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This page is part of the character sheet for Starfinder, covering Animal creatures. For playable races, see Starfinder Player Races.

Animals are for the most part just that — relatively normal animals. Some are more bizarre than others by real life standards given the variety of worlds they originate from, but all animals are united by their limited intelligence and lack of preternatural powers, their powers and abilities being limited to what regular biology can be expected to produce.

For tropes pertaining to animals in Pathfinder, see Pathfinder Animals.

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Groups of Animals

Challenge Rating: 6 (green rageshkor), 12 (rock rageshkor)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large (green rageshkor), Huge (rock rageshkor)

  • Spike Shooter: By whipping its tail, a rageshkor can hurl a detachable spike from just below its spiked tail club.
  • Worthy Opponent: Vesk have long seen rageshkors as worthy foes. Records from before the Gap show that hunting rageshkors is an age-old tradition, which has survived into modern times. Vesk and non-vesk alike regularly travel to Vesk Prime specifically for the chance to hunt a rageshkor.


Whiskered Renkroda

Challenge Rating: 5
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

A relatively small breed of renkroda, whiskered renkroda occupy the ecological niche as common predators across Castrovel.

  • Mighty Roar: A whiskered renkroda can bellow ferociously, causing all enemies nearby to become shaken.
  • Raptor Attack: With its Large size and body plan, the whiskered renkroda is essentially the Castrovellian equivalent of dromaeosaurid dinosaurs.

Feathered Renkroda
Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

A species of renkroda hunted to near extinction by trophy seekers and poachers. Their stats can be found in Save the Renkrodas.

  • Mighty Roar: Their roars can force those that hear it to cower. Normally they need a few rounds to recharge this ability, but they regain it automatically when they critically hit with a bite.

CR 1/3

Challenge Rating: 1/3 (normal), 1 (trained)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Tiny

Called vulkariki in Lashunta, squoxes gained their popular moniker from humans who thought the creatures resembled a cross between a fox and a squirrel, with useful qualities from both animals.

  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The squox was introduced in Alien Archive 2, a year before creature companion mechanic was introduced in the third one. As a result, players who want a squox companion have to take a feat, instead of doing so through the creature companion mechanic.
  • Introduced Species Calamity: Xenowardens have tried to curb squox incursion of the species outside of their native Castrovel, fearing that they might irrevocably damage invaded ecosystems if left unchecked. Therefore, Xenowardens actively promote squox hunting on numerous worlds, as well as legal controls against importing and releasing them into the wild.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: The name squox came from humans who thought that the vulkariki resembled a cross between a fox and a squirrel.

CR 1/2

Challenge Rating: 1/2 (sprout), 8 (enigma)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Tiny (sprout), Large (enigma)

  • Eyeless Face: Opaque, varied markings give osiferns the appearance of having faces, although they have no actual eyes.
  • Fusion Dance: Osiferns infrequently congregate and then collectively metamorphose into an osifern enigma.

CR 1

Challenge Rating: 1 (individual), 2 (swarm)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Tiny

  • Loud of War: From its horns, a dominant marwaul can let loose a supersonic hoot that induces nausea in predators.

CR 2

    Aerial Devil 
Challenge Rating: 2
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small

  • Bullet Catch: Aerial devils have developed the ability to pick incoming solid projectiles out of the air and crush the munitions in their beaks.

    Hobbe Hound 
Challenge Rating: 2
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Beast of Battle: Hobbe hounds serve in certain hobgoblin military units, guarding posts and tracking down deserters in places where technology is unreliable.
  • Made of Incendium: The greasy, alchemical musk that constantly coats a hobbe hound's body is highly flammable, and bursts into flame with the slightest spark.
  • Rodents of Unusual Size: Despite its name, the hobbe hound is actually a species of very large rodent.

Challenge Rating: 2 (kaion), 11 (multipole)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small (kaion), Huge (multipole)

Well-known pests of the seas of Nisis, the River Between, and the Diaspora, kaions float in space and water in search of minerals and flesh.

