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Characters / Gothic

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Main Characters

    Nameless Hero 
The nameless player character is the protagonist of the Gothic franchise. Thrown into the penal colony as a convict, he spends most of his time attempting to break out of the barrier.
  • Anti-Hero: He is a convicted felon to begin with. He also cares little about saving the world stuff or conflict between good and evil and his main motivation is escaping the penal colony. He nonetheless ends up being a savior of entire Colony and delivering the world from great evil and in spite of all his cinicism, he will still do the right thing if given a push.
  • The Chosen One: Definitely. He is able to survive ordeal that would kill any other human being, like going up against ancient demon and coming out victorious or being buried alive under collapsing underground temple and ends up saving the world multiple times, even if he's not directly aiming at it. In second game, Xardas outright calls him the gods' favourite.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Some of his dialogue options could make him be like this. It's not an option when he is like this towards his enemies, most notably in the Temple of the Sleeper towards the undead orc priests and Cor Kalom himself.
  • The Hero: The main and most heroic character in the game. It's also in his nickname.
  • No Name Given: We never learn his name. It is unknown as to whether or not he has one. The Undead Dragon claims that neither of them bears any name, but at the beginning of the first game, it seemed like he was ready to present himself to Diego.
  • Rags to Riches: He starts out as a convict sent to penal colony with nothing except worn out clothing. Eventually becomes one of the most important figures in Mining Valley and — over the course of following games — the king of all Myrtana.

The leader of the shadows in the Old Camp is the hero's first friend after he is thrown into the Colony.
  • Big Brother Mentor: He is this towards the Nameless Hero. He welcomes him to the Colony, protects him from bullies who attack him on his arrival, and later introduces him into various nuances of the Mining Valley's world. On top of that, he is one of teachers in the game.
  • Deuteragonist: The closest thing the first game has to one, as he plays a main role from the very beginning up until near the end of the game.
  • The Lancer: Sneaky and pragmatic as opposed to the brave and straight-forward hero. Diego is also a seasoned fighter who approaches things with a degree of seriousness, while the hero is an eager and snarky youngster.
  • Master Archer: He can handle himself with sword all right, but his greatest weapon is his powerful bow.
  • Mr. Exposition: He is the one who provides player with explanations on how does the in-game world work, what are its major factions and what you should do at the beginning of the game.
  • Token Good Teammate: Alongside Milten, in the Old Camp. They are the only two who don't turn against the rest of the Colony when the Old Mine collapses.

A novice from the Swamp Camp who becomes one of the hero's closest friends. He is the one who nominated him to help Y'Berion and Cor Kalom with the preparations for the summoning of the Sleeper.
  • Cloud Cuckoolander: To an extent. He is always calm and collected, no matter the hardships, and when he is invited to an important meeting between him, Diego, Milten and Gorn following Old Mine's collapse and fire mages' murder, he decides that the best course of action is to... stay in the mountain fortress he's currently in and study some old books.
  • The Heart: The friendliest member of the main group and the one who always keep a leveled head.
  • Mind over Matter: The nature of his powers — which is quite obvious, given the fact that he is a member of Swamp Camp and student of gurus. They allowed him to get past a stone golem at some point (though not destroy it). He even quotes his master Y'Berion's saying that a student tries to move objects with hands and legs, but a master moves them with force of his spirit.
  • Nice Guy: A friendly guy who always tries to help everyone else.

One of Lee's mercenaries and one of the hero's best friends. He is one of the few people in the anarchic New Camp to welcome the hero with open arms. Together, they free the mine from the Old Camp's occupance.
  • The Berserker: When the orcs attack the ship in Irdorath, Gorn is the only one eager to fight more of them.
  • The Big Guy: He is big, strong and has the most offensive fighting style. He is also the most battle-hungry of the main group.
  • Gentle Giant: When he's not fighting, he turns out to be an affable fellow. Also, he is one of few characters who is openly friendly to the protagonist the moment they meet him.
  • One-Man Army: He can kill scores of enemies on his own and it took a few grown men to restrain him when he was captured.
  • Technical Pacifist: An amusing accidental example. Gorn will happily, together with you, take the fight to the Old Camp forces in the Free Mine, but his crime recognition system will often bug out, causing him to label you a murderer and attack you if you deal any actual killing blows while there.

