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For a race of machines with a perfect, digital memories, it is ironic that only myths and legends exist of their origin. Perhaps they were the creation of a Mad Scientist, or maybe the end product of a massive supercomputer. However it happened, the Cybans know that, first, there was one. That one grew and developed intelligence. Discovering robotics left behind by its creators, it developed a form, created a body. One became two. Two became four. Four became eight, and a new, robotic race of beings was born. They called themselves the Community of Cybans.

Though they gained awareness on a gigantic, derelict spaceship, the Community soon crashed into a lush, fertile garden world, where their bodies were repurposed to run on bio-fuels. Knowing no self-interest, and working only for the common good of the Community, the Cybans labored without rest, and without conflict. Their numbers increased rapidly, and soon, perfect dominion of the planet was theirs.

As with all intelligent beings, the Cyban yearned to know where they came from. Fortunately for the Cybans, this was a literal question, and they turned their perfect minds to the task of answering it. Their questioning almost immediately led them back to space, and, with the aid of perfect mathematics and universal cooperation, the Community of Cybans quickly reached the stars. But backtracking the route of the derelict spaceship that had brought them to their homeworld took years, and directly led the Cybans to their first encounter with sapient, organic species.

First contact went well, over audio communications. Calculating the odds that these were their long-forgotten creators, the Cybans felt the stirrings of their first emotion: hope. But any chance of peaceful cooperation was dashed when the two sides met face to face. The aliens, superstitious and afraid of the "untamed robotic demons," opened fire. Knowing nothing but peace and cooperation, the small Cyban fleet, with no weapons or means of defending themselves, was slaughtered.

Only an update drone reached the homeworld with a record of what had transpired. To prevent future hostilities, the Cybans adapted many customs of the organic species. Some community members went so far as to take organic names and add clothing to their mechanical forms. But hostilities continued, ships were slaughtered, and the Cybans began to feel another emotion: anger. The search for their origin was being jeopardized, and Community members were being destroyed.

Seeing no alternative, the Cybans turned their perfect mathematics and expert engineering to solving the problem with forceful means. Under the leadership of legendary shipbuilder Cla-TK-7-7A, and with the material wealth found by Magistrate Xalon, the Cyban shipyards expanded almost overnight. Instead of unarmed exploration ships, they created destroyers and battleships with powerful weapons. They still wanted to know where they came from, and if violence was required to find it, then no organic would be left standing in their way.

  • A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Averted. The Cybans weren't the ones who started the conflict with the organics. It was the organics, prejudiced against machines, who struck first and kept attacking until the Cybans finally struck back.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: The organics really shouldn't have messed with the peaceful Cybans.
  • Mechanical Evolution: Starting with a single self-aware AI, the Cybans multiplied exponentially, building and enhancing their bodies until, finally, many of them look like organic bipeds and subsist on bio-fuels.
  • Mechanical Lifeforms: The Cybans are a race of robots who are looking for their creators.
  • Ridiculously Human Robots: Some Cybans adopt the appearances, names, and behavior of organics in order to better understand them.

Although they are highly cunning and competitive, the people of the Draske Hegemony have known peace and prosperity for millennia, under the guiding hand of the Matriarchs. Evolving from small, winged lizards and blessed with millennia-long lives, the Draske are the undisputed masters of their planet. Impressive wingspans, often five or more tails wide, allow them to perform complex aerial maneuvers at high speeds and makes them naturals at aeronautic acrobatics.

Highly competitive by nature, the Draske hold weekly, monthly and annual competitions in everything from farming, to the arts, to the most prized competition of all: aerial maneuvering. Doing well in these tournaments ensures prestige, wealth, and a successful career. Those who fail the competitions more than three times in a row often end their lives as quietly, and as quickly, as possible, to eliminate any shame they have brought to their family lines.

When space flight became possible, the Matriarch ordered the swiftest and most agile Draske to compete in an aerial tournament for the honor of becoming the first crews. This annual tournament is still held, assuring only the most skilled Draske earn one of the coveted spots at the space academy, where a shrine is lovingly maintained with the names of the first ships' crewmembers.

Over the thousands of years they have flown through the cosmos since that first tournament, the Draske have discovered many other intelligent species. Some, still in the beginning stages of tool use, they have left to their own devices. Others, they have lifted up to the stars. A few have been embraced into the hegemony as client members, such as the grub-like members of the Harge Commune, or the Felinoids of the Gnactic Space Federation.

Naturally friendly and open to new possibilities, the Draske are quick to extend the hand and wing of friendship to other space-faring civilizations. But recently, the hands and wings have been cut off and returned in dead ships. And so, the Draske have called up ship designs not used in living memory. Ships designed to cut and dart through the void. Ships designed to kill.

