to eavesdrop, but I just wish you good luck with everything. You're a good person, Hinata, and I wish you well. Ayame and I are rooting for you!
      Hinata: [blushing slightly and grinning widely] Th-Thank you!
      Teuchi: As does your boyfriend.

Chapter 64

  • Naruto smiling, looking at his students with pride, and giving them a thumbs up when they all express a desire to help Kankuro after the latter was arrested.
  • Katsumi is quite taken aback when Mukade has some killing intent towards her after she accused Yūra of having anything to do with what caused Kankuro to be arrested. Later on, while Naruto, his genin, and Gaara are leaving the room they were in, the Uzumaki notices that Katsumi is walking at a slower pace and asks her if she's alright. It doesn't take long before she asks her sensei if killing intent really feels like that, as the one she got from Mukade was overwhelming. Naruto tries to reassure her by saying, among other things, that she'll get used to it and it's just a matter of learning how to handle it:
    Naruto: [smiling] Give it time. Once you get stronger, you'll be able to stand your ground to it. So don't let that jackass bother you. You've already come a long way from when I first picked you all up from the academy and you're only going to get stronger! After all, you said that you're going to become Hokage someday, right?
    [Katsumi, nods, looks up to Naruto, and makes a smile that becomes more-and-more confident.]
    Katsumi: You're right. Thanks Naruto-sensei!
  • At the Uzumaki Clan compound, Hiashi, Hinata, and Neji are there to discuss with Masakado about the seal he's been working on. The Uzumaki explains that they need to test the new seal on someone who already has the original seal, while also noting there might be some risks. He says that he asked Hiashi to choose one Branch Family member with the original seal that the clan head felt he trusted would be able to overcome anything, with that member being Neji. Both the latter and Hinata look at Hiashi, who nods his head in agreement with Masakado:
    Hiashi: [with a small smile] Neji, you are truly Hizashi's son. I see so much of him in you. You have grown so strong and I believe you have the inner strength to overcome any hardships. As a result, I felt you would approach risks associated with a new seal with complete confidence. The choice is up to you whether or not you wish to accept this seal right now, but as Hizashi's son, I wanted to offer you the new seal first.
    • Neji is in disbelief at all that praise coming from his uncle. He then thinks about how much his late father would have killed for such an opportunity, the fact that both Hiashi and Masakado believe this will work, and the fact that it will be the first stroke in completely destroying the divide within the Hyuga Clan. Ultimately, he accepts to be the first one to get that seal.
    • When all three Hyuga are leaving to go towards their own compound, Hinata tells Neji this will be the beginning of their dream. When he points out she'll have to receive the other seal as well, she exclaims that she cannot wait, making him smile and nodding his head in agreement:
      Hinata: [thinking while tightening her hands into fists and looking forward in determination] After all this time, though... I can finally see an end. I see a point that I can actually work to! And I'm not going to waste it! I'll make sure it ends up happening!
  • Gaara having a smile larger than any other smile he had before when both Temari and the Konoha shinobi show their support regarding what's happening with Kankuro.
  • At the council room, Hanabi points out that if Kankuro was trying to create human puppets, then it would make more sense if he had kept the corpses instead of returning them after some experimentation. Naruto smiles at his student and thinks about how she's just as perceptive and smart as her sister.
  • At the Kazekage's Mansion, Naruto says that "political crap" is his weakest aspect, but he'll just learn to deal with it when he becomes Hokage. Hanabi giggles and says that at least Hinata will be there with him and she's "getting pretty good with politics." The Uzumaki then proudly states "Damn right she is! Then again, she's good at most things!"
    • Katsumi is feeling down after she was almost attacked by Mukade, while Kanji says he already knows he'll never reach the level of either that Suna jōnin or Naruto. The latter then makes a speech about how all three of his students will grow strong and become great shinobi. After he's done talking, both Katsumi and Hanabi smile at him, with Kanji eventually doing the same thing after initially having a mixed expression on his face.

Chapter 65

  • During his fight against his resurrected father, Gaara gets help from both Temari and Kankuro. Their father, Rasa, sees that and has a sad smile before saying "But seeing you two come to fight alongside Gaara does give me some comfort. You three are, indeed, siblings..." The narration then explains that one of Rasa's dying regrets was the fact that sealing Shukaku inside of Gaara damaged the relationship between his children:
    "It seems that his concern was unnecessary; they were still family and were there for each other to this day."
  • Before fighting Kabuto, Naruto ordered his students to stay out of this. However, during the fight, the genin get involved anyway and attack the silver-haired shinobi. Despite Naruto's protests, they refuse to let him face Kabuto by himself:
    Kanji: We're put together as a team for a reason. You can't just leave us to the side and fight for us. If we can do anything, we'll do anything. That's what a team does; we're supposed to stick together and fight together.
  • In a moment that is very similar to what happened during the Fourth Shinobi War in canon, Gaara forms a protective barrier with his sand around himself and his siblings. The sand takes on the form of a woman and Rasa's eyes widen when he realizes the sand looks like Gaara's mother Karura. The sand's arms are reminiscent of the embrace of a mother protecting her children:
    Rasa: [thinking] Karura... even beyond the grave, you're keeping your children safe. You're keeping Gaara safe. It's not Shukaku that keeps you safe. It's your mother... she is what a parent should be like.
    • Given that Rasa is no longer attacking them, the sand surrounding the Sand Siblings quickly falls to the side. All three siblings look at their father, who now has tears filling his lifeless eyes. The Yondaime Kazekage tells them he has no right to be called their father, but also that he is so proud of all three of them. While his body is turning white and starting to fall apart, he then entrusts the safety of Suna to them before apologizing to Gaara for what he did to the latter:
      Rasa: You have no reason to forgive me and I do not expect you to. I am the one who cursed you with Shukaku. I am the one who ordered Yashamaru to attack you and lie about your mother's love as a way to test you. But you have grown strong. Your mother would be proud of you...
    • Rasa then says that Karura loved all their children and still watches over them. In his final words, he tells Gaara to keep his siblings safe, to cherish the connections he's made, and to live the life of happiness that he deserved and that Rasa deprived him of. After he's gone, all three siblings have tears in their eyes and pull each other in a quiet embrace, while Gaara lets out all the tears and feelings he has in his heart for the first time in years. Considering they never had a final talk with their father prior to his murder, this is one final talk they needed and finally managed to have.

