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Characters / Evillious Chronicles Original Sin Story

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This page is for characters appearing primarily in the Original Sin Story for the Evillious Chronicles.

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     Moonlit Family 

Eve Moonlit

Adam Moonlit
"To me project “Ma” is a heaven-sent chance"

The head scientist of the first Project 'Ma' before its failure, where he then married the first candidate, Eve, and they lived together in the Forest of Held. When Eve one day brought home two fruits she’d stolen from a bear, his reaction was one of shock.

Represented by: KAITO

  • Becoming the Mask: Adam initially only pretends to love Eve, but eventually he genuinely falls in love with her.
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder: Towards not only Seth, but also Gammon, to whom he promised a high position after overthrowing the senate whilst simultaneously plotting to kill him.
  • Elopement: Runs away with Eve to the Forest of Held after Project 'MA' fails.
  • Freudian Excuse: On top of growing up alone and desperately craving maternal affection, his adoptive father was emotionally abusive and kept him completely isolated.
  • Happily Adopted: By Catherine, a former forest spirit who took the form of a whale. Subverted with his adoption by Horus Solnste, who was a manipulative Abusive Parent (and also Seth in disguise despite initially seeming to want to reunite him with his mother).
  • Heel Realization: Realizing his ambition to control the country hurt Eve and contributed to the deaths of her children.
  • Irony:
    • Adam, who entered into Project 'Ma' to get revenge on Seth, ends up collaborating inside the Golden Key with him, willingly or otherwise, for who knows how long.
    • Considers his relationship with Eve a fake, since he knows it's based on the brainwashing drug he gave her. Not realizing that the brainwashing drug doesn't work on Eve at all.
  • Lab Coat Of Science And Medicine: Wears one in his days as a scientist, similar to Seth's.
  • Love Epiphany: After Project 'MA' fails, Adam realizes that his love for Eve is genuine.
  • Love Redeems: Used a brainwashing drug on Eve while pretending to love her and only undertook Project 'MA' to fulfill his own ruthless ambitions, but when he falls in love with Eve for real he decides to give up everything to live with her in the forest.
  • Meaningful Name: Threefold. The name Adam is taken from Adam in Genesis, who was married to Eve and also partook of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge (often shown as apples). Adam is also derived from the Hebrew word for dirt, which relates to Greed’s manifestation of the Soil. Finally, Moonlit refers to the Moonlit Night, and ties into the many moon themes of the series.
  • Momma's Boy: He craved maternal affection all his life. Initially, he had it with the forest spirit Catherine, but Horus tricked him into believing she was evil and trying to deceive him, whilst promising that he'll bring him to meet his real mother, Alice Merry-Go-Round. Unfortunately for Adam, this turned out to be a lie.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: After Eve miscarries, which is due to him tampering with the Gods Seed used to impregnate her, Adam is shocked and horrified at how callously he used her and how he unintentionally drove her to insanity, realizing he did love Eve after all.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: Calling him a "villain" is generous, but him prematurely triggering a Re_Birthday during Master of the Heavenly Yard winds up taking Irina/the Master of the Court and Gammon out of the equation, allowing Allen and Nemesis to focus solely on defeating Ma.
  • No Social Skills: Due to being severely isolated and emotionally neglected since childhood, he's street dumb and has difficulty socializing; he notes how difficult it is for him to be a good boyfriend to Eve because of this, even considering he's using a brainwashing drug on her.
  • Offing the Offspring: Along with Eve, he tries to abandon their adoptive children Hansel and Gretel in the forest.
  • Oh, Crap!: His face when he sees the "fruits" Eve has brought home. It happens again when he sees that Hansel and Gretel found their way back.
  • Parental Abandonment: He and his twin sister were abandoned by their mother, Alice Merry-Go-Round, though not through her own choice; the senator who was in charge of her, Miroku Loop Octopus, had demanded that Seth dispose of both children to protect his own reputation. Seth, being Seth, wanted to see what would happen with the twins and instead decided to make sure both of them survive, adopting Adam for himself and giving his sister to the chief of Nemu, Raiou Zvezda.
  • Raised by Wolves: As a little boy, he was partially raised by a forest spirit named Catherine, who took the form of a whale.
  • Separated at Birth: With his twin sister, Eve.
  • Sharing a Body: At some point after his body is killed by Hansel he ends up inside the Golden Key with Seth, acting as the Demon of Wrath by borrowing Seth's power.
  • Surprise Incest: The Original Sin Story: Crime novel reveals that he and Eve are twins, though neither of them were aware of this.