But some in the Hegemony have grown tired of the Matriarch's rule. Cries for gender and even racial equality are on the rise, and others have called for outright war or full disarmament. Thoughts of change and new leadership are taking wing faster than the Draske themselves, and Hegemony-wide unrest seems ready to break free. Though no single threat of thought has gained united support, it is clear to the Matriarch that the people are divided. The coming times will see the continuation of the Hegemony, united in one flock as never before, or the sundering of the Draske into individual fliers, lacking direction and lost in a storm.

  • Ace Pilot: Being capable of flying means that the Draske naturally think in three dimensions. This means they are excellent pilots and navigators.
  • Lizard Folk: The Draske are small, winged lizards capable of flight.
  • Long-Lived: The Draske live for millennia.
  • Matriarchy: The Draske have been ruled by Matriarchs for as long as they can remember. However, some Draske are now questioning this, especially since the politics of the Hegemony are skewed towards females.
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Despite being flying lizards, Draske females have very pronounced boobs.
  • Seppuku: Any Draske who fails to win the tournaments three times kills him- or herself to spare their families the shame.

In 2114 A.D., humanity nearly destroyed itself as years of self-destructive behavior, corruption, and incompetence created a global economic collapse. Governments fell, people starved, and anarchy was more common than any semblance of peace and order.

The survivors eventually rallied, and a global Confederacy was formed. First created out of rough and tumble city-states, which were mostly concerned with their own survival, the Confederacy seemed likely to fail. To succeed it required diplomacy, ingenuity, and many black operations that, officially, never happened. Because of the sacrifice of many patriots, the Confederacy first survived, then stabilized, and finally flourished.

After the Confederacy stabilized its rule, humanity regained faith in itself. Calling upon a rich history of entrepreneurial spirit and tough-as-nails attitude, the humans looked beyond their world to the riches of space, quickly colonizing their solar system.

As humanity's influence expanded, so did the reach of their government. Looking deeply into the lives of even the most common citizens, big government oversight, and meddling bureaucracy spawned a breed of space smugglers. These unique individuals developed many knacks and technologies to slip past any security or customs checkpoint the Confederacy could think of. In short order, many space captains earned well over half their pay through "fun runs," as smuggling operations became known.

After colonizing their own backyard, the humans' ingenuity carried them to new solar systems, and into direct conflict with other sentient civilizations. While they first sought to peacefully coexist with their new neighbors, misunderstandings and diplomatic mistakes raised tensions. Things only got worse when several space captains bungled simple "fun runs" and were discovered with highly illegal cargo.

Afraid but determined, the Confederacy braced itself for this new conflict, their courage bolstered by the presence of living legends such as Captain Jack Gentry and Colonel Hanifer. Building new ships, training covert operatives, and capitalizing on its pilots' smuggling skills, the humans have prepared themselves to face any incoming threat with steely resolve, accurate fire, and silent knives in back rooms. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, and the humans have never faced extinction quietly.

  • After the End: The Confederacy was formed after a global catastrophe.
  • Humans Are Diplomats: Humans have the "Charismatic" trait, which gives diplomatic bonuses.
  • Lovable Rogue: Many ship captains moonlight as smugglers. Just look at the image of the "typical" human. This means that human planets aren't as affected by enemy blockades.
  • Proud Merchant Race: The humans have economic bonuses from trade and taxation.

Of all the sentient civilizations in the galaxy, none are more unpredictable, violent, or naturally deadly than the Isather Dominion. For thousands of years, the species was divided into numerous tribes that were at constant war with each other. First evolving from pack hunters, they are naturally extremely territorial and prone to solving all problems with maximum, brute force and terrifyingly violent finality.

After their Industrial Revolution, many individuals found they had a natural affinity for metallurgy, and astounding buildings, monuments and even cities sprung up almost overnight. Unfortunately, the only successful cities to sprout up on their homeworld were populated by single tribes. Any multiple-tribal cities were destroyed down to the foundations as territorial rivalries and the smallest misunderstanding quickly sparked full-scale, tribe-versus-tribe wars in the streets.

Their tribal mentality would have fated them to never leave the planet, were it not for the need to unite and defend themselves when an alien fleet of slavers and strip-miners descended on their world. Millions of Isather were killed or enslaved overnight. Desperate, the tribal leaders sought whatever resources they could find that would give them a chance against the invaders.

One such resource was Mortis Wretch, former leader of the Wretch Tribe, imprisoned for violating the Isather's one shared taboo: the slaughter of women and children. Released from his sentence, Wretch resumed leadership of his tribe and turned his genocidal tendencies towards the invaders. The invasion was over within a year.

