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YMMV / Monster Hunt

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  • Complete Monster: Lord Ge Qian Hu is the regional warlord and owner of the Heaven Restaurant. Disgusted by the Monster Hunter Bureau's fall into obscurity and wishing to revitalize it, Hu places a bounty on the Monster Queen's unborn child, relishing in the potential chaos that would ensue. Discovering that monsters were hiding in the Yongying Village, he captures the monsters, and takes them to his restaurant, where his employees would cook them into several dishes. Hu intended to eat the young monster king, Wuba, only to be stopped by Tianyin and Xiaolan. Taking Xiaolan and Tianyin's grandmother hostage, Hu gives Tianyin the option of either giving him the baby before he stopped counting, or to let both of his loved ones die a gruesome death. As the Monster King, he was responsible for orchestrating a civil war, and disguised himself as a human in order to eradicate the remnants of the old king's supporters. Hypocritical and having a taste for power, Ge wished to suppress his fellow monsters and humans alike.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Why yes, the story of this movie is awfully reminiscent of Undertale
