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Will's Family

    Susan Vandom

Will's single mother. Susan dates Will's History teacher; in the latter marries him and gives birth to their son, William Collins.

  • Ambiguously Brown: She has vaguely middle-eastern features.
  • Amicable Exes: Averted with Thomas in the comics to the point he tries to extort money from her by threatening to take full custody of Will from Susan.
  • Glamorous Single Mother: Downplayed. Susan does take care of her daughter, but they do fight like all mothers and daughters.
  • Like Parent, Like Child: She can be quite stubborn and sarcastic like Will.
  • Mama Bear: She will do anything to protect Will.
  • Parents as People: Susan gets stressed easily, is over-protective over Will and often doesn't understand her; but she is trying her best to raise her daughter in a happy environment away from her abusive father.
  • The Prankster: Used to be one back in high school, and gets to pull off a stunt on another prankster during a reunion party with her former classmates on Issue 98.


Will's long lost father. He shows up in his daughter's life unexpectedly and wants to win her love back.

  • Archnemesis Dad: In the comics, he is arguably one of the most sinister villains ever encountered - and he has Phobos and Nerissa to contend with. But he's finally ridden of by Kadma.
  • Evil Redhead: He's a manipulative, red-headed jerk.
  • Fiery Redhead: Averted. He is more laidback and it turns out that Will adopted her "fiery" status from her dark haired mother.
  • The Gambler: Played very seriously and darkly for a youth comic.
  • The Gambling Addict: Why he needs the money.
  • Greed: His main reason for visiting Will in the comics.
  • Hate Sink: He manages to be one of the most unlikable people ever encountered in the comic.
  • Jerkass: More so in the comics. Inverted in the cartoon.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: One would guess that Thomas might go through a Heel Realization when blackmailing his ex-wife and only using daughter to get money...he doesn't.
  • Karma Houdini: He gets away with what he did and gets the money he wanted, and more, with the condition he'll stay away from Will. He also cheats his accomplice of his share when he doesn't need those pictures on Susan and the judge Cook anymore.
  • Long-Lost Relative: A rare version of the relative being the father.
  • Smug Snake: Shades of this.
  • The Sociopath: One can make a very good case for Thomas being one in the comics. He feels no shame in manipulating and deceiving his own family for selfish gain, cares about no one but himself, abandons his "allies" as soon as he doesn't need them anymore, and is an unpleasant and repulsive person overall.

    Dean Collins

Will's History Teacher at Sheffield Institute. He is dating Susan, Will's mother and later marries her. In the comics, he and Susan marry and have a son, William Collins.

  • Big Ol' Eyebrows: As seen to the right.
  • Brainy Brunette: He has brown hair and is the History teacher at Sheffield Institute.
  • Cool Teacher: Tries to invoke this.
  • Curtains Match the Windows
  • Meaningful Name: "Dean" is usually a term for someone who is in charge of something. So, Mr. Collins is the "dean of History", since he teaches it.
  • Nice Guy: Dean is quite understanding and pretty cool. A lot of guys wouldn't even date a woman with a child. What does this guy do? He dates her anyway and bonds with her daughter.
  • Parental Substitute: More so in the comics for Will, since he ends up marrying her mother.

    William Collins

He is the son of Dean Collins and Susan Vandom-Collins, thus making him the younger half brother of Will Vandom.

Irma's Family

    Tom Lair

Irma's cop father.

    Anna Lair 

Irma's step-mother in the comics. Anna is a housewife or a stay-at-home mom.

    Christopher "Chris" Lair

Irma's younger brother.

Taranee's Family

    Lionel Cook
Voiced by: Dorian Harewood

Taranee's father. A former lawyer, Lionel now works as a psychologist. He is the more "diplomatic" parent in the Cook household.

    Theresa Cook

Taranee's mother. She is a judge and often shows it when disciplining her children, particularly her daughter.

  • Chubby Mama, Skinny Papa: Inverted. She is the Skinny Mama to her husband's Chubby Papa.
  • Horrible Judge of Character: She thought Nigel was nothing but a delinquent who would end up getting Taranee in trouble. While she had her reasons,note  she eventually learns how wrong she was.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Terry" by her husband.
  • Irony: She's a judge and must have good judgment, but she doesn't seem to have any of it with dealing with her kids.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Her mistrust of Nigel proves partially justified when his older brother is released from jail and involves him in his vendetta against Theresa for convicting him. Only partially though, as Nigel managed to fix the mess and owed up to his actions.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She's stubborn, jumps to conclusions, and has a tendency to be an overbearing mother. But all she wants is to keep her kids safe. That's a lifetime sentence.
  • Knight Templar Parent: Shown most noticeably when Taranee was dating.
  • Mama Bear: But she does want to keep her kids safe.
  • My Beloved Smother: Has a tendency of this.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to her husband's Blue. In a parenting sense, Theresa tends to not listen to her kids.
  • Spell My Name With An S: Instead of "Teresa" she has an "H" in between the "T" and first "E".

    Peter Cook

Taranee's older brother.

  • Cool Big Bro: He and his sister get along much better than most sibling of their ages do and when they do fight, it's treated much more dramatically than Irma's spats with Chris and the Hale sisters' arguments.
  • Dreadlock Rasta: Of the "mellow, laid-back surfer" variant. Hay Lin even describes him as a "rasta" at one point.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Keeps his long hair in dreads and a ponytail and is quite cute.
  • Lovable Jock: He likes basketball and is a Nice Guy.
  • Meaningful Name: Peter actually means stone. As mentioned above, Cornelia is the feminine form of Cornelius. In the New Testament, Cornelius was directed by an angel to seek a man named Peter.
  • Mellow Fellow: Peter is an easygoing guy and not much upsets him.
  • Nice Guy: Peter is a friendly young man.
  • The Reliable One: He's noted to be a very dependable person.
  • Second Love: For Cornelia in the comics.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: Lose most of his hair and add a couple of pounds, he looks just like his father.

Cornelia's Family

    Harold Hale

Cornelia's father. He is a manager at a bank.

  • Bookworm: He likes to read when he has free time.
  • Disappeared Dad: It was revealed in the comics that his father would often leave home for a while, but come back.
  • Good with Numbers: Implied since Harold is a manager at a bank. If confirmed, then it's Justified because his job requires him to be this.
  • The Quiet One: Of the Hales. Harold tends to have few words.

    Elizabeth Hale

Cornelia's mother. She's a stay-at-home mom.

    Lillian Hale

Cornelia's younger sister. The baby of the Hale family, so she is doted on by her parents.


The Hale Family's pet cat.

  • Cute Kitten: An adorable cat that Lillian adores.
  • Spanner in the Works: In the comics he, by just being a cat, ends up ruining Phobos's plan to return to the world and kill the Guardians, leaving him defenseless before their retaliation.

Hay Lin' s Family

    Chen Lin

Hay Lin's father and Yan Lin' s son. He helps run the Silver Dragon with his wife and mother.

  • Disappeared Dad: Who Chen's father and Yan Lin's first husband was is still a mystery.
  • Momma's Boy: Downplayed. He isn't too clingy too his mother, but he does worry about her.
  • Motor Mouth: Especially since he's a nervous wreck.
  • Nature Lover: When Chen isn't working he spends his time enjoying nature, especially bird watching.
  • Tall, Dark, and Handsome: Chen is very good looking.

    Joan Lin
Voiced by: Rosalind Chao

Hay Lin' s mother. She helps run the Silver Dragon with her husband and mother-in-law.

    Yan Lin 

Yan Lin

See Allies