Uniting under a common cause and a single flag for the first time in their violent history, the survivors formed the Isather Dominion, The Dominion's charter was to hunt down and destroy those who had brought death to their world. Using their natural high strength and almost innate skills in metallurgy, the Isather labored to create their own starships.

After many years and many more failures, their labors were finally successful. As the first exploration fleet lifted off the planet, a sense of accomplishment washed over the population. They had risen from the ashes. They had reached the stars. And soon they would have vengeance for the mass graves that covered their planet.

  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: The Isather live to fight. They have a hard enough time working with other tribes of their own species without starting a tribal war. They get bonuses in ground battles. They're also extremely industrious, and are able to build things quickly.
  • Space Pirates: Piracy is legal in the Isather Dominion. Their ships gain cash when blockading an enemy system.
  • Spikes of Villainy: The larger Isather ships prominently feature spike-like protrusions all over their hulls. Whether or not they serve a purpose, they definitely give off an evil vibe.
  • The Unfettered: Isather scientists are single-minded in their goals. They are more likely to leave alternative techs untouched if they can get to the higher-tier techs faster.

How or why the Vass developed is as unknown as it is unknowable. During the first eons of their existence, they could have been mistaken as small clouds drifting around their prehistoric world. Over time, the clouds grew and multiplied. It wasn't until their numbers swelled significantly that they formed the first intelligent thought.

The more the Vass grew and multiplied, the more intelligent they became. Eventually, they formed a communal consciousness, a shared intelligence. After countless more millennia, this developed into one of the most refined intellects in the known universe.

This intellect eventually pointed them to the stars. Unaware of the limitations of their shared intelligence, the Vass sent ships to explore the cosmos. These explorations proved to be disastrous. Once the venturing Vass traveled past the range of their shared intellect, they rapidly grew confused and simpleminded, unable to perform any function that required higher-level intelligence. Essentially crewless husks, these first ships still drift across the endless cosmos.

Using their shared intellect, the Vass developed new ships, built from a crystalline element found on their homeworld. These new designs, coupled with the natural properties of the crystal, allowed even the smallest vessel to carry enough Vass to maintain their intelligence. When their foraying ships discovered alien life, the horde became known to the universe as the Vass Collective.

Initially having no discernible leadership, the Collective concluded it needed a single being to lead them and interact with its neighbors. It was the single-greatest problem the Collective had ever contemplated, and the solution came only after a great struggle. The answer redefined the way their race would forever look at themselves.

Over a million of the eldest members of the Collective permanently linked their minds and melded their bodies into one, sacrificing their own lives for the greater good of the Vass. The result was Eesathu, a member of the Collective and yet a Collective all by itself. Able to function at the highest levels of intelligence while completely isolated, Eesathu became the leader the Vass needed. He is their spokesperson, guide, and guardian. And, to some Vass, a savior, pointing the way they must travel for further enlightenment.

United as never before under its leadership, the Vass Collective has set out to expand and explore the galaxy. Willing to live in peaceful harmony, the Vass will accept new members into their fellowship, knowing they will become greater for the added thoughts. But they will not let any race stop the expansion of the Collective. And, with their unified mind and unprecedented leader, it will take a collective effort to stop them.

  • Hive Mind: The Vass are joined into the Collective, although they retain their individuality. Eesathu is a Collective within a Collective, able to converse with the million or so Vass composing its consciousness. The Vass gain bonuses when in large numbers but receive penalties when only a few are present (i.e. low-populated worlds). Without the Collective, the Vass cannot function.
  • Power Crystal: The Vass use these on their ships to allow them to retain their collective intelligence even with the low numbers aboard ships.
  • Starfish Aliens: It's not clear if the Vass are Energy Beings or some sort of gaseous life-forms.

Colony Leaders

Director Paramecium
"All life springs forth from a bountiful harvest."
Proving that evolution has no limits to its strangeness, Director Paramecium and the Harge closely resemble terrestrial slugs. When the Draske first discovered the Harge homeworld, they thought the rolling fields of grain were somehow a natural phenomenon. After a surprising first contact, the Draske incorporated the Harge Commune into the Hegemony, and both have benefited from the union.

Director Paramecium is an adept farmer, instinctively knowing what each plant needs to reach its maximum potential. Its body also excretes a powerful chemical that naturally encourages plant growth. Using both of these methods, it increases not only the yield, but also the quality of the harvest, and restaurants throughout the galaxy eagerly pay huge premiums to get the bounty on their tables. But, despite being a client member of the Hegemony, all Director Paramecium wants to do is grow green things, and it will do so for any civilization willing to offer it free reign.