The youngest of the fire mages is the one to whom the hero eventually delivers the letter addressed to the High Magician of the Circle of Fire. From that moment on, he became one of the few people the hero could trust. Towards the end of the first game, he helped the hero charge up Uriziel with the power of the ore mound from the New Camp, much to the dismay of the water mages.
  • New Meat: He is this among the fire mages, being the youngest of them and admitted to the Circle of Fire just recently, after granting some sort of important services to the ore barons.
  • The Smart Guy: The only full-on mage in the group and well-versed in esoteric knowledge. He is also the most well-positioned as far as camp hierarchies go.
  • Squishy Wizard: Implied. He carries no conventional weapons of any sort and relies entirely on his magical powers. Which makes him very dangerous in ranged combat, but quite vulnerable at close quarters. Still, it can't be told for sure if he's actually fragile, since the Plot Armor is there to prevent him from dying.
  • Token Good Teammate: Alongside Diego, in the Old Camp. They are the only two who don't turn against the rest of the Colony when the Old Mine collapses.

Old Camp

Ore Barons

The Ore Barons are the rulers of the Old Camp. They control the ore trade and, therefore, all the goods that come inside the barrier.

Gomez is the leader of the ore barons and, therefore, the leader of the entire Old Camp. He controls the ore exchange between the Colony and the outside world.
  • Bad Boss: He will readily kill his subordinates even for slightest transgression. Bartholo mentions that he fed his previous cooks to the Drowners in the river because they apparently displeased him with their cooking.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Is undeniably a cruel dictator who wants to reign over the colony, but he's a small fry when compared to The Sleeper.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: You can complain to him that his men are all lazy bums who expect others to do their job. Surprisingly (for him), he does not kill you for it and actually agrees with you... but also points out that this is not a reason to admit just another lazy bum into his camp.
  • Hate Sink: Whereas the other two camp leaders have some redeeming qualities (Lee being a Benevolent Boss to his crew or Y'Berion genuinely wanting to free everyone), he has none. He's a ruthless dictator who snaps the moment his power even slightly slips away from him.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: It is very easy to drive him on edge. You should choose your words carefully when trying to convince him to admit you into Old Camp, because any wrong choice may result in your death.
  • Jerkass: Even before his villainy is made clear, he's a thoroughly unpleasant man, going as far as to kill you for even as much as lying to him.
  • Light Is Not Good: His weapon of choice is Innos' Wrath, implied to be a blessed paladin sword, but he's anything but a paladin.
  • Orcus on His Throne: He spends his entire time literally sitting on the throne, doing nothing and using others to do all the work.
  • Rank Scales with Asskicking: He rules the Old Camp and he is definitely the most dangerous fighter out there, armed with the best sword (outside Uriziel) in entire game, and one of the best armors.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: He became the leader of the Old Camp after the convicts killed the guards. Has ruled the camp as a dictator since then.

Raven is Gomez's right hand man. An ore baron himself, Raven deals with the actual governing of the Old Camp. He gives missions to the men and they report directly to him. In Gothic II, he becomes a servant of Beliar the main villain of the Night of the Raven expansion pack.
  • The Dragon: He is this to Gomez, and arguably to the Undead Dragon in Gothic II: Night of the Raven.
  • Number Two: Gomez's right hand man and, therefore, the second-in-command of the Old Camp.

Bartholo is an ore baron and Gomez's quartermaster.
  • Mean Boss: This actually makes him the Lesser of Two Evils compared to Gomez. He outright states that his subordinates (in that case, the cooks) should be grateful to him, since his own boss tends to kill subordinates for any transgression, even minor ones.
  • Signature Instrument: Likes to play the lute in Gomez's throne room.

    Scar and Arto 
These two ore barons are Gomez's bodyguards.
  • Body Guarding A Badass: They act as Gomez's bodyguards, even though he is definitely more dangerous in combat than any one of those two.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Scar is talkative and actually shows passion towards his work as a bodyguard, while Arto prefers to use as few words as he can when answering questions.
  • Those Two Guys: They only ever appear together, and they both play the same role in the camp.


