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Characters / Elfslayer Chronicles

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The anonymous poster of the Elfslayer Chronicles. A human illusionist wizard who kicked off the plot (and derailed the intended plot) by killing his kingdom's prince and blaming said prince's elf lover for the crime. He then spent the rest of the chronicles executing an Xanatos Gambit to make sure that the blame could not be laid on him.

  • The Alcoholic: Several of his plans rely on getting (or pretending to get) stinking drunk.
  • Big Bad: Comments that he appears to be becoming this.
  • Bury Your Gays: He's the cause of said burying. Although their homosexuality wasn't the primary reason he killed them, the human kingdom (which OP is from) is rather homophobic, and OP notes that part of his motivation would be to hide the prince bringing shame to the Royal Family by engaging in homosexual relations.
  • The Chessmaster: He can play with the best of them.
  • Exact Words: A master of using these to get around the Discern lies spell.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: He doesn't really have anything against other races, and his Dragon is half-orc.
  • Familiar: A book imp, which served as a body double in several of his plots.
  • Gone Horribly Right: After being told over and over again that the humans in this setting were hidebound homophobic warmongers, he decided that meant that he, as a human, would have no reason to want to play along with the DM's plan to stop the war.
  • Guile Hero: Oh, so much. He's been called a wizard version of Light Yagami.
  • Heart Is an Awesome Power: He's an illusionist, which would be suboptimal for a hack-and-slash campaign, but is absolutely invaluable for being the killer in a murder mystery.
  • Holding the Floor: Makes use of this in the later stages of the campaign, subtly dicking around and wasting time in order to run out the clock on spells like Speak With Dead and Raise Dead without anyone realizing it.
  • Humans Are Bastards: Ruined the DM's game by not being an exception to the rule.
  • Master of Illusion: Illusionist Wizard, which serves him well when he needs alibis or to plant evidence. He hides it, though, so that suspicion won't fall on him.
  • No Name Given: Is known only as OP.
  • Patriotic Fervor: He's very patriotic, which is part of his motive for murdering the prince.
  • Sympathetic Murderer: Downplayed, but he does have decent in-character reasons for killing the prince, and out of character he's sympathetic because he's rebelling against an extreme case of Can't Argue with Elves.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: Pretty much textbook example. After being repeatedly told that the humans in this setting were hidebound homophobic warmongers, he basically said, "Fine, then I'll be the best Magnificent Bastard of a hidebound homophobic warmonger this world has ever seen."
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: His in-character motive for murdering the prince and keeping the war against the elves going was because the war was good for his kingdom.
  • Xanatos Gambit: Turned the whole campaign into one.

The Half-Orc

A fairly mercenary female half-orc ranger who was complicit in OP's schemes. Went above and beyond to give herself an alibi for the night of the murder.

Bali and Baldin, the Rumbling Brothers

Dwarven identical twin brothers who brofisted all the time and had a theme song. Bali was a bard, and Baldin was a fighter. Their backstory was that Bali had a childhood illness that left him physically frail, while Baldin's active military lifestyle has left him with little time to develop his brother's social graces.

  • Be as Unhelpful as Possible: Went out of their way to mess with the elves trying to investigate the prince's death, including using their contrasting Charisma scores to confuse the elves' Lie Detector spells as detailed below.
  • Elves vs. Dwarves: They would constantly make up outrageous lies during the investigation just to mess with the elf casting Discern Lies. One brother (presumably Bali) had insanely high charisma and could fool the spell, and one had insanely low charisma and could not. One would make up an outrageous story, and the other would confirm it, which would give a positive and then a negative on their truthfulness.
    OP: Dwarves just love to make elves suffer.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same: They would constantly make up bits of dwarven culture.
  • No Name Given: Inverted. They are the only characters in the Elfslayer Chronicles' Nameless Narrative who do have their names given.
  • Spoony Bard: Bali.
  • Squishy Wizard: Bali, although he's a bard, not a wizard. He's rather weak as the result of a childhood illness.
  • Those Two Guys: They don't directly help OP in his plots, but they're on his side and they spend most of the investigation messing with the investigators, although that has more to do with Elves vs. Dwarves.
  • Troll: As detailed in Elves vs. Dwarves, they spent most of the investigation telling lies to mess with the Living Lie Detector clerics who were investigating.

