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    Persona 4 Golden 
  • It's the Marie-Signal!
  • Kanji Oh, Crap! moment when Nanako ate the cake the girls made.
    Nico (Kanji): NOOOOOO
    Kanji: NOOOOOO
  • When Nico sees Mr. Hosoi (the teacher using a hand puppet of himself), he bursts out in laughter since he instantly reminds him of Mr. Garrison.
    Mr. Hosoi (Nico): My name is Mr. Hosoi. I go by Mr. Garrison, but I'm running from the cops right now.
  • Nico almost breaks his streak of bad luck with mistaking women for men, but takes the game at face value when it describes Naoto as a "slender young man". His response can be summed up as "Well, not gonna argue with that.", and more specifically, "That's an effiminate looking dude".
  • One boss has the ability to render Nico's allies Brainwashed and Crazy. Usually, this would be a big deal, but Nico has the Omnipotent Orb, which nullifies all attacks excluding Non-Elemental spells, which while one member of his team can use the top level version of that spell, it does slightly under half of his health, worrying, but not a problem. After that, Nico's panicking just gets silly when someone uses a medium level ice spell.
  • A social link with a kind old lady talking about her dementia ridden husband shouldn't be funny, but Nico finds a way.
    Hisano: I couldn't bear that... that stranger in [her dead husband's] body, stealing his mind day after day. When he slept... I tried to kill him.
    • Bonus points for saying "I feel sad for her" in the same minute he says the previous line.
  • Nico's Player Punch when he ends up cheating leading to Valentines Day which ends with a Tear Jerker.
  • Kanji finding out he might not be gay anymore.
  • Nico acting manly when confronting the girls inside the hotsprings and being pelted with numerous buckets.
    Nico: Hold the line!!!
  • It's extremely dark and precedes the game's biggest Tear Jerker, but this exchange right before Nanako's death can earn a few chuckles:
    Adachi: Hello? This is Adachi. Um, I want you to stay calm and listen to me, okay?
    Nico: Oh my God, I swear to God, if you say Namatame escaped from prison, I'm gonna fucking kill you.
    Adachi: Nanako-chan's condition suddenly got worse...

    Persona 4 Arena 
  • Yukiko learns an unfortunate truth:
    Nico!Yukiko: You said you had sex with all these different girls, That I wasn't your true love, you told me in great detail how you fucked Naoto!
  • Labrys' awakening, in every sense of the word:
    "Personnel also identified as research staff."
  • "Adachi-san is in danger, do I make a move? No, what the fuck am I saying?"

    Persona 5 
  • Nico cannot contain his fangirling and starts squeeling at the title screen.
  • Nico's reaction to the protagonist speaking for once in a Persona game.
  • Nico's past experiences in Persona 4 Golden made him jokingly self-conscious to the first delivery man he sees as the true culprit
  • Joker calling Sojiro "Daddy", much to the latter's protests.
  • In episode 2, Nico makes a (possibly accidental) reference to Sigma's infamous cat puns in Virtue's Last Reward.
    Morgana: I am NOT a cat!
    Nico: Are you kitten me?
  • Morgana officially is now Mr. Kitty!
  • He misreads "Muscle Anklet" as "Muckle Anklet"
  • Running Gag: Every time he's stopped and asked if he's ready for something, he says "Wait, hold on, I need to X", X being some random task.
    Nico: Wait, hold on. I need to zip up my pants.
    (Zipper sound effect)
    Nico:Okay, we're good.
    • Part 24 ended up having a hilarious subversion of that Running Gag.
      Nico!Joker: "Yeah, I'm ready."
      Nico!Morgana: "What? That's it! Nothing funny this time."
      Nico!Joker: "C'mon, I already did it twice in a row. I've run out of ideas."
    • But then episode 73 pulls a double subversion of this.
      Joker (Nico): Hold on, let me...
      Morgana (Nico): No Joker, no, I'm sick of your dumb little spiel, you've been doing it this whole fucking game! It's not funny anymore, man! It was funny like three ages ago! Fucking stop, alright?! Just fucking stop!
