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Trope Co / Elemental Powers

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Before the first Superhero, before the steam engine, before wizardry, before the center of inexistence exploded and life slowly crawled from the primordial soup within the oceans, the Natural Elements have always existed beyond our understanding and continuously change and form the very make-up of existence as we know it.

...and it can be yours for a deal as low as $24.99!

Yes, with this incredibly low price, now you can control the elements — Western, Eastern, Classical, Esoteric and just plain ridiculous — and command it to your bidding. I mean, for only $24.99 you can use magic and science to control the very environment around you? That is crazy cheap!

I mean, it's too cheap! We must be insane to be giving these incredible powers away to just anyone for such a low price! That's because we are. We are crazy, but that doesn't make this deal any less good!

Elemental Powers™: You would be crazy too to pass this up!

For a limited time only, purchase the Trope Co.® Elemental Baggage™ for $124.99.
