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  • Demonic Spiders: Mr. Tea is often considered one of the hardest killers to face. He can use a gun like the YFA, but unlike the latter his bullets can go through walls and have no range limit. Tea is also the only character with no range limit on his sight. Because of this, it's common for the player to be randomly sniped by him from across the map with little warning.
  • Fridge Brilliance: Why does the lightning in the thunderstorm event target Dave? Because his head is a block of metal.
  • Good Bad Bugs:
    • Because their attacks are programmed to be One-Hit Kill instead of actually dealing damage, dying to the Test or Rox still allows the escape artist bonus, offering some coins for the player's trouble.
    • Because of an oversight in the coding for their movement, the Cuddly Cutlery actually have their speed reduced when edgy instead of increased.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One of the game's killers is a Robot Girl named Megan Mechie. A month after her debut, another killer robot named Megan would grace audiences.
  • Scrappy Mechanic:
    • The Random Events are, well, random, and there's usually no way to control or even predict if one will occur until the player is inside a round. While this allows the player to experience some of the more interesting events like Proto-Nitemare or Wails in the Night, it can also screw them over should you be unlucky enough to have one like Troll Toll or Dave's Demotivation.
    • Losing in a level will subtract 100 schmeckles from your total. Meanwhile, besides bonuses you receive the same amount of schmeckles for winning, even though it's hard to. With most cosmetics costing 1000+ schmeckles, the average player will have nothing for their entire early game, and that's not considering the aforementioned Random Events that make winning even harder.
      • As of the Helping Hand update, losing schmeckles on death has been removed, mitigating this problem.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Edgy Dave provides an interesting concept as his design is unique and he has a strikingly different personality to "normal" Dave. Unfortunately, he's the only unique edgy character, with every other one being a Palette Swap that acts identically to their regular counterpart. Most edgy variants even use pitched down versions of the regular character's audio in lieu of having their own.
