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Trivia / Invasion America

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  • Keep Circulating the Tapes: To date, the show has never gotten an official home video release of any kind. It's only still available on torrent sites and Youtube because of fan loyalty and cult-hit status. It hasn't even been put on Peacock.
  • No Export for You: Oddly averted, despite the premise of the show: It was dubbed to Japanese and Mexican Spanish. (and probably likely other languages) as well.
  • Production Posse: The first few episodes had Leonard Nimoy in the cast, and the series was co-produced and the pilot written by Harve Bennett, screenwriter and producer of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan and the following two Trek films.
  • Screwed by the Network: Since the show was too dark and violent to air on their Kids' WB! block, The WB decided to first air it on prime time during the summer, a time that people would prefer going out on vacation than watching television. They decided not to pick up the series for another season, and after a second run on Kids' WB! (which saw the series trimmed down to meet the block's guidelines) the network promptly dropped the series and pretended it never existed.
  • What Could Have Been: As mentioned above, this show was originally supposed to air on Kids' WB!. The decision to air it on primetime came late in its development, and resulted in its failure to find an audience.
