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Film / It's a Boy Girl Thing

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It's a Boy Girl Thing is a 2006 body-swap Gender Bender romantic comedy starring Samaire Armstrong and Kevin Zegers.

Nell (Armstrong) and Woody (Zegers) are high school students and life long neighbours who have always got on each other's nerves: she is an uptight straight-A student and he is a popular football jock. On a field trip to a museum they start arguing in front of the statue of an Aztec god. The following morning they wake up in each other's bodies and Hilarity Ensues...

This film contains examples of:

  • Alpha Bitch: Breanna, though she's more stupid and shallow than actually malicious. She does admit she is only dating Woody because he's Football team captain and she's using him to stay on top of the social pecking order, unfortunately for her one of the people she says it too is Woody-in-Nell. She also confesses to wanting to become a Gold Digger in the future by going after rich and famous guys.
  • The Art of Bra Removal: Woody-in-Nell is frustrated when he tries to put Nell's bra on for the first time he thinks he finds taking them off his girlfriend is hard enough let alone putting one on.
  • Bad Hair Day: One of Nell's difficulties the day of the field trip, the result of the Roadside Wave while walking to school.
  • Belligerent Sexual Tension: Nell and Woody, though only after being forced to cooperate with one another. Beforehand, all indications are that they genuinely hated each other.
  • Book Dumb: Woody is a classic example, being a genius on the football field but a lousy student at best. He does have a good knack for thinking on his feet, or on Nell's feet as the case may be when he comes up with comparing various rappers to famous poets.
  • Brainy Brunette: The intellectual Nell who has short brown hair.
  • Call-Back: Woody (in Nell's body) turns on Nell's stereo, hears "Candle In The Wind" by Elton John and promptly turns it off in annoyance after a few seconds. Later on, Nell (in Woody's body) tries to get Horse to listen to the same song in the car - he doesn't like it either. This is also kind of Biting-the-Hand Humor, because Elton John was the executive producer of the movie itself.
  • Character Development: Noticeable for both protagonists, but especially for Woody, who starts off as a major jerk toward more people than just Nell.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Over and over, we are shown Woody's love of early 2000s rap. When he needs to instead express his love of modern poetry to the Yale interviewer, what better medium is there than Eminem?
  • Didn't Think This Through: Woody's cunning plan to get Nell a reputation as being a slut falls apart when Woody realizes just who is going to be experiencing the drunken sex.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: While they're all various states of undress in the boys' locker room, Horse says he'd like Woody to rub his purple helmet for luck; meaning a football helmet Horse has right there with him. Why, what did you think he meant?
  • Everyone Has Standards: As Horse noted to Nell (in Woody's body), Woody has always been the "faithful type" when it comes to relationships whilst Horse gloats that he regularly cheats on his girlfriend. This shows that even in the past, as much of a jerk Woody was, he would never cheat on his girlfriend.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Or cat, in this case. Nell's pet cat is somehow able to detect the body swap and definitely does not like Woody in Nell's body, hissing and scratching at "her" the morning after the swap.
  • "Freaky Friday" Flip: Nell and Woody wake up in each other's bodies after an Aztec statue casts a spell on them.
  • Future Loser: What Woody fears being, deep down. Thankfully, he and Nell both earned their happy ending and learned to respect each other.
  • Gag Penis: Horse claims to have a 9 and a half inch one, and if the reaction when he turns up at the Homecoming Dance naked and the statement "My lord it's like the second coming" is uttered he's right. However at the dance this is just a source of embarrassment as he's been tricked into being naked.
  • Gender Bender: Via the "Freaky Friday" Flip.
  • Goofy Print Underwear: Played With, Nell wears panties with the days of the week printed out on them, which Woody-in-Nell's body is rather weirded out by. Amusingly given his macho jock persona, he seems more outraged by the print itself than by the prospect of having to wear girl's underwear.
  • Going Commando: After being unable to figure out how to put on Nell's bra Woody gives up and declares "Looks like we're going au naturel."
  • Grammar Nazi: Nell and her father.
  • Jerk Jock: Horse, who's a serial womanizer and philanderer. We're not really given any indications that he's ever been a bad friend to Woody though.
  • Market-Based Title: In Denmark, the movie has been renamed to He's the Girl, probably to capitalize on the popularity of She's the Man.
  • Missed the Bus: One of Nell's difficulties the day of the field trip.
  • Meaningful Name: Woody, who evidently wakes up every morning with one.
  • Naked Freak-Out: Nell when her top is torn off and she's accidentally topless in front of Woody.
  • Naked People Are Funny: Invoked with Horse, he has no shame with changing for football and just stands around making Nell-As-Woody visibly uncomfortable. He also gets trapped outside mostly naked at the end of the movie.
  • Naked People Trapped Outside: Chanel takes vengeance on Horse for all his cheating by convincing him she wants to have sex with him in the bushes on the way to the Homingcoming Dance and then steals his clothes and drives away, leaving him wandering around town wearing nothing but a bowtie, socks, and shoes.
  • Not Even Bothering with the Accent: Sharon Osbourne makes no effort to get rid of her British accent even though she is supposed to be as American as the rest of the cast.
  • Prone to Tears: It's not clear if Nell is always tearful, but she cries a lot in the few days she spends in Woody's body much to his embarrassment as he worries she'll make him look unmanly.
  • Raging Stiffie: When Nell first wakes up in Woody's body she has morning wood, much to her horror. After a few days waking as him she realises this happens to Woody's body every morning.
  • Roadside Wave: One of Nell's difficulties the day of the field trip, intentionally caused by Woody and Horse as she walks to school after missing the bus.
  • The Scream: Heard from afar when Woody-as-Nell towel-flicks a classmate in the showers.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl: In order to ruin Nell's reputation, Woody begins dressing extremely provocatively while in her body. He quits when, as mentioned above, he realizes just who is the one experiencing all this.
  • Slobs vs. Snobs: Nell's mother Katherine looks down on Woody's family because they are not "the right sort of people" - they are rough, his mother swears, and they are much more working class than her.
    • Katherine also thinks Woody won't amount to anything and has instilled this viewpoint on Nell, spending time with his parents whilst in Woody's body makes Nell realise his parents are good people with a lot of common sense wisdom. Woody's father Stan also reveals that he and Nell's father Ted used to be good friends till Katherine put a stop to it.
  • Shipper on Deck: Woody's parents and Nell's father Ted all approve of the idea of Nell and Woody as a couple. Woody's Mom encourages Nell to chase after Woody after the Homecoming game, and Ted and Stan can both be seen nodding approvingly at each other when Nell and Woody head off into the sunset together at the end of the movie.
  • Slut-Shaming: We everyone thinks Nell has lost her virginity to Nicky on a whim rumours start circulating around the school about her and Nell-in-Woody's body finds her locker has been graffitied with the words "Slut Stuff" by someone.
  • Stripping Snag: Nell's pajama top is ripped off when it gets caught in her window, causing her to flash her neighbor by accident.
  • Toplessness from the Back: When Woody in Nell's body is trying to put on a bra.
  • Training Montage: Woody-in-Nell is being taught by Nell-in-Woody how to play football it is done over a montage set to music.
  • The Trickster: The oh-so slippery Tezcatlipoca.
  • Uptight Loves Wild: With Nell as the uptight to Woody's wild.
  • Voices Are Mental: When Woody and Nell swap bodies their voices stay with the bodies, but the thoughts of the characters are given as voiceovers in the possessors' voice.