      Joker (Nico): ...
      Sunset Bridge starts playing
      Joker (Nico): But I was just gonna say how much I love you guys. This will be our final adventure together. This is it? This is the moment of truth? Oh baby, I enjoyed every moment of hanging out with every one of you! voice cracks Especially you Morgana, you little fucker, living in my house ever since, but I still love you you little shit! And I just wanna say, by my heart...thank you.
      Morgana (Nico): Oh. I love you too Nico. Oh and...I'm sorry, jumping at your throat like that. I think...I think it's the air getting to me.
      Joker (Nico): It's alright Morgana. We're gonna do this together, alright?
      Morgana (Nico): That's right, you and me man!
      Joker (Nico): That's right, (music stops) but first let me play my bongos.
      Morgana (Nico): NO DAMN IT, FUCK!
    • And now there's a montage of all those moments.
  • The first appearance of the Morganamobile catches Nico completely, hilariously off guard. Somehow this leads to a Magic School Bus reference.
  • Nico laughed out loud in two related scenes in the game. The first being when Yusuke Kitagawa proposed the idea of Ann Takamaki doing some nude modeling as a deal between him and the Protagonist and his group. The second being when Ann reluctantly agrees to do some nude modeling for Yusuke in his sensei's shack in a later date while Morgana tries to unlock a locked door inside the shack, when the game suddenly shows Ann wearing multiple layers of clothing that cover her entire body in order to give Morgana time to unlock the door.
  • During one cutscene in episode 14, Nico ad-libs that he's going to buy Yusuke a soda from Madarame's palace.
    Nico:: Madarame's Palace Pop! Wait a minute, this is just Coca Cola! God damn it Madarame, does your plagiarism know no bounds!?
  • Nico often shows his frustrations with the "Hold Up" mechanic as when he tries to gain a new persona by negotiating with enemies, it often results in an outcome that he does not want because he made the wrong choice.
  • Nico's reaction to Makoto following him.
    • The Jaws parody, complete with Jump Scare of a teenage girl hiding as much of her face as possible behind a magazine.
  • On the subject of reactions, it takes him a Beat to realize that "Becky", the maid he called, was actually Ms. Kawakami, his homeroom teacher.
    Text on video: Wait for it...
    Nico: OH. MY. GOD. (Gasp) Hahaha! Whaaat?
    "Becky": D-Did you request me specifically?
    (Nico bursts out laughing)
    • Even better; he spent a significant portion of the episode wondering how you would start Kawakami's Confidant. You can feel his "Eureka!" Moment when he realizes you link with her over her moonlighting as a fetish-y maid.
  • Everytime Nico starts a new Confidant/Social Link, the ad-lib he makes with Sae can be really hilarious.
    Nico!Sae: For some reason, I believe you made a bond with a pair of twins who also serves as your wardens.
  • Nico saying he's going to change every voice to the Chouno voice, because it's the best voice he's ever made!
  • Nico: "I chuck him (Morgana) out the window, turn around, he's already back."
    Nico!Joker: "How did you do that?"
    Nico!Morgana: "Do what, Nico?"
    • GO TO SLEEP!
    • Nico: I'm going to max out Kawakami's social link just so I can rub it in Morgana's face.note 
  • When Makoto asks about how the Phantom Thieves were able to receive their apps, we get this gem.
    Nico!Igor: "Hello there. You must be Makoto. Oh, Nico has told me all about you. Anyway, welcome to the Metaverse."
    Morgana: "...I don't fully understand, but I don't think we have to worry about people accessing our data."
    Nico!Morgana: "...Just Igor."
    Nico!Igor: "Yep, I got all your Internet history here."
  • When Nico decided to reload his save file he ad-lib Yusuke to scold him for choosing Ryuji over him in the previous save file and Nico's My God, What Have I Done? moment was priceless.
    • Another time when he ad-lib Yusuke telling him he miss a chance to get on with him and even get free coupon for a Yusuke Body Pillow. Nico tries so desperately to reload the save file only for him to breakdown.