  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: Kaions feed on inorganic minerals from starship hulls and mined ores, from which symbiotic bacteria in their shell produce energy.
  • Magnetism Manipulation: A kaion can release a magnetic pulse to pull creatures that are carrying or wearing metal, or are entangled by a kaion's sclerites.
  • The Worm That Walks: When multiple kaions in a pod have reached a sufficient level of size and strength, they can become magnetically aligned with each other and form a colonial organism called a multipole, that can fly through space unaided.

Challenge Rating: 2
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Goomba Stomp: Kathums aggressively make dive-bomb attacks against those who dare to trespass within their territory.
  • Gravity Master: A kathum can alter its own gravity, allowing it to leap from forest floor to canopy in a moment's notice and walk along thin leafy branches as if they were on solid ground.

Challenge Rating: 2
Role: Expert
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small

Muottas are the descendants of a species of harmless birds from Suskillon that were transplanted to the colony on Utraneus to aid with the colonists’ early attempts to foster normal soil farming in Utraneus’s rocky landscape. Due to their altered diet and other various environmental conditions in this new landscape, the species evolved over the centuries to become the ill-regarded avian pests they are today.

Challenge Rating: 2
Role: Spellcaster
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small

  • Canine Companion: Silicanids are pack animals, and they form a fierce bond with others. They are popular as pets, especially among ectothermic species and in frigid environments due to their aura of warmth.
  • Silicon-Based Life: Silicanids have inorganic, silicon-based bodies that resemble obsidian and magma.

    Swamp Strider 
Challenge Rating: 2 (common), 10 (crested)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

  • Animal Stampede: When on the run, a swamp strider herd often throws caution to the wind, hurling themselves through vegetation with wanton disregard; most humanoid deaths by swamp striders occur as a result of the creatures fleeing from something deadlier and crashing into unsuspecting bystanders.
  • Horn Attack: The crested swamp strider boasts fearsome head horns.
  • Horse of a Different Color: Lashuntas have a long tradition of riding swamp striders, though they are seen as much less prestigious than shotalashus due to the sheer amount of maintenance they require.
  • Made of Incendium: Swamp striders' fur supports thriving colonies of algae that emit malodorous, flammable gas, which ignite when the swamp strider takes fire damage.

CR 3

Challenge Rating: 3
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

Burrowing creatures from Zeyther-3 with armor of their own frozen blood.

Their stats can be found in Cost of Living.

  • Blob Monster: They can briefly liquefy themselves, which serves as both a mobility tool and their favorite combat tactic, seeing as any creature they touch in this form takes cold damage and is exposed to gutmelt.
  • Fast Tunneling: They can use their caustic bodily fluids to melt through
  • Kill It with Fire: They have vulnerability to fire damage.
  • The Power of Blood: Estri create a shell of frozen blood over their bodies that provides them damage resistance and a bonus to armor class.

Challenge Rating: 3
Role: Expert
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Tiny

    Sand Brute 
Challenge Rating: 3 (normal), 5 (alpha)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Size: Large

Predators from Elytrio that were mutated from long term exposure to radiation. Sand brutes look like muscular lions with their beige-colored manes, but the rest of their body is covered with dark brown scales that partially reflect certain types of energy. They have stubby faces, big, fanged mouths, and segmented tails. Their stats can be found in Yesteryear's Truth.

  • Attack Reflector: The hide of a sand brute reflects lasers, halving all damage dealt to them by laser weapons. They can also make a reaction when hit by a laser to attempt to reflect it back at the shooter for the same amount of damage the sand brute took.
  • Mighty Roar: Their Imposing Roar ability leaves those that hear it shaken unless they succeed on a Will save.

Challenge Rating: 3 (normal), 9 (Alural war wolliped)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

Wollipeds are eight-legged mammals with a thick fleece and long tusks originally native to the Parapet Mountains on Triaxus.

CR 4

    Arquand Gazelle
Challenge Rating: 4
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

A species of lithe, six-legged gazelle from the sentient planet Arquand. Like most of its native species, they're friendly and trusting to a fault.

