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Trope Co / Extra-ore-dinary

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Hello! Hugh Mann here! Local business owner and shiny objects enthusiast!

Are your shiny objects weighing you down all the time? Are your metal appliances making too much noise, scraping and banging as you try to move them across your house, driving you crazy? Are other people's cars constantly getting in your way, taking up all the parking spaces, swerving and honking as you try to cross the street?

Think there's no answer? You're so stupid; there is!

Trope Co.®'s Extra-ore-dinary™! Finally, there's an elegant, comfortable Elemental Power™ for a post-Industrial Revolutionary You!

Are the pieces of metal bulky, skinny, light or heavy? The Trope Co.® Extra-ore-dinary™ can handle it all! Stopping bullets, stopping trains, throwing knives and saving lives!

Extra-ore-dinary™: We didn't spell it wrong, it's actually Pun!

If you take any respiratory medication or any other Trope Co.®-brand Elemental Powers™, ask your doctor before trying Extra-ore-dinary™.

Please consult Trope Co.® product user manual when using Extra-ore-dinary™. Failure to adhere to instructions may result in lead poisoning, mercury poisoning, radiation poisoning, defective implants, Psychic Nosebleeds, iron deficiencies, iron lungs, Unwilling Roboticisation, blunt-force trauma, total demagnetization of planetary poles and mild nausea.