    Nico: I'm sorry Yusuke I can change! I can change!
  • After Nico and Makoto interrogate Eiko:
    Nico!Eiko: "Hey, why don't we trade phone numbers!? I really want to talk to you more about Buchimaru-kun... and your hot sexy boy-toy of a boyfriend."
    Makoto: "O-Oh, um... OK. Wait, he's not my boyfriend..."
    Nico!Eiko: "Yeah, uh-huh, aaand saved!"
    Nico!Makoto: "But I didn't even give you my number..."
  • When Nico finds out he was conned to buy a rock salt for 100,000 Yen by Chihaya, his Tranquil Fury made him throw Morgana to the dumpster and strangle him.
  • Nico decides to try out an easy money-making strategy in Mementos, and ends up draining about 2.5 million yen from Shadow Mr. Takase for some oh-so-delicious karma.
    • He then does it again in episode 60 when he fights Shadow Mr. And Mrs. Magario, who were using their daughter to pay off their debts from gambling, which leads to a decent amount of funny moments. First, when he tries draining money from Shadow Mr. Magario: he only gives Nico 1 yen. He's wasn't amused, to say the least. Second, he tries to drain his wife, not expecting much, only to find she gives WAY more money than him. He's very astonished, and even starts suspecting that Mrs. Magario had been holding out on her husband, thinking there was more to the story than it initially seemed. And after the battle (i.e., after draining money from Shadow Mrs. Magario), he checks how much he has, and finds he has hit the cap at 10 million yen.
  • Yumeko Mogami, the NPC that has been Nico's favourite, Running Mo-She-rige, deserve a spot in this page. She is regarded as the second coming of Picky Penguin's beloved Running Morishige, the running-late-for-school kid that made side appearances in Persona 4: Golden
  • In episode 32, the game give Nico a chance to troll the hacker Alibaba
    Nico: Who are you again?
    Alibaba: I'm already said, I'm Alibaba. (God!)
    Alibaba: Are you at school right now?
    Nico: Who are you again??
    Alibaba: I'll answer the question as many time as is necessary.
    Alibaba: I'm Ali! (Fucking!) Baba!
    Alibaba: When are you going to steal it?
    Nico: Who are you again???
    Alibaba: I'll keep answering if you insist on asking.
    Alibaba: I'm Alibaba(!)
    Nico: Who are you?
    (Alibaba hangs up)
  • In episode 36, Ann finally gives Nico the greatest gift ever: a choco fountain!! He's been revered it since the birth of the Phantom Thieves, and has mentioned using it quite a bit, including feeding his plant with the chocolate, bathing in it, and dipping Morgana in it.
  • In episode 39, Nico ended up viewing a bunch of Mementos requests where the combination of requests ended up causing Yusuke to say "Let us beat that rubbish mentality into submission" three times in a row.
  • Behold, the newest sensation of the pancake meme:
    You can pour
    You can bite
    Having the meal of your life
    See that boy
    Watch that taste
    Dig in the Pancake King
  • Nico also did his Persona 5 Awakening Challenge. As it turns out, his Persona is Komaeda. Nico is not too happy about that.
  • When Yusuke suddenly shows up in Hawaii:
    Nico!Yusuke: Hello there. I beat that rubbish Los Angeles into submission, and now I've come to do the same to Hawaii.
  • Big Bang Burger: The Bane of Nico's Existence. This happens when the guts stats are best increase by eating extremely large burgers.
  • When Ryuji stated that Goro Akechi was blackmailing his way into become a Phantom Thief, Nico stated that "I think everyone has blackmailed us at one point."note 
    • From the same episode, Cafe Leblanc has at least one unwanted guest:
      Akechi: Welcome home.
      Nico!Joker: (yells in surprise)
      Nico!Pompous Male Customer: I'm here too.
