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Be warned; Due to all the twists, subversions and surprises in the story, even the list of characters may have spoilers. Yeah, this is that kind of series.

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    The Chosen Ones 

In general:

  • The Chosen One: Seven of them, this time.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits
  • Teeth-Clenched Teamwork: Most of them, but especially Linnéa and Anna-Karin, absolutely loathe Ida for her bullying, and Ida herself wants nothing to do with a bunch of losers and all this magic crap; Both sides make it clear they're only working together because they have to.

Minoo Falk Karimi

Your average, socially awkward, slightly nerdy high school girl.

  • Apocalypse Maiden: She has the powers of the Protectors, meaning that while she is effectively the only one who can dispel the demons' blessing, she also acts as the Protectors' anchor in this world; If she lives, the Protectors will be able to manifest in the world and take over every living mind within it.
  • Brought Down to Normal: At the very end. She gives up her powers to sever the protectors' anchor in the world, thus banishing them.
  • The Chosen One: Even more so than the others, as she was given her powers directly from the Protectors.
  • Demonic Possession: She is at least partially possessed by the Protectors for some time in The Key, making her powers significantly stronger. It also dulls her emotions and turns her into a puppet for them.
  • I Just Want to Be Special: Her powers are the last to manifest, and it takes a toll on her confidence.
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: On the receiving end of one from the other Chosen, when the Protectors are possessing her, threatening to do the same to all of Earth if Minoo can't break free.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: A part of her powers. She can view and remove a person's memories, or restore them if needed.
  • The Load: Sees herself as such at first, since her powers are dormant for most of the first book.
  • Power Incontinence: One of her greatest fears, due to the dire consequences it could have. The fear is very much justified; When she finally does lose control in The Key, she kills several people and very nearly dooms the whole world to be slaves to the Protectors.
  • Tomato in the Mirror: At the end of The Key she realizes just how much the Protectors are affecting her. She manages to break free, with some encouragement from the others.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: Another one of her powers. She can also set free the souls that are absorbed by the demon-blessed, or eradicate them entirely.

Rebecka Mohlin

A troubled but kind girl who takes on a leader role in the group.

Anna-Karin Nieminen

A shy person who lives on a farm, and due to a fair deal of bullying, much prefers the animals to her fellow students.

Vanessa Dahl

One of the popular ladies, with a bit more depth than it seems.

  • Blow You Away: Her element being air, wind tends to behave oddly around her, though she has trouble controlling it.
  • Dumb Blonde: Seems like one. Is not.
  • Flight: Develops this power in the third book.
  • Good Bad Girl: Vanessa is a good friend, Cool Big Sis, and generally nice person who just happens to really like boys and also, it turns out, girls.
  • Invisibility: Her main power. She eventually learns how to bring objects and even other people along.

Linnéa Wallin

An alternative girl who keeps to herself, aside from the other "freaks" of the school.

Ida Holmström

She's got status, rich parents, an attitude, and wants nothing to do with magic or the other Chosen whatsoever.

  • Alpha Bitch: Big time. She gets better eventually, though. And then she dies.
  • Deadpan Snarker: She gets a few moments.
  • Freudian Excuse: In the second book we see that her parents hold her to a very high standard of conformity and respectability, while at the same time all but encouraging her to abuse those of her peers who are less outwardly well-adjusted than her. Showing sympathy for "bad elements" is punished with passive-aggressive emotional abuse.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: At the end of Fire she is killed by Olivia by taking a hit for someone else.
  • Oblivious to Their Own Description: Despite being one of the worst bullies in her class, she repeatedly accuses the other Chosen Ones of bullying her. She gradually has a Jerkass Realization in the second book, though.
  • Power Incontinence: Ghosts can possess her, but she can't control when, much to her annoyance.
  • Redemption Equals Death: Downplayed. While she didn't die specifically to atone for her severe bullying, it does serve to make her more sympathetic. Though Minoo acknowledges that - although Ida wasn't truly a bad person in the end - she will not turn her into a martyr.
  • Refusal of the Call: She really just wants it all to be over so she can get on with her normal life.
  • Shock and Awe: Comes with being a metal witch, apparently.

Elias Malmgren

Another one of the alternative kids. His death is the very first thing that happens in the books and is what starts the plot.

