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Characters / Drawga Allies

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Drawga characters who aren't strictly members of the LBC, but still join their adventure party.

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     Demon Johnny 

Demon Johnny
Demon Johnny, in his holographic form.

     Jonathan the Skull 

Jonathan the Skull
Jonathan, in the middle of his singing session.

  • Canon Immigrant: Originated in the same Drawfee Break two-parter as the Ladies Book Club.
  • Like Brother and Sister: Has this relationship with Ryjinah, as they mtually agreed that they would be Better as Friends.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. Jonathan and Johnny have variations of the same name, and are both skull sidekicks, to boot.
  • Pungeon Master: He constantly makes skeleton-related jokes.
  • Put on a Bus: Leaves the Ladies Book Club — along with Bonerecar — to go with Francis at the end of Season Two.
  • Reset Button: After acting as one of Ryjinah's shoulder pauldrons for almost half the season, he is restored to his skull staff form for his face-off against the Devourer.


Boneregard, post-mustache, pre-truck form.

  • Animal Mecha: AllBlart ends up merging him with the truck from Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing, turning him into "Bigrigard" or "Bonerecar".
  • The Dead Can Dance: Ryjinah creates him as a dancing skeleton (out of some bones and a goat skull) to distract Gus while she steals beer from his bar.
  • Put on a Bus: Leaves the Ladies Book Club — along with Jonathan — to go with Francis at the end of Season Two.
  • Skeletons in the Coat Closet: Boneregard — or at least the skull which would later be used to create him — was worn as a mask by the man who brought Puccanici's box into Darryl's lab.
  • Spontaneous Mustache: Is eventually given one, thanks to an item which can put a mustache on anything.

     Paul Blart 

Paul Blart
The poster to the supposed third Paul Blart movie.

     Jeffers "Jeffy Longlegs" 

Jeffers "Jeffy Longlegs"
Jeffers the First, in his second form.

A spider gifted by Carol to Legzi because of the latter's love of legs.

  • Suddenly Voiced: Suddenly starts to talk in episode 13 of Season Two, in an impression of George Takei, no less.
  • Super Mode: With the help of her second and last D.E.N.N.I.S. dallop, Legzi transformation Jeffers into a Jabberwock-like creature to fight Fat Pikachu.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Initially just a normal-sized spider, after the mid-season character design overhaul he grows as big as Legzi, giving her the ability to ride him and him the nickname "Jeffy Longlegs."

     Jeffers 2 

Jeffers 2
Jeffers 2, carrying the heart of the Pear Bear.

A moth summoned by Legzi to aid her in her fight against the pear bear.

  • No Body Left Behind: He simply dissolves into dust upon death.
  • Noodle Incident: He somehow had time to commit some terrible deeds — entirely offscreen —during his very short life.


Gone but not forgotten... probably.

  • Boring, but Practical: DM Caldwell Tanner describes him as such, though he's apparently not practical enough for Legzi...
  • The Bus Came Back: Returns in Season Three following his "resurrection" as a physical box the players use for special dice rolls.
  • The Chosen One: Baby Gus claims that Boxy may have been fated to bring peace to the world, making his disposal even more of a Nice Job Breaking It, Hero moment. For what it's worth, he does show up again towards the end of Season Two to help take down the Final Boss.
  • Creating Life Is Unforeseen: Subverted. Boxy was seemingly created when Legzi threw Pucconici's empty box and the ashes of Jeffers 2 into a wending machine. Turns out that she merely traded those for him.
  • Day-Old Legend: Has a whole backstory and established relationships with other characters, despite having — for gameplay purposes — just been crafted out of a pair of items.
  • Easily Forgiven: Boxy has not hard feelings whatsoever for Legzi despite her murdering him. In fairness, this makes a lot more sense when it turns out that he never really died.
  • Flying Car: Serves as something akin to this, though since the space within him is father limited, he can only take multiple passengers if they form a Human Ladder.
  • Kill It with Fire: Is seemingly incinerated after being put back into his machine.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Exaggerated. He's only alive for a little over two minutes before Legzi trades him for a lasso, killing him instantly. ... or at least, that's how it seems.

     Parker the Cat 

Parker the Cat
The runt of the litter.