      Nico!Joker: (yells louder)
  • Nico finally picks Ohya as his One True Waifu.....or not:
    Nico: (laughing maniacally) I'm just kidding, guys, I'm not really doing it! I had you going for a second, didn't I? (laughs) You should have seen the look on your fucking face! Are you out of your fucking mind? Do you think I would pick Ohya? Seriously? How high are you right now? What's that? Nobody actually believed me? (suddenly speaking normally) Yeah, that sounds about right.
  • Nico's reaction to seeing Haru enjoying a horror-parody movie of Saw .
  • Nico finally sees Ann's All Out Attack...52 episodes later after obtaining her.
  • During the mini-boss fight with Thor in the Casino Palace, Nico jokes that Chris Hemsworth came from the Marvel Cinematic Universe to fight with him, and after the mini-boss was defeated, Nico jokingly stated that Chris won't be able to make Thor: Ragnarok.
  • During Makoto's social link, she recounts how her father was assassinated by the human-trafficking ring he was chasing. Cue Nico awkwardly singing the chorus of "Last Surprise".
    Makoto: At the funeral, I overheard my father's supervisor speaking with my sister. He was saying my father had likely been assassinated.
    Nico: By a fucking truck? Aw! What the Hell!? (awkwardly) H-he never saw it cooomiiing...
  • There's a decent amount of funny moments worthy to be mentioned in episode 62:
    • In a flashback to the school festival, Morgana brings up Akechi mentioning pancakes way back during the school trip to the TV studio, causing Nico to realize how truly important pancakes were and why it became Memetic Mutation.
    • Once Akechi openly shows his true colors to Joker, Joker says in his head "My bond with Akechi has grown deeper..." as part of Akechi's Confidant, unintentionally causing Nico to laugh.
      Nico!Joker: Y'know, even though he's about to kill me, I still feel like we're bonding a little bit in this moment!
      Nico!Akechi: R-Really, we're not-
      Nico!Joker: Man, remember that time we were talking about pancakes, you know, like, like eleven hours ago? Ah, that was some good times, right? Good times, ahh let's, let's bond some more!
    • Nico making a comment on the traitor's identity:
      Nico: Nobody saw this coming! Oh wait, no, that's not right, everybody saw this fucking coming.
    • Another comment of Nico's as Akechi holds a gun to Joker's head point-blank:
      Akechi: Case closed... This is how your "justice" ends. (puts his finger on the trigger)
      Nico: Nope, don't think so, bro. (Akechi pulls the trigger before blood falls down Joker's face) ...Oh! Okay, well...OWWW!! FUCK! Okay.... (Joker's head falls onto the table, blood splattering everywhere on it) Oh!... Okay, well... maybe...not...
    • When the Phantom Thieves told Sae and Sojiro about Akechi's comment about pancakes, Morgana stated if Akechi went with the Phantom Thieves to eat pancakes together that day, he wouldn't turn out to be "an evil psychobitch".
    • How about Makoto beating up Sae's cognitive version of Akechi Spoiler before tying him up to keep their secret hidden. The ad-lib really sells a funny image also the sound effects.
  • It seems Yuuki Mishima was almost about to reveal his feelings to Nico-kun only to backpedal and make a terrible excuse about admitting some other feeling.
  • The crossover between Nagito Komaeda and Goro Akechi. Truly an Odd Friendship has been formed by two food-obsessed rivals.
  • When it was time to make a choice for his true love in Persona 5 he pulls a Bait-and-Switch by looking like he was going to pick Futaba, only to admit he really pick Haru.
  • Nico's ever-growing love for Yusuke reach to the point of asking him to cross dress to seduce one of there targets in Shido's Palace.
    Nico!Yusuke: Alright Nico, I'll do my best!
  • Nico's reaction to when Morgana fully heals an enemy because they brainwashed him.
  • It seems Shido has more priorities then just taking over Japan.
    Nico!Shido: Make sure they have a constant supply of head wax, I need to keep this bald head. shiny as possible.
    Former Noble: Your will be done my liege.
  • Akechi: "But're just some criminal trash living in an attic! So how...!? How does someone like you have things I don't?!"