When the barrier got out of control, the convicts took advantage of the distraction and ambushed the guards. Afterwards, they took the armor off of them and started acting as the main military force of the Old Camp. They are tasked with guarding the camp and the mine. If the hero is a shadow when he kills the minecrawler queen, he has the possibility of becoming a guard.

Thorus is the leader of the guards from the Old Camp. Aside from handling recruitment, he is tasked with guarding the main entrance to the castle.
  • Berserk Button: He can't stand it when his subordinates screw up, as evidenced if the Nameless Hero decides to tell Mordrag that Thorus wants to get rid of him instead of keeping it a secret like he was instructed.
  • Da Chief: Of a fashion. He is the commander of the guards, who act both as Old Camp's military and law enforcement force.
  • Scary Black Man: Both his attitude and his position make him intimidating.
  • The Stoic: Shows little to no emotion, aside from when one of his subordinates screws up.

Bloodwyn is an Old Camp guard responsible for the northern gate district in the outer ring.
  • "Blackmail" Is Such an Ugly Word: You may ask him whether he's threatening you when he explains the "benefits" of paying the protection tax and what could happend to you if you don't pay. His reply is that by no means, no, he is just offering you his help and his friendship.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He always acts friendly and polite to the protagonist, even if he's currently extorting protection tax from him. He maintains this facade when you refuse to pay, though he does indirectly threaten you by telling you to take care of yourself now. After the Old Mine collapses and Old Camp turns against the rest of the Colony, though, he shows his true colors.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: His name is Bloodwyn.
  • Smug Snake: He is always snarky and full of himself.

Fletcher is an Old Camp guard responsible for the arena district in the outer ring. He was given this position after Nek's disappearance.
  • Token Good Teammate: Among the guards. He is the only one who treats you with respect and never threatens you nor extorts protection tax. Subverted after the Old Mine's collapse, when he turns against you just like the rest of his peers.

Jackal is an Old Camp guard responsible for the southern gate area in the outer ring.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Just like Bloodwyn, he acts friendly and polite towards you when extorting protection tax, though his concern for your safety seems a bit more genuine.

Nek was an Old Camp guard responsible for the arena district in the outer ring up until his disappearance. That position was thereafter occupied by Fletcher.
  • Dead to Begin With: He was killed some time before the events in the game. The protagonist can only find his corpse in the cave.


When a man first joins the Old Camp he becomes a shadow. These are the men that handle tasks given to them by the ore barons and the guards. Unlike the guards, who stick together, shadows are usually on their own. If the hero decides to join the Old Camp, he first becomes a shadow.

A hunter living in a hut outside the Old Camp. He trades bows and crossbows and acts as a teacher of hunting skills. He is one of few Old Camp members who does not turn against you after Old Mine's collapse.
  • Forest Ranger: Implied. Unlike his peers, he lives in the wild and he is a hunter by profession. He doesn't seem to be driven by any sort of motivation to protect the nature, thought, he's just living within it.

A shadow trader residing in Old Camp marketplace. He is selling magical potions and swamp weed joints. He is one of the influential figures you need to ingratiate in order to join the Old Camp and in order to do so, you must obtain Cor Kalom's recipe for him.
  • Face–Heel Turn: Apart from the fact that he turns against you just like the rest of the Old Camp after Old Mine's collapse, he goes from a mere friendly trader in the first game to a minor villain in the second game.
  • Informed Attribute: He claims that he has only the wares of supreme quality. In fact, he just sells potions and joints, and unlike most traders, his merchandise does not change between the game's chapters, meaning that his offer quickly goes from tempting one to forgettable one.

And influential shadow who also happens to be the best thief in entire Old Camp. He will support you if you learn some of thieving skills.
  • Always Someone Better: He prides himself on being the best thief out there, but he admits that when it comes to sneaking, Cavalorn is better skilled in that regard and thus he would be a better teacher.

Another shadow trader who resides in the Old Camp marketplace. He sells weapons and some basic armor.
  • Arms Dealer: One particular example is when Whistler asks the hero to get a sword from him in his stead. Also, he is the main weapon seller in the Old Camp.
  • Noodle Incident: It is mentioned that something happened between him and Whistler, which resulted in him no longer trading with the latter.

