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Characters / Isekai Walking

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Character sheet for Isekai Walking. Spoilers may be unmarked.

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     Sora Fujimiya
Wow! So this is really a fantasy world!
Summoned with six others of various ages, and other demographics. He is cast out because his skills weren't obviously combat worthy. As he continues Walking the Earth, he notices his passive [Walking] skill has many hidden advantages, especially the fact that he can unlock new and far more useful skills as he goes along.
  • Acquired Poison Immunity: Invoked. When one of the Elysia intelligence agents tries to subdue him and drag him back into indentured servitude to King Elysia, using a dagger with a paralysis poison, he pumps points into [Status Ailment Resistance] until he gains resistance to paralysis, so he can continue the fight.
  • Beneath Notice: Since he starts out the story a total weakling with little, if any, ability to handle a fight, he chooses to defend himself by obscurity. Even after he unlocks an [Inventory] skill and being informed that high-rank parties would love to have him with them, offering large sums of money for the prospect, he insists on staying with the D-rank party he's with, not just because they're pretty girls that he knows, likes, and trusts, but because he knows that if anything were to go wrong, he'd be the least likely to survive.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: He is a real sweetheart, but he's also particularly cunning and guile. His anger is also not to be underestimated. When the novel's chapter 47 comes around a merchant caravan that had earlier done him dirty asks to buy healing potions from him. He first offers honest prices and they threaten him, so he ramps the prices up to extortionist levels as payback.
  • Big Damn Hero: When he's out collecting herbs for the first time, his [Presence Detection] skill alerts him to a nearby battle. He investigates to see Chris and Rurika being overwhelmed by four Wolfs. He throws his sword as Rurika had been disarmed and was being jumped by one of the beasts, killing the beast, creating the opening she needed to slay most of the rest. When the last one remaining comes for him, he grabs the sword she dropped and stabbed it through the heart as it went for his head.
  • Conditional Powers: Sora's [Walking] skill provides several potent benefits, such as enhanced stamina regeneration allowing for the continuous use of stamina-based skills. However, these benefits apply only while he is walking and not while he is, for example, fighting.
  • Deal with the Devil: When he encounters the Demon Ignis, he doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of even escaping, and that's with Hikari, at her strongest, actively aiding him. So he negotiates for his life, the price is being afflicted with an unbreakable curse that Sora can not, under any circumstances, even try to harm the demon king.
  • The Dog Bites Back: He, at first, looks like the stereotypical "forgive everything with a smile" Japanese isekai main character, but he's actually a bit more complex. People who treat him kindly, even if they have ulterior motives, will find that he happily bends over backwards to keep them content, as can be demonstrated by "Pops" who teaches him the value of the local currency getting him to do a delivery quest for free, and loads him down with a bunch of stuff. On the other hand, he will immediately and completely screw over people who treat him and those he cares for badly the first chance he gets. Case in point, as he's fleeing the country of Elysia after the intelligence services try to drag him back into indentured servitude, he comes across a merchant caravan camping for the night. The merchants and adventurers try to shake him down for all his valuables for the "crime" of trying to share their camp. So he leaves. When the merchant caravan is set upon by monsters because the same adventurers neglected their duty, he offers the healing potions he has on hand at, what he learned, was fair market value when he would have done it for free if they had just treated him with respect the night before. The adventurers threaten him, which causes him to escalate the price to the point of borderline extortion. The merchants reluctantly agree to the price before it goes up any further.
  • Do Not Call Me Sir: He gets uncomfortable when his slave harem calls him "Master" or otherwise talks to him in overly formal ways. Sure, he lets that pass with Hikari and Sera because their slave training is just that ingrained, but when Mia does it, orders her to stop, because he's far more comfortable with the way she used to be, borderline irreverent.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Sure, he spares Hikari after she came at him because she was Incapable of Disobeying thanks to the [Slave Mask] she was forced to wear, and turned out to be a sweet child once free of said mask. When an assassin came at him and Mia of her own free will, however, he breaks convention by capturing said assassin, not to add her to his harem, but to use her as a body-double, to die in Mia's place. Oof. Talk about Karmic Death.
  • Hammerspace: One of the skills he unlocks in his higher tiers is an [Inventory] skill that allows him to store inanimate objects in an alternate dimension.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: He was thrown out, literally in the manga, for having a lackluster skill, but since he gets to choose what skills he unlocks at the higher tiers, he's got far more options than the "heroes" who are stuck with a fixed set, and are stuck with the task of training to fight a demon king, and maybe being sent home when it's all done. Even under the best of circumstances, it's a situation that leaves much to be desired for them.
  • Idiot Hair: He's got a lock of hair at the top of his head that just sticks straight up into the air for no reason and refuses to lay down, even when his head is sopping wet.