Click here to see him as the Master of the Graveyard's servant. 
"Hey father, praise me, I defeated the witch's henchman."

The male of a pair of twins that Eve stole from their mother. When their adopted parents left him and his sister to die in the forest, he helps her find their way back and kill the "wicked witch" and her "henchman." At some point after their death, he and Gretel reincarnate continuously until the end times.

Represented by: Kagamine Len

  • Artificial Human: He was created via Project 'MA', a Ghoul Child.
  • Ax-Crazy: Following their abandonment, he takes an unsettling amount of glee in killing the witch's henchman; it's possible that he was an HER due to Seth's involvement. Later on in "Seven Crimes and Punishments" he acts much more stable.
  • Born-Again Immortality: He must die one day like a normal human, but at various points in the series his soul is reborn (though not always with Gretel.) His reincarnations are shown to remember their past lives in varying degrees.
  • The Brute: In Evils Theater, he assists the Master of the Graveyard in the attacking of the intruders.
  • Creepy Child: It doesn't get much creepier than gleefully murdering your adopted father thinking he's an evil witch's assistant.
  • Creepy Twins: Hansel and Gretel are Half-Identical Twins with murderous tendencies who, with only a few exceptions, nearly always end up reincarnating together and are almost always in sync with each other when this happens. This combination makes them more than a little unsettling. In Evils Theater, he and Gretel are always smiling identically like madmen, and are virtually the same in personality. Amusingly, they share their names with another set of murderous creepy twins.
  • Deadpan Snarker: In the end times he provides some pretty dry commentary for the poor choices the protagonist makes.
  • The Ditz: He's noted as being slow and unable to understand his father's woodworking profession; his incarnations also demonstrate lower intelligence.
  • The Dragon: Often his reincarnations turn out like this to his mother figures.
  • Half Identical Twin: With his sister, Gretel. Their appearances aren't based on genetics, but rather the appearance of the Twin Gods they are meant to incarnate.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: In the "Evils Forest" album booklet, it's implied that the Master of the Graveyard shares her meals with her servants.
  • Jerkass: In his and Gretel's sections of "Capriccio Farce", they use irreverent language when referring to other characters, just to hammer in how rude and mean-spirited they are. They call the Master of the Hellish Yard "that jerk"/"that bitch" and Gammon an "insolent fool".
  • Madness Mantra: In "Master of the Graveyard" and "Banica Concerto!!". "Abandoned! Cup! Beg! Crawl! Lose! Back! Lung! Ash!"
  • Meaningful Name: Hansel and Gretel are the names for another set of twins German folklore who were abandoned in the forest, stumbled upon a witch’s house, and eventually burned her in her own oven. Even alludes to this in their song.
  • Missing Child: He was was taken from his mother by a stranger in the dead of night when he was a baby.
  • Motor Mouth: He speaks very quickly in "Capriccio Farce".
  • Nightmare Face: There’s something deeply unsettling about his expression in "Capriccio Farce", the one where his eyes are really wide and his grin spreads from ear to ear...
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: In Evils Theater, he and Gretel are able to capture and subdue many intruders to the theater despite looking like children.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: When he kills Adam, his shadows come alive and do the fighting rather than doing anything himself.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Both twins were for Cain and Abel. Eve was so devastated after losing her children that Adam guesses at first that the reason she kidnapped them was more or less to replace them.
  • Slasher Smile: Through the whole PV of "Capriccio Farce."
  • Spell My Name With An S: His name has inconsistently been written as "Hänsel" by mothy.
  • Split-Personality Merge: A variant. After his final death, he obtains all the memories of all his past lives and in the Hellish Yard, he's able to freely switch between them. He ends up choosing to remain as Pollo rather than Hansel, though, as he has chosen to spend the remainder of his life serving Banica.
  • Undying Loyalty: To his "mother figures", while most likely referring to his original mother, Meta.

