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TV TOME Adventures

  • From season 3, Nailock's unappreciated badass dramatic entrance:

    Nailock: *Lands on a chunk of ice being ridden like a surfboard* Aloha. *Beat* ...Nobody's ever around to give a shit...

  • From the Flux movie: Alpha's Imagine Spot, followed by Zetto's Big "NO!" reaction, and finally Gamecrazed's deadpan reaction, to Alphazet.
    Gamecrazed: "Oh Christ. As if Zetto couldn't be any MORE of a DBZ rip-off."


Multiple Episode Moments

  • Nylocke's Running Gag of jumping into the air and declaring himself "NYLOCKE! Dragon/Master of [insert whatever caused him to declare this here]!"

Episode 01

  • For fans of the original series, the hard transition from TTA's Nailock, Kotetsu Ryu to NYLOCKE! DRAGON OF THE COLD STEEL! due to the sheer contrast between the characters.
  • Rockoon and Doubling.
    Doubling: Let's get back to business and find this f***ing thing. My paypal's in need'o some cash.
    Rockoon: *Song and dance* Yo paypal's empty and you need cash now! Let's find that thingy and- wait, what are we looking for again?
    • Mothascratchers.
    Doubling: Mother scratchers? Really?
    Rockoon: Yeah yeah, you wish you thought of it. You mad?
    Doubling: No, just...freaking ashamed. That I know you.
  • Alpha and Flamegirl are having a moment and Kirb ruins the whole thing by being blasted onscreen and his hair catches on fire.
    (OH, BY THE WAY...)
    Kirb: Who put this campfire here?! WHO DOES THAT?!
  • After Alpha makes his Deal with the Devil, he walks up to Flamegirl.
    Alpha: I'm in the mood.
    Flamegirl: Huh? *awkwardly*
    Alpha: To wipe out some hackers.
    Flamegirl: Oh. Let's go... do that. Is it hot in here?
    Alpha: It's just you.
    Flamegirl: Obviously...
  • Nylocke's making a Rousing Speech being interrupted.
    Person in the crowd: SOMETIME TODAY, JACKASS!
    • In the remastered version, it becomes clear that Elescope's the one saying that.

Episode 02

  • Sniperwheel unveiling a huge cannon that is at least three times as big as he is, and Kirb's reaction face that follows.
    Kirbopher: WHAT IS THAT?!
    Sniperwheel: This is my "Head-Cannon". And in my head-canon...YOU DIE!
  • Additionally, DANCING.
    • And let's not forget Kirb and Nylocke sneaking behind GC on their way to the mansion.
      LittleKuriboh (during the audio commentary): We're so pro, squire!
  • Splat's intro.
    Splat: Simple, effective, disgusting, what's not to like?
    Kirb: I DON'T LIKE YOU! Whoever you are.
  • Oh, and this exchange between Nylocke and Splat.
    Nylocke:Ye seem to lack the foul mouth of your sibling, wrench.
    Splat: F**k off.
    Nylocke:(gasps) Uncouth!
  • Nylocke watching GC and Splat's fight with...some interest...
    Nylocke: Interesting! They are...locked in combat. Twisted even! I am experiencing new feelings, Squire!
    Kirb: Oh. Is this your fetish?
    Kirb: Gross...
  • And, of course, this bit after Splat seemingly has GC beat.
    Splat: So there!
    Kirb: Hi...welcome to the Loser's Club.
  • But let's not forget this bit after GC rescues everyone.
    Asterob: Now...(on his knees)...please, PLEASE, PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE YOU'VE BEEN HERE! (Kirb facefaults.)
    GC: Why did you fall?
    Kirb: I DON'T KNOW!!