    Chapters 66-76: Takigakure Arc 

Chapter 66

  • When Naruto says he's going to leave Suna alongside his students, Tenten tells him he can give an initial report to Jiraiya indicating that the mission given to her and Lee is going well and that she thinks they're making an impression on the Suna academy students. Smiling, Temari agrees with her on that last point and thanks Tenten and Lee for that, making them grin as they feel pleased with themselves.
  • Naruto and Gaara shaking hands when the former is about to leave Suna. The Konoha jinchūriki smiles at his friend and tells him to show Suna how awesome of a Kazekage he is, which is followed by Gaara smiling back and encouraging him in becoming Hokage.
  • Hinata is worried for Neji given the risks associated with getting the new seal. However, she's able to rest and not stress about her cousin after Dosu brings up a more lighthearted topic, which revolves around Anko and Zabuza potentially having a thing for each other.
  • Naruto's Rousing Speech to his students when all three of them are demoralized after the fight against Kabuto. While Kanji has a more neutral expression in response, Hanabi and Katsumi are both willing to have their sensei give them a much harsher training regime like Anko did for both him and his teammates. After his students start gathering wood for fire and set up camp while having much brighter spirits, Naruto smiles and is genuinely surprised by how good it feels to be a jōnin-sensei.
  • Hinata has a large smile upon seeing Neji with the new seal. Hiashi then demonstrates that the seal is working by trying and failing to activate the old seal, which is followed by the clan head having a smile larger than any other smiles Hinata has ever seen on him. As for Neji, he has Tears of Joy over being free and thinks "Father... the cage is finally open!" Hinata then pulls her cousin into a tight hug, who returns the hug, while she's making similar tears:
    Hinata: Neji-nii-san... I'm so happy. I'm so, so happy for you! This is it! This is how we unite the Hyūga Clan!
  • Kanji finally reveals to Naruto why he's not too fond of Ino. Given that he's not part of the clan head's immediate family, he sees Yamanaka like himself to be nothing more than casualty statistics seeing how many of them died over the years and weren't given as much attention as those from the clan head's immediate family. Kanji brings up his older brother Fū Yamanaka as an example of that. After hugging his student when the latter is getting emotional, Naruto tells him he's going to make sure the Yamanaka becomes the shinobi he was meant to be. Kanji is about to retort that's not how things are supposed to be, only to be interrupted by his sensei bringing up the fact that Hinata and Neji are in the process of bridging the gap within their divided clan so they can be one family and he's confident they'll succeed. Naruto then asks Kanji what is his dream. After taking a deep breath, the Yamanaka replies, among other things, that he wants to join ANBU or, at the very least, be a strong jōnin. His sensei grins and tells Kanji that, when he's done with his student, the latter will be "the frickin ANBU commander". The Yamanaka smiles and has Tears of Joy in response.

Chapter 67

  • After hugging and kissing Naruto, Hinata reveals to both him and Hanabi that she now has her new seal on her forehead. Her boyfriend is excited over this, as it means she's getting closer to her dream. After expressing how confident he is that she'll succeed, Naruto grabs Hinata's hand and leads her out of the estate to celebrate, making her nearly trip before catching herself and giggling at his antics:
    Hinata: I missed you.
    Naruto: [cheerfully] And I missed you too!
  • Masakado and Hiruzen reflecting on what Mito Uzumaki had done for them when she was still alive.
  • Hinata and Hanabi come to their father's office to discuss something with him. It turns out Hinata has the idea of having Neji become the next heir of the Hyuga Clan. Her father is surprised by that, but his eldest daughter explain that not only does she think Neji has always had a better reputation than her, but making him the next heir would be a sign that their clan is changing for the better. Hiashi understands her logic, but also takes the time to say she would make an excellent Clan Head before asking her if she's certain this is what she feels is best. Hinata replies "I do." before adding that Neji will be able to handle clan politics better than she can and that he'll be an even better Clan Head. Hanabi agrees with her sister. Their father then has a smile and tears falling down his face while thinking about how he wishes Hizashi could be there to see the latter's son become the Clan Head. Ultimately, he agrees to make Neji the new heir.
    • Hiashi asks his daughters if they have any personal plans. Upon hearing Hinata's plans, he tells her, while smiling, to not sell yourself short as she has the strength to be in ANBU or the Jōnin Commander of Konoha. After Hanabi shares her plans, Hiashi tells his daughters that they have grown into such strong women and that their mother would be so proud of them.
  • Katsumi having Tears of Joy and the brightest, widest smile Naruto has ever seen on her face when her sensei gives her an actual sword to replace her wooden one. She then thanks him because he's the first person to really believe she can grow stronger and be a great shinobi. This is followed by Katsumi having even more determination to do some training, which causes Naruto to chuckle as she reminds him a ton like him and he thinks she's what he would be like if he had never met Hinata and Shikamaru, and Anko was the person he met to really care about his development.
  • Naruto giving some encouragement to Hinata before the meeting with the clan elders that will decide the fate of her clan.

Chapter 68

  • On her way to the stadium, Hinata removes her forehead protector from, well, her forehead to proudly display her seal to the world, saying while smiling that she doesn't want to hide it as it's the very thing that will unite the Hyuga Clan. Neji is inspired to do the same thing and, while smiling as well, tells her he hopes she doesn't mind if he borrows that idea:
    Hinata: [her smile growing wider] Please, follow along! It looks good like that, Neji-nii-san!
    • This is followed by Hiashi shaking his head and feeling that his eyes are starting to glisten with tears, although he tries to resist the feeling while in public given that he has an image to maintain.
  • Hinata and Neji having a relieved, elated look after they win their fight against their grandfather. The Hyuga girl immediately hugs her cousin afterwards:
    Hinata: We did it, Neji-nii-san! We did it!
    Neji: [returning the hug and having Tears of Joy alongside his cousin] I'm so proud of us, Hinata-sama-
    Hinata: [tightening the hug] Not Hinata-sama. There's no family difference anymore. We're just cousins now!
    Neji: ... Hinata. We did it then, Hinata.
    • The reactions that Hinata and Neji's loved ones have are definitely positive as well:
      Shikamaru: [chuckling] Naruto, don't be so loud. She's having a moment. [having a large grin while looking at his friend in approval] She did a hell of a job, out there.
      Dosu: [smiling] She fought her ideals and came out on top. She and her cousin showed how truly strong they were. Anko-taichō will be pleased to hear about this. Hinata did amazing.
      Naruto: More than amazing. She was a straight-up BADASS! YEAH! THAT'S MY GIRLFRIEND!
      Hanabi: [thinking while smiling brightly] Hinata-nee-san is so cool...
    • Hanabi is then shocked to see Hiashi's reaction. The latter has Tears of Joy and the widest smile she's ever seen on his face:
      Hiashi: Hizashi... look at what your son did. Look at what my daughter did. They've accomplished our dreams.

Chapter 69

  • Anko smiles when Mei mentions Utakata. Yagura then informs the Konoha shinobi that Utakata has started to take Hotaru's training seriously, that Hotaru is making progress, and that Utakata seems to finally enjoy being her 'sensei'. Anko's smile widens while she says "Excellent to hear." in response.
    • Mei asks Anko to go to Taki. One of the reasons for that is that she knows Fū, the Taki jinchūriki, is "apparently a rather lonely person and could use some more friends in her life".
  • Neji widens his eyes in shock when he learns that he's the new heir to the Hyuga Clan. He asks Hinata why did she and Hiashi do this. She then gives numerous reasons as to why he'll make the perfect Clan Head. His eyes widening further, Neji has tears in his eyes before pulling Hinata into a hug that she quickly returns.
  • Shikamaru explains to Naruto that his new lethal technique is something he wanted to make sure was ready in case of something bad happening in the future, as he wants to avoid another situation similar to what happened with Karitoriki. Seeing both the sadness and the amount of determination in the Nara's eyes, the Uzumaki smiles and gives him a thumbs-up:
    Naruto: Nothing like that will ever happen again. I know you'll stop it. Because you're an awesome shinobi, Shikamaru.
    Shikamaru: [smiling and giving his friend a thumbs-up] Thanks.
  • At the Uzumaki Clan Compound, after Tayuya appears in the same room as all the other Uzumaki, Naruto gives her a hug and widens his grin, excited to see that not only is she back, but she also brought back more members of their clan. She returns the hug and tells him "Good to see you again, Naruto."
    • The chapter ends with Naruto looking at all the Uzumaki in the room and cherishing that his clan is starting to feel more like a family than before with each new addition to said family.