  • In Touch with His Feminine Side: He takes after his mother who encouraged him to be a good cook and home-maker. Chris and Rurika appreciate the sentiment.
  • It Gets Easier: He initially had a great deal of trouble fighting and killing humanoid monsters, like goblins, even though they're clearly vicious and villainous, trying to harm innocents, even feeling guilty afterwards. By the time he has to fight orcs, he's shaken off all such compunctions and slays them without hesitation, and sees nothing wrong with eating orc meat.
  • Jack of All Trades: As he's escaping Elysia and going through other various countries, he internally admits that he's a "Jack of All Trades, Master of None" in regards to his skills and abilities. He's got support abilities like [Cooking], [Basic Life Magic], [Alchemy], and so on, and he's also got some combat related skills like [Fire magic] and [Sword Master], but he doesn't really specialize or excel in anything.
  • Last-Name Basis: He answers to "Sora" even though that's his family name, going by Japanese naming conventions.
  • Magikarp Power: The passive skill [Walking] isn't that great by itself, but the skills it allows him to unlock with skill-points he earns, and the fact that those skills also become stronger with use is a godsend in this new world.
  • New Powers as the Plot Demands: Justified. Since his [Walking] skill allows him to unlock new skills with skill points at higher levels, he's got plenty of options when he comes across a problem.
  • Nice Guy: To the point he has difficulty fighting humanoid monsters, like goblins. Striking down wild beasts like wolves or feral dogs is fine, but if the monsters have a humanoid shape, he flinches, hesitates, and even feels guilty when he has to strike them down in legit self-defense.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: When he unlocks his [Presence Detection] skill, he starts to sense himself being watched. He decides to "play it safe" and pretend he doesn't notice.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Yes, he helps the helpless and protects the innocent where he can, but the safety and well-being of the people he cares for always comes first. If that means disguising an assassin to look like one of his party members so she winds up being killed by the angry mob of fanatics instead, so be it.
  • Properly Paranoid: Since being summoned to this new world, he remains wary of what the royalty of Elysia has in mind for him. Turns out his fears are justified as it turns out King Elysia isn't an idiot and has his intelligence agency using spies and scrying magic to keep an eye on him. Any false moves (like trying to leave the country) would be punished with death.
  • Seven Heavenly Virtues:
    • Charity: When he's wronged by a certain merchant company, he rakes said company over the coals for a one platinum coin reparation, and then spends that money on rebuilding a village that was laid to waste by monsters. He also rents an entire house, just so he can hide a couple of orphaned street urchins as live-in maids.
    • Chastity: He winds up with an unwanted Hero's Slave Harem, and even though at least one of them would happily have sex with him if he only asked, he keeps it in his pants because he's faithful to Chris, and she's not quite ready for sexy-fun-times herself.
    • Diligence: He works very hard to keep himself and his friends safe and happy, perhaps a bit too hard.
    • Humility: He rarely toots his own horn and in fact prefers to live Beneath Notice.
    • Kindness: As long as people don't go out of their way to get on his bad side, he's a total sweetheart.
    • Patience: "Slow and steady wins the race" might as well be his motto. He's especially patient in teaching his friends how to better use magic when they realize he can use magic better than they can.
    • Temperance: Money is merely a means to an end for him, not an end in itself. The vast majority of his expenses are weapons and equipment his party needs to ensure their survival, and what doesn't go to pay the bills far more often than not goes to charity. As long as he's got food, shelter, and clothing enough to keep himself and his friends safe and happy, it's all good.
  • Support Party Member: Most of the skills he unlocks are hardly fit for battle, but excellent for logistics, especially the [Inventory], [Appraisal], [Alchemy], and [Cooking] skills.
  • Technician Versus Performer: He's the technician, thanks to unlocking a magical sword skill. He gets dragged into a spar with his friend who is the performer and has mastered the sword with practice and hard work. He puts up a good show, but ultimately loses due to lacking experience.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: Yeah, being able to walk without getting tired may not be the flashiest power, but on a multi-day escort mission it becomes absolutely broken. At the end of the first day of Sora's first escort mission, he is feeling fresh and alert while most of the other adventurers are ready to collapse from exhaustion.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He starts the story with pathetic stats and no combat utility, at all. Shortly after chapter 47, he's taking on and defeating named monsters A-rank adventuring parties would have to flee from if they want to live.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Justified on two fronts. First, he was too far away from the battle to offer aid any other way. Second, he had a magic skill that allowed him to target an enemy's vitals while wielding a sword, so he was fairly certain he could make the throw count.
  • Unwanted Harem: He winds up saddled with a slave harem by circumstances mostly beyond his control. He does his best to keep all the girls safe and happy.
  • Workaholic: Downplayed. For the most part, he carefully balances work, play, and rest, but he frequently goes into trances when he's working on a project, losing track of time, and when he was suffering from a cold in the aftermath of the shadow wolf incident, he got real antsy that he was confined to bed rest and Mia had to repeatedly scold him when she caught him trying to sneak off and work on something.