Episode 03

  • "Sir Alpha! Thou wishes to become Lady Flamegirl's knight in clothes. DON'T YE?!"
  • Whyti imitating Nylocke's "WHOOSH!".
  • NYLOCKE! MASTER OF- (Demonking runs into his sword head first and gets knocked out) Unintentional... finishing blows?
  • Granda the Stegosaurus's tantrum directed at Nylocke for beating her 10 times in a row and the reactions from T-Bones, Nylocke and Alpha.
    Granda: Role-players are dumb! You're dumb! When I see you tomorrow I'm gonna bite your nails down to the cuticles and SPIT THEM IN YOUR EYES! Then I'll scraggle your greasy haircut and kick you in the face!
    T-Bones: Augh, Granda don't go, come back!
    Nylocke: I...I am...Nylocke...dumbfounded dragon...?
    Alpha: Well, it was the most colorfully spoken temper-tantrum I've ever seen somebody throw.
  • Near the end of the episode, Alpha and Flamegirl's moment is ruined by the others turning up to tease them for it before they could really do anything... ...including Demonking, who's never met either of them before.

Episode 04

  • Pick a moment with Rockoon...ANY moment.
  • Nylocke's epic and comedic Curb-Stomp Battle at the hands of Granda. Flamegirl, while all of this is happening off-screen, is seen casually trying to solve a puzzle. The exchange with Gamecrazed afterwards is also noteworthy.
    Gamecrazed: What happened to you?
    Nylocke: I was violated by a dinosaur...In the form of a scruffy little Vietnamese girl.
    Gamecrazed: I see. Asterob says hi.
    Nylocke: Oh, good! How is he?
    Gamecrazed: Still English.
    Nylocke: Rather quite.
  • Gamecrazed's "awkward-o-meter"
  • Kirb sneaking up on the head fragment like he did on GC in Episode 2.
    Kirb: I'm so pro.
  • Alpha and Kirb trying to put the idol fragments together probably gave people flashbacks to the Shrine of the Silver Monkey
  • Flamegirl tries convincing the others to meet up in real life, and reveals that Nylocke's from 'jolly old England' (much to his rage and betrayal), while Kirb sarcastically remarks not to give his address to potential internet criminals.
    Alpha: [Annoyed] Hey.
    Kirbopher: Uh-huh.
    Alpha: Hey!
    Kirbopher: Yyyuppp.
    • Flamegirl ends up revealing where she lives, which Kirb wastes no time in snarking at.
    Flamegirl: Okay, look; I'm from California. There, I said it.
    Kirbopher: (whispering to the audience) And she was never heard from again...
    • Flamegirl explaining how she found out Nylocke's from England.
    Flamegirl: He was drunk one night and muttering somethin' about Knutsford and needed to wash his troubles away with cups of Earl Grey.
    Nylocke: Those were dark ages...a time of sorrow and regret...for at that time I was...[Nylocke gets emotional] Nylocke! Dragon of the Broken Heart! Nylocke begins crying
  • Alpha giving a speech about how the five of them have put so many hours into the game and how he's never had such amazing friends like them. Kirbopher ruins it.
    Alpha: I don't think I've even had as many friends as close as you guys in real life.
    Kirbopher: [Shocked] R-Really?
    Alpha: Mmhmm.
    Kirbopher: Well, that's 'cuz you're a loser.
    Flamegirl: Shut the hell up Kirb.
    Kirbopher: See, we're such GOOD friends!
  • Alpha getting sent flying by Rockoon's bomb and by the time he realizes, it's too late for him to do anything.
    Alpha: [is sent flying] OH WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!
  • In trying to fight the new Rockoon, Flamegirl is working out the Elemental Rock-Paper-Scissors needed.
    Flamegirl: Anyone got a Light?
    Nylocke: Smoking is bad for you.
  • After Nylocke tries to act as the frontman for a tactic, Rockoon decides to get into psychological warfare.
    Nylocke: I... NYLOCKE, MASTER OF PEST CONTROL... shall bring justice upon this foul beast!
    Rockoon: A~... You're the guy who's always in-character! Who does that? Really! But y'know, I ''can'' speak your language! Ahem... I WILL MESSETH UP THINE FACE SO HORRID,.. THAT EVEN THINE MOTHER SHALL NOT GAZE UPON THEE. For I am Rockoon ... Master of MESSING WITH YOUR MIND.

