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Characters / mother! (2017)

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    mother/Mother Earth
"You never loved me. You just loved how much I loved you."

  • Anthropomorphic Personification: Represents Earth itself primarily.
  • The Cassandra: She keeps telling him that inviting all the people into the house will end badly. He doesn't listen.
  • Good Is Not Nice: While she tries to be benevolent for the most part even when mankind began to destroy the house, she tried to remain calm. At least until her son is murdered and cannibalized.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: At first, before serious Sanity Slippage sets in.
  • Mama Bear: mother puts up with an incredible amount of poor treatment... until her son is born and He still won't change his ways.
  • Messianic Archetype: Allows Him to remove her heart so that the cycle could begin anew.
  • Mother Goddess: As shown her name, it seems that she is Mother Nature.
  • Mother Nature: What she represents. Or Mother Earth to be exact.
  • No Name Given: As an allegorical representation of the Earth itself, this is a given.
  • The Nth Doctor: As the film progresses, it is made clear that she was a recent incarnation. As the cycle begins again, she is replaced by a different woman.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Commits an on-scale genocide on the human race.
  • The Ophelia: In appearance.
  • Satanic Archetype: Starts as being one of the most admired of Him's works, but when man first arrives, mother would gradually change in her demeanor eventually opting to destroy mankind rather than forgive them as Him suggested. She was also the one to tell woman about Him's prized crystal in his study in a scene akin to the Serpent tempting Eve into eating the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: After being made to suffer horrible misfortune, mother ultimately loses her sanity and destroys the house in her rage.

played by: Javier Bardem
"It's not your fault. Nothing is ever enough. I couldn't create if it was. And I have to. That's what I do. That's what I am. And now I must try it all again."

  • Big Bad: Is the one to allow mankind into his house, ergo allowing these people to do whatever they want as long as they worshiped him.
  • Dirty Old Man: His wife is much younger than him, and his second wife is even younger again.
  • God: Becomes obvious over the duration of the film. Near the end, he even identifies himself as "I am I."
    • God Is Evil: As the film is told through the eyes of mother, he can be seen as being cruel or at the very least ignorant of his wife's suffering.
  • Hate Sink: Him is a self-absorbed poet who allows humanity to trash His house, making him indirectly responsible for all of the atrocities they commit in the film, and inadvertently causes the death of His son when the hordes accidentally kill and eat him. Even when He saves mother from being beaten, He tries to convince her to forgive the crowd and later rips her heart out to start the cycle anew.
  • Older Than They Look: Is implied to be cosmically older than mother is having survived the endless loops numerous times.
  • It's All About Me: Admits that he doesn't want mankind to leave because they worship him.
  • It's All My Fault: Admits to mother in her last moments that as a creator, he would never be satisfied.

played by: Ed Harris

  • Bald of Evil: He is bald and at the very least, creepy and manipulative.
  • Make-Out Kids: Although being much older than this trope usually is.


  • The Alcoholic: Especially throughout the first act of the movie, she is almost always seen with an alcoholic beverage, which might explain some of her bad behavior.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: While she is initially depicted as being friendly and thankful for the couple's hospitality, she constantly disrespects Mother and her House, both in language as well as in action. She refuses to leave when Mother tells her to, she goes through the couple’s things without permission, and generally demonstrates narcissistic behavior with or without her husband being a part of it.
  • Hypocrite: Chastises mother on her attire, even though she herself wore clad clothing earlier in the film.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Woman is a master manipulator and constantly attempts to get what she wants through carefully navigating conversations, gaslighting others (especially Mother), and lying.
  • Make-Out Kids: Much to mother's annoyance, the man and woman are constantly kissing.
  • My Beloved Smother: To both her sons.
  • The Thing That Would Not Leave: Both her and her husband refused to return to where they came from, even when Mother attempted to throw them out. They overstood their welcome, and the situation for the couple gets worse as even more people begin to invade their home.

    older brother/Cain 
played by: Domhnall Gleeson

  • Cain and Abel: The Cain to his little brother's Abel.
  • The Un-Favourite: He is this, being written out of his father's will, befitting Cain and Abel.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: After being expelled from the house, he is never seen again, most likely surviving the destruction that mother wrought in the finale.

    younger brother/Abel 
played by: Brian Gleeson

  • Cain and Abel: The Abel to his older brother's Cain. As such, he is killed.

played by: Kristen Wiig

  • Death by Cameo: Although everyone except Him probably dies, the herald is shown being blasted away after Kristen Wiig only has a few minutes of screen time.
  • From Nobody to Nightmare: In a matter of minutes she goes from an insincere Fame Whore to an insane, deranged, gun-toting mass murderer and despot.
  • Psycho Supporter: She's one of His biggest fans, which befits her as she's his "publicist". The "psycho" part comes out harder and harder during even her very brief screen time.

    the baby/Jesus Christ 