    • Another thing was that Nico!Joker tried to show sympathy to Akechi only to mention his achievements and how much better his life is. If you didn't have your teammates you would have definitely died. Although...(Spoilers!)
    Nico!Akechi: "I'm going to shit in your ribcage!!!"
  • When Sae couldn't prosecute Shido, due to the corrput system Haru almost snaps.
    Nico!Haru: No! You better do this shit, or I'll get my halberd and grenade launcher and fucking murder your punk-ass!!!
  • Nico jokingly states that it will turn out that at the bottom of Mementos is Igor and the Velvet Room, with Igor having messed with Joker.
    Nico: And then Igor gets up, starts dancing around, just smacks me in the face with his nose, and the game ends, I'm like, "FUCK!" THE END!.
    • In episode 72, when Nico arrives at Depths of Mementos, he states that its design reminds him of the Velvet Room...which leads to him realizing that the above joke might actually be true. This leads to a funny meta moment where he talks about how most of the time when he jokes about something happening, it turns out to be true, only to say that actually it reached the point where it's starting to scare even him. Then when it turns out that yes, he was right:
      Nico: Oh my god, bullshit powers strike which I mean I joke around and shit actually happens. Well, it didn't exactly play out like that, Igor didn't go "haha, trololo bitch" and smack me in the face with his nose, but although he turned out to be evil, so...almost?
  • The last mementos request of the game stars a man with Mosherige voice!!!
  • Even though reality fused with Mementos and Earth is basically Hell, one NPC is just so excited for his new smartphone.
    Geeky Man: The announcement for the new smartphone is today!
    Geeky Man (Nico): Man, have you heard about new Iphone X? I heard it's amazing!
    Nico: Oh my god, this is truly hell on Earth!
    • Apperently one benefit of world apocalypse is that it's raining Koolaid.
      Easygoing man (Nico): Man, is that fucking Koolaid coming from the sky?! Oh man it's so good, ABLUEGH.
      Nico: And then you see Koolaid's face on the sky and he's like:
      Nico: And then big waterfall of Koolaid comes out.
      Easygoing man (Nico): Everyone open wide! Uuu, it's blood flavored!
  • Real Igor is not happy about missing the entire game.
    Igor (Nico): W..what happened? Ah damn it, I missed this whole fucking game?! Ah goddammit! I didn't even have a chance to make any Personas this game!
    Joker (Nico): Yeah, I'm like 98% done.
    Igor (Nico): Fucking shit!
    • And then he meets the entire team.
      Igor: (Nico): Woooow, holy shit, this is the first time meeting anyone that isn't the protagonist note , well hello! Hello confidants or social links or whatever you call yourselves, I am Igor and welcome to the Velvet Room. This place exists between dream and reality-
      Ryuji (Nico): Dude, what the fuck is going on?!
      Igor (Nico): Hold on, hold on, let me finish my thing, mind and matter. Okay, what were you saying?
    • And then there's the reason why Igor made Morgana look like the cat.
      Joker (Nico): Ok, I understand that...but why is Morgana a cat?
      Igor (Nico): Yeah, I don't get that either, for some reason I was thinking "kitty cats, I love kitty cats" and that's just what kinda popped up.
      Joker (Nico): Ah ok.
      Morgana (Nico): Really, that's it, that's my whole fucking existence?! Thanks master!
    • Nico wasn't suppose to be the one playing in game between Igor and Yaldaboath.
      Igor (Nico): I'm gonna be honest though, I thought it was gonna be Yu Narukami, a kid from the last game.
      Joker (Nico): Wait, what?
      Igor (Nico): Yeah, I kinda called him in, but he said he was too busy, too busy saving the world in Persona 6. I know, who would've thunk it? No one tells me anything these days. Stupid Atlus.
  • Nico's reaction to finding out that Joker's Ultimate Persona was a demon lord.
  • In the finale Iwai tries to ask some old his friends to get Nico out of solitary confinement.
    Nico!Iwai: Alright, I want you to get this kid out of here, if you need to kill anyone then it's fine.