Episode 05

  • The Twinblades and their intro before trying to fight Alpha. Alpha's response is priceless.
    Alpha: That's cute, so which one of you tops?
  • Nylocke calling out what he's doing when he's parrying Gamecrazed's attack when he's practicing, all being a deliberate Shout-Out to Robin Hood Daffy.
  • Alpha shows up late to meeting his friends because of the Twinblades, calling them traffic. Nylocke winds up confused because of the choice of words and being Literal-Minded.
  • Nylocke's speech about the Gemini Tournament. He just ends up confusing everyone. It will rock Alpha like a hurricane.
  • Kirbopher's trying to get Alpha to call his attacks. It gets called lame by Flamegirl when Kirb does it, but it's better when Alpha does it.
    • Kirbopher and Flamegirl's argument, despite being a little disturbing, mostly due to Flamegirl's comment about Kirb always trying to jump on Alpha's balls whenever he logs on.
      • This is referenced just before the battle, and noted by Nylocke.
      Nylocke: Might I inquire which one of thee has the supposed "thing" for Sir Alpha?
      Alpha: What?
      Flamegirl: What?!

Episode 06

  • Nylocke's narrating throughout the first scene of the episode with Hyprelynx trying to ask him for help. Followed by her scaring him later in the episode.
  • Nylocke's song.

Episode 07

  • Alpha's face post-paralysis on a chatbox is just plain hilarious to look at.
  • Archy having trouble asking Kirb his question, and his general cuteness and obliviousness while following Kirb around in Lavendera trying to get him to answer it. But this particular quote deserves a mention:
    Kirb: "Look Kid!? Have you ever heard of the word Espionage?"
    Archy: "What? you mean like a chameleon?"
  • The Hellbenders guesting as players in TOME, and their riffing of the characters actions.
  • Big, scary, Demon Alpha is weak to hugs and kisses from his girlfriend.

Episode 08

Episode 09

  • Nylocke causing Zetto to snap by acting like he always does.
    • To clarify, Nylocke and Gamecrazed fight Zetto and Kizuna fairly seriously and once Kizuna and Gamecrazed are at a stalemate, Nylocke places his blade facing downwards and leaves Zetto dumbfounded by Nylocke placing his sword against the floor and asking for stories about his past, deflecting bullets that Zetto shoots at him, declaring himself "NNNNYLOCKE! MASTER OF DEFLECTING BULLETS! DRAGON" and then dancing around going "Tra-la-la-la-la" until Zetto snaps completely.
      • The best part is Kizuna commenting "This is seriously happening." while in a stalemate with Gamecrazed.
  • Asterob going through a Let's Get Dangerous! moment and making a badass speech that he'll win. He shows to be pretty competent in his fight... until he's pushed back by using the shield beam and gives himself a ring out. Sniperwheel is too busy saying "This did not just happen!" to notice GC literally swat him off the ring before it's too late.
    • Then as he's falling Sniperwheel gives GC and Nye the middle finger. You might miss it if you're not paying attention.
    Sniperwheel: "I DIDN'T LOSE! YOU LOSE!"
  • Nylocke wooshing himself explosively out of the balanstadium at the end of the episode is hilarious.
    Nylocke: "NNNNNYLOCKE! Master of giving heartfelt speeches that had DAMN WELL serve their intended purpose or I swear by my blade that I will explode!!!" *rockets off into the sky*
  • Then afterward there's Zetto standing on the balanstadium, holding his tournament trophy with an exaggerated angry pouty face while a smooth jazz version of the theme song is playing.
    Kizuna: "I think it's time you stopped beating around the bush."
  • The connection error with someone watching it, who is voiced by Edwyn Tiong.
    Stream watcher: Ahh come on! No, not now, no, don't! Come on connection! Connection go, connection is go, connection is not go. Go go go go! Dammit, go! Urgh, ahh. [Buffering appears on screen] Yay!
    • This becomes doubly hilarious after one watches the finale and recognizes the voice as Giga's voice without the metallic effect. Giga, the government agent. Even Niosi notes he became a big fan of TOME in-universe and gets annoyed over not being able to see the fight.