Chapter 70

  • When Iruka gets Setsuko as a new student, the former tells Naruto that she seems to be as excitable as his former student. The blond ninja says while laughing "For your sake, I hope she's not!", only for Iruka to tell him while smiling "Eh, I wouldn't mind her being a handful in the way that you were. You still are one of the most rewarding students I've ever had to teach. I'd be more than happy if she turned out to be half the shinobi you were."
    • Iruka then tells Naruto he's glad the latter has picked up a 'little sister':
      Naruto: [smiling back] Heh, I'm just as glad! She and her father have only been in the village for a week, but it already feels like they've been here forever. It feels nice having them here!
      Iruka: That's what family is like. I'm really happy for you, Naruto.
  • Susumu thanking Jiraiya for opening up Konoha to him and his daughter.
    • Soon after, Jiraiya tells Hiashi that the seal on the latter's forehead looks good on him. The Hyuga says he thought about covering it up before deciding to follow Hinata's and Neji's example by leaving his forehead exposed:
      Hiashi: I am rather fond of this seal and what it represents.
      Jiraiya: Again, I'm very glad to hear that. I'm honestly very happy for your clan.
  • When Sasuke, Sakura, Kiba, and Akamaru meet Naruto's students for the first time, Katsumi tells them she can't imagine another jōnin-sensei doing as good a job as Naruto did with her and her teammates. The Uzumaki is taken by surprise to hear one of his students praising him like that. He smiles as it was surprising and it felt very nice.
    • This was preceded by Sakura praising Naruto by telling his students that Kiba "doesn't have anything to show [them] that Naruto can't show [them]." And when the pink-haired kunoichi and her teammates are leaving, Kiba takes the time to tell the younger shinobi that Naruto is a great guy and they have a great sensei.
  • Naruto, Hinata, and Shikamaru all being excited because the three of them will go on another mission with Anko, just like old times.

Chapter 71

  • After Fū and the Konoha shinobi have left Shibuki's mansion, the leader of Takigakure chuckles and, regarding Fū, says to himself "It's good to see her like that. I can't recall the last time I saw her in such a good mood."
  • Jiraiya telling Tayuya that her ancestors would be proud of her for succeeding at uniting all the Uzumaki clan members and helping them get a good life.
  • At Fū's house, the Konoha shinobi are eating alongside the Taki jinchūriki. They have a conversation where the latter would be answering Team 3's questions about her poetry and recite more poetry to them. The fact that the Konoha shinobi are interested in her work and her in general is almost relaxing to her. She isn't used to this feeling, but she's definitely enjoying it.
    • All four Konoha shinobi express a desire to spar with Fū. The latter is excited as they all seem genuinely interested in her and sparring with her. Earlier on, she was unwilling to trust humans in general due to the way they treat jinchūriki, even after Naruto confirms to her that the rest of Team 3 don't care about his status as a jinchūriki. But now, it seems like she has a reason to change her mind:
      Fū: [thinking] Perhaps he's right about these humans... Heh. Sure. If they have the trust of another jinchūriki, I'll trust them.

Chapter 72

  • When Naruto wakes up and pulls himself out of the bed he's sharing with Hinata at Fū's house, he looks at his girlfriend, still asleep. She doesn't wake up and instead takes up the central spot of the bed. Naruto chuckles and has a small blush while thinking about how she's so cute.
    • After going outside the bedroom, Naruto comes across Fū. She gets angry when he tries to convince her she can find people who care about her like he did as she's convinced it's not going to happen. After two minutes of silence, Naruto apologizes for what he did, only for Fū to apologize herself. She says that she appreciates him trying to help, but also that she's not going to find this help in Taki. The Uzumaki then says, while smiling, that at least she has people like him who will always be there if she needs him. She stands up and almost cries before preventing herself from doing so. Fū then has a large grin and hugs Naruto, who returns the hug:
      Fū: Thanks Naruto.
      Naruto: Anytime.
  • Anko angrily giving a "The Reason You Suck" Speech to two Taki civilians who were negatively talking about Fū. After Anko is done with that, the Taki jinchūriki, who isn't used to watch someone defend her like that, tells her she didn't have to do that. Anko replies "I mean, I didn't but I did. And Naruto would have if I didn't. As would Shikamaru or Hinata.", with the other three Konoha shinobi nodding in agreement. This is followed by Fū saying "... Well, thanks." while having a small smile.
  • At Fū's house, while Shikamaru and Anko are teasing Naruto and Hinata over the Uzumaki taking such a long time to realize that the Hyuga was in love with him, the Taki jinchūriki smiles as she's getting used to the Konoha shinobi's company, already hoping they would be staying in Taki for a little while longer. Quite a contrast to when she was introduced in the previous chapter.

Chapter 76

  • At his mansion, Shibuki cries over what happened to Taki. Anko tells him that none of what happened is his fault. However, he still blames himself given how utterly useless he was and he thinks he probably deserved to die. Shibuki is then interrupted by Anko punching him in the face. The Konoha shinobi makes it clear he shouldn't say that before telling him that his village needs a strong leader and it's now his time to shine. After Anko says a few more things to cheer him up, Shibuki resumes having tears on his face, but he also has a smile and says "I... I'll try.", with the Konoha shinobi remaining by his side until he stops crying.
  • Naruto and Fū come across a young woman and her teenaged son. The latter two take the time to give compliments for protecting the village to the two jinchūriki before leaving. Fū is taken aback given that getting compliments is something she's not used to. However, she thinks she doesn't deserve it given that the Akatsuki invaded Taki to get her and thus it's her fault if the village was attacked. Naruto tells her to stop thinking that as it's not her fault. Fū says that maybe it's not her fault, but she's at least a factor to it. After a moment of silence, she recites some poetry, which is followed by Naruto doing some poetry of his own. However, Fū laughs at his poem because of the repetition he uses at the end. She then smiles at him, hugs him, and thanks him for cheering her up, with Naruto returning the hug and smiling while saying "Of course!"
  • Fū talks to Hinata about how much the former is not pleased over Shibuki forcing her to go to Konoha, even if it's for her own good. The Konoha kunoichi tells her she can relate to that seeing how there was a time where she didn't have that much freedom because of the Hyuga Clan's traditions, but she was able to end those traditions alongside Neji. Hinata then tells the jinchūriki that the latter can also have her own freedom by coming to Konoha, growing stronger, and coming back to Taki by showing everyone there what she's capable of and that she's the one who'll make her own decisions moving forward. Fū remains silent for a moment before smiling and shaking hands with Hinata. And then she gives a really tight hug to the Hyuga that makes it hard for the latter to breath.
    • This is followed by Fū apologizing to Hinata for judging her before meeting her given that she usually distrusts 'normal humans' like the Hyuga. She was even disappointed that Naruto was not available to talk to her and she instead had to talk one of the non-jinchūriki Konoha shinobi, only to realize that Hinata was able to understand her situation perfectly. The Konoha kunoichi shakes her head and says:
      Hinata: I... don't think you need to apologize. I understand. Han-san, the jinchūriki of the Gobi, was the same way. As was Utakata-san. You had your reasons. [smiling] Just know that I'll always be there if you need anything. I'm your friend, okay?
      Fū: [smiling back] As you are mine!
  • When Fū is about to leave Taki alongside the Konoha shinobi, Shibuki has a sad smile as he tells the Taki jinchūriki that he doesn't want her to leave, but he also knows this is for the best for her. Giving him a thumbs-up while having a confident smirk, she tells him she'll come back stronger and freer than ever and that she'll do her best to keep Taki strong and alive. This causes Shibuki's sad smile to be replaced by a large grin as he expresses that he'll look forward to that day.