Click here to see her as the Master of the Graveyard's servant. 
"Hey mother, praise me, I defeated the wicked witch"

The female of a pair of twins that Eve stole from their mother. When their adopted parents left her and her brother to die in the forest, she helps him find their way back and kill the "wicked witch" and her "henchman." At some point after their death, she and Hansel reincarnate continuously until the end times.

Represented by: Kagamine Rin

  • Artificial Human: A Ghoul Child created via Project 'MA'.
  • Ax-Crazy: Following their abandonment, she takes an unsettling amount of glee in killing the witch; it's possible that she was an HER due to Seth's involvement. Many of her reincarnations follow suit, although later on in "Seven Crimes and Punishments" she acts much more stable.
  • Born-Again Immortality: She must die one day like a normal human, but at various points in the series her soul is reborn (though not always with Hansel.) Her reincarnations are shown to remember their past lives in varying degrees.
  • The Brute: In Evils Theater, she assists the Master of the Graveyard in the attacking of the intruders.
  • Creepy Child: It doesn't get much creepier than gleefully murdering your adopted mother thinking she's an evil witch.
  • Creepy Twins: Hansel and Gretel are Half-Identical Twins with murderous tendencies who, with only a few exceptions, nearly always end up reincarnating together and are almost always in sync with each other when this happens. This combination makes them more than a little unsettling. In Evils Theater, she and Hansel are always smiling identically like madmen, and are virtually the same in personality. Amusingly, they share their names with another set of murderous creepy twins.
  • Half Identical Twin: With her brother, Hansel. This example is not due to genetics—they are intended as incarnations of the Twin Gods Levia and Behemo, who are also this.
  • I'm a Humanitarian: In the "Evils Forest" album booklet, it's implied that the Master of the Graveyard shares her meals with her servants.
  • Jerkass: In her and Hansel's sections of "Capriccio Farce", they use irreverent language when referring to other characters, just to hammer in how rude and mean-spirited they are. They call the Master of the Hellish Yard "that jerk"/"that bitch" and Gammon an "insolent fool".
  • Madness Mantra: In "Master of the Graveyard" and "Banica Concerto!!". "Abandoned! Cup! Beg! Crawl! Lose! Back! Lung! Ash!"
  • Meaningful Name: Hansel and Gretel are the names for another set of twins German folklore who were abandoned in the forest, stumbled upon a witch’s house, and eventually burned her in her own oven. Even alludes to this in their song.
  • Missing Child: She was was taken from her mother by a stranger in the dead of night when she was a baby.
  • Motor Mouth: She speaks very quickly in "Capriccio Farce".
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: In Evils Theater, she and Hansel are able to capture and subdue many intruders to the theater despite looking like children.
  • Powers Do the Fighting: When she kills Eve, her shadows come alive and do the fighting rather than doing anything herself.
  • Replacement Goldfish: Both twins were for Cain and Abel. Eve was so devastated after losing her children that Adam guesses at first that the reason she kidnapped them was more or less to replace them.
  • Slasher Smile: Through the whole PV of "Capriccio Farce."
  • Split-Personality Merge: A variant. After her final death, she obtains all the memories of all her past lives and in the Hellish Yard, she's able to freely switch between them. She ends up choosing to remain as Arte rather than Gretel, though, as she has chosen to spend the remainder of her life serving Banica.
  • Undying Loyalty: To her "mother figures", while most likely referring to her original mother, Meta.