The Tiefling/Weeaboo

A tiefling swordmage who was the only player on the DM's side. Hated OP for ruining the campaign and had problems keeping OOC knowledge out of the game.

  • Calling Your Attacks: Shouts his attack names out loud as part of his animesque shtick.
  • The Dragon: If you consider OP the hero and the DM the villain, then he is this, as the only player against OP.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: His Irrational Hatred for OP and sympathy for the murder suspect (the Royal Guard) means that it's rather easy for OP to pin blame on him.
  • Irrational Hatred: In-character, he hates OP and tries to get him killed, despite having no good reason too.
  • Meta Guy: Suspects OP of the murder and dislikes him, despite having no in-character reason to think so.
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: OP calls him "weeaboo", which is an insulting name for a Japan fangirl/boy.
  • Shout-Out: Is described as having ripped off several anime characters.
  • Spanner in the Works: He tries to be the spanner to OP's plans, but so far he's only really succeeded in drawing suspicion to himself.
  • Token Good Teammate / Token Evil Teammate: He's the only player to side with the DM, which could be good or bad depending on which side you're on.

The Artificer

A human artificer who didn't really have much to do with the story. She apparently had a habit of going contrary to the party's plans, but given that she plays such a small role, we really don't get to see much of it.
  • Action Girl: A high level PC.
  • Demoted to Extra: She's a player character, so she must have had a big role in the campaign earlier, but she just doesn't do much during the story.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Part of being an Artificer.
  • The Generic Guy: As a result of not having much of a role. The only thing we have on her personality is what OP tells us, as all we actually know about her is that she had an alibi for the night of the crime and didn't witness anything.
  • Informed Attribute: OP says that she's a contrary sort, but since she doesn't really do anything, we don't get to see it.

OP's Familiar

OP's book imp familiar. While not really a party member, she is connected to OP and is an integral part of his plots, usually as a body double.
  • Body Double: OP uses his illusions to disguise her as whoever is needed. She has stood in for both him and the royal guard at different times.
  • Death Is Cheap: She's a familiar, so she can be easily brought back. This is one reason that OP didn't hesitate to kill her as part of his plot.
  • Familiar: No duh.
  • Teleportation with Drawbacks: As a familiar, whenever she gets too far away from OP, she teleports back. OP uses this in his scheme to kill the Royal Guard.
  • Telepathy: OP has a feat that allows him to speak with her telepathically.
  • Undying Loyalty: She's perfectly loyal to OP.
  • The Voiceless: Isn't known to have spoken.

    Elven Kingdom/NPCS 

The Prince

Prince of the human kingdom and the person the PCs were supposed to be rescuing. The human king had declared war on the elves when they supposedly killed him, but really the elves had taken him in after he had a hunting accident and healed him. He was in a gay relationship with the captain of the guard.
  • Author Appeal: His homosexuality.
  • Damsel in Distress: His role, pretty much. The DM made him very low-level so the party and his Elvish lover could get to save him. This backfired, as it made it very easy for OP to kill him.
  • Homophobic Hate Crime: Part of the reason that OP killed him was so that his homosexuality wouldn't shame the royal family, as the human kingdom was homophobic. The other reason is the GM kept trying to strongarm the OP into a threesome with the Prince and Captain.
  • Plot-Triggering Death: More like Plot Derailing Death, as his murder by OP is what turned the plot from 'bring the prince home to stop the war' to a murder mystery.
  • Uke: his role in his and the Guard Captain's relationship.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Doesn't get any real characterization before he's killed.