A spirit Sora spotted when he went into the woods for the first time. It immediately took a liking to him after being fed from his supplies and followed him around ever since.
  • Big Eater: It's been seen eating an entire tray of bacon snacks that was designed for at least a dozen people, in a single pass.
  • Deus ex Machina: Provides this on occasion, such as noticing extra monsters Sora wasn't looking out for or boosting a healing spell to mend wounds too deep for normal healing.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: It gets jealous of Sora petting other cute critters that can actually be pet.
  • Invisible to Normals: It can only be seen by Sora, and even then only because it lets him see it.
  • Intangibility: It can't be touched unless it wants to be. The first time Sora tried to pet it, his hands went right through, and it didn't like that, at all.
  • Ridiculously Cute Critter: It's a floating ball of fluff, and people that can see it can't resist the urge to pet it, but it's intangible.
  • Rule of Symbolism: Its disappearance from the story serves to mark Sora's loss of innocence and turn to a more pragmatic and ruthless nature.
  • Shipper on Deck: It really wants Sora and Chris to hook up and doesn't hesitate to flaunt it.
  • Tastes Like Friendship: It likes to eat food Sora provides it and decided to follow him around after being fed some of Sora's food.

No. I do not want to take you in any more, Sora. You are the first to give me a warm meal.
An intelligence agent sent to monitor Sora and bring him back to the castle, by force if need be, if he awakens the ability to fight. She might have succeeded except for the intervention of the demon Ignis.
  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Sora takes to giving her head-pats when he sees her crying. After a moment of confusion, she lets him and grows to like it.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: She gives up on her mission to drag Sora back to the castle because he gave her warm meals.
  • Big Eater: She's a real foodie and is always on the prowl for something to eat.
  • Child Soldier: Introduced as a 10-year-old girl and already a member of the intelligence services.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: To the point that if Sora doesn't hold her hand as she sleeps, she suffers night terrors.
  • Happiness in Slavery: Of the Conditioned to Accept Horror variety. As far as she can remember, she's always been a slave. After Ignis destroyed her [Slave Mask], she had night terrors unless she was sleeping beside Sora and he held her hand through the night. This stops when she's made a [Special] slave so she and Sora could continue their journey. There comes a point where she's offered her freedom and an official ID and she panics, hysterically refusing to have her Slave Collar removed. Sora can only sigh, give her hugs and headpats until she calms down and returns to "normal."
  • Lethal Chef: She tried her hand at cooking once, as she and Sora were dungeon diving with a squad of knights, among a mining crew. Those who ate Sora's cooking had a good time. Those who ate hers were in agony until they got stomach medicine, and nobody dares try her cooking again. Fortunately, this is later subverted as her cooking skills improve under Mia and Sora, making her more of a One-Note Cook in that she can cook meat just fine but struggles with just about everything else.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Sora sees her like the little sister he always wanted, but never had, and she sees him as a Cool Big Bro.
  • Made a Slave: She was forced to wear a slave mask for so long that she doesn't remember her name.
  • Orphanage of Fear: Implied. When Sora brings her to a border city between Elysia and another country, the town guard suggests putting the 10-year-old Hikari in an orphanage, due to the in-universe laws regarding finding a lost child on the road. Hikari hides behind Sora, clearly traumatized, as a result.
  • Property of Love: She offers herself into slavery under Sora so she can stay with him on his journeys, with the promise that she will be free again, by law, when she turns of age and can legally get her own ID.
  • Right for the Wrong Reasons: Turns out she actually has good reason to panic at the thought of being released from her Slave Collar. When Sora goes off to face Goddess Elizabeth, passing the planar boundary causes the slave collar to break. The collar was acting as a Restraining Bolt to keep her stable and in control, without it, her indoctrination and brainwashing takes over, making her a prisoner in her own body, which tries to kill Elis and everyone in her way.
  • Tender Tears: Her response to Sora giving her warm soup, which is the first time somebody gave her warm food in her entire memory.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: She will happily eat anything that Sora cooks for her, as not only his life on earth, but the [Cooking] skill he picked up made him a gourmet chef, but she will go absolutely gaga for the meat of a monster known as [Blood Snake]. Whenever those beasts show up in her vicinity, her eyes will sparkle, she'll drool, and prioritize killing and blood-letting them, demanding Sora cook them ASAP.
  • Training from Hell: Implied. Considering Sora feeding her some fresh soup is the first time she remembers ever having a warm meal, to the point of Tender Tears, her spy training must have been brutal.
  • Troubled Child: She rarely smiles in the presence of anyone but Sora (and Sora goes to great lengths to see it), or those who are very close to him, tends to get fidgety when they're apart, and absolutely panics when he offers to set her free from her Slave Collar as she sees that as a kind of abandonment.
  • Weak, but Skilled: Being a 10-year-old, she isn't that physically strong, but she makes up for it with precision hits and by wielding a dagger with paralytic poison can often win battle via Victory by Endurance or Death of a Thousand Cuts.
  • You Are Number 6: Prior to Ignis breaking the mask of slavery she was forced to wear and Sora rescuing her, she went by the name Number 13. It's only because Sora had Personal Appraisal and could magically see her birth name is Hikari that he was able to learn it.

I must thank you for bringing me to my friends, Master.
One of the two friends Chris and Rurika searched the slave markets to try and find. Sora finds her when he's in the Holy Country, caged as a combat slave that the Borschel Empire found too problematic to deal with. She originally had a very, very poor opinion of humans as a result of said empire's mistreatment. She warms up to Sora in a hurry when he reveals that he knows Chris and Rurika and bought her on their behalf with the intention of setting her free ASAP.
  • Boob-Based Gag: When she's reunited with Chris and Rurika, she shoves one of her friends into her cleavage so hard while hugging her that the poor girl nearly suffocates!
  • Cat Girl: She sports cats' ears, a tail, and is quite furry.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Her stint as a war-slave of Boschel has not been kind. She was forced into Dark Forest, also known as Demon King territory, as a combat slave, repeatedly, but no matter how well she fought, she was never given her just rewards nor freedom, due to Boschel being unflinchingly human supremacist and arrogant. Whatever parties whe was saddled with all died around her, repeatedly leaving her the Sole Survivor. Bitter and angry, she was then dumped onto the slave market as a problematic and expensive slave, just so the empire can wash their hands off her. It's only after she's bought by Sora that things start looking up for her.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: She starts off gruff and stand-offish in dealing with Sora, but once she gets to know him and realizes he's friends with Chris and Rurika, she warms up to him.
  • Dual Wielding: She wields twin battle-axes.
  • Magically Inept Fighter: Being a Beast Man, her mana tank is rather small, so she can't do much with magic. After some thought and watching her in action, Sora suggests cycling her limited mana through her body, which boost her physical prowess instead.
  • Weapon Specialization: While she can fight with a sword if need be, she specializes in twin axes.