Maria Moonlit

Adam's mother and Prophet Merry-Go-Round, the previous ruler of Magic Kingdom Levianta before Project 'Ma'. She begins everything by prophesying the destruction of the kingdom from the Dark Legacy, "Sin".

Represented by: Hatsune Miku

  • Alice Allusion: Her name as a Queen is Alice Merry-Go-Round, the Queen of the Glass.
  • Benevolent Mage Ruler: The ruler of Magic Kingdom Levianta before Project 'Ma' and a powerful prophet.
  • Foreshadowing: There were a lot of hints to her becoming a reincarnation of Irina/Master of the Court. In particular, her first song, "Queen of the Glass", contains the line "I’m not just a doll, am I?"
  • Hearing Voices: Her prophecy comes as a result of being one of the few humans able to hear Levia and Behemo within the Sin Ark.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: Not only have no actual illustrations of her been released so far, but Original Sin Story: Crime reveals that she hasn't been seen by the public in ages. When Gammon finally does decide to check up on her, he screams in terror, but we aren't told what he's seeing.
  • Lightning Can Do Anything: Apparently learned of her divine parantage from being struck by lightning.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Inverted. It's revealed in Queen of the Glass that she perceives Levia and Behemo as her parents, however, she herself begins doubting it's true by the end of the song.
  • Meaningful Rename: After she became queen, she renamed herself Alice Merry-Go-Round.
  • Past-Life Memories: Following the Court Ending loop, her memories of her past life as Irina become the source of her prophecies.
  • Puppet Queen: She may be the queen of Levianta thanks to her magic power, but the Senate are the ones who are actually in charge of the country.
  • Reincarnation: A complex example. When the Court Ending went into effect, Irina Clockworker, Adam, Eve and Gammon Octo were all caught in a reincarnation time loop. Irina's soul specifically was sent back to the beginning of the Third Period and reincarnated as Maria Moonlit,note . Following the loop, lingering memories from her old life are implied to be the source of Maria's prophecies and she resolves to keep the loop going until she can truly save the world.
  • Seers: Was able to foresee the destruction of the kingdom from the Sin. Though "The Karma of Evil Will Not End" implies that she was actually seeing her past.
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Her prophecy of the kingdom getting destroyed by the Sin lead to the prevention measure of Project 'Ma', which got Elluka killed and Kiril desperate enough to restore the Sin...which then destroys the country.
  • Uncertain Doom: Original Sin Story: Crime implies that Seth did something with her and brainwashed her most trusted advisor into doing most of the work in her stead, hence why she hasn't been seen by the public in ages. Gammon speculates that she died of natural causes and that Seth is hiding her body in the temple. Seth allows Gammon to go see her, and while we don't find out what he discovered, he's noted to scream in horror at what he sees, implying that the state of the queen is worse than what he speculated.
  • Unwitting Pawn: She was one of Levia and Behemo, who gave her the prophecy in the first place.


Meta Salmhofer
"And then, people called me a witch"

The second candidate for Project 'Ma'. Originally a witch who joined a terrorist organization and was arrested; after being saved from execution by a scientist named Seth Twiright, she assists him in his experiment and gives birth to Hansel and Gretel.