    Chapters 77-90: Shimogakure/Iwagakure Arc 

Chapter 77

  • When meeting Team 10 for the first time, Fū is hesitant over revealing to them that she's a jinchūriki. She then decides to reveal it, wanting to know if Konoha is better than Taki in that regard. Naturally, given that they're aware of Naruto's status as a jinchūriki and that they're friends with him, Team 10 have a positive reaction to this reveal instead of a negative one.
  • After an argument with Suzumebachi, Kurotsuchi is angry and complains about not being able to punch the Kamizuru or else it would worsen her grandfather's reputation. This is followed by Kurotsuchi's teammates praising her for her behavior:
    Roto: Hey, props for showing resistance. She crossed the line bringing up Shikamaru like that, so you definitely looked better overall.
    Risho: [nodding and smiling] Seconded. You did well, Kurotsuchi.

Chapter 78

  • While talking with Hinata, Naruto has a look of determination and says, among other things, that he's trying to learn the time-reversal seal so he can do his part to help keep everyone safe. She looks at his determined face and blushes before turning towards the Hokage Mountain, telling her boyfriend "You know, it's statements and beliefs like that are going to make you an amazing Hokage. You're going to do amazing things for this village, Naruto-kun." This causes him to blush and smile at her.
    • Naruto tells Hinata that not only is she going to make an excellent advisor to the Hokage, but also an amazing wife. She blushes heavily upon hearing that and tells him to not tease her. However, the Uzumaki says "I wasn't, though." while smiling and blushing as well. In response to that, the Hyuga has a new shade of red on her cheeks and she develops a wide smile:
      Hinata: ...I love you, Naruto.
      Naruto: I love you too, Hinata.
      [They briefly kiss before continuing to walk together.]

Chapter 79

  • After Jiraiya tells Naruto, Hinata, Sasuke, and Fū they're all going to Shimogakure to meet the Raikage, he tells them to get ready for when they'll leave in two hours. Everyone leaves the Hokage's office, except Hinata who is standing still at the door. Given the infamous Hyuga affair involving the Raikage, Jiraiya understands what she's going through and offers to ask someone else to replace her, all while reassuring her that the Raikage cannot attempt anything on her.
  • At the Hyuga Clan estate, Hinata tells Naruto how she feels about the Raikage. She goes on a rant about it where she eventually has tears over what Ē did to herself and her clan, culminating in her yelling "FUCK THE RAIKAGE!" Her boyfriend tries to make her feel better; first by holding out his hand to her so she can grab it while she's talking; second by tightening his grip on her hand, helping her relax; and third by encouraging her to yell more as it would allow her to burn off some steam. This is followed by a moment where they both yell "FUCK THE RAIKAGE!", causing the two of them to laugh in some much-needed relief.
    • Afterwards, Naruto tells Hinata that regardless of whether or not the Raikage changed after all these years, she's entitled to however she feels about the latter:
      Naruto: And don't feel bad about hating him.
      Hinata: I don't. I definitely don't.
      Naruto: But don't feel bad around him. Walk right into that meeting and just show him who you are and that he has no power over you. [his smile widening] Just keep being you!
      [She smiles back with a smile so wide and sincere that it nearly brings him to tears.]
      Naruto: [thinking] She is so beautiful...
  • Fū having a bonding moment with Kanji. The former then accidentally calls her "Fū-nii" given that his older brother had the same name. He's embarrassed about it, but she tells him with a teasing grin that it should be "Fū-nee" instead. This is followed by Kanji going back to his sleeping bag, all while having a large grin and telling her "Get good sleep sis!" Fū then questions herself about what just happened, thinking he simply did a slip of his tongue and wasn't asking for a sibling or anything. However, she then admits to herself that having a little brother does sound nice given that she always wanted a family.

Chapter 80

  • Naruto insisting on buying a coat for Katsumi, making the latter widen her eyes and stare at her sensei. Later, after they both get warmer clothing, she thanks him while smiling, adding that it means a lot to her given that she's not too used to getting gifts.
    • Katsumi reveals to Naruto that she's trying to earn enough money to move out from her parents' home, with her parents trying to do everything to discourage her from being a shinobi. Naruto promises to help out with the way he can by having their team taking on a lot of well-paying missions, saying she'll have her own place by the time of the next Chūnin Exams. In response, Katsumi smiles brightly and thanks him for what he said.
  • Hinata tells Hanabi that she could knit a scarf for the latter. However, her younger sister says she should knit one for Naruto instead as he would probably appreciate it. This gets Hinata excited as it reminds her of a red scarf that Naruto used to wear before they became friends and she thanks Hanabi for inspiring her this "perfect idea".
    • After Hinata explains why she won't be nervous when meeting the Raikage later on, Hanabi smiles and calls her the strongest person she knows. Hinata chuckles and says that their father and Naruto are both stronger than her, but her sister says she stands by what she said.
    • Hanabi asks her older sister if their mother was as strong as Hinata. Taken aback by that question, Hinata smiles and says their mother was incredibly strong and kind, and that she still strives to be half the person their mother was. She then adds that she thinks their mother would not only be proud of the progress she made, but also be proud of Hanabi.
    • Hanabi then asks Hinata if she really thinks so even though their mother passed away while giving birth to the former. Hinata frowns over her sister blaming herself for that before she smiles and says:
      Hinata: Hanabi, no matter what you think about what happened, mother is looking at us, from wherever she is, and smiling. She's looking at you and is so proud of you, someone who graduated years early and as rookie of the year. She is definitely proud of you!
    • This is followed by Hanabi letting tear droplets hit the ground. Noticing that, Hinata embraces her sister, who pulls her into a tight hug and they remain that way for about five minutes. After the hug is over, Hanabi wipes her tears before saying, among other things, that she really doesn't like that the Raikage will be there in Shimo and that she doesn't want anything to happen to her sister:
      Hinata: [smiling] Nothing will. It'll all be fine. I promise.
      Hanabi: [rubbing her eyes before smiling back] ...You better be.

Chapter 81

  • Killer Bee using his fist bump to share his feelings with Naruto and Hinata, with the latter two widening their eyes over how positive those feelings are.
    • Bee taking the time to apologize to Hinata for his brother's behavior. When she says she doesn't think she can forgive the Raikage for what he did to her, Bee explains that he's not trying to make her forgive his brother and is simply hoping that their respective villages can keep working together even after taking care of the Akatsuki. Smiling, Hinata tells him she appreciates what he's trying to say and explains that, besides the incident with the Raikage, she doesn't hate Kumo or its people, adding that she would support Konoha wanting to work with Kumo if it were to happen. This makes Bee grin back and give her a thumbs-up.
    • After Bee leaves, both Naruto and Hinata smile and express a desire to get to know him more. This shows that, despite the issues they have with the Raikage, they have absolutely none with his brother.