  • The Ageless: In their home, Arquand gazelles grow neither old nor ill, and live forever unless killed. If taken to a different planet, an Arquand gazelle lives up to 30 years.
  • Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: These gazelles have six legs each.

Challenge Rating: 4 (normal), 6 (alpha)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Tiny [swarm]

Aggressive carnivorous theropods the size of small dogs native to Castrovel. Their stats can be found in Save the Renkrodas.

  • Achilles' Heel: They have a vulnerability to sonic damage.
  • Convenient Coma: Their venom leaves victims catatonic. They use this to their advantage in combat, poisoning all opponents so they can then feed on the helpless creatures in peace.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: They flee when their health drops to a little under a quarter.
  • Lured into a Trap: Compsikania swarms will send out a single compsikania to bait larger creatures into approaching.
  • The Nose Knows: They have blindsense (scent).

Challenge Rating: 4 (adult), 1 (bantling)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium (adult), Small (bantling)

  • Rubber Man: Murzzilats are incredibly flexible and can squeeze through narrow tunnels and cracks by contorting and twisting their bodies, displaying their internal organs, and popping their limbs in and out of joint. They can escape from cave-ins and travel through tiny tunnels that creatures of their size typically couldn't pass.

CR 5

    Aglian Collective 
Challenge Rating: 5
Role: Expert
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: Tiny

  • Hive Mind: While individual aglians can function in perfunctory ways, they are usually found in schools, telepathically linking with each other like neurons in a brain to form a new consciousness.

Challenge Rating: 5
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: When hunting, an augerwing approaches its prey in a rapid, spinning dive. Strong muscular and skeletal structures help the bird muster the power to drill into their target's flesh.
  • Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: An augerwing is a tall, lean bird with two sets of wings and eight legs.

    Giant Jelly 
Challenge Rating: 5
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Huge

  • Loud of War: A giant jelly can focus sonic waves into a damaging blast of sound that is especially devastating underwater.

A male hashukayak.
Challenge Rating: 5
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

On the slowly orbiting planet of Orikolai, hashukayaks tirelessly migrate from one side of the ring to the other in pursuit of sunlight and the lush plants on which they feed. These massive beasts are a keystone species, serving as prey for many of the planet’s large carnivores, dispersing seeds over huge areas, and cropping grasses to make way for new growth.

  • Extra Eyes: A hashukayak's eight eyes can focus independently, and each perceives a different spectrum of light, allowing the animal to see in dim conditions and sense subtle cues in the atmosphere that signal the changing seasons.
  • Horn Attack: Stout horns grow from male hashukayaks' heads and front shoulders. They use these horns to fight for dominance during the long summers.
  • Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: These vertebrates have eight legs.

Challenge Rating: 5 (normal), 12 (oshirokiroi)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Huge (normal), Gargantuan (oshirokiroi)

The apex predators of the toxic cloud-seas blanketing Liavaran moon of Osoro are irokirois, huge serpentine creatures with long wing fins that spiral in a helical pattern along their entire bodies, from their razorfanged tripartite maws to their tapered tails.

  • Defeat Equals Explosion: When an irokiroi is killed, its gas bladder loses cohesion and explodes in a burst of high-frequency sound and toxic gases.

    Quicksilver Drifter 
Challenge Rating: 5
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

  • I'm a Humanitarian: The dominant clutchmate in each quicksilver drifter clutch matures while the others cease development to live in a pouch on their sibling's underside. Upon reaching the breeding grounds, the host dies, and its immature clutchmates feed on its remains.
  • Poisonous Person: A quicksilver drifter constantly expels a cloud of mercury gas and can spit a wad of mercury.
  • Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: Quicksilver drifters are vertebrates with six legs.

Challenge Rating: 5
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Spikes of Doom: Threshwolves' most identifiable feature is a mane of glass-like fibers they use to gore prey and shred undergrowth.