On behalf of my life-debt, I, Mia, swear my heart, body, and soul unto Master for the rest of my life!
Formerly known as the Saint of the capital of the Holy Kingdom. Sora comes across her by chance when she's being chased by her retainers and saves her life from a sniper's poisoned arrow. A conspiracy between a demon infiltrating the church and a church faction that wants her gone for unstated reasons results in a monster stampede heading towards the city and the pope, receiving a "holy oracle from the goddess" condemns her to death. Sora smuggles her out by faking her death using the very assassin that tried to kill her as a body double, letting the mob kill said assassin in her place and putting Mia in his retinue as one of his slaves. To Sora's shock, Mia swears Undying Loyalty during the slavery contract procedure, making herself his slave for life, a contract that can not be broken or changed for at least 10 years.
  • And I Must Scream: When she's possessed by goddess Elizabeth, she's fully aware of what's going on around her but has no way to communicate with the world, nor have any control of her actions, a complete prisoner in her own body.
  • Back from the Dead: Once Sora gets his hand on Elixir, he pulls out the god-slaying dagger, resuming the flow of time for her, and uses the elixir right away. She returns to life as if nothing happened, save for a bit of blood and a tear in her clothing over her heart. The rest of the squad with Sora forces him to walk away so she can change.
  • Cassandra Truth: When she was in an orphanage, as a child, she had a Prophetic Dream that the Demon King was reviving. The church officials running the orphanage tut-tut'ed her, not believing her story. Then demons started being sighted among human lands. The upper echelons dubbed her "Saint" as a result and for her ability to use Holy magic.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: She grew up in an orphanage, which made it easier for the church to claim her as a "Saint" when she awakened holy magic and started getting oracles.
  • Debt Detester: Even though Sora himself told her Think Nothing of It, the fact that he saved her life at least three times prompted her to swear a life-time of service to him when he took her to the local slave merchant for a disguise as a slave.
  • Deity of Human Origin: Prior to being possessed by Elizabeth, her appraisal read Mia [other information] Race: Human. After she's revived by Sora in volume 9, Return to Dragon Kingdom, her appraisal is Mia [other information] Race: Goddess.
  • Gilded Cage: When she was the official saint, she lived in an opulent dorm surrounded by luxury and fancy trappings, but she could not enjoy it and had little freedom.
  • Grievous Harm with a Body: When she and Sora meet, she claims she's being chased by thugs, who are actually her retainers trying to bring her back to her church duties that she fled from. While trying to escape being forced into a conflict, Sora throws her at the retainers. She wasn't amused.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: A blonde woman who was called "saint" and deserves the title for her acts of charity and kindness.
  • Healing Hands: During her time in the church, she specialized in healing magic.
  • Holy Hand Grenade: After a bit of magical training from Sora, she can use holy magic offensively. Especially with the spell [Holy Arrow].
  • Inept Mage: At first, her spell-casting was almost entirely instinctive, and she was terrible at it, fainting from using all her MP at once. Fortunately, Sora put together a teaching regiment that allowed her to regulate her output and she became proficient enough that she can effectively spell-cast in combat situations.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: To the point that she would happily die so the man she loves would get together with his sweetheart. Sora has to stab her with a god-killing dagger to drive out Elizabeth, and she doesn't survive it, but Sora added a [Time Stop] effect to the blow so he could try to revive Mia with an Elixir after it's all over.
  • Thanks for the Mammary: As Sora is pulling her out of the line of fire of a sniper, taking a poisoned arrow to the arm in the process, his hand accidentally winds up on her breast. It takes a while for her to realize it was a legit accident.
  • Property of Love: Sora only wanted to temporarily mark her as his slave so he could smuggle her out of the holy see, since slaves don't get their ID checked. During the magic contract, she devotes herself as his slave for life.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: Her ability to use holy magic awakened when her pet puppy, Shiro, was badly wounded and she rushed out to tend the animal.
     Rurika and Chris
Resting between quests under a tree.
A pair of adventurers in a D-rank party who Sora rescues from a pack of Wolfs.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: It's glaringly obvious to everyone and his sister that Chris is smitten with Sora, and it's mutual, but she just can't bring herself to admit it and make it official. She first excuses herself by saying the search for Elis comes first, but once that's taken care of, she finds something else to prioritize over her attraction to him, and when she's called out on that, pines away at the Mayfly–December Romance that would ensue if she did spit it out.
  • Doomed Home Town: Despite being orphans in a back-water village far from the front lines, the Boschel Empire steamrolled through the perimeter and stormed into town. The orphanage director known as "Granny" barely had time to tell all the kids, human and otherwise, to flee into the forest before troops arrived. Chris and Rurika managed to make it to a cedar tree land-mark. The rest... slaves or dead.
  • Dual Wielding: Rurika fights with one sword in each hand.
  • Everyone Can See It: The fact that Sora and Chris are into each other is glaringly obvious and just about everyone comments on it.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Both women are golden-haired blonde and also good and kind who deserve Sora doting on them.
  • If You Ever Do Anything to Hurt Her...: Rurika warns Sora that if he ever hurts Chris, he won't be forgiven.
  • I Will Find You: They are searching for two other childhood friends from whom they were separated as a result of a slaving raid, by war, ten years prior to the start of the story. The reason they know said friends are still alive is thanks to a magic keepsake that says they are.
  • Rescue Romance: Chris begins being very interested in Sora after he rescued them from a pack of Wolfs.
  • Shrinking Violet: Chris is almost painfully shy.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: Chis is the mage while Rurika is the swordsman.
  • Tears of Joy: Their response to being reunited with Sera and then Sora, the former being a friend they lost sight of in war 10 years in the past, and reuniting with the latter after being told he was MIA, possibly dead, after a fight with a band of orcs and a legit demon sighting.
  • Technician Versus Performer: Rurika is the performer to Sora's technician. While he can use the sword thanks to a magical skill, she learned the way of the sword through practice and hard work. In a friendly duel that she demanded, she beats him through superior experience, though he did make a good effort.

Other summoned "heroes."