Represented by: MEIKO

  • Artificial Human: Remembering she was a Ghoul Child triggered her Heel–Face Turn.
  • The Dragon: Of Pale's criminal organization, Apocalypse, seeing as she's his lover.
  • Freudian Excuse: On top of living a lonely, loveless childhood, Meta was also essentially used as a sex slave by a farmer around the time she turned twenty.
  • Heel–Face Turn: After remembering her loveless background and deciding that she didn't want to subject her children to that.
  • Historical Hero Upgrade: In universe. She was a known criminal who was part of the organization Apocalypse, but a following within the Levin religion worships her as the "Virgin Mother" who gave birth to the Twin Gods, particularly in the town of Calgaround.
  • Hot Witch: Aside from the Red Baron status she gains, she a huge amount of magical power, that makes her a candidate for being Ma.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: All her life she just wished to receive some kind of affection. She finally finds what she was searching for when she escapes with her children and gets to live together with them for a while.
  • Love Makes You Evil: The reason she committed crimes in the first place was because her lover was a killer.
  • Love Redeems: Maternal love prompted her to live a less violent life.
  • Mama Bear: She will do whatever it takes to keep her children happy and safe. Taken to blatant symbolic levels in "Moonlit Bear."
  • Raised in a Lab: Meta was created in a lab by Seth Twiright, and grew up without a mother or father to take care of her. When Seth selected her as the new Ma and she saw the children she bore being tested on, she remembered her loveless childhood, and, not wanting her children to suffer the same fate she did, kidnapped them and ran to the forest to raise them herself.
  • Recruiting the Criminal: She was talked by Seth into joining the Levianta Royal Institute so that she could be Ma, the mother of Gods.
  • Red Baron: The Witch of Merrigod.

Pale Noël

Meta's lover before her recruitment into Project 'Ma' and the head of the criminal organization Apocalypse, an HER fanatically followed by many in Levianta.

Represented by: Hiyama Kiyoteru

  • Artificial Human: Seth actually created him as his first Ghoul Child, making him in the same situation as Meta.
  • Big Bad: He's the leader of a criminal organization called Apocalypse.
  • Criminal Doppelgänger: Very similar to the Head Investigator of the Royal Institute, Seth Twiright.
  • Death of Personality: Pale effectively ceases to exist after Seth "reset" him and moved his soul into another body, who then took on the name "Kiril Clockworker".
  • Long-Lost Relative: Seth's twin brother, and what's more this is actually a cover story; Seth Twiright created Pale with his own DNA. This could apply more accurately to Pale and Seth's other creations, however, such as Meta.
  • Meaningful Name: His name sounds similar to "Pere Noël".
    • With his team themed on the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse, it also refers to the Pale Horse of Death.
  • Red Baron: The Master of Malice
  • Separated at Birth: From Seth, in the narrative of their being twins.
  • Unholy Matrimony: First with Meta, then with Milky.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Invoked, although in the end averted, between him and his twin brother, Seth. He wears black, the other wears white; he leads a terrorist organization, and Seth leads Project MA. Despite their contradictions, however, both are evidently the same vile person at heart.

Milky Eights
"A prostitute drowned in eroticism"

A prostitute who was chosen as one of the four candidates for the seventh Project 'Ma', as well as a former lover of Pale.

Represented by: SF-A2 miki

  • BFS: Her weapon. A Flamberge almost as long as she is tall.
  • Driven to Suicide: During the stress of the seventh project, although really Irina murdered her and made it look like a suicide.
  • Evil Redhead: She dated the leader of Apocalypse, who commits acts of large scale terrorism.
  • Jack of All Stats: She has the most balanced scores out of all the candidates.
  • Recruiting the Criminal: Accepted as a candidate, despite being a criminal, due to Meta's previous success.
  • Unholy Matrimony: Formerly with Pale, the same as Meta.

     Clockworker Family 

Elluka Chirclatia

A priestess with the talent to cure HER and the fiancee of one of her patients, Kiril Clockworker. She ends up becoming one of the candidates for Project Ma, and is subsequently killed by her sister in law, Irina.