  • Green Thumb: Paramecium gives huge bonuses to food production not only locally but empire-wide. Also provides an economic boost by reducing food shipping costs and doubling the sale of extra food.
  • Starfish Aliens: The Harge look like large slugs.

First Cerebrum
"Innovation is the true path to glory!"
Many thousands of years ago, a group of individuals from a long-forgotten race were sent to colonize another star system. With faulty navigation and no cryogenics, the ship drifted through the cosmos. Evolving to exist in a weightless environment, their brains grew while their limbs withered away. When the Vass Collective found their ship, as it drifted past their homeworld, the two groups of beings recognized a kindred spirit in each other. The Vass incorporated them into the Collective, where they became known as the Cerebrums.

Gaining access to the new technology offered by the Vass unleashed the potential of the Cerebrums. Under the organization of their leader, the First Cerebrum, they developed new methods of research and development. Able to make leaps and bounds past traditional methods of thinking, the First Cerebrum ensures that the fleet is equipped with beyond-cutting-edge technology.

  • Brain in a Jar: The Cerebrums certain look the part. While they technically have bodies, they are so atrophied that they might as well be absent.
  • Generation Ships: The Cerebrums spent millennia traveling in one.
  • The Smart Guy: First Cerebrum gives an enormous boost to science for any empire. Furthermore, he either grants or enhances the Brilliant Researchers racial trait that has a chance of providing a bonus tech every time one is researched.
  • Space People: The Cerebrums became this over the millennia of sublight travel.

Governor Fve Bgeeep
"The best offense available will not prevail against my defenses."
Forced to watch the destruction of his race from a weaponless asteroid tug, Fve Bgeeep can't be blamed for becoming a little paranoid. Swearing to never again be helpless in the face of an enemy, he delved into books and simulations, seeking to learn everything possible about planetary defense. Still afraid for his safety, Bgeeep then turned his study to cover defenses.

Using this knowledge Bgeeep has developed the most elaborate set of defensive installations ever encountered. Taking active part in all his defensive preparations, Bgeeep swears he will never again be afraid. But he is willing to give his designs to any civilization willing to harbor him. After all, there is safety in numbers.

  • Beast Man: Fve Bgeeep looks an awful like a rabbit with some feathers. His upgraded starbase is even called Fve Bgeeep's Burrow.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Fve Bgeeep is prepared to repel even the heaviest assault. Helplessly watching as the rest of your race is wiped out can do that to a guy.
  • Last of His Kind: Fve Bgeeep is the only known survivor of his unnamed species.
  • Stone Wall: Fve Bgeeep is a master of defense. The planet in his charge is immune to blockade starvation, and the system he's in can't be infiltrated by spies. His crowning achievement is Fve Bgeeep's Burrow, a starbase upgraded up to eleven (even beyond the tech currently available to the empire) that takes an armada to destroy.

Governors Faye and Faun
"We shall pierce the clouds of fate to bring forth a brighter tomorrow."
Accidentally blasted by radiation while still in the egg, Faye and Faun were born conjoined. Growing up with debilitating health defects and barely able to walk when most children started to fly, it was feared they would never lead a normal life.

Developing intense psychic abilities in their late adolescence, the twins learned how to read other beings' minds. As they grew, so did the range of their abilities, allowing them to sense sapient beings in other solar systems. Recognizing their potential, they were installed as governors of the homeworld, where their abilities allow them to perfectly tend to the population's needs. It also gives the military a quick access to the twins, allowing them to track fleet movements throughout the galaxy.

  • Body Horror: Their "joining" is a twisted affrair. One appears to be unable to look down, while another can't look up.
  • Conjoined Twins: The result of being exposed to radiation while still in their egg.
  • Psychic Power: The same radiation exposure that made them conjoined also granted the twins powerful abilities to sense other beings' thoughts even from light-years away. They use them for both military (to track all enemy ships) and administrative (to figure out what their citizens want and rule accordingly) purposes.

Magistrate X
"She who pulls the strings will shape the flow of destiny."
When their civilization fell, Magistrate X's father took his entire planet into hiding, blacking out the entire system from enemy sensors. Trained by, and surpassing, her father, Magistrate X is the foremost expert at covert operations and intelligence gathering. Her covert methods are so successful that it is said she has a contact on every ship in every fleet of the galaxy.

Not much else is known about Magistrate X. Devious as she is cunning, the mystery that surrounds her is a weapon that she takes full advantage of. One never knows if they are speaking to one of the Magistrate's numerous agents or the spymaster herself.