  • Driven to Suicide: Slits up his arms in a school restroom. Turns out it wasn't suicide, though; He was forced to do it by another witch.
  • Goth
  • Like Brother and Sister: With Linnéa. Also a more one-sided version from Olivia, whose motivation for (unknowingly) helping the demons was to avenge and resurrect him.
  • Post Humous Character: He kicks the bucket very quickly, but his death keeps influencing events long after he's gone. He finally gets his own point-of-view chapter again in The Key.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: His power as a wood witch is to imitate other people's appearance.

Matilda Elingia

A young girl who was the previous Chosen in Engelsfors. She died before fulfilling her task, being burnt at the stake for witchcraft. Her spirit appears to the current Chosen Ones occasionally to give them guidance. She's also Nicolaus' daughter.

  • Brought Down to Normal: She sacrificed her powers so that there could be a new Chosen One in Engelsfors with a better chance to stop the demons.
  • Ms. Exposition: Played with; Her initial purpose seems to be telling the girls what's going on, but what she can say and when is severely limited.


People (and other things) helping the Chosen Ones on their quest. Note that this folder also contains spoilers, as some of the allies gathered along the way started out as decoy antagonists.

The Protectors

Seemingly benevolent spirits that speak to witches through the Book of Patterns.

  • Big Good: Except not.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Not as bad as the demons, but it's still clear that they think differently.
  • For Want Of A Nail: It's how they operate most of the time; They influence little things here and there and nudge everyone in the right direction to get the most favorable outcome possible.
  • Omniscient Morality License: They can see possible futures, and use their knowledge to excuse whenever they withhold information from the Chosen, claiming that figuring it out themselves would get them a better outcome. Their existence isn't even revealed until the second book.
  • Order Versus Chaos: They desire order, much like the demons, but are far more tolerant and benevolent than the demons. Except they're not; They have grown fond of Earth, yes, but still see it as flawed. Their ultimate plan is not much better than the demons' - instead of destroying the world, they want to turn every last person into their puppets in order to eradicate The Evils of Free Will.
  • Our Angels Are Different: When asked if they are angels, Matilda admits that they've been called many things, angels included.
  • Our Demons Are Different: ...Conveniently leaving out the fact that they and the demons are one and the same; The Protectors were left behind on Earth by the other demons thousands of years ago to oversee its development, and grew fond of it.

Nicolaus Elingius

The school janitor, who seems to know something about the girls' situation. Really, a 400-year old witch with amnesia. And the father of the previous Chosen in Engelsfors.

  • Antiquated Linguistics: He's got a somewhat old-fashioned way of speaking, making him sound excessively formal. And he drops some of it after getting his memories back.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Played with; He doesn't remember who he is, only his name, that he works at the school, and that he has to help the Chosen Ones. This is because he's almost four centuries old, and his memory has been deteriorating accordingly. To be safe he stored his memories in his cat familiar, and gets everything back the second she dies.
  • Really 700 Years Old: Extended his lifespan by human sacrifice, both to get revenge on the sacrificed council members for sentencing his daughter to death, and so that he could live long enough to guide the next Chosen One.
  • Soul Jar: His cat familiar acts as one. She carries his full memories and powers; Nicolaus has to kill her (very regretfully) to get them back.

Mona Månstråle

A lady running a shop full of tacky trinkets, where she also offers to read her customers' future. While the stuff she sells is useless, she really is a witch with the power to see people's future to some degree. The store is also a cover-up for her small black market of magical goods (of the real sort). The girls find out, and Mona becomes their main supplier of ectoplasma.


A student at the Engelsfors high school. He is Rebecka's boyfriend, and later Minoo's. Ida also has a huge crush on him.


Vanessa's best friend, alongside Michelle. She's a natural fire witch, and a very powerful one at that, which is discovered in The Key when she accidentally saves herself from being smashed by stopping the incoming object with telekinesis. Vanessa discovers it and tells her everything, upon which Evelina starts helping the Chosen.


A guy from school. He gets dragged into the plot in The Key, when he is the only one who remembers the last events of Fire. This is because he's a natural metal witch. He demands an explanation from Minoo, and once filled in, begins to help the Chosen along with Evelina and Gustaf.


Demons and their Blessed. Note that a lot of the suspense in the books comes from the main characters trying to figure out who these people are - Thus, here there be spoilers.