Chapter 82

  • After talking about what to do to help Fū, Hinata curls up next to Naruto on the bed. Her boyfriend then pulls her even closer in a hug and she sighs while enjoying his warmth.
    • Hinata brings up that Shikamaru should be near Iwa at this point with his own mission:
      Naruto: [chuckling] Heh, so he'll finally get to see Kurotsuchi after a while. Good. He's been bitching about that for a while.
      Hinata: [frowning] It's not 'bitching'. He misses her! And understandably; they're super cute together!
      Naruto: [still chuckling] Ehh, you're right. They are.
  • While looking for Killer Bee and Yugito, Naruto finds them at the Shimo academy. There, the two Kumo jinchūriki are teaching stuff to the students. Naruto then comes across Darui, who explains to him that Bee and Yugito always help out at the academy when they're in Shimo. He adds that the two jinchūriki are concerned for Shimo's future shinobi, so they usually like to do something special for the students whenever they're in the village.
  • Yugito's conversation with Fū, which does manage to cheer her up after losing control of Chōmei. It ends with Fū tightly hugging Yugito, who tenses in response:
    Fū: I did need that. Thank you.
    Yugito: [relaxing and returning the hug] ... Think nothing of it. Us jinchūriki have to stick together.

Chapter 83

  • Kurotsuchi and Onoki's conversation at the beginning of the chapter. The former is frustrated over what the Kamizuru shinobi are doing in Iwa. Her grandfather then makes a speech where, among other things, he says that she can do anything as long as she has 'The Will of Stone' and that their village will remain strong regardless of what anyone else says. Said speech does put Kurotsuchi in a better mood as a result.

Chapter 84

  • Kanji is not in a good mood after learning that his brother is not only still alive after all this time, but seemingly doesn't care about his family. Naruto tries to make him feel better by hugging him, with both Hanabi and Katsumi rushing over to turn it into a Group Hug, The young Yamanaka says he just wants it to end, causing his sensei to say he felt the same way when he learned he was a jinchūriki. At first, he thought there was nothing he could do to impress the villagers and force them to acknowledge him. However, Hinata and Shikamaru, who learned the truth alongside him, accepted him, understood what he was feeling, and stood by his side. Naruto then explains that what he's trying to say to Kanji is that the latter is not alone and that both the Yamanaka's teammates and the Uzumaki are there for him when he needs them. Both Hanabi and Katsumi express their agreement over this. Hearing all of this eventually causes Kanji to stop sobbing and to seemingly return the embrace of the hug more and more. After the group hug is over, the Yamanaka has a sincere smile and thanks his teammates and their sensei for what they did.
    • This is followed by Naruto agreeing to Kanji's request of letting Katsumi and Hanabi come with them to Fū Yamanaka's interrogation for the younger Yamanaka's support.
    • Fū Yamanaka allows Kanji to check his mind, allowing the younger Yamanaka to learn the truth about his older brother's disappearance. After learning that Fū was forced to join ROOT against his will, the rage Kanji had towards his brother for seemingly not caring about their family is replaced by the younger Yamanaka hugging his brother and sobbing while saying that he's sorry. Later on, when Kanji is about to leave the place where his brother is tied up, the younger Yamanaka has a smile and Tears of Joy while telling his brother how glad he is that the latter is alive and still himself. After Kanji is gone, Fū has a feeling of happiness in his heart over what just happened with his younger brother.
  • Seeing the once-shy Hinata standing her ground in front of the Raikage, Naruto can't help but smile and thinks about how she's "really badass".
    • Hinata agrees to fight the Raikage after Killer Bee suggests a fight between these two, with the Hyuga doing this partly so Ē would be forced to let Bee and Yugito train the other seven jinchūriki. After the shinobi from Konoha and Kumo have arrived to the training ground for the fight, we have this exchange:
      Katsumi: ... Hanabi, has anyone ever told you your sister is badass? Because she's a badass.
      Naruto: Hell yeah she is!
      Sasuke: [crossing his arms and eyeing the Uzumaki] Naruto... Are you concerned at all about her fighting the Raikage? Because while Hinata is very strong, this isn't an average shinobi she's fighting. This is a Kage-level shinobi.
      Naruto: [smiling] ... I trust her.
    • Later during the fight, Hinata reveals to the Raikage that she was the girl he tried to kidnap thirteen years ago. She gives him a "The Reason You Suck" Speech for his behavior, only to be taken aback when, before she tries to attack him, he drops his lightning armor. The Raikage then explains why he did this to her, that he was following the example of his predecessor and that he did that to make Kumo stronger. After saying he will never apologize for anything he does that he believes will make his village stronger, he acknowledges its amorality and says that he's sorry for that. Ē then allows her to let out all her hatred for him with one clear hit. She does so, but she purposefully does it in a way that wouldn't kill him. When he asks her about it afterwards, Hinata says that while she will always hate him for what he did to herself and her clan, she thinks he does regret it. She adds that not only does he care about his village, but also that the latter needs its leader. And ultimately, when everything is said and done, the Raikage does allow Bee and Yugito to train the other jinchūriki after being so adamantly against it before his fight against Hinata.
    • Yugito tells Naruto and Fū that when all nine jinchūriki will be able to activate Bijū mode at will, they will finally spar and see who is really the strongest. After nodding to it, Naruto looks at Hinata and has a large grin on his face:
      Naruto: [thinking and blushing slightly] Hinata... you're easily the strongest one here.
    • The narration indicates that Hinata has a rush of emotions over everything that just happened. It also indicates that while she still hates the Raikage, the two of them got closure from their fight, something they both needed. This is followed by Hinata falling into unconsciousness while smiling.

