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Characters / Starfinder Vermin

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This page is part of the character sheet for Starfinder, covering non-playable Vermin creatures. For playable races, see Starfinder Player Races.

For tropes pertaining to vermin in Pathfinder, see Pathfinder Animals.

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    In General 
  • Big Creepy-Crawlies: Most arthropods that receive stats as individuals (and not swarms or hazards) are much larger than real life arthropods ought to be.


Challenge Rating: 13
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Huge

  • Acid Attack: An amp-lion can spray a jet of acid from its stomach.
  • Magnetism Manipulation: An amp-lion can surge with electrical power, drawing in all unattended metal and technological objects within 15 feet toward it.
  • Metal Muncher: Amp-lions evolved to feed on inorganic matter, usually technological scrap, live wires and plastic deposits. Even a solitary amp-lion could swallow whole robots and those wearing heavy powered armour.

Challenge Rating: 7
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

  • Hive Caste System: An apari is a gigantic beetle-like creature both home and queen to a swarm of tiny insects, each of which has an extremely specialised role.
  • Hive Mind: A young apari hive and its 'mother' remain chemically linked, so that if disaster befalls one of them, surviving constituents can potentially join a linked hive and continue to thrive.
  • Insect Queen: The apari queen is the only fertile member of the hive and is responsible for spawning constituents and daughter hives alike.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: Aparis have been present on most Pact Worlds prior to the Gap, and there's plenty of in-univese speculation how they could have achieved spaceflight during that time.

    Asteroid Louse 
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small

Asteroid lice are communal creatures that feed on minerals in the stone of their airless habitats.

Challenge Rating: 13 (swarm)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Fine

  • Bioluminescence Is Cool: An astro-krill's exoskeleton is translucent and emits brilliant and complex light patterns. Children love how their tongues are vibrantly dyed after eating astro-krill paste.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: Astro-krill's diet consists entirely of inorganic material. They consume asteroids and the space suits of explorers with equal relish.

Challenge Rating: 9 (adult), 3 (juvenile)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large (adult), Medium (juvenile)

Challenge Rating: 1/3
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Diminutive

  • Creepy Cockroach: Barros heavily resemble large cockroaches, and like cockroaches, are scavenging omnivores and can be found anywhere, especially dirty urban environments due to the abundance of food to scavenge and dark places to lay their eggs. They can be hard to spot and harder to exterminate due to their tough exoskeletons and their preference to hide from larger creatures.

    Comet Wasp 
Challenge Rating: 12
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Diminutive (swarm)

  • Beware My Stinger Tail: The comet wasp's sting delivers a chilling toxin.
  • Chest Burster: Comet wasps lay their eggs in living creatures. After five days, a new comet wasp swarm cuts itself free, killing the host.

    Crate Fiend 
Challenge Rating: 3
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium

Ambush predators from Taekah III that use cast off shells or empty containers to hide in.

  • Acid Attack: They have a ranged acid attack.
  • Chameleon Camouflage: Like real-life hermit crabs, they use any appropriately sized container to hide in and carry it around with them as additional protection. Also like hermit crabs they've adapted to use man-made items as well as the natural ones they originally evolved to take advantage of, using cargo crates and barrels as shells.
  • In-Series Nickname: Technically they're called taekahbs, but they're almost universally referred to crate fiends.
  • More Predators Than Prey: Averted, they're scavengers by nature and prefer to avid discovery rather than fight, though larger ones will go after live prey.
  • Taking You with Me: When killed they get to make one last acid blast attack for free against any target in range.

    Dawn Beetle 
Challenge Rating: 2 (sun-scrapper), 10 (core-diver)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

  • Absurdly Sharp Claws: The dawn beetle's spiky claws can tear through stone.
  • Horse of a Different Color: Dawn beetles are rather easy to domesticate. With a proper saddle to dissipate the heat, one can direct a dawn beetle like a living tractor.

A common diatha
Challenge Rating: 1/2 (normal), 5 (elder)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small

Diathas are a common species of what are known as explosive slugs. Found throughout the galaxy, including on Vesk-2, diathas store energy in chemical chains, rather than in fat deposits, making them highly volatile.

  • Extreme Omnivore: Diathas eat anything that won't kill them.
  • Introduced Species Calamity: Diathas can dominate ecosystems, displacing or killing native species. The Pact Worlds and Veskarium have strict quarantine measures for vessels arriving from systems known to have diatha infestations.
  • Made of Explodium: Diatha flesh is explosive. Although it is stable under in most circumstances, when a diatha is badly wounded, hormones released as a stress response cause it to explode when further wounded.
  • Not Quite Flight: Diatha elders become buoyant with stored internal gases, and can extend winglike flaps, allowing them to hover.
  • Suicide Attack: Diathas can detonate their energy-packed flesh while in an injured and excited state.