The Demons

  • Big Bad
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: They operate on a different moral standard entirely; Demons see themselves as perfect, unchanging and eternal. They absolutely cannot stand beings like humans with their chaotic emotions, and think complete extermination of offending beings is preferrable to letting the disorder continue.
  • Eldritch Abomination: They're alien, they couldn't care less about the concerns of humans, and all we ever see of them is their magic, which gives off something resembling black smoke.
  • The Evils of Free Will: They can't stand the chaos that free will causes and see humanity as flawed beyond redepmtion.
  • Order Versus Chaos: They're actually on the order side. It's just that their definition of "order" usually boils down to "kill everything that doesn't think like we do".
  • Our Demons Are Different

Max Rosenqvist

A teacher at the Engelsfors high school with a few secrets in store. Also the first demon-blessed witch the girls come across and the antagonist of the first book.

Olivia Henriksson

The second Blessed, and a talented metal witch, causing trouble in Fire.

  • Body Horror: The strain of carrying the demons' powerful magic makes her body visibly decay, including having several teeth fall out. She gets better; It's not clear whether that's because she was taken care of by the Council, or whether she simply gets used to the demon magic.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Not she herself, but she inflicts it on the entire school via enchanted, mind-controlling necklaces.
  • The Dragon: To the demons, again.
  • Dragon with an Agenda: Everything she does in Fire she does because the demons have convinced her that she is the Chosen One, and that she can bring back Elias by sacrificing people.
  • Foil: To Linnéa. they were both friends of Elias and loved him dearly, but while Linnéa really understood him, Olivia's friendship was more one-sided. And when she discovers she's a witch, Olivia uses her powers for revenge while Linnéa knows that that's not what Elias would have wanted. Olivia also desperately tries to bring him back while Linnéa eventually comes to terms with his death and accepts that he needs to move on.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: She is only mentioned briefly as a friend of Linnéa before being revealed as the second Blessed. Though her reasons make sense in hindsight, the reveal may come somewhat out of left field.
  • Hero Killer: She also needs the Chosen's souls. She doesn't get any, but manages to kill off Ida before being stopped, being very close to getting Vanessa as well.
  • Hive Queen: The aforementioned mind-controlling necklaces essentially turn half of Engelsfors into a Hive Mind with her pulling the strings. This role is then overtaken by Ida, of all people, when she puts on one of the necklaces and sabotages the network from the inside.
  • Love Makes You Evil: She murders several people (and is about to kill off many, many more) to avenge and revive Elias.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Upon finding out that everything the demons told her was a lie, and she unknowingly helped further the apocalypse, her motive goes from " bring Elias back" to "we're all going to die, and I'm taking as many of you bastards with me as I can".
  • Psycho Electro: Big time.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: The reason for her slaughter aside from bringing Elias back is to get revenge on his behalf.
  • Shock and Awe: Due to being a metal witch.
  • Taking You with Me: Her reaction to finding out she's been lied to and everything is going to hell is trying to murder the remaining Chosen out of spite. Luckily, she kicks the bucket in The Key before taking out her revenge on any of them.

Helena and Krister Malmgren

The parents of Elias, who are out for revenge. They are suspected to be the Blessed of the second book, but are really being helped by Olivia.

Walter Hjorth

See The Council.

    The Council 

An organization of witches that controls all use of magic. The first member the girls meet claims to want to help them; As the story goes on, it becomes increasingly apparent that they're more concerned with power than anything else, and most consider Chosen Ones and demons little more than superstition. Adriana was right, however. The council was founded by the very first Chosen, to help future chosen seal the rifts between worlds and keep the demons at bay. They have since become corrupted and forgotten their purpose.

The Council as a whole:

  • Arbitrary Skepticism: You'd think they'd be more wary of prophecies of doom, living in a world of magic.
  • Cruel Mercy: they're rather fond of dishing it out. Adriana found out the hard way when she tried to run away with Simon, who unlike her was executed for it.
  • Magical Society

Adriana Lopez/Ehrenskiöld

The principal of the Engelsfors school. Also a fire witch, and the first Council member the girls encounter.

  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Is on the receiving end from Minoo, who erases all memories of her unauthorized activities so that the Council will spare her from punishment, and possible execution, for said activities. She gets better in the end, again thanks to Minoo.
  • Meaningful Rename: She took her mother's maiden name to distance herself from her father's side of the family, which consists of a long line of prominent Council members, and by extension to distance herself from the Council itself.
  • Only Sane Man: Is seemingly the only member of the Council who takes the girls and the prophecy about them seriously.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Comes off as one at first, when she helps the girls train (and lets them get away with using their magic outside the lessons, which would be illegal), but then subverted as it becomes clear just how little power she has in the Council due to her low magical talent and repeated disobedience.

