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If Scorpion is successful enough, in the future there will be a Prequel Series with Cabe as the main character

Imagine, Cabe's backstory is fresh. His daughter died, he took a lot of distant missions, divorced his wife, then eventually met a young kid named Walter whose youthful exuberance convinces Cabe to stop his self-destructive work-obsessed behaviour. He accepts a command position, selecting his own team. Being a progressive forward thinker in his prime, he recruits some slightly odd agents. Over and over again they prove their worth against the prejudices of the time, saving lives and stopping disasters. After every successful mission, the team celebrate and then Cabe disappears off to visit a mysterious genius in Ireland.

If Scorpion is successful enough, in the future there will be a Sequel Series with Ralph Dineen and Owen (the kid rescued from the cave in "Dominoes") as the main characters.

  • Scorpion: The Next Generation, starring two characters who have already been introduced as child prodigies like the current cast and both having origin stories. It could work!
    • Owen's not a child prodigy, though; he's going to grow up to be the next generation's Cabe. He'll have overcome the trauma by taking up swimming and marine biology as hobbies, become a navy officer and doctor of marine biology, develop a reputation for being able to stay underwater as long as necessary, then become a Memetic Bad Ass government agent with rumours that he can breathe underwater and talk to sea-life.
    • Ralph's saving the day in "Cliffhanger" shows him already imitating Walter's life-risking heroism.
    • Don't forget Olivia, the heart transplant patient from "Ticker". Walter seemed pretty impressed with her medical knowledge, so maybe she'll become a doctor and the Next Gen team's version of Toby.

in S2, Drew's history of forgetting Paige and Ralph when his career's going well will repeat itself.
Paige moved to LA with Ralph because she believed that the constant on-the-move lifestyle of a professional sportsman wasn't healthy for Ralph; Drew was supposed to follow them (presumably in the off-season) but 'went to see a movie' and never showed up. He basically was having such a good time with his career that he ignored his son and babymama for being boring (especially since Ralph had been mis-diagnosed as 'learning disabled' and 'challenged').Drew pretty much spells it out in "Father's Day"; he didn't come looking for Paige and Ralph because he had an epiphany that he was a shitty father and partner. It's mostly because he realized that his career as a baseball player was in its death throes, and decided to look up Paige and Ralph. Now that Walter's 'Drew-Ralph bonding experiment' revived his career enough to get interest from another team, and he's been offered a coaching position (which could conceivably last anywhere up to official retirement age, since there's no fitness requirement like players need), Drew will throw himself wholly into his career again... and Ralph and Paige will fall by the wayside once more.The producers have said they will be further exploring the Walter/Paige (and Toby/Happy) romantic prospects in S2. With Drew Put on a Bus, Walter will naturally get to step up and expand his Father figure/mentor role in Ralph's life... and maybe get an uninterrupted opportunity to actually do something about his feelings for Paige.

The producers know it's Based on a Great Big Lie, and put a hint in the title card that they know.
Anyone who has even briefly worked with HTML, XML or SGML (which would be most high school students in the English-speaking world) would be familiar with the closing tag notation used in those markup languages. (Even people who have used BB Code or similar would probably have guessed the meaning.) The producers are probably in that group, and since they already know it's not true, they're hinting in the title card what we already know.

Happy's Husband.
Happy married Walter to help him stay in the country after he broke from working with Cabe.Confirmed - mostly. His visa was running out.