    Flayer Leech
Challenge Rating: 4
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral (juvenile), Neutral Evil (effigy)
Size: Tiny

A flayer leech is a tiny invertebrate that flenses its prey and uses their hide as a chrysalis to become an doppelganger of them.

  • Glamour Failure: A flayer leech effigy can impersonate the creature whose skin it is wearing to a striking degree, though close friends might recognise a changed demeanor, as the effigy speaks rarely and engages in few social functions. In addition, an effigy's auditory organs are sensitive to sounds that wouldn't normally harm humanoids of the same type, which can sometimes give away the effigy's true nature.
  • Human Disguise: When a flayer leech kills a humanoid or monstrous humanoid, it can wear the skin of its victim like clothes after a process of metamorphosis, then attempts to reinsert itself into the dead creature's life.

Challenge Rating: 1/3 (normal), 3 (thasteron)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small (normal), Medium (thasteron)

Before Drift travel, Khefak Biogenetics engineered a species to consume rubble, scrap, and dust and then biochemically refine what would be waste material back into usable fuel for thasteron engines. With the advent of Drift travel the thasteron market crashed and the khefaks were abandoned. They were expected to die off on their own, but instead they spread and propagated into a common pest species on Akiton.

  • Big Eater: A khefak must eat many times its weight each day, so a khefak incursion can cause rapid structural damage.
  • Metal Muncher: Khefaks were bioengineered to consume thasteron rubble, scrap and dust.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: Khefaks are similar to a cross between a centipede and crab, with a hard exoskeleton, 20 segmented legs and frontfacing pincers.

Challenge Rating: 1/2 (hatchling), 5 (mount)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium (hatchling), Large (mount)

  • Horse of a Different Color: Their mutable genetic code allows klikharps to be engineered as mounts.
  • Rogue Drone: Klikharps were once components of the Swarm, before they broke away from the hive mind alongside the shirrens.

    Miasma Fly 
Challenge Rating: 2 (miasma fly), 5 (cryllapede)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small (miasma fly), Large (cryllapede)

  • Beware My Stinger Tail: Wicked stingers protrude from both ends of the miasma fly's body. Miasma fly stings are extremely painful, comparable to a gunshot wound.
  • Fusion Dance: When temperatures dip significantly, miasma flies congregate in great swarms. After devouring enough nutrients to power metamorphosis, they shed their wings, find shelter within crystal formations, and form a chrysalis that eventually hatches into a cryllapede.
  • Metal Muncher: Miasma flies feed on clouds of gaseous mercury.
  • The Paralyzer: Miasma fly venom causes severe muscle stiffness and paralysis.

Challenge Rating: 1/3
Role: Small
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Diminutive

  • Large and in Charge: Mole-beetles that have been brood leaders for a long time grow remarkably large and strong. Known as behemoths, they can be as big as a shuttlecraft.

Challenge Rating: 3
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Large

Challenge Rating: 1
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Tiny

Obnoxious pests that spread with incredible speed.

  • Action Bomb: When killed they explode into a shower of gore and slime as one last "fuck you". Said explosion doesn't do damage but does inflict penalties to saves against diseases.
  • Explosive Breeder: Their rapid breeding cycle makes it incredibly difficult to root out an infestation once they've set in.
  • Multipurpose Tongue: Their spiked tongues are used to latch onto larger creatures and suck their blood.

    Planetoid Beetle 
Challenge Rating: 9
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Huge

  • Acid Attack: The planetoid beetle can spit acid as a ranged attack.
  • Eat Dirt, Cheap: Planetoid beetles feed on the mineral within rocks.

    Synapse Worm
Challenge Rating: 2
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Small

Opportunist ambush predators that put prey into a state of synaptic shock to feed on at its leisure.

  • Acid Attack: They can douse their enemies in acid as a ranged attack.
  • Breath Weapon: They spray a rapidly expanding slime that deals acid damage and dazes whatever touches it.
  • Chameleon Camouflage: They're typically the same color as the environment around them, which gives them a bonus to Stealth checks but isn't enough to count as its own ability.
  • Sand Worm: A very small example and one that really looks like it would be better suited for an aquatic lifestyle, but they burrow into the ground to ambush prey and live in any warm environment.

Challenge Rating: 5 (larva), 11 (phylarch)
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Medium (larva), Large (phylarch)

  • Chest Burster: Utesras are obligate parasitoids and must reproduce by incubating their eggs in others' flesh. When the host dies, larval utesras hatch and devour the corpse.
  • Shock and Awe: An utesra can lash with its electrically charged dorsal stalk.

Challenge Rating: 6
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Fine (swarm)


    Stellar Protozoa 
Starship Tier: 7
Role: Combatant
Alignment: True Neutral
Size: Huge

Stellar protozoans are single-celled organisms larger than some space stations. Mindless and voracious, these creatures move through space draining energy and consuming matter.

  • Extreme Omnivore: Anything smaller than it is can be a stellar protozoa's source of food.
  • Mega-Microbes: These single-celled organisms are large enough to participate in starship combat.
