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WMG / Samurai Pizza Cats

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Animaloids have poor identity recognition capability
The reason that no one ever connects the dots on the fact that our heroes are Clark Kenting as the local pizza deliverers is that Animaloids have a design flaw in their ability to recognize individual identities. Their sensor equipment and AI algorithms related to such functions are sub-optimal and easily fooled by small changes in appearance.
  • Hold it, are you saying that all these animals are robots/androids? Is that why we never see the SPC out of their armor?

Italy, Greece and Japan came up with this anime when they were drunk.
The three got really drunk one night and created an anime. Greece thought the anime should have cats. Italy thought it should have pasta or at least pizza. (Pizza's easier to draw, so they went with that.) Japan wanted mecha and martial arts. Japan sent the whole thing to America the next day, but he was so hungover he forgot to send him an English script. America thought the cartoon was hilarious, even though he had no idea what they were saying. So, he made up his own script.

Potential stories became miss opportunity
Fans did notice some stories of the series had potential to tell the whole arc, but they cut it down and unable to resolve the stories when the series ended. Some had ideas, but change it due to executive's meddling.
  • Karamaru (Bad Bird) and Usa-Hime (Princess Vi)'s relationship would have gone differently if wasn't for executive's meddling. If Karamaru (Bad Bird) and Usa-Hime (Princess Vi)'s relationship was develop better, like Usa-Hime (Princess Vi) and Karamaru (Bad Bird) first met, she does love him at first sight, but Karamaru (Bad Bird) doesn't like her at first, but overtime, Karamaru (Bad Bird) begins to have feelings for Usa-Hime (Princess Vi) once Usa-Hime (Princess Vi) becoming less bratty and controlling and treat Karamaru better then the two would have fallen in love and eventually marry. 2, The Irony is that villains wanted to take over the country, if Karamaru have marry Usa-Hime, then the bad guys would have won and do it legally. 3, Another Irony if Karamaru and Usa-Hime got marry then Karamaru's children (both crows and rabbit) would have ninja and royal blood.