Alexander Ehrenskiöld

An interrogator that comes to Engelsfors to investigate Anna-Karin's abuse of her powers. Oh, and he's Adriana's brother.

  • I Did What I Had to Do: His justification for pretty much anything.
  • Just Following Orders: Yup.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: He's unquestioningly loyal to the Council. sure, he tries to find loopholes in their rules sometimes, but if the Council demands something he will do it.
  • Sadistic Choice: The comics reveal that, as a reward for turning them in, he was allowed to choose whether to keep Adriana or Simon alive, with the other one being executed for trying to leave the Council. It's implied (and all but stated) that he was in love with the latter, meaning that he essentially had to choose between his sister and his love.

Viktor Ehrenskiöld

Alexander's adoptive son and a talented water witch. He comes along to help the investigation.

  • Living Lie Detector: Part of his powers. The girls have a massive Oh, Crap! moments upon finding out - rather understandably, since they've been lying to his face about Anna-Karin's misuse of her powers during a formal interrogation.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong: Like Alexander, he's devoted to the Council; Unlike Alexander, he's very much disturbed by its methods and plans to change it from the inside. He eventually realizes that it isn't going to work and decides to leave for good... And then Walter kills him.

Clara Ehrenskiöld

Viktor's twin sister and a powerful air witch, also adopted by Alexander. She's permanently invisible due to a bad case of Power Incontinence.

  • Blessed with Suck: Played for all the drama it's worth. She resents her power and is bitter and depressed because of it. Worsened by her not only being invisible but inaudible - aside from moving things, the only way she can interact with anyone is through her psychic link with Viktor, which allows her to speak through him.
  • Broken Bird: She could compete with Linnéa for the title. Especially so by the end, where she's become visible again but lost her brother and had her surrogate father's pedestal thoroughly broken.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Viktor mentions her long before she appears. "Appears" beng the key word here - she was there through every major event in the books, using her invisibility to spy on the Chosen on behalf of Alexander. Then she shows up at Alexander's mansion, where (after Minoo cures her) she becomes a part of Walter's makeshift Circle.
  • I Can't See Myself: And she had an appropriate freak-out upon realizing it.
  • Invisibility: Her main power. She's notably the only witch who has the exact same primary power as a main character, sharing hers with Vanessa.
  • Power Incontinence: Her invisibility manifested early, and she used it to play tricks and get back at her and Viktor's unpleasant foster parents. Then one day, she couldn't turn it off...

Walter Hjorth

A powerful member of the Council, appearing in the third book. Unlike most of the Council he takes the demon threat seriously, and comes to Engelsfors to create his own Circle (using himself, Viktor and Clara, three of their former classmates and Minoo) as he believes the Chosen are not skilled enough.

  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Comes off as one at first since he takes the prophecy seriously, but unlike Adriana, he's not in it to save the world or anything like that. He's in it because the Protectors directly told him to, and he only wants power.


One of Viktor's classmates. She is a talented metal witch and gets called in to Walter's circle.


Another old classmate of Viktor and Sigrid, also called in for Walter's circle. Her element is fire.

  • Heel–Face Turn: Although she wasn't really bad to begin with, she quickly switches sides and help the Chosen once she realizes just how bad Walter is.


The last member of the second circle and a talented earth witch. Despite his great potential, however, he has trouble controlling his powers.

  • Chekhov's Skill: He finally figures out how to make use of his Power Incontinence - making other people feel his sensations - by using it when Sigrid threatens to slit Adriana's throat by slamming his hand into the wall, possibly breaking something, which makes Sigrid drop the blade when she feels the pain.
  • Heel–Face Turn: He was never really bad either, just on the wrong side - and he promptly ditches Walter along with Nejla and the Ehrenskiöld twins when the truth comes to light.
  • Power Incontinence: One of his main powers is making people around him feel what he feels. He cannot however control when it happens, which means that among other things, everyone knows he's in love with Viktor.

Simon Takahashi

Adriana's former lover. He was executed when they tried to leave the Council together.

Hedvig Elingia

A witch who lived about 400 years prior to the events of the story. She was the mother of the previous Chosen in Engelsfors, and Nicolaus' wife.

  • Driven to Suicide: Threw herself on her daughter's pyre rather than watching her burn.


Erik Forslund

One of the resident bullies. He gets together with Ida in the second book.