     Common to All
  • The Chosen Many: Six kids of various races and backgrounds with glaringly obvious combat utility.
  • Gilded Cage: They are surrounded by luxury during their indentured servitude to Elysia, but have absolutely no freedom.
  • Locked Out of the Loop: They have no idea what Sora's going through. They repeatedly ask to see him and are brushed off with excuses, half-truths, and bold-faced lies.
  • No Name Given: Shun Minase is named right away, but the others don't have their names revealed easily, taking several hundred web-novel chapters before names start going with characters.
  • Out of Focus: They're shown once in chapter one and rarely seen again.
  • Unwitting Pawn: If the testimony of Ignis, the demon, is to be believed, they are just the latest of many otherworlders who are brought to kill the Demon King and then be Released to Elsewhere when the kingdom's done with them.

Adventurers' Guild

Elysia capital branch.

     As a Whole
Oh look, we've got a newcomer!
  • Face of a Thug: The vast majority of them look like thugs, with scars, masks, towering over Sora, and act like delinquents, but beneath the surface, they're actually very nice people who care a great deal about their fellow man.
  • Not Evil, Just Misunderstood: They come across as delinquents and thugs at first glance and Sora found them intimidating. In fact, they are really good and kind people who welcomed him with open arms and did their best to make sure he succeeds, even throwing a celebration when one of Sora's deliveries resulted in a couple that have been skirting around each other for 27 years finally deciding to hook up.
  • Shout-Out: Their building's architecture, the way the crew appear thuggish at first glance but are actually friendly and the secretary's bumbling antics are all eerily reminiscent of Fairy Tail.

Oh, you're looking for a job? Then you have to register.
The receptionist.
  • Cute Clumsy Girl: She is sweet and kind, but her introduction has her slip on an upper balcony while arranging the guild library, dropping a bunch of books on Sora's head.
  • Ms. Exposition: As the receptionist, she's tasked with explaining the rules and ranks of the guild to newcomers.
  • Quest Giver: She saddles Sora with some nominated delivery quests after he showed exemplary worth ethic on deliveries when he first signed up.

Congratulations on getting Rei and Vanessa to hook up by delivering that love letter! The guy's crush going on 27 years is well-known!
One of the most veteran of the adventurers. He takes a shine to Sora almost right away.

What kind of food is this?!
Fellow member of Syphon's party, "Goblin Griefers" and his wife.

     Guild Master
Wolfs in the forest? That's never happened before, and it shouldn't! Send out the alert!

  • Everybody Calls Him "Barkeep": He's only named as "Guild Master" so far.
  • Head-in-the-Sand Management: Averted. When he heard that Wolfs monsters appeared in the forest of the royal capital, where they clearly are not supposed to be, he put out an alert, shut down all newbie quests to that forest and sent out notices to all the other guilds while organizing an emergency meeting to determine the cause.
  • High-Class Glass: He wears a monocle and is the leader of the guild.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: The next time we hear about the wolf monsters in the forest, the incident has been resolved with a minimum of casualties thanks to his leadership and swift action.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: When Chris and Rurika mentioned that they failed to gather the honey from the quest they undertook thanks to encountering the Wolfs monsters that aren't supposed to be in the area, he didn't lay down the quest failure punishment, but instead congratulated them for returning alive and bringing word back about the anomaly.

Majolica branch

The leader of one of the first local parties Sora interacts with. Sora, Sera, Mia, and Hikari pass his party by on floor five of Majolica's dungeon, searching for materials while Fred's party was there hunting a superior species, reported to be a Dark Wolf. Unfortunately, their prey turned out to be the far, far more dangerous Shadow wolf that then locked down the fifth floor and nearly resulted in the death of everyone present. It's only because Sora had Mia, who can use Holy Magic, and a make-shift holy sword that he could only swing once with him that anyone managed to escape alive.
  • Did Not Think This Through: Played with. If they had faced a Dark Wolf, their party make-up and strategy would have been more than sufficient, but they wound up facing the superior species of that, a Shadow Wolf. Sure, while people who can cast holy magic, like Mia, are rare, Holy Water and weapons with the [Holy] attribute can be found in stores near the dungeon, and the Dark Wolf they were planning to hunt shares the same weaknesses as the Shadow Wolf that they happened to encounter. If the party had brought even one [Holy] weapon, or some Holy Water to use, things would have been a lot less dicey. As it stands, 9 out of 14 of the party members died helplessly, Sora's party being the only reason there were any survivors.
  • Honor Before Reason: When he and Sora are in Reese's chamber discussing the anomaly that was the Shadow Wolf acting like a Dungeon Boss, on floor five that's not supposed to have a floor boss, and Reese gets to the part about offering a reward, Fred turns over all the rewards to Sora's party, aside from the wolf-meat and fur that was agreed to be split evenly during the fight. Sora is taken aback since he and his party only fought because they were cornered, and the quest was rightfully Fred's but Fred insists since if it wasn't for Sora's aid, it would have been a Total Party Kill.
  • Mugging the Monster: He took up a quest to hunt a superior species of Wolf monster and came with sufficient numbers, weapons, and tactics for that particular task. His party nearly faced a Total Party Kill because the monster they wound up facing was a species even more superior than what they were told, and they were woefully under-prepared for that particular fight. If it wasn't for Sora and crew reluctantly helping them, because there was no other option, everyone would have died.

The guild master.
  • Beleaguered Bureaucrat: In addition to the headache of the Shadow Wolf incident, she's caught between Sora and one of the top Clans of the city's guild because Sora's party fielded a legit complaint after the clan used patsies to block the 10th floor boss room until their members were ready to face the boss, blocking Sora's party on a repeated basis, and the only evidence readily available was verbal testimony. Although Reese does eventually get confirmation from a magical device that tracks when adventurers visited the dungeon, which confirms Sora's version of events, she still has to worry about friction between the two parties.

