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Trivia / Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar

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  • The Other Darrin: Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar had the distinction of being the last radio show of America's Golden Age of Radio, ending in 1961. The most popular of Johnny's six distinct voices, Mandel Kramer, also happened to be the last.
  • Referenced by...:
    • The Seven Year Itch: In one Imagine Spot, Richard's wife tells him Kruhulik is actually a private eye she hired to watch him and that his real name is Johnny Dollar.
    • Tales From The Tour Bus: Donnie Lytle's second stage name, after Donny Young, was a deliberate attempt to compete with the many successful "Johnnies" currently singing in Nashville, most notably Johnny Cash and then-rising rockabilly artist Johnny Dollar. The latter sometimes trades off the success of the Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar protagonist, billing himself as "Mr. Action-Packed" after the program's tagline.