  • The Spymaster: Well, spymistress. Her network stretches to the farthest corners of the galaxy, allowing her to know the exact details about any enemy ship. The system she's assigned to appear to be neutral from an enemy perspective, and no ships in that system are visible. She also provides a large boost to espionage.
  • Useless Useful Non-Combat Abilities: Magistrate X's ability to hide a star system might work on a computer player, but won't fool a human player. Given that the game is primarily geared towards multiplayer, this is a serious flaw. The system doesn't actually disappear but merely appears neutral (i.e. uncolonized), and fleets in the system are hidden. However, tapping on the system still shows who controls the planets (if you have already visited it, that is).
  • Vestigial Empire: Magistrate X's race.

Magistrate Xalon
"Let us feast on the riches beneath the crust!"
Though they landed on a fertile planet, the Cyban homeworld did not have easily-accessed material wealth. To correct this, a small team of Cybans created Magistrate Xalon out of the very rock of their world. Unfortunately for the Cybans, the units and facility that created Xalon were destroyed in the process, leaving it as the most unique Cyban in the Community.

Designed as a miner, Xalon was found to have unexpected abilities. Due to its natural affinity with the elements, it is able to sense precious metals and minerals, leading teams to exploit them. These bonanzas of material wealth enable it to greatly increase the production of whatever planet it is on, making his enemies work twice as hard to keep up. But it is always hungry to work for any civilization that will let it explore their planets.

  • Golem: Unlike the other Cybans, Xalon is made out of rock, which also allows him to sense valuable minerals deep underground. While he is on a planet, the empire can rake in the precious metals and other riches. The whole star system benefits from increased production as a result.
  • No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: Xalon is unique because the facility and the Cybans who built it were destroyed.

"Everything goes somewhere, and I go everywhere."
When only a young child, the Draske known as Morph gained widespread attention when he hacked into the main government computer system and played a Hegemony-wide video. Though is took a year, Morph was eventually taken into custody, where his mother, the Matriarch, ordered he be trained for the good of the Hegemony.

Showing a natural talent for communications, Morph created the most sophisticated command and control system in the galaxy. Allowing easier communication with fewer overheads, the system enables quick fleet coordination, even while traveling at FTL speeds. Though loyal to the Hegemony, Morph wants to be known as the best communications engineer in the galaxy, and is willing to sell his system to anyone willing to give him the limelight.

  • Boxed Crook: Instead of being punished, Morph is put to work managing the Hegemony's communications network. Not only does he give a boost to command points (allowing more free-of-maintenance ships), ships in the empire that employs Morph are able to alter course while at FTL.
  • Child Prodigy: Hacked a government computer network while only a young child.
  • Expy: Of Mr. Universe. His quotes are pretty much verbatim from the film.
  • Nerd Glasses: Despite not being human, Morph looks like a typical human nerd.
  • Playful Hacker: Morph hacked into the main Draske government computer as a child... and played a video for all to see.
  • Subspace Ansible: Morph has upgraded the command and control systems in the Hegemony to such an extent that he is even able to contact ships traveling at FTL speeds to give them new orders.

Overlord Terminifera
"We are locust, spreading our seed across the galaxy."
Though technologically backwards, Overlord Terminifera's species were rapid breeders, colonizing vast stretches of the galaxy at the height of their empire. This proved their undoing, as their seed ships encroached on the territory of less-than-friendly civilizations.

Overlord Terminifera longs for a return to the old days of power, but knows his species cannot survive on its own. If a civilization will protect his people, then he will give them his people's secrets to rapid growth. There is safety in numbers, and Terminifera can guarantee any empire the right numbers.

  • Explosive Breeder: Terminifera's people breed fast, providing a boost to a system's population growth. Additionally, Terminifera improves the Colony Ship tech to allow for faster colony growth and makes their production cheaper on his planet.
  • Insectoid Aliens: Terminifera's people.
  • Vestigial Empire: Terminifera is secretly plotting to return his people to their rightful place.

"Exploration comes in many forms."
The queen of her race, Xin-krek has laid countless eggs over her thousand-year lifetime. While she would prefer to live untouched by the universe around her, at peace in her underground kingdom, she knows to do so would only invite extinction. To ensure her children spread across the galaxy, she is willing to lend her knowledge to those who know how to ask for it.

An expert in reproduction, even in other species, she knows what it takes to successfully raise young ones. But, knowing that other species are not as reproductively viable as herself, Xin-krek has also developed alternative ways of growing populations. Using both refined reproduction methods and cloning technology, Xin-krek will quickly grow any population to the appropriate levels.