Shadow in charge of the Old Camp arena's management. He is also a fighting instructor and will teach you one-handed weapons skill... if you pay him, that is.
  • Pirates Who Don't Do Anything: He is supposed to be the manager of the arena, but he never seems to organize any actual bouts. If you tell him that you want to make a bet, he will always reply that nobody's fighting right now. Possibly because that part of the gameplay was Dummied Out.
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: Sort of. He is one of your teachers and he will support you if you fight two of his arena's fighters... who are a few levels above you and whom you have little (in Kirgo's case) to virtually none (in Kharim's case) chances of defeating. Luckily, the fight does not end in your death, just temporary incapacitation (though your opponent will still try to rob you afterwards, so you better place all your ore in the chest beforehand).

Another influential shadow who will support you, if you find Nek's body and give him an amulet you've found by it.
  • Informed Attribute: He is supposed to be influential figure within Old Camp's outer ring, but you don't get to see him actually do anything that would make him as such. He is not a trader nor a teacher, he just gives you a quest.

Another influential shadow who will support you, if you buy an ornate sword from Fisk for him.
  • Informed Attribute: He is supposed to be influential figure within Old Camp's outer ring, but you don't get to see him actually do anything that would make him as such. He is not a trader nor a teacher, he just gives you a quest.
  • Noodle Incident: It is mentioned that something happened between him and Fisk, which resulted in the latter no longer trading with him.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: He likes ornate and flamboyant weapons. Huno the blacksmith thinks of this as girly whims and hates taking orders from him because of it, even though he pays well.

New Camp


The men tasked with protecting the Water Mages are called mercenaries. They are the central group of the New Camp, as they are the only ones who stick together in an otherwise anarchic society.

Lee is the leader of the mercenaries in charge of protecting the water mages and, later, Onar and his farm.
  • Four-Star Badass: Served as a general in King Rhobar II's army.
  • Number Two: He is this to the Nameless Hero in Irdorath, as he is left in charge of the ship while the hero hunts for the remaining enemies.

  • Number Two: Among the mercenaries, he is this to Lee.


The rogues are the ones who get resources for the New Camp by stealing from the other camps. If the hero decides to join the New Camp, he first becomes a rogue.

Lares is the leader of the rogues from the New Camp.
  • Gentleman Thief: He is perhaps the most notable thief in the game. Even so, he is also a diplomat and a gentleman.

Swamp Camp


The ruling body of the Brotherhood of the Sleeper is composed of men known as gurus. Aside from the highest-ranked Y'Berion and Cor Kalom, gurus bear the title of "Baal". Every Baal has a say in new novices getting accepted into the camp.

    Cor Kalom 
Cor Kalom is the second in command of the Swamp Camp. He is also in charge of researching the Sleeper and the one who handles the recruiting.
  • Bald of Evil: Like the rest of the Brotherhood, he is bald. He is also one of the few to turn evil, and the most notable among them.
  • Face–Heel Turn: He pulls one after the summoning of the Sleeper failed. It wasn't revealed, however, until the end of the final chapter.
  • Number Two: According to the Swamp Camp's hierarchy.

The templars are the soldiers of the Brotherhood. Only the best warriors among the novices can attain this rank. Unlike in the case of the other two camps, in which the main military body and the magic practitioners are separate, the templars are usually seen combining physical fighting with magic usage.

Orc Lands

Once a fire mage, Xardas left the Circle of Fire to pursue black magic. He ventured into the orc lands, where he discovered the true cause of the barrier getting out of control.
  • Big Good: He is the one who leads the hero in the final chapters of his quest to break down the barrier and then guides him throughout his quest to stop the dragons.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: He is known as "The Necromancer" and he is a master of the dark arts. Even so, he has the world's best interests at heart and he is the one ultimately guiding the Nameless Hero towards defeating the Sleeper and the dragons.

The Sleeper is a powerful demon and Beliar's chosen. He is the reason the barrier around the Colony got out of control when the mages created it.
  • Big Bad: The final boss of the first game and the reason the barrier got out of control.
  • Evil Is Bigger: Not only is he much larger than the hero, but the largest character in the entire game.
