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YMMV / Masque of the Red Death

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Dracula is one of the eldest and mightiest of the Red Death's servants. As Vlad the Impaler, Dracula subjected 100,000 Turkish soldiers to the stake, and his appetite for suffering was so great that he put entire villages to the sword, with men, women and children impaled and left to suffer for hours in agony. As a vampire, Dracula, who has killed so many in Transylvania that the region suffers from a population problem, later emerges to do the same to other regions. Happily turning the loved ones of his enemies, Dracula savors watching them trying to kill one another after, and is a vicious predator as either man or undead.
    • Delphine LaLaurie is initially presented as a charming socialite in New Orleans's French Quarter. In truth, Delphine was a Serial Killer who focused on her slaves, having countless innocents tortured and murdered with the "lucky" ones having eyes or tongues removed. After being driven from Louisiana by a mob, Delphine moves from region to region, mentally dominating her own family into participating in her actions and always aiming for areas where she has fresh access to servants who can never please her, long before she proceeds to torture and slaughter them as well.
