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YMMV / Abby Hatcher

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  • Friendly Fandoms: Fans of this show seem to get along with fans of True and the Rainbow Kingdom. Supporting this is Michela Luci (voice of Princess Flug) voices True in that show.
  • Ho Yay: The recurring characters Allen and Jeffery are all but stated to be a gay couple. This is further attributed to in "Bozzly and the Baby" when they ask Abby and Bozzly to watch "their" niece.
  • Moe: Just about every Fuzzly, especially Bozzly, falls into this. Abby also displays this behavior.
  • They Changed It, Now It Sucks!: The Theme Tune for season 2, now with different lyrics than before, has gained this reaction with fans who think that the change was just unnecessary and off-putting. One can only assume they wanted to drift away from the "Fuzzly Catcher" subtitle.