The Guard Captain

An Eladrin swordmage who was the captain of the elvish guard and the Prince's lover. OP framed him for the prince's murder and killed him to prevent him testifying.

  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Referred to as 'the Guard Captain' and 'the Royal Guard'.
  • He Knows Too Much: Killed by OP to prevent him from giving testimony that might interfere with OP's plan.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Seems to be a decent sort who really loved the prince, but due to OP's machinations, the Elven Kingdom ended up thinking that he killed the Prince after a quarrel and then tried to kill OP.
  • Magic Knight: A swordmage.
  • Manly Tears: Cries when he discovers that the Prince is dead.
  • Our Elves Are Different: Is one of the Eladrin, fey ancestors to the elves (the elves are the ones who ran to the material world after a civil war, losing much of their fey powers, while the Eladrin stayed and are now a Vestigial Empire).
  • Seme: His role in his and the Prince's relationship.
  • Teleporters and Transporters: Could teleport.

The Eye of Blight

A sentient, evil artifact that was once a magical weapon of execution. Tossed in OP's way by the DM. OP promptly buried it and has been ignoring its temptations ever since.

  • Artifact Domination: Defied. OP makes sure to only handle it with a shovel in case it can do this.
  • Artifact of Doom: The area around it when it was first found was blackened and withered, and it used to be a magical execution weapon.
  • Artifact of Attraction: In a way. It's able to pull OP to the garden where it's at, and later sends him dreams promising him everything the DM thinks he wanted.
  • The Corruption: Represents the forces of decay in the natural cycle, and can rot anyone who holds it away, which is how it was used to execute people.
  • Deal with the Devil: It's promised OP power, wealth, and a host of other things in exchange for wielding it. Of course, OP hasn't taken it up on the offer.
  • Dream Weaver: Sends OP dreams in which it promises everything that the DM thinks OP wants.
  • Evil Is Not a Toy: Defied by OP. One of the reasons he won't have anything to do with it is that he fears (not without reason) that a sentient magical artifact called the Eye of Blight is the sort of thing that will screw its wielder over.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: The Eye of Blight.
  • Obviously Evil: Gets a Lampshade Hanging by OP.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: Of a sort. It doesn't seem to be able to do much without a wielder, and OP buried it almost as soon as he found it.


Residents of the Elven Kingdom, which includes both elves and eladrin. They are currently under attack by the Human Kingdoms after a misunderstanding involving the Prince.

  • Author Appeal: Their whole society and belief systems reflect the DM's beliefs.
  • Author Filibuster: The DM apparently "harped on endlessly" about how much better their beliefs were than those of humans.
  • Can't Argue with Elves: They're pretty much better than the humans in every way but military power. They're peaceful, crime is rare, they don't have a death penalty, they're not materialistic, they're tolerant of homosexuality, and they're egalitarian enough to let their princess play with peasant children.
  • Cultural Posturing: All the time.
  • Damsel in Distress: The elven kingdom has very little military power, as they were supposed to be the innocent victims of the evil humans.
  • Due to the Dead: They don't resurrect their dead, preferring to "let their heroes rest in peace".
  • Fantastic Racism: Interestingly enough, they seem to suffer from this. While the humans are Equal-Opportunity Evil (because the party was from the Human Kingdom, and didn't want to all play humans), there are only elf variants in their kingdom. OP also says that they have a superiority complex and notes, as part of his reason for not attempting to save the elves, that trading with them wouldn't be profitable, as they would "only condescend to give us artisan-goods that we don't really need".
  • Our Elves Are Different: The D&D variant of elves, with some eladrin thrown in for good measure.

    The DM 

The DM

Dungeon Master of the Elfslayer Chronicles, described as a "yaoi fangirl with an elf fetish". OP ruined her planned campaign with his murder of the Prince, and to her credit, she decided to roll with it instead of going Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies.