Bloody Rose

You saved my life by defeating that Orc Lord, Lloyd.
First encountered by Sora in Volume 2 after faking his death and that of Hikary "Number 13" while escaping the kingdom of Elysia. She becomes Sora's friend after they fight, and beat, a [Named] Orc Lord.
  • Amazon Brigade: Until meeting Sora and temporarily adding him to their party, their party was entirely composed of women who could kick ass, take names, and then kick more ass.
  • Blue Blood: She's the daughter of an aristocrat, unknown rank, and a good woman who took up adventuring to help the masses.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Blonde and a good, kind woman who cares for her fellow man.
  • Royals Who Actually Do Something: She's the daughter of the town lord and is both an active student in the academy and a well-known adventurer.
  • Sword and Sorcerer: She's the sword to Yor Apostle's sorcerer.

     Yor Apostle
Wow! Sora! How do you do that with magic?!
First encountered by Sora in Volume 2, after he fled the kingdom of Elysia, Hikari in tow. She's fascinated with his self-taught ability to use magic in ways she never dreamed of, and all but strong-arms him into making her his apprentice.
  • The Apprentice: She not only studies magic in the College of Majolica, but she pressures Sora into teaching her magic after her party, Bloody Rose and he defend a town from a swarm of orcs, and rescue several women who were kidnapped and repeatedly assaulted by the beasts, including Lloyd, the [Named] Orc Lord.
  • Blue Blood: She is the daughter of a prestigious noble, Cardinal Dan Apostle, and also took up adventuring to help the common folk.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Befriending her was the best decision Sora ever made, as when the Aurora Merchant company decided to screw him and Locke over, when two of their merchants not only sabotaged their own caravan but kited a large number of orcs on an already battered town, and then went full tilt Entitled Bastard, demanding rescue, and then slandered Sora and Locke, a new merchant guild member and adventurer escort respectively, she used her station to bring in a Living Lie Detector to expose the scheme, clearing Sora's and Locke's names, and bringing the scoundrels to task.

The third member of Bloody rose and The Team Benefactor.
  • Mentor Archetype: She teaches the two orphaned children how to be effective maids, even if one of the children is a boy...
  • Ninja Maid: She's both a maid and a powerful adventurer in the party Bloody Rose.
  • The Team Benefactor: In addition to financing Bloody Rose, she also hooks Sora up with a rented house and a live-in maid so the orphans Sora picked up could both learn the trade and earn an honest living.

The member of Bloody Rose who took a breath weapon attack from a cockatrice so Leila could have a chance to escape. Even with Sora's petrification cure, she was still afflicted. It takes Sora's crew going to the dragon kingdom to find a permanent remedy.
  • Delicate and Sickly: Due to being petrified for a long time, the cure alone wasn't enough to get her back to full health. She had to undergo physical therapy to get back to full strength.
  • Taken for Granite: She was slowly, but surely, turning to stone thanks to the cockatrice's attack.
  • Taking the Bullet: She took the attack while shielding Leila.


     King Elysia
What about that one?.. Hoh?! He's become a member of the adventurer's guild, you say? Can he fight?
The one responsible for summoning six "heroes" and Sora. When Sora's stats and skill come back as lackluster, he has his knights throw the boy out, but contrary to most stories of the genre, he actually keeps tabs on the kid and has given his intelligence agency orders that should Sora show any false moves, such as trying to enter another country or reveal the Heroes exist prematurely, and Sora's life is forfeit.
  • Ambition Is Evil: He markets all his despicable acts as the Lesser of Two Evils, but what really motivates him is to Take Over the World, expanding his country's borders by conquest, one country at a time, regardless of the means.
  • Evil Versus Oblivion: How he justifies his horrific actions, especially towards the summoned "heroes." Yes, kidnapping seven children from another world, keeping them captive if they prove useful, discarding (but keeping an eye on) them if they don't, and using any and all means to control them, including brainwashing is a "lesser" evil than the existence of the Demon King, who supposedly causes dungeons to go amok just from coming into existence.
  • Fatal Flaw: Arrogance and greed. He repeatedly demonstrates that he's very cautious and cunning, not taking reports of Sora's presumed death at face value, because no body was found, lined his castle with all sorts of booby-traps and special seals only the royal bloodline could bypass, and had guards at various key locations that were both powerful and either fanatically loyal or somehow mind-controlled/enslaved so they could do nothing but his bidding, but because he presumed himself inherently superior to everyone else and intended to summon even more "heroes" to help him Take Over the World, he left himself easy to bait into confessing his wrongdoing and vulnerable to a counter-attack that exposed the hard evidence of his many, many crimes, undeniable even if he hadn't decided to gloat.
  • Genre Savvy: Most isekai stories where the protagonist is thrown out for having lackluster skills or stats would have the offending party go on to either try and kill the protagonist out of sight of the others, earning his grudge, or pointedly act like the protagonist never existed, winding up humiliated when he outshines the others. He does neither. He has his intelligence agency keep tabs on Sora, through mundane and magical means, to see if the boy has an awakening outside the rigid controls he places the other six summoned teens under and then act accordingly.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: Despite his many, many precautions, the very guy he discarded at the start of the story became the source of his downfall, and the very intelligence agent sent to monitor the guy is the key to make it happen!
  • Pragmatic Villainy: Yes, he summoned seven teens of varying backgrounds from another world to use as disposable high-yield tyke bombs, but there is a legit Demon King threat, and when that's over, a world war to deal with, so he puts six of them in custom gilded cages, and sends them on occasional monster hunting forays with heavy escorts to learn how to handle themselves in combat, keeps tabs on the seventh, who may or may not have a power awakening outside the rigid environment that he'd have to provide, and keeps their existence secret so the demon king and the other great powers don't try to snatch them away.
  • Real Politik: He acts the way he does to ensure his country's interests come first.