Episode 10

Episode 11

    • Also, OdBoll's entrance scene.
    OdBoll: OOOOOOOOOH YEAAAAAAAAAAH. FUK THE POL-LESE Cuz I just made this joint my BeeYOTCH! Nya-ha-ha-ha-ha!
    Justin: "Oh COME ON MAN, I had a good thing going!"
  • Kirb's Big "WHAT?!" when Gamecrazed was announced as the winner.
  • Nylocke interrupting Alpha and Flamey, while lampshading it.
  • Kirbopher running his mouth off at Execk and taunting him continually and getting frozen solid for it.

Episode 12

  • Rubirules' introduction.
    • He tries to stay in character as he mocks Zetto, starting with (In Rubirule's words) Zetto's douchebaggery, his overpowered gun arm that's 100% legal in any fight, his impossibly designed hairstyle and desaturated red pajamas. He ends up breaking character and laughing and then quickly tries to mock his colour scheme and then says he's just messing with them.
    • His impression of Execk.
      Rubirules: I figured Captain Monkeysuit was like... *Transforms and takes the form of Execk* Hey, what's the matter with you? Yeah, I can make my arm into an air conditioner! Yeah!
  • Nylocke's fight with Rubirules and Rubirules claiming that since he made Nylocke's model himself, he is Nylocke's father. It's as hilarious as it sounds and is an endless Star Wars Shout-Out.
  • Kirb's response to Flamegirl challenging Kindarspirit.
    Flamegirl: Don't worry, Kirb. I'll "save" you.
    Kirbopher: HA HA. GOOD JOKE.
  • The interaction between Kindarspirit and Kirb in general is pretty funny. However, it gets even funnier when you realize that Kindarspirit technically hugged, gushed over, and "kidnapped" her previous co-worker ZETTO. It sure explains why Kirb looked so uncomfortable the entire time.
  • Kirbopher's rant before fighting Bitshrum.
  • Kirbopher right after he wins against Bitshrum.
    Alpha: You, uh... You doin' OK up there, Kirb?
    Kirbopher: I! AM! GREAT!
    • Nylocke ends up addressing him like he is a King before they enter Webmaster's domain.
    • Also some humorous foreshadowing as well, considering that Kirb/Zetto is, albeit unofficially, Netking #6. It also explains why his rant against the Netkings sounds so personal when he'd supposedly only met them that day.
  • The rest of the party's wishes for Gamecrazed when he is about to fight Webmaster ends off in a humorous note.
    Alpha: Good luck, GC!
    Flamegirl: We'll be rooting for you!
    Nylocke: I believe in you, sir Gamecrazed.
    Kirbopher: GIVE HIM HELL!
  • Kirbopher's bad luck at being mocked and used to show off some of the Netkings' movesets throughout the entire Challenge of the Netkings.

Episode 13

  • Rockoon's attempts to be a "THE END IS NEAR!" type preacher and not doing so well most of the time. Then it goes downhill.
  • The fact that Kirbopher has never been able to beat Alpha and comments on how Alpha'll never let him win.
  • Nylocke interrupting Alpha and Flamegirl's romantic moment as a Call-Back and causing Alpha to freak out silently since Nylocke just appears out of nowhere right behind him.
    Flamegirl: Jesus Nye!
    Nylocke: I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Oh dear, I'm turning into Lord Asterob. Sorry.
    Alpha: Are you ok?
    Nylocke: FINE! D-D-Doing fine! [Nylocke has a big awkward grin]
  • Nylocke trying to do his catchphrase but being told to lower the volume since mods are around logging players out left and right.
    Nylocke: [whispering] Nylocke! Master of fighting with the power of three warriors while remaining ever so quiet!

Episode 14

  • The scene in itself really isn’t funny, but there’s the fact that Alpha’s panicked scream was so good, that Shady’s neighbours called the police to his house, worried that there was a domestic disturbance.