  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Decides to leave his family and come along with the Ladies Book Club because they don't bully him the way his own siblings do.
  • Be the Ball: The poor little kitten was only allowed to particular in his siblings' baseball mathes if he agreed to be used as a ball.
  • Computer is: Turns out to be one. Sadly, he also frequents "the worst parts of Reddit."
  • Death by Childbirth: His biological mother died giving birth to him, which is why his siblings all have a low opinion of him.
  • Dumb Is Good: Said to be the kindest and the dumbest of CatGoddess99's ninetynine children.
  • Fanboy: Of both musicals and baseball. For this reason, Ryjinah gives him a baseball bat made out of the Bones of Ratatoskr.
  • Flanderization: He's initially introduced as someone who simply makes poor decisions at the voting boot. This was then expanded to writing controversial posts on social media, gaining a following amongst older people with "problematic opinions", and finally inspiring said followers to start rallies! Basically, the whole #I'mWithParker movement went way out of hand to say the least...
  • Forgotten Birthday: As of it wasn't bad enough to be stuck in the world's largest tree, it also happened to be his birthday, and nobody remembered. note 
  • Identity Impersonator: Parker — along with all other voting cats — had to assume the identity of a diseased person to vote, as cat years are not legally recognised.
  • Overshadowed by Controversy: In-Universe, he is notorious for the causes he tends to vote for in the polls (mostly out of ignorance) such as higher gas prices and less money spent om education.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Gets a lot of Character Development and becomes a far nicer, more compassionate person after being mentored by Rah'ōxah.
  • The Unfavorite: Not particularly well-respected by his siblings. The Ladies Book Club — Ryjinah especially — only treat him moderately better.
  • The Unintelligible: Speaks only in grunts. It's not clear if this is a personal quirk of his or if this is the case with all cats in Somewherica. Caldwell mentions him talking about politics, so he has to be saying something.
  • Your Approval Fills Me with Shame: Even before having a proper Heel–Face Turn, he has no interest in attending the #I'mWithParker rallies.

     Parker the Pony 

Parker the Pony
Useless within the world of Drawga, but it can open bottles and is shaped like a horse.

  • Heel–Face Turn: You wouldn't know it from talking to him now, but he used to be a huge Jerkass who was cursed into the form of a bottle opener by a wizard as penance for biting him.
  • Joke Item: He's a normal bottle opener. An elaborate, very good bottle opener mind you, but still...
  • Odd Friendship: Legzi gets along great with him once he turns back to his true form and immediately starts goofing around with him. Ryjinah allows her to keep the pony, as she just finds him obnoxious now, and he's just the right size for Legzi to ride on, anyway.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. Ryjinah names him Parker despite the gang already having a cat companion by that name.
    Jacob Andrews: Parker likes Parker, but Parker doesn't like Parker.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Attempts to weaken Allhands by injecting Ludvig's younger self with Anti-Demon Juice, only for it to accidentally [[(Death Is Cheap and temporarily)]] kill Ludvig instead, creating a new timeline in which Allhands and QuestLy are more powerful.

     Bones McGee 

Bones McGee
Verified Vertibral Verbalist.

  • 11th-Hour Ranger: Is introduced in the second-to-last episode of the show.
  • Satellite Character: Ryjinah summons him specifically to be her personal hype man.
  • Token Evil Teammate: He offers to kill Legzi (Ryjinah forbids it, of course) and became involved in organized crime in Allhands' alternate timeline.

     Dowsing Rodney 

Dowsing Rodney
He does what he can, for that's all he knows.

  • 11th-Hour Ranger: Even more so than Bones McGee. He only appears in the series finale.
  • Fish out of Water: Right after his creation, no less. His power is to find water, but he's confined to a dimension which is seemingly out of water.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Downplayed. His powers seem completely useless in the particular situation he appears in... until he manages to find a geisher and blast Allhands with it. It's not quite enough to actually take him down, though.
  • Ring of Power: The Ring of Random Power was meant to be this, but Rah'ōxah combines it with the life-granting Eyes of Googellion to create a new, "superpowered" character.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Basically disappears after drowsing Allhands and isn't accounted for later.