The Orc Lord fought by Sora and Layla while en route to the Holy See.
  • BFS: He wielded a sword even bigger than he is, and he's already massive.
  • The Dreaded: A superior species like Orc Lord is scary enough in its own right, but a [Named] monster like himself is such a fearsome opponent that entire parties of A-rank adventurers would flee for their lives. The fact that Sora and Leila beat him two on one is a legendary feat, especially since Sora is passing himself off as a merchant.
  • Gratuitous Rape: Orcs, in general, kidnap human and humanoid women to rape and impregnate, but it isn't just about the need to procreate. Lloyd and his bunch were witnessed in the act of sexual assault, with heavy emphasis on the assault. His bunch, at least, view the impregnation as a bonus, what they enjoy is the brutality of the act, physically and mentally breaking their victims down with violence. Unsurprisingly, Sora and Leila's party have no qualms slaying these brutes to the last, and then eating them as part of a celebration.
  • Healing Factor: He had an insanely powerful regeneration skill that allowed him to bounce back from just about any damage.
  • Large and in Charge: He towered over all the other orcs, which already tower over humans, and he ruled the bunch.
  • Outside-Context Problem: He struggles against Sora because the later used [Alchemy] to forge a firearm to use against him.
  • Rasputinian Death: Thanks to his healing factor, Sora and Leila had to do an insane amount of damage to take him down. He was poisoned, stabbed, impaled through the stomach with a mithril sword, set on fire from inside and out, repeatedly shot in the chest and face, and after Sora ran out of ammo and magic, collapsing, Leila used the super-heated mithril sword to behead this beast.
  • Sadist: He doesn't enjoy fighting. He enjoys literally trampling, brutalizing, and tormenting any man, woman, or child he's up against. The more they struggle, the better. If he starts actually losing, though, he flies into uncontrolled rages.
  • Wrecked Weapon: In the fight with Sora, his sword got snapped like a twig while trying to parry Sora's bullets.

     Goddess Elizabeth: Warning Spoilers 
The last remaining god and goddess of the world.
  • Became Their Own Antithesis: At the creation of the world, she was one of 12 gods and goddesses, all tasked with preserving the working of the world. After the rest either died or disappeared, she became the biggest agent of death and destruction, by cycling through world-wars, demon king awakening, and then summoning other-world heroes to rally the natives, to wash, rinse, repeat every few centuries. What's worse, turning elves into Demon Lords and having the human kingdom of Elysia sacrifice elves in Hero Summoning rituals greatly accelerates the world's death, since Elves, especially High Elves, are the main driving force in the planet's recovery.
  • Big Bad: Directly or indirectly, just about everything wrong with the world is her fault.
  • Creative Sterility: Whenever the human nations went to war to the point the planet was put at stake, she never, ever tried anything but creating a "Demon King" to unite all the countries against, even when this clearly wasn't working any more. She made small changes, like sharing the secret to summoning otherworld heroes with the humans of Elysia, giving oracles to saints, and using saints as remote bodies to descend upon the world, but she overall refused to abandon the cycle of peace->war->Demon King->Summon->Peace even when it clearly wasn't working.
  • Driven by Envy: One of her biggest motivations for keeping the cycle of World War-> Demon King -> Summon Hero -> Celebration -> World War-> Demon King-> Summon is that she abjectly loathes the natives for being able to live freely, happily, and enjoy company, while she's stuck in her divine realm trying to run the world all alone. It's also the reason she tried to end the Dragon King's bloodline and earned the murderous enmity of the "Demon" race, as both of their founders were fellow gods who descended on the world, leaving her behind, to sire families with the mortals, while she had noone.
  • Go Out with a Smile: As she's disintegrating, she smiles at Sora and the Dragon King, but whatever she planned to say goes unsaid as her head crumbles to dust.
  • I Shall Taunt You: She always stops in her tracks to mock her victims, hoping to drive them into a rage where they can't think straight, and then mocks their loss.
  • My Death Is Just the Beginning: Her death marks the point where the world's apocalypse clock starts ticking. By her estimates, without a god to maintain the world, even with the soul-recycling mechanism she was guarding, the world will cease to be able to support life within a few thousand years, and there's no way off! For extra irony, she never gets to tell anyone about it, as she disintegrates first.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: It's later revealed that her temporary possession of Mia made the latter a de-facto goddess, imbuing her healing magic with divine properties, making her even more effective as a healer and Support Party Member, and maybe, just maybe, being the cornerstone to save the world.
  • No Body Left Behind: As she's dying, her body crumbles to dust.
  • Sadistic Choice: She's a big fan of these. Over several cycles, when the summoned Heroes were defeated, she would descend and force the Demon King to Heroic Sacrifice to prevent a worse fate. In the most current, and last, cycle, she uses Mia, Sora's closest subordinate as a vessel to descend to the world and forces Sora to choose whether to kill Elis, on the promise that Mia will be spared, or kill Mia to drive her out.
  • Suicide by Cop: The biggest reason she loved to taunt the mortal races was that she hoped she could enrage someone or something enough to try and succeed at killing her. She gets her wish when Sora comes at her with a magical machine-gun armed with her Kryptonite Factor.
  • Tautological Templar: She sees herself as righteousness incarnate because it's her job to keep the world around, and she's doing that. The fact that she's causing untold suffering among the mortal races and people of other worlds, kidnapped from their home with no way back, by going through the cycle of war->demon king->summon, wash, rinse, repeat, is of no significance and the fool mortals should just accept it!
  • Xanatos Gambit: Her plans are so convoluted and complex that any outcome at all will always loop around to benefit her somehow. She lures Sora and crew, especially Chris and Mia, to Elis so they're all at ground zero for the death of their loved one. When Sora and crew win the fight with the rest of the Heroes, she descends into Mia to fight herself. When Sora chooses to stab Mia rather than take Elis's life, she tries to possess Chris, just to stick it to Elis for daring to survive. When Sora goes after her, along with the Demons, in hot pursuit, it causes Hikari's slave collar to break, putting Elis in danger, again. If Sora and the demons fail to defeat her in her divine realm, she'll go back and possess Chris to kill Elis, or turn Chris into the next Demon King, and if Sora and crew somehow manage to defeat her, she gets the last laugh anyway as the world is now doomed at their hands and they'll never know until it's too late!


