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YMMV / Diamondbolt

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  • Heartwarming Moments:
    • Whenever opening fan mail, Adam always sincerely thanks his viewers for the letters and packages and will not hesitate to compliment the sender's writing and/or art.
    • The backstory behind the creation of "Equestria Invasion" shared in "My Old Animations 2", where Adam created the PowerPoint story as a means to make it up to one of his friends, whom he had been an asshole towards for a while over them being a brony. He realized that this behavior was dumb and pointless, especially from a so-called "friend", and tried to atone for it using what he was into (making PowerPoint presentations) to create a project with his friend's interests. He firmly states that there is nothing wrong with being into My Little Pony, and that no one should have a problem with it.
      Adam: You shouldn't have to hide your interests for fear of being judged. That is a lesson I learned way too late after giving my friend so much shit for it.
    • His entire "Dealing with Insecurities" video is a mix of both this and Tear Jerker. Adam goes into a lot of the negative feelings he's felt when making his videos, but also shares his strategies to deal with them. These insecurities and cognitive bias affect everyone and while you may feel like what you're doing isn't important or even worth it, keeping track of your progress and appreciating the best of what you are able to do at that moment can take you a long way. Your projects may not hold up within a few years, but it was the best you could do at that time, and you've likely gotten even better since then. In other words, avoid comparing yourself to others, and instead compare yourself to yourself. Don't let those who want to drag you down do so, and you don't need validation to feel proud of what you do.
      Adam: A lot of people will tell you that it doesn't matter what other people think. No, no. It does. It really does. Because if it doesn't, then... why should I listen to you? It DOES matter what other people think, but you shouldn't have to rely on validation to feel good about yourself, and what other people say shouldn't change how you look at yourself. Fight those voices. You ARE a good person. You ARE worthy of love. You DESERVE to be happy. You ARE loved. You ARE unique. YOU. ARE. BEAUTIFUL.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: In his video "The Sonic Movie Poster is HORRIBLE", he makes some predictions over how the movie will play out. At one point, he jokes that Shadow the Hedgehog will appear at the end to tease a sequel. While it doesn’t happen at the end of the first movie, the second movie does actually tease Shadow in the mid-credits scene.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Erky Perky served as a recurring joke in his earlier videos.
    • The Piraka Rap also comes up from time to time.
    • SEX Explanation 