Chapter 85

  • Kurotsuchi is told by Han to open his door because whoever knocked at it is for her. She's confused by that, only to widen her eyes exponentially when she sees Shikamaru behind that door. It takes a while for her mind to register what she's seeing, but when it does, she's overjoyed and gives a tight hug to her boyfriend while having the widest smile she's ever had.
    • Susumu gives a compliment to Han by saying that the latter's art style is magnificent. In response, the Iwa jinchūriki chuckles and has a sincere smile before saying "I don't normally get complimented on the artwork, so thank you very much."
    • Kurotsuchi asks Shikamaru if he and his group have living arrangements set up already before adding that she got room at her place. Her boyfriend says while smiling that they'd love to stay with her. His girlfriend's smile is so sincere that his own smile widens further.
  • Upon waking up after her fight with the Raikage, Hinata notices she's back in her hotel room. She then smiles when she sees Naruto asleep right next to her, with his hand around her waist and pulling her close.
    • After Naruto wakes up, he praises Hinata for being "so badass" during her fight, making her blush slightly and thank him. The Hyuga then smiles when her boyfriend mentions that Hanabi was "very, VERY pleased" with what her sister was able to do.
    • Naruto asks her how she feels after that fight. She says that while she still has anger towards the Raikage, she was able to get most of it out and she thinks she can move past it, smiling while commenting on how "[i]t feels really, really nice."
    • Her boyfriend tells her it feels nice after seeing her get like that over the jinchūriki training:
      Hinata: The training that Bee-san and Yugito-san can offer you all is important. I didn't want it to go to waste. I want you to be as strong as you can be, Naruto-kun. Especially if you're really going to have to fight the Akatsuki's leader...
      Naruto: I just think it's cool how emotional you got over it. And Fū thought so too. She told me how much it meant to her that you cared.
      Hinata: [giggling] Of course I do! You two better know I care about you both a ton! And all the other jinchūriki too! Everyone I've met has been so sweet. You, Fū-san, Han-san, Utakata-san... even Yugito-san and Bee-san, who we just met; you're all great people. And I'm honored to know all of you.
      Naruto: I love you, Hinata.
      Hinata: And I love you too, Naruto.
      [They kiss and pull each other close to one another before falling asleep.]
  • In Kurotsuchi's bedroom, she complains to Shikamaru over the whole situation involving the Kamizuru and how stressful it's been for her. He then asks her if she thinks she's doing okay. His girlfriend replies she thinks she is, but also that she feels like she could be doing better with all of this. The Nara then says he's sure she's been doing great, only to rephrase himself and says he knows she's been doing better. Kurotsuchi shrugs in response, causing Shikamaru to shove her shoulder slightly and say:
    Shikamaru: [chuckling] You know I wouldn't lie to you. Lying would be too troublesome. You're a marvelous shinobi, Kurotsuchi. And you're doing a good job. Your grandfather knows that, your team knows that, and I know that. And you got enough charisma to really make a difference for things you believe in!
    Kurotsuchi: [smiling] ... I know.
    Shikamaru: [starting to grin] So you're doing great. And you're going to keep doing great. Because doing anything less would be too troublesome for you.
    • This is followed by the two of them having a make out session. At first, Kurotsuchi rolls on top of Shikamaru. However, the latter immediately flips them so he would be on top of her, doing so without breaking their kiss. Nearly a minute later, they break their kiss and she giggles:
      Kurotsuchi: [grinning] So forward. So active. Who are you and what have you done with my Lazy Ass boyfriend!
      Shikamaru: [rolling his eyes slightly and chuckling while kissing her cheek] Oh forgive me for being a little forward with my girlfriend. I haven't seen her in a while.
      Kurotsuchi: [sighing peacefully] God, I missed you. [rubbing his cheeks] I... really did. I've been stressed out so much that I was probably one more day away from like snapping at Suzumebachi and making a scene. So... thank you.
      Shikamaru: [smiling while his hand is on her waist] There's nothing to thank me for. I'm always there for you if you need me. Like you were there for me when I was going through problems after the Kirigakure Civil War.
      Kurotsuchi: I know you are. And you know I will always be there for you. I love you Shikamaru.
      Shikamaru: I love you too, Kurotsuchi!
      [They resume kissing.]

Chapter 86

  • After Kurotsuchi finally manages to use the Dust Release jutsu (which took her many years to achieve), Onoki has a sincere smile and tells her that he's proud of her.
    • Onoki tells his granddaughter to not strain herself and says "A Tsuchikage needs to be strong, like a mountain. If you're wobbling from overexertion, how strong are you actually? What kind of mountain is that?" She then nods her head and closes her eyes to rest, only to open them upon realizing what he just said. Kurotsuchi then asks him if he just admitted that she could be Tsuchikage. Onoki scoffs and crosses his arms before saying "That's just some advice to you about how to carry yourself. If that's how you want to take that, then so be it." The narration then explains that the old man is someone who would never admit out loud that anyone could become Tsuchikage. But what he just said was the closest his granddaughter was ever going to get from him acknowledging that she could become Tsuchikage. Kurotsuchi then says "... Understood." while grinning and closing her eyes.
  • Shikamaru's conversation with Kitsuchi. The former says he wants to be with Kurotsuchi and help her anyway he can as a lover and advisor, but also that he wants to help Naruto when the latter becomes Hokage. Kitsuchi comments to the Nara that it would be impossible to adequately serve both Konoha and Iwa. Shikamaru replies that he'll accomplish both, but also that he needs to talk to Kurotsuchi about how they can manage all of that. He then adds that he stands by his statements regarding Konoha and his girlfriend. Eventually, Kitsuchi smirks and says he appreciates the Nara being honest and that he can tell the young man loves Kurotsuchi, causing Shikamaru to sharply says that he loves her more than anything else. The Iwa shinobi tells him that the only thing he asks is that the Nara stays by her side should she ever need him, especially for the time being given how stressed she is. The Konoha shinobi promises that he will always be by her side, all while calling her father "Kitsuchi-san". The latter then smirks and holds out his hand to the young man:
    Kitsuchi: Please; just Kitsuchi. No need for honorifics with me, Shikamaru.
    Shikamaru: [smiling and shaking his hand] Alright. You have my word, Kitsuchi.

Chapter 87

  • In Kurotsuchi's bedroom, Shikamaru tells her that she and Onoki will succeed with stopping Suzumebachi. Kurotsuchi sighs and says they're trying, only for her boyfriend to repeat that they'll succeed and to say "And I'll be here to see it. And be able to make up for all the help you gave me after the Kirigakure Civil War." She stares at him for a moment before smiling and pulling him closer, the two of them holding each other in a tight embrace. Kurotsuchi thanks him and he replies "No need to thank me." before they fall asleep while still in their embrace.

Chapter 89

  • Shikamaru smiling in response to Kurotsuchi defeating Suzumebachi.
    • Mū asks Kurotsuchi why does she wish to be Tsuchikage. She replies that it's because she loves Iwa with all her heart and she wants to pay the village back for all it helped her accomplish and become. Hearing that, Mū is reminded of the late Onoki when the latter was a young man and smiles before telling her about it. At this moment, the Nidaime Tsuchikage's body starts to fall apart as a result of Edo Tensei ending. Before he's completely gone, he tells Kurotsuchi, among other things, that he feels she may be Iwa's finest Tsuchikage yet. When she says she's not ready yet and needs to grow more, he tells her that she'll grow into the position and that he'll be excited to break the news to Onoki that she'll become Tsuchikage when he'll meet him in the afterlife. Mū then promises to Kurotsuchi that he'll tell her grandfather that she loves him:
      Mū: Kurotsuchi, keep this village strong. Through whatever means necessary. You now have my faith and your grandfather's. Always... protect... this... village...