CR 6

    Collector Crab 
Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

  • Randomized Damage Attack: The collector crab's natural weapons are a conglomeration of different types of ore, one of which randomly affects each of its natural attacks.
  • Rock Monster: A collector crab covers itself in a shell composed of minerals collected from meteorites that pummel the surface of Weydana-7.

Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small

Carnivorous quadrupeds from Nejeor IV.

    Giant Basalt Crab 
Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

Giant crustaceans from Arniselle with shells like stone.

Their stats can be found in Forbidden Tide.

  • Chameleon Camouflage: Their shells look almost exactly like basalt, which is greatly advantageous in their native environment.
  • Dash Attack: Unlike most creatures, they have no attack penalties when charging.
  • Giant Enemy Crab: "Giant crab" is right in their name.

    Glacial Borer 
Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Playing with Fire: A glacial borer can issue forth a jet of flame from its horns, which it uses to burrow through ice and snow, leaving behind smooth tunnels.
  • Wreathed in Flames: A glacial borer can wreathe its body in flames from its horns to protect itself from fire.

    Mountain Eel
Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Huge

Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Beast of Battle: Scrawlers' sophisticated communication pattern, relatively high intelligence and pack lethality make them candidates for bioweapon research. Unscrupulous corporations like EJ Corp have begun to explore transplanting scrawlers into other environments and training them for warfare.
  • Beware My Stinger Tail: At the tip of the scrawler's bulbous tail are retractable venomous spikes that act as hooks and can remain embedded inside prey.
  • The Paralyzer: Paralytic toxins coat the slick skin and tail barbs of a scrawler.

Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Huge

  • Gentle Giant: These enormous dinosaurs are docile and laid-back most of the time, except during hatching season.
  • Vertebrate with Extra Limbs: The weydanasaurus is a dinosaur with an extra pair of forelimbs.

CR 7

Challenge Rating: 7
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Colossal

  • Sea Monster: Measuring up to 100 feet long and weighing hundreds of tons, abynthics are among the largest and most formidable creatures found in the seas of Entha.
  • Tail Slap: Abynthics are incredibly flexible for their size and can use their tails individually to attack with devastating effect.

Challenge Rating: 7
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

Challenge Rating: 7 (mordagast), 13 (butcher)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium (mordagast), Huge (butcher)

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Mordagasts resemble praying mantises of extraordinary proportions.
  • Monstrous Cannibalism: Mordagast butchers often hunt and consume their own kind, triggering additional growth that's poorly understood among xenobiologists.
  • Slaying Mantis: Mordagasts are mantis-like predators feared for their ability to discorporate, briefly transforming into a ghostly reflection of themselves in order to surprise prey or bypass defences, something that has inspired countless tales. Spotting a mordagast at dusk is commonly interpreted as an omen of disaster. For many, a mordagast is a ghost that prowls the fens, a cryptid that absconds with livestock, or a bogeyman that gobbles up wayward children. For others, they take on religious significance as divine messengers.

CR 8

Challenge Rating: 8
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

Serpentine predators from Nejeor V.

  • Bizarre Alien Senses: They have small light-sensitive nodes in place of eyes, akin to those of an insect. Unlike an insect, they're actually very good at seeing in dim conditions.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: Acrochors incubating eggs often eat volcanic glass to provide it with minerals during the hibernation period.
  • Escaped Animal Rampage: Native to Nejeor V, acrochors were brought by the kishalee to Nejeor VI as zoo attractions and went feral when their civilisation collapsed.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: They basically look like someone took a snake, gave it a toad's skin texture, then replaced its jaws with a shark's. Behavior-wise they act like a cross between a snake and a shark, biting into prey to get a good initial grip before constricting it, then tearing pieces off the body to eat.

Challenge Rating: 8 (arabuk), 3 (arabuk yearling)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large (arabuk), Medium (arabuk yearling)

  • Ascended to Carnivorism: Once docile and regal guardians of Akiton's prehistoric wilds, arabuks have evolved into stalking predators.
  • Extra Eyes: An arabuk has two eyes on each side of its head.