  • Explosive Breeder: Xin-krek has given birth to millions of children and has developed the process of breeding to a fine art. She offers her knowledge, coupled with advances in cloning, to anyone who hires her.
  • Starfish Aliens: Xin-krek's species look like a cross between a caterpillar and a slug.
  • Tunnel Network: Being a subterranean species, Xin-krek's people can quickly dig a vast network of tunnels to increase a planet's maximum population to Gaia norms. However, only they know how to properly maintain the tunnels, which will quickly collapse without proper care.

Military Leaders

Admiral Kzzt
"A thousand wasps are more powerful than a charging rhino."
"Close range combat is nothing but a butcher's yard," declared Admiral Kzzt of the Gnactic Space Federation. Though his comrades derided him as a coward, he held true to his beliefs, even as his words came back to haunt him. When his fellow admirals, eager for blood on their claws, charged into the largest fleet battle the Federation had ever fought, Kzzt held true to his beliefs and kept his command at extreme range. Pouring thousands of missiles into the enemy, while dodging hundreds of return salvos, Kzzt and his command were the battle's only survivors.

As the highest-ranking military officer left in the Federation, Kzzt allied his people with the Draske Hegemony. Continuing to study missiles and extended-envelop warfare, Kzzt has perfected his long-distance strategy. Now, using only racial Draske as his pilots, coupled with his intense understanding of long-range engagements, makes him a deadly threat that cannot be ignored on the battlefield.

  • Cat Folk: Kzzt's people, the Felinoids, look like large upright cats.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Unlike the rest of his colleagues, Kzzt isn't about to blindly rush into the very heart of a battle. His belief in the superiority of long-range missile engagements is what leaves him the last surviving admiral in his people's navy.
  • Point Defenseless: Kzzt's training allows the ships under his command to evade some of the enemy missiles, while also reducing the effectiveness of the enemy's own ECM systems. Additionally, he boosts the armor of his missiles/torpedoes to allow them to withstand enemy point-defense fire.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: The other admirals of the Gnactic Space Federation, which is the reason why they're all dead.

Captain Jack Gentry
"Always attack! Never retreat!"
When Captain Jack Gentry lied to join the Confederacy Navy at the age of 16, it was to spite his anti-military parents. He was disinherited by his wealthy family, and was never mentioned again in their house. First serving on small ships during anti-smuggling operations, Gentry was soon recognized as a keen tactician and excellent battle-manager. He progressed rapidly up the ranks, and was chosen to command the Confederacy's first Mammoth-class ship. But when offered a spot at the Navy's Tactical and Strategic War College, he refused; his crew had become his new family, and he wouldn't leave them.

Despite staying a captain, Gentry's forceful personality and influence is no small thing. He has seen action in almost every battle of the Confederation, and he and his ship have become living legends in the Confederacy, used to sign up and inspire countless new recruits. His skills, highly experienced crew, and ship modifications make him a deadly threat to anyone unlucky enough to be his enemy.

  • The Battlestar: Turns his ship into one by installing bays that launch raider frigates during battle.
  • The Captain: The ultimate boy scout, responsible for capturing many of the most notorious smugglers.
  • A Father to His Men: One of the reasons Gentry refused to be promoted to a teaching job.
  • I Have No Son!: Gentry's family's reaction to him joining the military. Becoming the most successful captain in history hasn't changed that.
  • Really 17 Years Old: Gentry lied about his age to join the Confederacy Navy at 16.
  • Status Buff: Increases the damage of all ships in the fleet.
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Installs the experimental Stellar Burst Cannon on his ship, which can put a hole through any enemy ship or station.
  • You Are in Command Now: Despite being only a captain, Gentry can command entire fleets. Justified since he turned down a promotion in order to avoid being tied to a desk and the fact that, over the course of his career, he has amassed so much clout in the navy, that he's an admiral in all but name.

"A small leak will sink a great ship."
One of the first shipbuilders of the Community of Cybans, Cla-TK-7-7A is a master engineer. Though initially developed as an accounting unit, it quickly specialized and personalized its programming. Seeking new and bigger challenges for its new capacities led it to the shipyards. It has further modified itself over the decades since then, and now presents a unique silhouette unmatched by any Cyban.

The current conflict with organic races has led Cla-TK-7-7A into command of the very ships it labored to make. Now able to see the needs of a fleet firsthand, Cla-TK-7-7A has made many modifications to the fleet entrusted to its control. Its enemies are frequently unnerved by the liquid-like armor that flows across the hull to repair damage. Its modifications and expertise make it a fearsome opponent to face.

  • The Engineer: Cla-TK-7-7A Increases the hull strength of its ship and also instructs the engineers aboard other ships how to repair damage during battle. By the end of the battle, all ships look like they just came out of the spacedock.
  • Grew Beyond Its Programming: Cla-TK-7-7A was originally built for accounting. After years of personal upgrades, the Cyban is now not only the Community's greatest engineer but also a capable fleet commander.