Represented by: Megurine Luka

  • Back for the Finale: She returns in the Clockwork Lullaby album booklet, reuniting with Kiril at last.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Showed this towards Irina, her future sister-in-law, before their falling out, vowing to protect her during the Project 'Ma' candidacy.
  • Cain and Abel: The trope applies despite Irina just being her sister in law. She's murdered by Irina after vowing to protect her—stabbed in the back no less.
  • Dead All Along: The woman known as Elluka Clockworker was just Levia inhabiting Elluka Chirclatia's dead body and carrying her memories around.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect: Fell in love with Kiril after healing him for HER in he temple.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: Has golden hair, as well as being virginal and pure enough to be a temple priest who heals HER (despite being banned from it later).
  • Happily Married: To Kiril, in the end.
  • Hot Witch: As a candidate of Ma she has definite magical talent, as well as being extremely attractive.
  • Noodle Incident: She ends up getting banned from the temple where she works for "misconduct", although it's not stated what that is.

Kiril Clockworker

"Oh Elluka. What should I do?"

Called simply "The Clockworker", an artisan well loved for his music boxes. He was the fiancé of Elluka and the older brother of Irina, loving them very much and supportive of their being chosen for Project 'Ma.' After things go south, so does this mental health.

Represented by: Hiyama Kiyoteru

  • Artificial Human: A "ghoul" child, like Meta Salmhofer; both were created by Seth to spread HER.
  • The Atoner: The reason he starts making more music boxes that could move karma forward was to atone for the Levianta Catastrophe.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Losing both Elluka and Irina.
  • Despair Speech: Part of the Original Sin Story -Act 2- booklet has him making one of these about how doomed the country looks and how he was so very wrong about his sister.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: The booklet for the Clockwork Lullaby album reveals that he ultimately earned his. He regains his sanity and is contracted by TALOS to continue making music boxes and through this journey, he is reunited with the real Elluka and the two are finally married. After the Third Period ends and his work is done, Kiril and Elluka set off somewhere together, bidding TALOS farewell. That said, he still lost Irina.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect: He fell in love with the priestess Elluka after she cured him of his HER in the Temple.
  • Happily Married: With Elluka, when all is said and done.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Although originally an HER and just as wicked as Pale, Elluka is able to treat his HER and put it into a remission of sorts.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Best known for his music boxes. The Clockwork Lullaby booklet also reveals that he created the music boxes that played the Clockwork Lullaby songs.
  • Hearing Voices: After Elluka's death, he believes he hears her voice telling him to put her in the Sin. It's actually Levia's voice.
  • Smart People Wear Glasses: Just like Seth, he has a powerful intellect but weak eyes.
  • Tempting Fate: He declared himself the most blessed man in the world for being able to live alongside his sister and fiancée. It didn't last.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Started the Levianta Catastrophe trying to revive Elluka.
  • Unwitting Pawn: He was just being used by Levia to help her and Behemo escape from the Sin Ark.

Irina Clockworker

     Other Leviantans 

Gammon Loop Octopus

See also: Gammon Octo

One of the commanding members of the Senate's security forces and a member of the Loop Octopus Family. He's plotting to rebel against the Senate and as such, assists Adam in his plans.

Represented by: Camui Gackpo

  • The Alcoholic: Many of his discussions with Adam take place in a local bar.
  • Dreaming of Things to Come: As a Loop Octopus family member, Gammon has Rahab's purple dream ability.
  • Jerkass: Is noted to be a bit rude, and Eve at least doesn't find him very personable.

Seth Twiright

Ly Li
"A noblewoman haughty with arrogance"

An aristocrat who was chosen as one of the four candidates for the seventh Project 'Ma'.

Represented by: Lily

  • Blue Blood: An aristocrat with a family deeply involved in the Seventh Project 'Ma'
  • Ojou: She's treated with the most care and respect out of the other candidates because of her noble connections.
  • Death by Falling Over: Presumed to have accidentally fallen off a cliff. But in reality she was almost certainly pushed by Irina.
  • Dual Wielding: Her weapons were two very familiar Twin Blades.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Her only art has her making a sour or annoyed expression.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections!: How she was able to enter Project 'Ma', despite her failure to satisfy the M=170 minimum. Also doubles as Screw the Rules, I Have Money!, since her family heavily funded Project 'Ma'.