  • Kawakami returns the favor by getting all the teachers to testify Nico's innocence. It's heartwarming, but hilarious when she get the grumpy teacher to act all Tsundere for Nico.

    Persona 5 Strikers 
  • The intro for the series with special guest, Ryuji.
    Nico: And now back to...
    Ryuji: *turns on the microphone* SUMMER VACATION WITH THE PHANTOM THIEVES!
  • Haru is so surprised when meeting Sophie for the first time that her forehead's surprised as well. No, really, a 'D:' expression pops up on it.
  • With Tae and Iwai out of town, Bizzle resorts to trying to buy supplies from a strange cloaked guy with an accent behind Big Bang Burger. All he gets are drugs and an itchy neck.
  • While everyone else is panicking up a storm over Sophia ordering a gold bar, Bizzle is just happy that he's now able to afford all the drugs he can get.
    Nico!Joker: Why does everyone look so uncomfortable? Am I the only one happy?
  • When the Thieves returns the gold bar, the delivery man is rather... intent of keeping them quiet.
    Nico!Delivery Staff: No seriously. (Pulls out a gun) If you say anything to fucking anyone, I will kill every one of your family, as you watch unable to do anything. Then I'll cut off your fingers, and your toes, and your arm, and your legs, and your tongue, and your eyes, until you're nothing but an empty husk, you motherfucker.
    Nico!Joker: Okay, bye! Have a good one! Thanks, see you later! Man, he was nice.
  • Nico speculates that Sophie's ultimate weapon is gonna be a pair of Yo-Yos with chainsaws on it.
  • One way Haru practices her axe work is by trying to murder Nico when he fucks up.
    Nico!Joker: Yes, but she does it out of love... usually.
  • In Part 6, after dying less than 10 times due to the hordes of enemies, Nico comments on this:
    Ryuji: Man, this burger is great.
    Futaba: Heck yeah it is!
    Yusuke: Guys...are we forgetting something?
    Morgana: Like what?
  • Upon seeing the Shibuya Lock Keeper, Nico interprets her as Mo-She-rige.
  • Nico misreading Ann's comment of "Let's take her head-on" as "Let's take her head off".
  • Nico interprets the second jail as Togamiland.
  • The return of the Running Gag where every time Joker is stopped and Morgana asks if he's ready for something:
    Nico!Morgana: ...Oh goddammit, what did I just ask him?! WHY DID I ASK HIM??! NO—!!
    Nico!Joker: Hold on, Morgana, I gotta watch this episode of Dr. Phil!
    (voice clip from Dr. Phil episode plays, with Nico!Joker adding in his own two cents)
    Nico!Morgana: Joker, seriously, HOW are you even watching this?! Do you just carry a little television around?!
    Nico!Joker: Well, I can't bring my phone in here, so yeah, of course I do! How else am I supposed to keep up on Dr. Phil's shenanigans?
    Nico!Morgana: GIVE IT HERE!!! (smashes TV)
    Nico!Joker: NO! Morgana! ...You sir, owe me a new television. (phone rings) Wait, hold on, I gotta take this—
    Nico!Morgana: The heck?! I thought you said you left your phone behind!
    Nico!Joker: Well, yes; my other phone. You mean you guys only have one phone? Damn, you really are a boomer, Morgana.
    Nico!Morgana: GIMME THAT!!! (smashes phone)
    Nico!Joker: ...Okay, now you're just being mean.
    • Later on, in part 16, the "Are You Ready" joke reveals Joker was grilling burgers while Haru was solving the block pushing puzzle, which leads into this segway:
  • During the ferry ride, Bizzle shows Sophia the ocean but ends up dropping his phone into the ocean. While everyone is suffering an Oh, Crap!, he reassures them that his phone is waterproof for up to two meters... and then asks how deep the ocean is.
  • Nico sees Kiryu in Okinawa
    Bizzle: Ah shit, I see Kiryu! Hey! Hey Kiryu, look! it's me, Joker! Hey, Kiryu!
    Kiryu is walking around with Haruka and they look over.