Episode 15

  • Just as Rubirules is about to launch into another tirade about how he's right and everyone else is just an idiot, Nylocke jumps out of the pit behind him and slams his avatar into dust with his sword with an annoyed expression that many fans probably shared at the Big Bad's bullshit.

T.O.M.E shorts

Minigame Madness

  • The Minigame fine print
    Fine Print We at Pawneeko Games INC. are NOT responsible (for) possibly stolen credit card information.
    Fine Print You are totally being ripped off but you'll never know because this is too small to read.

Rockoon's Modern Strife

  • Bubb's expression while saying he wants to "see [Rockoon's] rodent body torn apart into little pieces" and that he wants to "taste his blood" is hysterical. Dijiri's disturbed reaction and Bubb's young sounding voice only heighten the hilarity.
  • This exchange between Rockoon and Dijiri.
    Dijiri: Any last words before I make me a Racoon hat?
    Rockoon: Yeah punk. Just a few. *deep breath* Well crikey mate! Gotta toss another shrimp on the barbie! I think there's dingo eating your baby! Gotta play a Didgeridoo! Oi! Oi! Oi! Ozzy! Ozzy! Ozzy!
    Dijiri: Shut up! I don't sound like that!
    • The fact that Rockoon also completely butchered the "Aussie Aussie Aussie, Oi Oi Oi" sports chant makes the scene even funnier.
  • All of Rockoon and Skeight's moment's are funny, but this one in particular is great.
    Skeight: A'ight. Lemme break it down Fo'ya I just-
    Rockoon: *speaks in gibberish mocking him* You just what?
    Skeight: Like to GET DOWN, man! N'you always do whachu do! And' That's what I like Abou'chu. Know what I'm Sayin'!?
    Rockoon: You Talk Funny...TOO FUNNY.
    Skeight: Wubba?
    Rockoon: DON'T. PUSH. IT.
  • Rockoon's Self-Serving Memory of why Doubling left.
    Rockoon:: "We ran into some trouble. Real, freaky stuff. And of course... he did what anyone else would do. Looked out for himself... he ditched me."
    Doubling: "Duuuuuh, I'm a big freaking meat head!"
    Alpha: "I agree!"
    Doubling: "Time to go watch my sports! Go team!"
    Rockoon: "And I never heard from him again."'

The April Fool's Episode

  • The voice acting alone deserves mention, with post take audio left in, awkward pauses and a complete lack of pop filters.
  • The moment Rockoon appears as a tall buff adonis, it becomes painfully clear why this episode is the way it is.
    • Also the literal only animation Doubling has is spinning in place.

AvZ - TOME 5-Year Anniversary

  • At the end of a pretty awesome battle between Alpha and Zetto, Alpha ends the fight on a complete anticlimax with a simple front kick to the chin.]] To say Zetto is unamused is an understatement.
    Zetto: *removing his VR headset IRL* Really? The Front Kick?! Unbelievable.
    • Then we cut to Alpha IRL, who removes his VR headset and puts on a pair of “Haters gonna hate” shades before giving a thumbs up.


  • 30's Battle On. Everything about this is hysterical.
  • The blooper reels. Where to begin with these? For starters, there's ShadyVox's (Alpha) slight obsession with hot pockets, LittleKuriboh's (Nylocke) cursing problem (or "Nylocursing" as Chris Niosi dubbed it), and pretty much all of Mike Hecht and Jessi Nowack's (Elescope and Hyprelynx respectively) bloopers from Episode 6.
    • Whenever a VA has to scroll through the script to find their lines, they hum to themselves. Kirb hums his own (or Zetto’s) theme at one point.
    • The fact that Doubling wasn’t actually swearing (because he knew it would get bleeped out). And neither was Splat.
    • The entirety of the shirt debacle in Episode 15’s blooper reel.
    • Quite a few of the captions. You can tell Kirb had fun writing those.
    • From the Episode 6 blooper reel, this:
      Martin/Nylocke: Forgive my tardiness Sir Gamecrazed! I had business to attend to first and foremost before the night- let me do that again. *clearing throat* Let me fly back up on the building and then fly back down again, yes. Okay! *more throat clearing*