The first Demon Sora meets. In exchange for sparing him, he inflicts Sora with a curse that would prevent him from even trying to harm the Demon King, regardless of the situation.
  • Good All Along: He initially comes across as a vicious antagonist, since he stormed in during a combination knight+adventurer orc subjugation, annihilated the knights and sent the adventurers packing, all badly wounded, and then homed in on Sora, threatening his life. In truth, he's actually very brave and noble, the knights in question were working, happily, for what turns out to be a genocidal racist, and the adventurers were clearly not as pure as the driven snow. Sora himself was targeted because summoned "heroes" are, by and large, Brainwashed and Crazy, Sora being the exception that defines the rule.
  • Humans Are Bastards: He points out how humans are prone to doing terrible things, showcasing Hikari's [Slave Mask] as proof. He expected Sora to try and argue the point, but Sora doesn't bother to deny it, surprising and confusing him.
  • Intrigued by Humanity: He finds humans fascinating. If only they would stop attacking him, he'd be more than happy to talk things out with them.
  • Mr. Exposition: He happily shares with Sora what the Demon vs Human war is like from the Demon's perspective. Sora greatly appreciates the information.
  • Noble Demon: He was willing to talk things out with Sora, hear the boy's side of the story, and when asked if there's a magic that can prevent Sora from coming into conflict with the Demon race, rather than have to kill Sora as a matter of Do Unto Others Before They Do Unto Us, he agrees to place Sora under a curse to keep from attacking the Demon King in exchange for letting Sora live.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: How much of his actions are villainous is up for debate, but he's not needlessly cruel and bloodthirsty, and he can be convinced to do good and noble things if and when it can benefit him.
    • He lets Sora live in exchange for afflicting him with a curse that keeps him from attacking the Demon King because, why not, and Sora gave him some juicy intel that the Royal castle in Elysia had summoned six new heroes, plus, as later revealed, the curse allows Ignis to keep track of Sora at all times, and see what he sees.
    • When he realizes Sora is travelling with Mia, the Saint of the Holy Kingdom, rather than Ado's report that Mia's dead, he calls off Ado and lets Mia live, both because he now knows where the only saint allowed by the goddess to be in human hands is, what she's capable of, and who she is as opposed to a random Joe out there that nobody knows about, and since she's in Sora's party, Mia is very unlikely to get into conflict with the Demon King, thanks to the curse.
    • He frequently visits the kingdom of Majolica, in disguise, as an adventurer, and keeps the dungeon under control, to secure they remain neutral in the fight between humans and the Demon King. In fact, he's quite friendly with the local guild-master Reese.
  • Smug Super: He knows he's way, way more powerful than humans, especially since he wiped out an entire knight order, all by himself, just before he met Sora and Hikari.
  • Villainous Rescue: As Sora and Hikari are fighting, Sora is strongly contemplating the use of deadly force because Hikari just refuses to stop trying to drag him back to the Elysia royal castle. Ignis shows up, interrupts the fight, and destroys the [Slave Mask] compelling Hikari to do it. When Hikari wakes up later, she happily renounces her mission to travel as Sora's companion, just because he feeds her well, for the first time in her memory.

Full name: Adonis. This demon posed as Cardinal Ado of the Holy Kingdom. He tricks the pope into calling for a public execution of Saint Mia.
  • Deep Cover Agent: He was in the church hierarchy for a decade plotting and scheming to try and find a way to get the church people to go full-tilt angry mob on Mia, the goddess chosen saint. He would have utterly failed if a bunch of butt-hurt nobles in the church's own ranks didn't have an Irrational Hatred towards Mia, who couldn't threaten or challenge them in any way. Even then, he had to engineer a monster stampede and a false prophecy to bring the rest of the church in line.
  • I Shall Taunt You: After "Mia" is killed, he reveals himself as a demon and mocks the entire mob, including the pope, for being so easy to manipulate into killing a legit saint. The pope himself can only sport a mute Thousand-Yard Stare while the mob throws themselves to the ground weeping, wailing, and praying to the goddess for forgiveness as the Demon flies away. It's such a stark change in attitude and behavior that Sora wonders if the Demon had some kind of Emotion Control or Brainwashing skill.
  • So Long, Suckers!: Justified. As a Demon, he's so powerful, nothing the humans could do would have even harmed him, so he just gets to fly away, laughing.


Oh! You lost? Here have a skewer, no charge!
A vendor who runs a skewer stand and one of the first people Sora meets upon being literally thrust into this new world.
  • Honest Corporate Executive: When Sora tries to buy a skewer, but rightly has no clue how the currency of the world works, Pops stops him and points out, in detail, how the money exchange system is handled and gives him a fair price. He also warns Sora that he's lucky he's in the royal capital as a back-water town may well have happily cleaned him out.
  • Mr. Exposition: He exists to get Sora familiar with the setting of the new world he's been thrown into.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: He answers to "Pops" but his real name has yet to be mentioned.