Chapter 90

  • Kurotsuchi expresses to Shikamaru how concerned she is about becoming Tsuchikage, worried that she'll cause Iwa to fall apart. With a small smile, her boyfriend tries to reassure her by reminding her of Mū saying that she has his and Onoki's faith. The Nara adds that she also has Kitsuchi's faith. His smile growing wider, he tells her:
    • She remains silent for a moment before apologizing to her boyfriend over him having to see her like this. He tells her that she doesn't have to be sorry and that he'll always be there for her, only to be interrupted by her kissing him much to his surprise before kissing her back. After the kiss is over, she has a small smile on her face and thanks him:
      Shikamaru: [smiling back] It's as I said, Kurotsuchi; I'll always be there for you.
      Kurotsuchi: [nodding her head] As... I always am for you.
  • Rōshi is reluctant to return to Iwa given that he was unable to prevent Onoki's death. However, Han is able to make him change his mind by saying that Kurotsuchi needs his help and all the support she can get as the new Tsuchikage. After Rōshi says they should go before he changes his mind:
    Han: You're a good man, Rōshi. [holding out his hand to his friend] I know how difficult it is to lose a friend like Ōnoki at a time like this. I am sorry.
    Rōshi: [shaking his head] You don't need to apologize to me for that. I'm the last one you should be feeling sorry for.
    Han: [frowning slightly] Your feelings are valid, Rōshi. Don't discredit them like that. I wish I could relate more, to be honest. I feel like I am not nearly as helpful as I would like to be for you.
    Rōshi: [with a small smile] ... You don't even have to help me in the first place. You're a good guy too, Han. Thanks.
    [They shake each other's hand.]
  • Naruto and Hinata have a conversation where they show concerns over Kurotsuchi given what happened to her in Iwa, including the fact that she replaced Onoki as Tsuchikage as a result of the latter being killed. Eventually, the Uzumaki says that he wants to be Hokage to create peace not only in Konoha, but also in the rest of the world. He adds that this way, people like Onoki and Jiraiya could pass their title on naturally, and the number of deaths in the world would decrease. The Hyuga smiles and tells him that he'll make a great Hokage, adding that she knows he'll do what he can to help the world. He smiles back and thanks her before they hug each other.
    • Not too long afterwards, Naruto talks with Fū Yamanaka over ROOT causing Onoki's death. The ROOT agent doesn't have the most optimistic opinion over what shinobi should be doing. However, the Uzumaki tells him, among other things, that he wants to work so that people like the auburn-haired Yamanaka don't have to go through ROOT's hellish training and can enjoy their lives with their friends and family. Fū slightly widens his eyes upon hearing that. After Naruto tells him to sleep and leaves, the Yamanaka feels an emotion he hasn't had in a long time, which is hope. He then softly says that the Uzumaki better be able to create this ROOT-less world. Even though Naruto doesn't hear it, he has a smile on his face, giving the impression he could tell that his words reached the ROOT agent.
  • When Kurotsuchi says that she thinks she "fucked up" her relationship with her father, Rōshi tells her otherwise:
    Rōshi: [with a small smile] That man would talk endlessly about your strength and passion for Iwa. He knew you were going to be Tsuchikage one day and was always So Proud of You.
    • Given how close Rōshi was with Onoki, Kurotsuchi hugs the Yonbi jinchūriki and tells him she's sorry for his loss. His eyes widen before hugging her back and smiling:
      Rōshi: And I'm sorry too for you. But we'll make it through. Just know that, like I'd do anything for him, I'll do the same for you. You ever need any advice or just some manpower? I'm your guy.
      Kurotsuchi: [smiling back] Thank you.
  • On their way to the inauguration, Kurotsuchi and Shikamaru have a conversation where the Nara tells her she'll do a good job as Tsuchikage and she thanks him for being by her side:
    Kurotsuchi: I was in a dark place yesterday. And honestly, I still kinda am. A part of me still feels incomplete with how Gramps and Dad died. But... I guess I feel strong enough to keep moving on thanks to you. [looking at Shikamaru while her eyes are watering] I feel stronger knowing you're by my side. Even when you're in Konoha, I feel your presence and your love. And that's why... [shaking her head and brushing her eyes before any tears fall] Thank you.
    [Shikamaru remains quiet while staring back at her. He rubs his eyes before looking at her while grinning and nodding.]
    Shikamaru: I love you.
    Kurotsuchi: I love you too.
  • After Kurotsuchi ends her speech at the inauguration, the people of Iwa loudly cheer at her support. At the same time, Roto, Risho, Han, and Rōshi all have rather positive thoughts over her; Dosu, Susumu, and Tayuya are all clapping for her; as for Shikamaru, he stares at his girlfriend with the widest grin he's ever had:
    Shikamaru: [thinking and nodding at her] You finally did it Kurotsuchi. And you're going to do even more, great things. I'm So Proud of You.

    Chapters 91-98: Danzō Pursuit/ROOT's Last Stand Arc 

Chapter 91

  • After Itachi reveals the truth over what happened during the Uchiha Clan Massacre, Sasuke starts asking several questions about it. Eventually, he says he has so many more for his brother. The latter encourages him to do so given that Tsukuyomi, the jutsu he's using on Sasuke, lasts for 72 hours. Itachi then smiles and tells the younger Uchiha he would like to ask him questions as well in order to get to know him again. In response to this, for the first time since before the massacre and after years of feeling so much hatred towards Itachi, Sasuke is smiling at his brother. This in turn causes the latter's smile to grow larger.
  • When Tsukuyomi ends, the Uchiha Brothers have a discussion with Jiraiya, Naruto, and Hinata. Given that the Akatsuki will be attacking during the Kumo Chūnin Exams, Itachi expresses his hope that the Konoha shinobi will be prepared for the invasion and confirms to Sasuke that he'll be in Kumo when it happens. His younger brother asks him:
    Sasuke: ... If I were to go with Hokage-sama as a bodyguard to Kumo, would I have the chance to see you there?
    Itachi: [nodding his head] ... That would be tricky to pull off, since Zetsu would most likely be patrolling the area, but I could manage I think.
    Sasuke: [crossing his arms] You promise? I need-
    [Itachi does a rather familiar gesture by poking Sasuke with his left index finger. The younger Uchiha's eyes widen while he's speechless.]
    Itachi: [smiling] Forgive me, Sasuke. I promise, we will meet again.
    [Tears come out of Sasuke's eyes as he rubs them. He then smiles back and nods.]
    Sasuke: I... look forward to seeing you again.
    Itachi: As do I.
    • After Itachi bows his head to Jiraiya, Naruto, and Hinata, he pulls Sasuke into a hug, who wastes no time hugging him back.
  • At night, Naruto and Sasuke have a conversation, with the latter complaining that his one goal of killing Itachi is no longer valid as a result of knowing the truth about the Uchiha Clan Massacre and feeling that him growing strong to achieve that goal was pointless. The Uzumaki tries to reassure him by saying that growing strong is never a waste and that the Uchiha can always find a new goal based on who he is now. With his arm around Sasuke's shoulder, Naruto then reminds the Uchiha of the talk they had after the former's Kirigakure Mission, when the blond ninja said he'd be there to talk to his friend when the latter killed his brother:
    Naruto: If you ever need to rant more about anything, I'm always here to talk to. And I know when we get back to Konoha, Sakura-chan and Kiba and Kakashi-sensei will be there too. You have a support network here for you, okay? And I don't know if that helps much, but... just know it's there, okay? You got people that care about you and want to help you.
    • Sasuke remains quiet for a moment before eventually hugging Naruto back while having a small smile and his eyes watered up. This is followed by the narration describing it as "a small moment between two former rivals", but also "the first step down Sasuke's path to find a new meaning for life."

