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Web Video / The Phobos Saga

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The Loop Continues To Spin.

The Phobos Saga is a name given to Hyper RPG's horror-themed tabletop universe. It was created by Zac Eubank, and is hosted on the Twitch and YouTube pages of Hyper RPG. Each series is an Actual Play web video series.

It started with Ten Candles, which used the Ten Candles Tabletop RPG system. Before the completion of Ten Candles, they decided to create a spin-off, The Kids on Bikes Playtest. After that ended, they started Kollok 1991, and revealed in this series that all three take place in an infinite-spanning Multiverse.

The entire Saga can be found on YouTube.

Shows set in The Phobos Saga:

  • Ten Candles: An anthology series where weird and horrible things happen in a crazy and nightmarish world. The series consisted of 36 episodes within 11 volumes.
  • Kids On Bikes Playtest: Initially a one-shot to learn how to use the new Kids on Bikes system, but then became a full-fledged ten-episode series of its own.
  • Kollok 1991: It takes place in an alternate universe to Ten Candles and in the early 90s.

Tropes found in all of these shows:

  • Anyone Can Die: One bad roll can end it all, even in the first episode of a series/volume.
  • All Deaths Final: If the character dies, they and their player are gone for the rest of the series/volume.
  • Audience Participation: The series runs on audience donations. There are incentives and rewards to help or hinder the players in each game, and these donations have changed the story in major ways on many occasions.
  • Canon Welding: Are You Afraid of the Dark? takes place in the Multiverse.
  • Continuity Creep: Even before the reveal of a multiverse. Lucas from the Kids on Bikes Playtest and Billy from Kollok 1991 are the same person.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: The characters from both Kollok 1991 and the Kids on Bikes Playtest were passing acquaintances at best before the craziness started. Afterwards they had an unshakable bond.
  • Lighter and Softer: Still very dark, but Kollok 1991 isn't as nightmarish as Ten Candles, and the Kids on Bikes Playtest is the lightest and softest of the three, though also very dark.
