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Characters / Collective Card Game

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The Realm Inhabitants

Each Realm's inhabitants and world have really specific features. Realms listed in alphabetical order.
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One of the first Realms to be designed. Populated by [[Tin-Can Robots]], who have built a new world for themselves on the ruins of an old civilization.
  • Implied Holocaust: Who made the robots, or what happened to them, is entirely unknown. But they seem to have been entirely wiped out.
  • Nature-Loving Robot: Ironlady Rika is protrayed holding a flower, in a field of them.
  • Robotic Assembly Lines: Assembly Line. This one is both manned by robots, and creating robots.

A Techno Dystopia Cyberpunk Realm. The world is run by an evil Megacorp, that is opposed by the rebellious N 3 ON crew.

A recently industrialized world that has fallen to Eldritch Abomination Titans and their Cultists and Horrors.
  • Meaningful Name: Aych'piel is pronounced HPL, referencing Lovecraft
  • Cosmic Horror Story: The world of Aych'piel is very much rooted in Lovecraftian Horror influences and themes. Though surpringly downplayed, compared to Walnach and Degenesis, possibly moving it into LovecraftLite territory.

This Realm answers the eternal question of "What if Arthurian Mythos, but frogs"?
  • Castof Expies: Nearly all of the cards are Frog versions of Arthurian characters. (King Arthur as King Croaker)
  • Punny Name: Almost all of the cards. (Morgan Le Fay as Moorgan Le Frog)
  • Frog Men: Every Inhabitant of the Realm. How anthropomorphic they are varies wildly from card to card.
  • Non-Mammal Mammaries: Both Lady of the Pond and Moorgan le Frog.

A Cosmic Horror world created by the Dreamer's dreams. An insane world of madness and surreal imagery.

A Baroque-inspired world set on a Sentient planet, that expels demons from its interior to exterminate its inhabitants. Also, Vampires exist.
  • God Is Displeased: In this case, the planet itself. It wants revenge against its inhabitants for stealing its heart for their rituals.
  • Fully-Embraced Fiend: The Court of Sangwald are implied to have accepted their Vampiric nature rather than trying to fight it.
  • Blood Bath: Vampiric Bloodpriest is washing his hands in blood.

An earth-like planet where all the inhabitants are plants, some of which are sapient.
  • Plant Person: Many of this Realm's inhabitants. In the most extreme example, Giddy Gardener is somehow a plant that looks exactly like a human.
  • Self-Duplication: Some of the plants have this ability.
  • Clone Degeneration: Smaller, or imperfect, clones are a common element of this realm.
  • Punny Name: D.N.Agriculture, D.N.Onion.

A world of deserts and rocky badlands, populated by a variation on the classic Wanderstar tribes. The Dunewalker Feowyn and the Lizathep Lizabo are the main two groups.

A world populated by [[The Fair Folk]].
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Brightlings act as the more energetic Red Oni to the Moonlings' more calm Blue Oni. The colors even match.
  • The Fair Folk: Faeries are the main leaders of this world.
  • Our Fairies Are Different: They're split in two groups, Brightlings and Moonlings. They use Magic as their main weapon.
  • Spark Fairy: Flame Tongue.

A world of goofy, immortal goblins, and brutal warlike Vrotk murderbots
  • Our Goblins Are Different: Unlike most fantasy goblins, Parodus Goblins are happy, harmless goofballs. They have large heads and bright colored skin. They are immortal, and have no clear goals for what to do with their long lives.
  • Affectionate Parody: The Goblin cards are usually parodies of other existing cards. (Terrible Drawer, has Greg, Great Drawer as it's Goblin Parody). The name, Parodus, comes from this.

     Seal of Elementary 
A world held together by the Elemental Artifacts. The Four Elemental Sister control it.
  • Elemental Powers: Each of the Sisters control one of the Four Classic Elements.
  • Elements of Nature: Water, Fire, Earth, Air
  • Color Coded Elements: Uses the Four Affinities to represent the four Elements. Fire is Strength/Red, Water is Mind/Blue, Air is Spirit/Green, Earth is Neutral/Gray.
  • Elemental Embodiment: Most of the inhabitants are Elementals.

A european medieval fantasy world, with a weird focus on Garlic Bread.

Realm of Sapient Spiders.
  • Spider People: Varying levels of how human they are. Princess Fidelma is almost entirely human, whereas Longleg Patrician is just a regular spider.

     Terra- 4891 
A Realm similar to Earth in the 2010s/20s, but where a species of mutant humanoids are part of an ancient conspiracy to control humanity as a whole.

The Heroes

The playable Heroes in Collective

Something about Heldim