Chapter 93

  • There are several instances in this chapter which show that Sasuke has a heart of gold underneath his gruff exterior when it comes to the rest of Team 7:
    • After Sasuke confirms to Sakura and Kiba that Danzō is responsible for the Uchiha Clan Massacre, the pink-haired ninja reminds the Uchiha of something she and the Inuzuka told him before:
      Sakura: Kiba and I told you we would have your back against your brother if it ever came to that and we'll have your back here!
      Kiba: Hell yeah we have your back! We're a team for a reason! This asshole's gonna regret ever crossing you.
      Sasuke: Hmph. [smiling despite his anger towards Danzō] I appreciate you two.
    • Both Sakura and Kiba are concerned when Kakashi and Tenzō decide to take on sixteen ROOT agents by themselves. The Hatake promises to his students that he and Tenzō will be fine, causing Sasuke to cross his arms and say "... You better be."
    • When Kiba and Akamaru decide to fight one of the two ROOT agents responsible for the barrier preventing the heroes from going after Danzō, Sasuke shows some concern over this. Before the Inuzuka leaves, the Uchiha tells him "Please be careful, though."
    • This is followed by Sakura saying she will take care of the other ROOT agent (Sai in this case), which surprises Sasuke. When she says that she's probably not as strong as the rest of Jiraiya's squad, the Uchiha sharply tells her to not sell herself short, adding that she's strong and would be a great help against Danzō. After Sakura says that she'll beat the other ROOT agent and prove to the rest of the squad and herself that she's on their level, Naruto grins and says that she's already on their level before encouraging her to "[b]eat that asshole", making her grin as well and raise her fist confidently while saying "Damn right I will!" Then, while she starts to run off, Sasuke wishes her good luck.
    • Tsunade wonders out loud if it's wise for Sakura and Kiba to go against ROOT agents alone given that they're just chūnin. Sasuke replies that rank is not everything and that they'll pull through. The Senju points out that the Uchiha seemed pretty worried for them. He replies that it's because they're his teammates, but also that even though they can take care of themselves, that doesn't mean he still can't worry for them. Naruto chuckles over the fact Sasuke used the term 'teammates' and encourages him to refer to Sakura and Kiba as his friends instead. This causes the Uchiha to think about his relationship with his two teammates. While remembering his own comfort level with them, how he feels more relaxed around either of them, and how supportive they are for him with his goals, he becomes comfortable enough to label them as his friends:
      Sasuke: [thinking and narrowing his eyes while looking to his right and his left] And you both better make it out of this!
  • Remembering all the conversations he had with other shinobi, Fū Yamanaka finally concludes that "ROOT was a waste." While being restrained by Kanji using the Mind Destruction Jutsu, Fū tells him to release him so he can help Jiraiya defeat Danzō. Shocked to hear that, Kanji asks him what made him change his mind. His older brother replies that Kanji was right about everything and he apologizes for leaving him and for serving Danzō. Tearing up, the younger Yamanaka unconsciously lower his hands, ending the jutsu and releasing Fū. The first thing the latter does upon being released is to immediately and tightly hug his younger brother, who reciprocates the hug. Fū then promises to do better and once again apologize, only for Kanji to say he doesn't have to apologize for being gone given the circumstances behind his disappearance. Afterwards, before the older Yamanaka leaves, he smiles at Kanji and tells him that he loves him:
    Kanji: [smiling back] I love you too, bro.

Chapter 94

  • This chapter shows that Sasuke's heart of gold also extends to beyond the rest of Team 7 when it comes to showing concern to others. First, he asks Tsunade "You want to take on that thing, though? By yourself?" when she decides to take care of Nue. Later on, he says to Hinata "Just be careful." when she volunteers to fight the ROOT agent responsible for teleporting Nue.

Chapter 95

  • Kido reveals to Naruto that the Sandaime Hokage frequently had a few ANBU operatives always observing the Uzumaki, in case anyone tried to attack the latter, so he could be protected. This makes Naruto widen his eyes as he had no idea the old man went that far for him.

Chapter 97

  • Jiraiya grinning upon realizing that Fū Yamanaka is no longer one of Danzō's brainwashed ROOT agents.

Chapter 98

  • As a result of Fū Yamanaka helping defeat Danzō, Jiraiya intends on arranging a series of one-on-one sessions with Inoichi to help improve Fū's psyche and then releasing him to the public. In the Hokage's words, he intends on giving back to Fū the life that was taken away from him.
  • In his hospital room, Sasuke is angry because he feels he barely helped defeating Danzō, the man responsible for the Uchiha Clan Massacre. Given that he spent so many years trying to avenge his clan, the Uchiha feels that everything he's lived up to that point has been meaningless. After listening to him ranting about it, Kakashi reveals to his student that he himself felt that his own life was meaningless following the deaths of Obito, Rin, and Minato. He explains that he wanted to die by taking on any dangerous mission while working for ANBU. However, one of the biggest things to make him change his mind about it was Team 7. Sasuke widens his eyes upon hearing that. Kakashi then continues by saying, among other things, that the Uchiha, Sakura, and Kiba gave his life a new purpose. He concludes by telling Sasuke that the latter can find a purpose again just like how he himself did. His student then bows his head and softly says "... Thank you." After Kakashi leaves, Sasuke thinks about his sensei, his teammates, and Naruto all being there for him before thinking about Itachi smiling at him:
    Sasuke: [with a small smile] ... It may take a little longer to find a purpose again... but I think I at least have something that gives my life meaning again...
  • Inoichi apologizes to Fū for not preventing Danzō from taking the orange-haired Yamanaka in. The latter tells the Yamanaka Clan Head there is nothing to apologize, but Inoichi disagrees by saying that perhaps he could have prevented that disappearance from happening and that, as the Clan Head, he has a duty to serve every member of the clan and make sure they are protected. He apologizes once more, this time doing so while kneeling and bowing in front of Fū. The orange-haired Yamanaka widens his eyes at that sight and remains quiet for a moment before walking over to Inoichi, placing his hand on the latter's shoulder, and telling him that he forgives him. Several seconds later, the Clan Head stands up and smiles before saying that while he doesn't deserve Fū's forgiveness, he's grateful to have it.
  • Shikamaru and Kurotsuchi tightly hugging each other when the former is about to leave Iwa:
    Kurotsuchi: Shikamaru... thank you for all that you've done for me this time. I don't think I would be here without you right now.
    Shikamaru: [smiling] You would be able to be. You're strong, Kurotsuchi. You're the strongest person I know.
    Kurotsuchi: [tightening her grip] I love you.
    Shikamaru: [his smile deepening] I love you too.
    • They're interrupted by a smirking Roto telling them to not make out in public. Kurotsuchi responds by raising her middle finger at him before deeply kissing Shikamaru, who naturally returns it.
  • Masakado comforting Naruto (or rather the latter's clone) over Hiruzen's death.
  • When Fū Yamanaka goes to his family's home, he comes face-to-face with Kanji. The latter has Tears of Joy and tackles his brother in a deep hug, relieved that Fū is still alive. Kanji then asks his brother "You... aren't going anywhere again, are you?", with the latter reassuring the younger Yamanaka that he got his psyche cleared and that he's back.
    • Soon after, their parents arrive. This causes a Big Damn Reunion as the latter two are shocked upon recognizing Fū and they proceed to pull their two sons into a Group Hug.
  • At the Hyuga Clan Head's office, during Yoshikane's interrogation, the Hyuga Elder asks why Naruto and Hinata are present even though he requested to have the interrogation be private between him, Jiraiya, Hiashi, and the next Clan Head (Neji in other words). The Hokage replies that Hinata has every right to know about her grandfather's actions, given her relationship with the clan. As for Naruto, Jiraiya says that he will be Hokage one day and thus deserves to know as well. This makes the Uzumaki widen his eyes upon hearing what his godfather said.