Challenge Rating: 8
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

  • Acid Attack: Kriegakoses constantly ooze an endless supply of highly acidic saliva from the pores in their skin. This secretion breaks down the steely rinds of the floating reebadarus plants, and is also a potent deterrent against predators.

Challenge Rating: 8
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

Challenge Rating: 8
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Gargantuan

Large herbivores from Castrovel.

  • Animal Stampede: Yaruks are infamously destructive in their migrations, toppling whatever isn't convenient to walk around.
  • Trampled Underfoot: A yaruk can move up to its speed and trample any creatures that are at least one size smaller than itself.

CR 9


Challenge Rating: 9
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Huge

Originally docile and domesticated animals kept by the kishalee, the fall of their civilization saw the jubsnuth evolve into ravaging predators.

  • Belly Mouth: They have a second mouth on their stomach, allowing them to make a second bite attack every round as a move action.
  • Post-Apocalyptic Dog: An alien version that took the feral route over the centuries rather than remaining companions. Though considering their size, they may have been something closer to livestock.
  • Underground Monkey: They've evolved quite the variety across the various worlds they were kept on. Besides coming in a wide variety of colors to match their surroundings, there are:
    • Ambush jubsnuths that trade in their ability to trample and swallow whole in exchange for extra senses to track prey and a bonus to Stealth.
    • Aquatic jubsnuth that have lost most of their maneuverability on land as thiey develop fins to better hunt in the water.
    • Flying jubsnuth that took to they skies to hunt, again at the cost of landbound mobility.

Challenge Rating: 9
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

  • Lamprey Mouth: Surnochs don't seem to have jaws and their mouths are distinctly lamprey-like.
  • Sand Worm: Surnochs burrow in and devour the crusts of asteroids and small moons.
  • X-Ray Vision: Surnochs can sense their food even through several feet of rock.

Challenge Rating: 9 (adult), 4 (broodling)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large (adult), Medium (broodling)

  • Made of Incendium: An adult vasporan's flesh contains pockets of volatile gases trapped just beneath the surface, which ignite and explode when the vasporan is hit by a melee attack that deals fire damage.

CR 10

    Flying Viper Eel 
Challenge Rating: 10
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Tiny

  • Poisonous Person: The flying viper eel can inject a venom that slow the target's reactions, leaving it unable to fight back.

    Keji Swarm 
Challenge Rating: 10
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Diminutive

  • Light 'em Up: A keji swarm can collect, focus and redirect ambient light in a beam.

CR 11

Challenge Rating: 7 (juvenile), 11 (adult)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

Native to the archipelagos of Vesk-2, defrexes are mammals famed for their strength, tough hide, and aggression.

  • Horse of a Different Color: A defrex mount or pet is a status symbol among vesk.
  • Offing the Offspring: After 5 to 7 weeks, depending on how well fed she is, a mother defrex views her offspring as competition and prey, consuming those that fail to leave the nest within a few days.

CR 13

    Cloud Ray 
Challenge Rating: 6 (cloud skate), 13 (cloud ray)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large (cloud skate), Huge (cloud ray companion), Gargantuan (wild cloud ray)

  • Flying Seafood Special: These rays glide through the cloudy ecosystems of gas giants.
  • Made of Explodium: If a cloud skate or ray is reduced to 0 Hit Points by fire or electricity damage, its internal reservoirs of explosive gases and combustible fluids detonate.
  • Multiple-Tailed Beast: Three tails trail behind a cloud ray's body.
  • Sex Shifter: Cloud rays can easily shift their sex to adapt to their social surroundings.


Starship Tier: 1
Role: Expert
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small

  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: These insect-like animals are large enough to participate in starship combat.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: Calaphidions feed on dust and ice, which they combine with photosynthesis to sustain themselves.
  • Horn Attack: A calaphidion has a pair of hard, chitinous horns extending from the sides of its head, which can be used in combat.
  • Planimal: Calaphidions are covered with photosynthetic cells, which solar energy from far-distant suns.