    Haruka: Uhhh... Daddy, I think someone's wavi-
    Kiryu: Shut up. I don't know who that is, I just... Goddamn, rabid fans of mine. Ugh! Leave me alone, alright!? I'm retired, okay!?
    Bizzle: Yeah. Okay. Whatever. See ya in Yakuza 4!
    Kiryu: Wait, there's a fourth Yakuza game?
    Haruka: There's like ten more Yakuza games, daddy.
    Kiryu: Oh, fuck me!
  • In Nico's version of the beach cutscene, Zenkichi opens fire on the Thieves after they bury him in a sandsculpture.
  • Nico activates Yusuke's Showtime right as he gets hit by Freidyne, which results in Yusuke performing the attack while completely obscured by the nuclear explosion.
    Nico!Yusuke: Such beauty! (Beat) I can't see shit right now!
  • Before reaching Konoe, Joker asks Mona if he's ready.
    Nico!Morgana: ... Wait hold on, let me finish my sushi.
    Nico!Joker: Ok.
  • The fight against a Brainwashed and Crazy Sophia has the Phantom Thieves talk about how to stop the enemy without hurting them... as Nico immediately runs up and blasts them with a Showtime.
  • After defeating Ichinose, the Phantom Thieves prepare to talk things out with her only for Nico to just blast her.
    Ichinose: I'm all out of tricks. Just finish me off quickly, please.
    Nico!Joker: OK!
    Later, after Sophia causes Ichinose's Heel–Face Turn
    Ryuji: "Damn, Sophie..."
    Nico!Joker: "Alright, time to die." Gunshot
  • The intro for the final episode:
    Nico: And now back to...
    Ryuji: *turns on the microphone* SUMMER VACATION WITH THE PHANTOM- (gets punched out)
    Joker: Ryuji, what the hell are you doing?
    Ryuji: It's fine dude, it's not like anyone listens to us.
    Joker: Dude, you can't be yelling this shit out there. We can't have people knowing we're the (whispering) Phantom Thieves.
    Other Bystander: GET 'IM!
    Joker: Oh no. Run, Ryuji!

    Persona 3 Reload 
  • In the very first episode, Bizzle decides to taste the red puddles on the ground:
    Bizzle bends down to loudly slurp the pool.
    Nico (Bizzle): Mmm. Yeah that's... definitely blood. (Beat)
    Bizzle leans down to slurp again
    Nico (Bizzle): Mmm. Not bad, though.
  • Ms Toriumi reads through Bizzle's student record:
    Nico (Ms. Toriumi): Nico... Bozzworth?
    Nico (Bizzle): It's, uh, Bizzle, ma'am.
    Ms. Toriumi: Wow, you lived in a lot of different places.
    Nico (Ms. Toriumi): Including... Hell? Is this a typo?
    Nico (Bizzle): Yeah, sure, we'll go with that.
    Ms. Toriumi: Let's see... ten years ago, your parents— (...)"
    Nico (Bizzle): It's fine, they're just fucking dead. No need to make it awkward.
  • A quickly established Running Gag for the series: Bizzle's violent shits.
    Nico (Bizzle): Three shits in one day… Must be a good omen. Or I'm having an allergic reaction to the cafeteria food.
  • Kenji's Arcana is that of the Douchebag Arcana.
  • Nico tries out the outfits from other games. Wearing Joker's outfit causes the protagonist to act more extroverted and bombastic (to the confusion of Yukari) while referring to everyone as Persona 5 characters. After leaving Tartarus, The Protagonist freaks out and has to pry the mask off.
    Nico (Bizzle): I was feeling really weird in that outfit. I was feeling entirely too charismatic.
  • The "helpful" Theurgy manual.
    Nico (Fuuka): It's written out like an IKEA manual, it's just like a picture of a guy, and he's holding a gun to his head, and then he shoots himself, then... big thumbs up. Does— Does that mean anything to you guys?
  • Nico originally joked about Keisuke looking like him but starting in episode 17, he begins consistently referring to Keisuke as "Scott The Woz" with no comment.