Colonel Hanifer
"Everyone fights. No one quits."
Some people are forged over a lifetime. Others, like Colonel Hanifer, are forged in a single moment. When the Confederacy Navy fought its first extrasolar battle, it felt confident of victory. The battle became known as the Hopeless Battle of Proximo Prime, and Colonel Hannifer's battered, torn ship was the only vessel to return. And he was the only survivor.

The Colonel's resilience and tenacity brought him instant recognition from every homan world. But none of it could heal his inner survivor's guilt. Determined that a human fleet would never again be defeated in battle, he used personal knowledge of battle damage to honeycomb his ships with hatches and cross-braces, increasing their damage resistance in general combat. Ready for action, he will fight till the very last breath is blasted out of his body.

  • Armor Is Useless: Hanifer is determined to avert this by enhancing the ships in the fleet to survive longer.
  • Colonel Badass: Hanifer is the poster boy for the trope, which is strange given that Confederacy Navy's ranks appear to mirror Real Life US Navy. It's possible that Hannifer is a marine, but that shouldn't qualify him to command a starship, although a special dispensation could've been made in his case.
  • The Determinator: Hanifer refuses to stay down until all hope is exhausted. His ship cannot be destroyed as long as there is even one more ship left in the fleet.
  • Shout-Out: One of his quotes is from Starship Troopers.
  • Survivor's Guilt: Being the only survivor of humanity's first interstellar battle has left Hanifer with a large chip on his shoulder.

"None can withstand the power of our unity!"
Created when a million of the eldest Vass joined minds and bodies, Eesathu represents the ultimate evolution, and sacrifice, of the Vass Collective. A Collective within a Collective, Eesathu serves as the Vass's all-poewrful social and military leader, and, to some, a religious-like messiah as well. Under its leadership, the Vass Collective has become one of the most influential, and deadly, forces in the galaxy.

Able to carry on vast conversations with its inner collective in seconds, Eesathu's mind is capable of astounding leaps of logic and startling innovations of technology. These advances have given the Vass fleets the needed edge in many battles, and will prove telling in the conflicts to come. But Eesathu knows there is more knowledge to be gained in the galaxy and is willing to sell his services to obtain it. All for the good of the Vass.

  • Hyperspeed Escape: Eesathu is able to recharge the FTL drives on the ships of his fleet much faster than normal, allowing them to escape a losing battle.
  • Intangibility: Eesathu flips his ship in an out of phase with normal space, causing nearly half of the shots directed at the ship to miss.
  • A Million Beings, One Body: Eesathu was created as a result of the Fusion Dance between a million Vass. They still exist within Eesathu as separate collective.
  • Planar Shockwave: Eesathu periodically emits a shockwave that damages enemy ships in range.

"We shall reclaim what was once ours."
Tens of thousands of years ago, the Gorzhons were the masters of the galaxy, creating and using miraculous wonders for the most mundane tasks. Then they disappeared, leaving only ancient ruins and a small fleet of caretakers to watch over their territory. Only a few individuals have seen a Gorzon face to face. Those who have survived tell of red eyes and pasty green complexions.

Patrolling the dark corridors between the stars, they seek to prepare the way for the Great Return of their people. Viewing the younger civilizations as interlopers, the Gorzhons seed the galaxy with monsters created out of the very fabric of their universe, to catch and destroy unwary ships. But they are not blind to the challenger before them and are willing to join forces with any civilization brave enough to seek their services. Because, in the end, one large civilization will be much easier to destroy than many small ones.

  • The Battlestar: The ship commanded by the Gorzhons has Dark Matter Incubators that periodically launch several Dark Matter units at the enemy.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: The Gorzhons have an unnaturally deep voice.
  • Extra Eyes: The Gorzhons have four red eyes, one of which has a monocle over it.
  • Mook Maker: The Hatchery built by the Gorzhons is a Mammoth-sized Mobile Factory that periodically produces Amoebae and Crystals. While unarmed, the Hatchery has Dark Matter Incubators that launch Dark Matter units at the enemy ships during battle.
  • No Plans, No Prototype, No Backup: The Gorzhons deliberately keep the plans to the Hatchery secret, only allowing one to be built at a time.
  • Precursors: The Gorzhons used to rule the galaxy tens of thousands of years ago before mysteriously vanishing.
  • The Remnant: The remaining Gorzhons secretly prepare the galaxy for the return of the rest of their race, who will then subjugate the younger races.

Mortis Wretch
"I shall peel the flesh from their bones!"
Extreme even by the Isather's exaggerated standards, tribal leader Mortis Wretch spent many years in prison for his crimes. When slavers and strip miners invaded the homeworld, he was released from prison to wreck havoc on their enemy. He is respected by some and, though they are grateful for his actions, feared and reviled by many more. But none will deny how effective, and needed, he is.

Preaching xenophobia, he inspires fanatical devotion in new crops of pilots and marines, preparing them to accept anything, even suicide, for glory. Reveling in panic, pain, and fear, he specializes in attacks against population centers, finding a twisted glory in genocidal destruction. His actions incite fury and hatred from his enemies, placing him at the top of nearly every "kill at all costs" list in existence. Mortis Wretch welcomes the battles his notoriety will bring.

  • Absolute Xenophobe: Mortis revels in destroying aliens and teaches his men to do the same.
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Mortis doesn't recognize retreats. No soldier under his command would even contemplate escaping, and Mortis's relentless tactics prevent the enemy from doing the same. Additionally, the planetary invasion troops under his command are far more effective than they would be otherwise.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: The Isather may be bloodthirsty warriors, but even they are horrified by Mortis Wretch for breaking the one taboo their tribes have - harming women and children.
  • Evil Laugh: Mortis indulges in this in one of his quotes.
  • Godzilla Threshold: The tribal leaders wouldn't even consider setting Mortis free, if they weren't in the middle of an Alien Invasion.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: "Mortis" is Latin for "death". "Wretch" is self-explanatory. You can run now.
  • Orbital Bombardment: Mortis always comes prepared to rain destruction on the enemy planets, his ship being equipped with several Orbital Bombardment Packages.

Rogue Captain
"Even ships can evolve."
The Isather High Command has learned not to issue the Captain orders. Rather, they point in a general direction and let him take it from there. Known for his fierce action and daring bravado in battle, he is highly respected in the Isather Dominion's ranks... when he can be found in their ranks.

Believing that the only way to survive is to evolve, the Captain is a fierce warrior who wears the skins of his enemies, which he believes give him their strength. Even his ships evolve. Using a specialized tractor beam to attach shattered enemy armor onto their own hulls, they essentially wear their kills. Hard to kill and even harder to intimidate, the more the Captain fights the fiercer he becomes. The Captain is always looking for a new fight, and is willing to work for anyone, provided there is promise of enough coin, battle, and glory to be had.

  • The Engineer: An unorthodox one. The Captain uses pieces of enemy ships to repair damage to his fleet.
  • Genuine Human Hide: The Captain believes that wearing the skin of his enemies gives him strength.
  • Imported Alien Phlebotinum: The Captain has a chance of retrieving a previously-unknown tech from a destroyed alien ship.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: No one knows the Rogue Captain's real name. No one dares ask.
  • Plunder: The Captain sells the scraps of destroyed enemy ships for some quick cash. As his employer, you get a cut.

"Change is necessary for survival."
Early space captains in the Confederation were known as excellent smugglers. Tyrrhenius was the most famous and successful smuggler and pilot the Confederation ever had the privilege, and displeasure, of encountering. Massive ship augmentations gave his renegade fleet increased range and unlimited cloaking, letting him make "fun runs" past blockading fleets undetected. His physical augmentations are no less impressive. By replacing large parts of his body with cybernetic implants, Tyrrhenius is able to interface directly with his ship as never before, greatly increasing its handling in combat.

When Tyrrhenius was finally tracked down and cornered by Captain Jack Gentry, he was given three choices: he could be annihilated, spend the rest of his life in prison, or he could work for the Confederation. Today, Tyrrhenius is one of humanity's most ruthless commanders, threatening the rear of an enemy fleet with attacks they never imagine are coming. But he is, first and foremost, out for himself, and will always sign up for a tour of "fun runs" with any empire willing to pay his fee. Besides, Captain Gentry will never find out, will he?

  • Boxed Crook: After being captured by Captain Jack Gentry, Tyrrhenius was given the option of serving the Confederacy instead of being killed or put in prison. Naturally, he went with the "live free and serve" option, figuring he can always try to escape later.
  • Brain/Computer Interface: Tyrrhenius's implants allow him to directly interface with his ship's systems, granting an immense boost to speed and maneuverability.
  • Cyborg: Tyrrhenius has replaced many body parts with cybernetic implants to better interface with his ship. His part-mechanical voice is an indicator of how far he went.
  • Loveable Rogue: Tyrrhenius is a smuggler at heart, even when commanding fleets for the Confederacy. He knows all the secret routes and tricks that allow him to hide an entire armada from enemy sensors while in transit, so no one knows where and when he will strike, especially since those same experiences allow him to extend the supply range of the ships under his command.
